The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 35: London (7)

When Yue and Viktor arrived near the barrier they found that it wasn’t as cold in that area. The temperature had definitely dropped but it wasn’t freezing like it was around a kilometer away.

“You’re back?” Mai said and tilted her head as she noticed them. Her fire affinity kept her warm so she hadn’t noticed the drop in temperature. The other students hadn’t felt too cold either because of the thickness of their uniforms; most of them had just decided to put some gloves on when they felt a little chill on their hands.

“The dungeon boss increased the strength of the mana and the negative energy outside…” Viktor said and checked on the barrier. The barrier was definitely weakened.

“Go check on the people in the city, I have to strengthen the barrier…” Viktor said to Yue and Mai. They both nodded and got a group of people to go with them.

Viktor looked very solemn as he started fixing the barrier. He was certain that the voice he heard in his head was the dungeon boss but he was confused by how it called out to him as if they knew each other. All dungeons must be cleared, meaning that all bosses must be killed. So it was entirely impossible for a dungeon boss to “recognize” him.

Unless...Maybe there's a link between dungeons and bosses? Maybe they all know each other? Maybe they have a king?

No one knew the truth about dungeons. And the one person who probably did, the founder of the Ivanov family, was a mischievous man who kept his lips sealed about everything he knew. He promised to tell the person who managed to defeat him in battle the secrets of the dungeons. Many tried but all failed, he died with his secrets, not even telling his children.

“Captain, You should rest, it’s still quite early,” Ava said when Viktor finished his spell.

“Yue and I will rest when she and Mai return,” Viktor murmured.

“...Do you think there’s really a second dungeon?” Ava asked after a period of silence between them.

“Maybe… We’ll find out when the mage association flies by for the raid tomorrow.” Viktor murmured. His mother was probably getting ready for the raid at the moment, he could just imagine her gleeful look as she thought about fighting.

The immortals in Russia who had been around since the time of the Ivanov family’s founding trembled when they looked at Elena. They had hoped that Andrei would choose a calm and elegant woman with a low-level core who would maybe leave an opening for them to shoot down the Ivanov family but while Elena certainly was Elegant and beautiful, she was a monster. All the immortals commented that she resembled the founder of the Ivanovs much more than Andrei did in terms of her monstrous strength and how she loved to fight.

‘I hope she doesn’t make some more enemies…’ Viktor thought and sighed. He couldn’t count the number of times he had to face assassins because of someone’s grudge against his mother. It was more than the people who wanted him dead because he was from the Ivanov family.

“Was it bad out there?” Ava asked, sneakily getting a bit closer to Viktor.

“It was barren and devoid of life…It’s also much colder out there,” Viktor murmured and sighed.

“It’ll be hard to go back there with the temperature dropping so much...Yue would probably struggle with the temperature,” Viktor said and sighed.

“Could I--”

“You would die...Just stay inside the barrier.” Viktor said and looked at her with slight amusement.

Ava blushed as she saw the almost-smile on his face, “Y-Yeah that was dumb of me…”


Inside the city, the students were handing out blankets and using magic to heat up people who were in the streets. Yue had handed out all the blankets he had on hand and all of the people who lived on the streets around him seemed to be all set so he was going to check on Mai and the others before heading back to the camp.

“Beatrix and Olivia Easton! You have been called for evacuation!” Someone who worked at the teleport hub called as they rushed through the city trying to find the two.

“They’ve been calling for them for half an hour now…” Alejandro said, walking up to Yue.

“Should we help look for them? They’re the last evacuation for the day.” Alejandro asked, watching the frantic teleport hub worker.

“Yeah. Let’s look aroun—” Yue was about to climb up to the rooftop of a building to search from above when a young woman walked up to him.

“Um...I don’t know if you could help but… I can’t catch up with any of them…” The young woman said and pointed to the teleport hub worker that was already in the distance.

“Are you Beatrix? Or Olivia?” Alejandro asked, ready to redirect her to the teleport hub.

There was an understandable hint of hesitation as the woman shook her head. She definitely wanted to evacuate but she chose not to steal the chance from the real Beatrix and Olivia.

“No...They usually stay around here and I haven’t seen them so I’m worried they might be freezing…” The young woman murmured.

“Where are they usually?” Yue said using magic to create a blanket as he listened to the woman.

