The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 54: Future “Daughter”-in-law

“I’ll change elsewhere, you stay here,” Viktor said and stood from the sofa that he and Yue had been sitting on.

Yue only felt more embarrassed as he was alone with Anya and the other maids.

“Is your injury better Miss Xia?” Anya asked as the other maids brought in the dress Yue would be wearing and all of the accessories and makeup they would be applying on him.

“My ribs? Yes, I’m fine now you can tie the corset as tight as you want.” Yue said and smiled.

“I’m glad you’re better now but I doubt we’ll have to tighten it much.” Anya chuckled and had Yue stand.

“Let’s get started.”


Viktor was in the middle of styling his hair when someone walked into his room.

“Why are you changing in her—oh Yue must be changing in your room,” Natasha said as she walked into the room. Viktor was actually changing in Nikolai’s room but Nikolai was reading a picture book quietly on his bed which was on a separate side of the room so they didn’t interrupt each other.

Natasha and Nikolai were already dressed and ready but Alexei had been busy talking about politics with Andrei for a while so they were waiting for him.

“Are you matching?” Natasha asked as she picked up the blazer that Nikolai was going to wear to the party, off of a chair so she could sit.

“Yeah.” Viktor chuckled as he started putting on his earrings.

Viktor wore a white suit with a light blue vest and a white ascot. His hair was slicked back like it usually was and he wore light blue earrings as his storage ring and a ring passed down through the Ivanovs that denoted the 1st born son. Natasha had a similar ring but she rarely wore it.

“Guests are beginning to arrive. You should go, Birthday boy.” Natasha said and smiled.

“Anya will make sure that Yue won’t get lost so don’t worry,” Natasha said and called for Nikolai to put his blazer on.

Viktor just nodded and went on his way, he was excited to see what would happen when Mark arrived and saw Yue. He knew Yue could get jealous without even realizing so he was curious about what would happen.

Andrei and Elena were talking with some extended family as Viktor made his grand entrance and walked over to them. They were talking with Viktor’s uncle, Dorofey. Dorofey was actually his cousin, He was actually Andrei’s brother’s great-grandson but Dorofey was over 40 years older than him so Viktor considered him his uncle.

“Uncle,” Viktor said and greeted him with a smile.

“Happy birthday, Vitya!” Dorofey said and grinned.

“You’re already this old and you don’t have a wife? You’re really married to magic aren’t you?” Dorofey chuckled and patted Viktor’s back.

“I’m in a relationship actually,” Viktor said and smiled. Most people in the little group seemed surprised. Andrei wasn’t shocked but that was definitely because he was misunderstanding something while Elena just had a knowing grin.

“Oh? The first royal marriage for Belarus must be coming soon!” Dorofey said and shook Viktor a bit with a smile.

“Perhaps,” Viktor said and smiled.

More guests started to arrive but someone seemed to have caught the eye of some of the guests who weren’t in the little group with Viktor. Viktor noticed and looked toward the entrance and was a bit disappointed that it was Mark and not Yue but he didn’t stop smiling, this meant Yue’s entrance would be more dramatic.

Mark noticed how Viktor’s smile didn’t falter when he looked at him and he felt more confident. He set down his gift and immediately walked toward the group with Viktor.

‘If he was going to get rid of me he would’ve done so long ago. I’m sure he still likes me!’

Natasha and Elena had pretty cold expressions as they looked at him, while Andrei looked like he was forcing himself to look as friendly as possible. Viktor’s smile didn’t falter for a second, which was surprising for him, he wasn’t one to fake a smile, especially not toward people he didn’t like.

Mark didn’t get to say anything before whispers suddenly broke out.

“Who is she?” The whispers came from people near the door and Viktor immediately turned toward it as he heard them.

Andrei stared at the doors that most guests entered the ballroom from, and then he looked at Viktor and then at Elena.

“Isn’t that— and aren’t those—” Andrei stammered and looked back and forth between Elena and the door.

Elena just nodded.

