The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 133: But he did!

Elena had an image for all of her children’s weddings. And although she tried not to enforce it for the actual wedding, her children knew her well. Natasha and Alexei wore the clothes the people of Norilsk wore to their weddings for her to see the night before their actual wedding. She was very pleased with this but she wasn’t thinking of doing the same thing for Viktor and Yue. 

Ever since he had come out to her, Elena could only imagine Viktor proudly walking down the aisle in a white suit with his beloved matching him. She was sad that it wouldn’t be the case but she respected both of their decisions to do things the ‘socially acceptable way’ for the sake of not causing division in Belarus. She was also very happy that they had a separate wedding where they could be themselves but she had let it slip to Natasha that she always envisioned them getting married in white suits and soon enough she ended up face-to-face with her ideal image.

“Hehe…Natasha told us.” Yue giggled and locked arms with Viktor.

Elena almost squealed with excitement as she saw them, they just looked so lovely together.

“Aww, my lovely boys…I could cry.” Elena fanned her face as she looked at them. It was true, there were very few times when Elena would get emotional like this and this was one of them. She was especially hit hard during the father-daughter dance during Natasha’s wedding and she didn’t know if she’d make it through the mother-son dance during Viktor’s.

“I don’t have any babies anymore…you’re all grown up! I’m so sad!”  Elena was joking but she was a little saddened to see how quickly her kids had all grown up.

“I’m going to need another grandkid or something to get me through this grief!” She spoke exaggeratedly and gave a pointed look to Natasha and then to Viktor and Yue.

“Yeah yeah, just enjoy your boys in suits.” Natasha laughed. She actually did have some…news of that sort but she was not going to say it so close to Viktor and Yue’s wedding, she wanted to let her parents know later. Viktor and Yue did already know though. She cursed those sharp eyes of theirs.


Viktor and Yue had their own little moment in their suits. Viktor couldn’t stop staring at Yue. He loved seeing him in clothes like these, he couldn’t get enough of it really. Yue, on the other hand, was pretty desensitized to Viktor in suits. Viktor pretty much only wore suits and of course, he always looked absolutely ethereal but what really drove Yue insane was when he wore a Hanfu. 

“You’re so handsome,” Viktor whispered, pulling Yue onto his lap when they were alone.

Yue just chuckled, wrapping his arms around him for support.

“You are even more handsome,” Yue said and smiled at him.

“No no no that’s not possible.”

They continued like that until Yue just gave up and shut Viktor up with his lips. They kissed for a while before settling down again.

“Are you excited? To be marrying me tomorrow?” Viktor said, playing with Yue’s ink-black hair.

“...Excited doesn’t even begin to cover it…” Yue murmured. He was also a little terrified and he really wasn’t sure why.

The next day was his private wedding, it was going to be a day where he’d get to dress and act like himself and get married to the man he loves while surrounded by people he loves so he wasn’t sure what his heart was having trouble with.

“I’m almost scared that this is all a dream.”

Viktor was a little surprised to hear that, “What do you mean?”

“Hundun is gone, My brother can finally rest in peace with his family…I’m getting married…I don’t even know how this can be real.” Yue murmured, hugging Viktor’s neck.

“It’s not a dream, absolutely not a dream. I am going to marry you tomorrow. You can stay up all night and watch me after you say I do. I will never ever disappear. And all your hard work won’t either.” Viktor assured him and brought him even closer.

“I love you so much,” Yue whispered and Kissed Viktor.

“I love you more,” Viktor responded and chuckled, kissing all over Yue’s face.

“…My Lord. You have a message from Lord Xia.” An elder of the Azure Dragon temple said and passed Yue a letter.

“Can you read it for me?” Yue was getting his makeup done and he didn’t want to move since the other followers seemed to be concentrating.

“He would like to walk you down the aisle.”

Yue looked a little confused, “Today?” He was already dressed and almost ready. It was just minutes away from the beginning of the wedding.

“No, for your wedding in Belarus. Since he is ‘Yue Xia’s’ Father he would like to finish his role. Also to help you save face with the European nobles.” The elder explained.

“Oh…” Yue mumbled. 

“Please reply agreeing to it,” Yue said and turned to the elder to smile at him.

“…Y-Yes.” The elder responded, a little taken aback by his God’s beauty.

“Well…It’s time for me to get married.” Yue said and chuckled.

He and Viktor had completely rewritten the book for this wedding. Straying from red and many traditions from Chinese weddings and following more of the ‘Azure Dragon’ traditions that Yue had read about in the books in the temple.

A wedding in the middle of the night on the lake of Azure Dragon Temple. The mystical flowers surrounding the lake lit up the scenery… The pearl was moved out to the center of the lake, to watch over the ceremony. Yue wore turquoise clothes instead of red clothes. Viktor wore a white suit with a hanfu overcoat that matched Yue’s but had more gold decorations. 

The officiant was the oldest elder of the azure dragon temple. He had witnessed the last wedding of an azure dragon incarnation so he was waiting for this moment.

Viktor didn’t feel nervous at all as he stood in front of the officiant. The crowd around them was quite small (except for all of the followers watching from platforms built on Yue’s magic). It was all just family and just generally people who loved them both. He wasn’t nervous at all until Yue walked in. 

Viktor Ivanov had never had his legs turn to jelly like this. And it was clear as day to his mother and sister.

‘It’s like my childhood dreams have come true.’

Yue was honestly feeling a similar way. He never thought he’d find love. Heck really didn’t think he knew how to love a human. He had felt the twinge of familial love but when he looked at the couples around him he never imagined himself becoming one of them. But it really just happened. 

He went to Europe to escape Hundun, to escape the demons of the march he turned 19… He really had no clue what he would find there but one thing was absolutely certain–

He really didn’t mean to fall in love. 

But he did! 


Welp, I'm back sort of. I kind of switched entirely to Tapas and I decided to finish book 1 on here and then kind of drop it but i felt bad leaving you all out of Book 2 so I will be posting the chapters of Book 2 that I already have written on here. I will try to remember to post chapters on here too but I'm already barely remembering to write chapters in general so no promises. lol I still love you scribblehub <3

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