“They both have ash brown hair, Olivia is the little girl and Beatrix is the young woman.” The young woman said and went off to where her parents were after giving Yue and Alejandro all the information she knew.

Yue and Alejandro looked through every corner of the area the young woman had mentioned and found nothing. They met at an intersection after splitting up to search.

“...Maybe they’ve been found by now..?” Alejandro murmured, trying not to assume the worst outcome.

The streets in the area they were in were empty so there was no one to ask and no teleport hub workers running around searching. Yue was a bit unsure but decided to walk toward a livelier part of the city to check.

They walked by an alley when Yue sensed someone using magic and became suspicious. He was worried it was being used for evil but when he walked farther into the alley he was surprised to see a young woman and a little girl surrounded by fire mana. They were sleeping but they looked a bit uncomfortable.

“That’s a lot of power…” Alejandro said, stepping back a bit as the heat was making him a bit too hot.

Yue lightly shook the two to wake them up. The little girl opened her eyes and was confused by the mana she could see around her.

“Are you Olivia?” Yue asked, moving to try and wake up the young woman beside her.

Olivia nodded and stared at her hands, watching the mana around her hands.

“You have talent,” Yue said and smiled a bit. He said that but he quickly and easily overpowered Olivia’s mana and made it stop working since she could see that it was affecting Beatrix badly.

Alejandro walked closer when the mana went away and gave Olivia the blanket Yue had made since she began shivering quickly afterward.

Beatrix opened her eyes a bit and was shocked to see Yue’s face in front of her.

“Are you okay? You’re going to be evacuating soon…” Yue asked, using a bit of healing magic on Beatrix who was definitely suffering a bit from going from cold to extreme heat.

“Huh…? I can’t really move...Liv is…” Beatrix tried to speak but she was having trouble making a coherent thought and actually voicing it.

“There are doctors waiting in the mass teleport hub in Academy city, they’ll treat you properly,” Yue said and smiled.

Olivia was able to stand and walk, her affinity for fire made it so she wasn’t really affected by it. Beatrix on the other hand was still sluggish and unable to walk even with Yue’s healing magic.

“I can carr—!” Alejandro started, he was ready to carry her but Yue was already nonchalantly carrying Beatrix with no issue. Alejandro blushed a bit as he watched Yue but tried to hide it as he watched.

“Do you feel alright Olivia?” Yue asked as he started walking on the way to the teleport hub.

“...Y-Yes…” Olivia murmured, she was as awestruck as Alejandro. The people on the streets were also surprised as they watched and it only made Alejandro feel like he was doing something wrong. Yue felt more gentlemanly than he was.

At the teleport hub, Beatrix felt a bit better about standing and a young woman helped her a bit as they went on to the teleport pad. Yue waved a bit, ignoring the worker who was profusely apologizing for having to get them involved.

“Y-You’re strong…” Alejandro murmured as he and Yue walked back to the camp.

Yue was going to just agree but decided that might be a little too much.

“She was just light,” Yue said and awkwardly stretched.

When they got back to the camp Yue checked that everyone had returned and went over to Viktor and Mai who were quietly talking near the turrets.

“I’m back,” Yue said as he joined them.

“You two can go sleep now, and I’ll wake you up before sunset,” Mai said and shooed Yue and Viktor away.

Yue and Viktor entered their tent and While Viktor was taking off his blazer and boots to go to sleep Yue was looking for a thicker blanket. When he took off his blazer he could really feel the cold a lot more. It also didn’t help that it was colder near the barrier.

He was looking through his suitcase when he suddenly felt warm and turned to see Viktor staring at him. His mana was spreading around him and making him warm.

“W-Won’t you get tired?” Yue asked, some red tinting his face.

“I’ll be fine,” Viktor said and smiled Softly.

“...I feel so tired..”Ava murmured, trying to keep herself awake as the sun started to set.

“It’s the negative energy, it must’ve gotten in your system when the barrier wasn’t working well,” Marianne murmured.

“The Captains should be able to help,” Marianne said and was a bit taken aback by Ava’s suddenly very happy face.

“Miss Yue had to deal with that during our last expedition...She was almost falling asleep constantly,” Mai said and secretly rolled her eyes a bit.

Ava felt a bit happy that she wasn’t the only one who had to deal with it and that someone like Yue wasn’t exempt from things like fatigue from negative energy.