Yue had tried to make it so no one even noticed him come in but people seemed immediately drawn to look at him. He couldn’t tell what drew people to stare at him, maybe it was because of his light blue ball gown and how it almost perfectly matched the blue in Viktor’s outfit or maybe it was the fan in his hand that let off a little bit of magic? Or maybe it was because other than Elena, he was the only person in the room with dark-colored hair?

He didn’t even think for a second that it could be because he in general looked absolutely ethereal. He was also blissfully unaware that there was not a single person in the room that didn’t recognize his earrings.

He felt awkward and was looking for Viktor until he felt a tap on his arm. He looked over and saw Nikolai smiling at him and pointing in the direction of Viktor.

“Thank you,” Yue whispered and smiled at Nikolai who walked with him over to Viktor’s group.

Yue noticed that Mark was also there and felt the same ugly feeling he had felt in London building in his chest as he walked over. It almost felt worse this time and Mark didn’t even seem to be happily flirting this time like he seemed to be in London.

“Yue,” Viktor said and smiled, walking to meet Yue halfway.

“People are staring at me,” Yue mumbled, he couldn’t understand what people were saying since it was all in Russian but he could tell by their stares that it was probably something about how he looked or who he was.

“You look gorgeous, that’s why.” Viktor chuckled and took Yue’s hand and led him to the group. Nikolai had already run off to Natasha.

Yue blushed and tried not to feel nervous about all of the stares as they walked. It was hard to not feel anxious though, the look on Andrei’s face showed his shock quite clearly. Yue bowed a little and then remembered it would be more proper to curtsy and quickly did so.

“This is..?” Dorofey asked with a welcoming smile that Yue didn’t expect from someone who was very clearly an Ivanov. Even Viktor wasn’t this nice at first.

“Yue Xia, My future daughter-in-law,” Elena said and smiled, placing her hand on Yue’s shoulder.

Yue looked at Elena and tilted his head a little, he had no clue what she said after she introduced him. He also had no memory of ever telling her the last name he goes by as a woman.

“She’s Viktor’s classmate in the academy.”

“Ah...She must be strong. It’s a shame my English is bad.” Dorofey said and smiled at Yue.

Viktor translated for Yue and glanced at Mark. He was pleased with Mark’s expression but he knew Mark wouldn’t give up. He could get married and Mark would still not give up. He just ignored any advances or attempts that Mark made to talk to him during the party.

Yue practically hid behind Viktor after the party. It was a bit embarrassing to face Elena and Andrei after showing them the ‘masculine Yue’ at the meeting and then to face them while wearing a dress. He also was genuinely worried that Andrei would be outraged to know he was in a relationship with Viktor.

“You two…” Andrei murmured, he was rubbing his temples like he had a headache.

“Got any complaints, old man?” Viktor asked with a smirk.

Andrei sighed, “No. I just wished you’d have told me about this before I started treating Mark as if he was your lover.”

“I honestly don’t know how you ever reached that conclusion,” Viktor said and rolled his eyes. He glanced over at Yue who was clearly unhappy by the mention of Mark being in a relationship with him and held back a chuckle as he held his hand.

“Those letters he sent to you were pretty affectionate,” Andrei said and glanced at Viktor with a raised eyebrow.

Viktor silently panicked and he could see Yue’s expression worsening. It was still cute to see Yue being jealous but Viktor worried Yue’s jealous aura would turn into bloodlust. And as little as he cared for Mark’s well being, his status would make it a problem if Yue even injured him.

“The fact that I don’t open them should be enough of an explanation about how little affection I have for him in return,” Viktor said and then looked at Elena, begging her to make Andrei shut up. Elena chuckled and decided to help him out and interrupt the conversation.

“Will you be staying for long, Yue?” Elena asked, making Yue pull himself out of his brooding daze to answer.

“No, I have to return to the academy soon, I’ll probably leave later tonight after I get—”

Elena interrupted him with a frown, “Just stay the night, you’re probably tired from having to just stand there all throughout the party.”

Yue got pulled along with Elena’s words and was given a guest room to stay in, much to Viktor’s distaste. Yue was actually glad he didn’t have to sleep in the same room as Viktor. The tent in London was already too much but now that they were actually in a relationship, and now that he knew how much of a pervert Viktor was, he definitely knew what was likely to come from them sharing a room.

He couldn’t deny that he’d thought about it within the last few days but he definitely felt they should take it a bit slowly. He had a feeling that if they tried anything he might end up kicking Viktor in the face at full force or something. He doubted that a kick in the face would be able to injure Viktor or turn him off but he knew the thought of hurting Viktor would be an immediate turn-off for him.

The maids used the same tactics as the maids in the Paris manor Yue slept well that night and was awoken by the maid who brought him tea in the morning.

He had a quick breakfast with Viktor before they went off to the teleport hub.

“I’ll see you soon,” Viktor said and kissed Yue’s cheek.

Yue nodded and smiled, he was wrapped up in his fur coat like he had been the day before. He kissed Viktor on the lips before leaving the carriage and rushing off into the teleport pad.


The dorm was rowdy as everyone was unpacking or excitedly greeting the girls who returned.

“Ooh, this Hanfu is cute. You had time to buy some new ones?” Mai asked as she sat on Yue’s bed and watched him take stuff out of his storage gem.

“Barely. I got them before I went to Russia.” Yue said as he put stuff away.

“Russia? You went to Russia?” Mai asked and suddenly stood, shocked.

‘Oops…’ Yue murmured, he forgot that he hadn’t told Mai about it all.

“What happened? Why did you go?” Mai questioned him with a smirk.

“It was Viktor’s birthday...And he invited me to go…” Yue mumbled and blushed a bit.

“Did you do anything?” Mai chuckled and smirked, nudging Yue with a smirk.

“N-No…” Yue mumbled and looked away.


“Yes really!” Yue said and moved away to go put stuff away.

“Okay! I’ll make sure to ask Viktor about it too.” Mai smirked, she watched Yue look away embarrassed and determined that Yue wasn’t lying. If he had been he’d probably tell her not to ask Viktor anything, proving that they did do something.

“When is Viktor coming back?” Mai asked.

“He should be back on the 10th right in time for class. ”

“That’s cutting it pretty close…” Mai murmured.

“Well he has to meet his grandparents for some reason and then he has to go to Belarus for official appearances and stuff so…” Yue murmured, he also wished he could have some more time where he could just be with Viktor before classes started up again but he knew Viktor probably had a lot of responsibilities and things to deal with.


“That should do for now,” Alexander said and used a mana crystal.

“You won’t have to get your blood drawn for a few months now. You might still have nose bleeds and fainting spells but not very often. It shouldn’t interfere with your expeditions.”

Viktor looked down at his chest, a faint blue magic circle was right where his heart was. He sighed and buttoned his shirt, if his grandfather used his magic on him then that must mean he was cursed. He groaned a bit and walked over to Alexander’s desk, if he couldn’t get his parents to say anything, he could definitely get him to tell him.

“How in the world did I get cursed?”

“It’s not a curse,” Alexander murmured.

“It is a curse. If it wasn’t a curse mom would’ve dealt with it herself.” Viktor argued.

“So, how did I get cursed?”

“...A dungeon boss,” Alexander murmured, it was a lie but it wasn’t completely wrong, a lot of the blood curse’s symptoms started because Vsevolod agitated Viktor’s mana.

“Huh? The shapeshifter of Wolfsstadt? I wasn’t even the one to kill it, why would it curse me?” Viktor scoffed.

“It wasn’t that one, it was the boss in London. It was an irregular dungeon, there were two bosses in one dungeon and one of them cursed you.” Alexander groaned and rubbed his temples.

“Oh…” Viktor murmured, he was reminded of the voice he heard in London that gave him a massive headache.

“It won’t kill you,” Alexander said and put his hand on Viktor’s shoulder, “We certainly wouldn’t let it even if it could.”

Viktor smiled a little but he was definitely still worried about the whole issue. He felt safer knowing that he had a curse expert in his family to help deal with it but it still worried him. He was also worried that Yue might find out and feel bad about it all.

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