“It was only to be expected though, She got a massive injury while fighting werewolves,” Mai said, hiding a giggle as she watched Ava’s victorious look disappear.

“Are you talking about me?” Yue asked with a raised eyebrow as he walked over. He was the only one with significant injuries while fighting werewolves so he assumed so.

“Yes, Ava is feeling fatigued from the negative energy,”  Mai said and pointed to Ava.

Yue put his hand on Ava’s shoulder and used some purification magic on her without thinking about it much. Mai was a bit disappointed that Yue did so without even thinking.

“Do you think tonight will be difficult?” Mai asked Yue as she walked with him to the short-range area.

“...Unfortunately yes…” Yue murmured, when he woke up he had a prophecy that he thought was probably from later today of fighting multiple monsters like the mutants that he and Viktor had fought before.

“If you ever have to fight one of the huge monsters me and Viktor fought, just use a lot of firepower to melt them from the very beginning and stab their cores,” Yue explained to Mai and got settled into the short-range area.

The monsters came at a relatively slow pace so Yue wondered if the prophecy was actually of some other day instead but at sunrise, he started to see many more monsters arrive and the long-range group was tired out already. It was difficult to switch positions while the monsters were going at full force but Yue and Viktor ordered the mid-range to take over long-range before they rushed out of the barrier to kill monsters, trying to push back against the monsters a bit.

They didn’t get anywhere with that and the new long-range group was struggling to keep up so Yue gathered some mana and slipped between Viktor and the monster he was fighting, surprising him a bit. Viktor only saw it for a second but when Yue’s sword gleamed he definitely saw blue-green scales going around its blade. Yue did a clean slash that was imbued with magic and quickly cleared the area closest to the barrier of monsters.

He shook his head a bit after doing it, clearing his head of the memory of the last time he used that skill before it had the chance to make him panic.

The other short-range students joined in after a while, picking on the weaker monsters as Yue and Viktor killed anything that was a significant threat. The monsters from Yue’s prophecy appeared around midday and the barrage of monsters didn’t seem like it would end soon at all.

Mai joined Viktor and Yue in fighting them since Yue had given her instructions but it was hard when she was already so tired. Yue and Viktor weren’t much better off, Yue was reaching his limit on how much mana he could spend and how many times he could swing his sword without hurting himself and Viktor was tired from holding his sword as well.

“I s-seriously can’t anymore—” A second-tier class student said before collapsing behind Yue. Yue’s focus was completely broken by that. He tried to protect the student but more monsters started surrounding him because he left his guard down and he was starting to lose his flow as he was overwhelmed.

‘Calm down.’ Yue heard Viktor’s voice in his head as Viktor’s mana covered him and made him feel a little less tired and more focused again. He took a deep breath, trying to not get overwhelmed. He used the same slashing attack he used earlier on half of the monsters around him and then lifted himself in the air and kicked one of the bigger monsters on one side into the rest of the monsters, clearing up the area around him so he could send the student that had collapsed back behind the barrier.

He made him quickly float away and continued to fight, he started to use his body for martial arts a bit more as he found that it kept him from tiring his arms too much since he was also attacking with the rest of his body and not just his sword. It didn’t save him much though, 4 pm rolled around and they were still fighting and now hunger was an issue.

Yue and Viktor and the long-ranged students who had taken a break a while back were the only ones who were still capable of fighting. Yue and Viktor were definitely reaching their final swings and Viktor couldn’t even offer Yue some motivation. He was just cursing the dungeon boss, he knew the whole situation was his doing.

An airship flew over the city. 

Had Viktor taken a second to look up, he probably would’ve fallen to his knees in relief. A terrifying aura came from the airship and stopped everyone in their tracks. Even the monsters froze for a second before running far away. Yue got chills, the feeling of something much stronger than him looming over him was terrifying. He felt like he couldn’t breathe as he tried to hold back the involuntary reactions of his body. His eyes definitely became more dragon-like and if he hadn’t heard Viktor’s sigh of relief he would’ve accidentally let scales appear on his body.

Viktor looked up at the airship and relaxed. 

“Thank you...Mother.” He said through telepathy, glad that he could finally take a break with Yue. He dragged Yue back to the barrier into the barrier, careful to not approach him in a way that might make him lash out since he seemed very tense. He used his mana to try and calm him down without causing too much of a scene in front of everyone.

“W-What was that?” Yue asked, trying to stop himself from shaking.

“My mother is on her way to Scotland...She probably noticed that we were struggling and helped out…Her mana is terrifying if you’re not used to it.” Viktor explained. He didn’t actually find his mother’s Mana terrifying at all but he saw the shame creeping on to Yue’s expression and didn’t want him to be disappointed in himself.

“It’s been a while, Lena.”

A woman with brown hair was walking toward Elena in the airship. She had Tawny beige skin and bright violet eyes with specks of yellow. She seemed to be around the same age as Elena and had her hair in a low bun.  She wore a beige high collar shirt and white pants with silver armored boots and a silver chest plate. She also had a different kind of magic armor covering her hands and a violet necklace that was a storage item.

The airship was the property of the Ivanov family so it was different from the typical airship in that it had a teleport pad built into it. The woman had come from the teleport pad shortly after Elena helped out with the monsters in London.

“Aylin, it has been a long time,” Elena said and walked over to her.

Elena wore clothes that were similar to Aylin’s but she wore no armor other than some steel boots. She wore white pants with a white top that looked more like the bodice of a dress than a normal shirt. She also had a storage necklace and magic crystal earrings, from an outside perspective she definitely seemed very underdressed for a raid. Her off-shoulder top offered absolutely no protection but Aylin didn’t bat an eye and not even the maids seemed worried. One of the few precautions Elena seemed to take was that she tied her long black hair into a ponytail for easier movement. Despite her lack of armor Elena greatly valued efficiency in battle. 

“It has...I thought you’d at least bring Viktor with you.” Aylin said and raised an eyebrow as she looked around.

“He’s holding back the monsters in London for the Academy,” Elena said and pointed to the windows in the direction of London.

“Hmm?” Aylin went over to look out the windows to London as they passed it.

“Did you do something to help?” Aylin asked, monsters were running away from London but she could see leftover magic particles coming from the airship which led her to believe that Elena interfered.

Elena just smiled and nodded a bit.

“Viktor needed help? Is he injured?” Aylin asked, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

“No. He’s just tired.”

“And he couldn’t deal with those monsters? That boy climbed a mountain range and still managed to beat Lunara in a duel within 3 minutes.” Aylin spat, she was still a bit resentful of that moment. She had trained her daughter a lot and Viktor defeated her without breaking a sweat.

Elena chuckled and sat down at a table that a maid had stealthily set up for the two of them.

“He’s holding back for ‘training purposes’ as he says,” Elena said as Aylin sat down with her.

Aylin faltered a little then just sighed.

“...So did he not hold back on his battle with my daughter because he thought she was strong or because he thought there was no experience value in fighting her?” Aylin asked and looked slightly irked.

“Do you really want to know?” Elena asked with an awry smile.

Aylin groaned a bit and sipped her tea. She and Elena were close friends but also Rivals so when they found that the damage would be too much if they themselves fought, they offered the idea of having matches to their children, who agreed. Ever since Natasha agreed to it when she was 16, the two families fought every year or two. In the beginning, it was Natasha vs Aylin’s son but Aylin’s son became very tired of losing after a while so it became Viktor vs Lunara. Aylin had been hoping that this would end her losing streak since Viktor at the time seemed like a frail little 12-year-old boy but she felt incredibly deceived when Viktor defeated Lunara (who was two years older than him) in a very short time.

Aylin just remembered the string of curses she silently aimed toward Elena who was giggling as she hugged Viktor after his victory. She had thought that Viktor was weak because Elena was incredibly reluctant about letting him fight and had to be convinced by Viktor and Natasha to even let him watch a few years back.

“You and Andrei baby him so much but he’s a monster just like you.”Aylin murmured, “You should’ve married some normal, unknown mage so our kids could be even matches.”

“Hahaha, you say that as if our power is equal,” Elena said and smirked.

“Ah? Those are fighting words, Elena.” Aylin said and laughed standing from her seat. She was laughing but there was a hint of bloodlust coming from her.

Elena was about to stand as well when her maid interrupted.

“We have not prepared an area for this, please wait until after the raid.” The maid said and poured some tea for them. Elena and Aylin both sighed in disappointment and sat back down.

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