The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 60: The Dragon’s Mountain (4)

Yue stared at the mirror, looking at a reddish-purple mark on his neck. He rubbed it and even used insight on it and he couldn’t figure out what it was. There was no magic on it and there was no sign that it was harming him so he was a bit confused. He shrugged after a bit, he decided to just let it be and hide it so people wouldn’t worry. He walked out of the bathroom and went to get his tie so he could hide his neck more.

Viktor was staring at him with an amused yet surprised look. He was holding back a laugh, Yue was probably too innocent to know what the mark was and that he was the one who made it.

"The snow stopped but it's still freezing cold, will the people on patrol be okay?" Yue wondered out loud as he tied his tie.

"It's Mai and Alejandro, they should be fine," Viktor said and walked over to Yue, handing him a thick sweater instead of his blazer. Even inside the base, it was pretty cold, especially since it was nighttime now.

"You seriously don't feel the cold...?" Yue murmured, pulling on Viktor's dress shirt.

"You get used to it." Viktor chuckled and kissed Yue chastely.

"Let's go get dinner," Viktor said and started walking with Yue over to the dining area.


"Miss Yue can you spare some time to help me with a spell..?" Marianne asked, walking up to Yue and Viktor who were about to leave the dining area.

"After I finish today's in around 20 minutes," Yue murmured, looking at his pocket watch.

"I'll do it myself, don't worry about it," Viktor said and was about to start walking back to the bedroom when the doors to the base were forced open all of a sudden.

"We have a proble--" Mai and Alejandro's exclamation was cut off by a loud thud from the roof of the base.

Yue was shivering from the cold but he immediately rushed outside, as did Viktor. On the roof of the base, two Wyverns were perched on each side, twisting their heads to look through the windows. Three other Wyverns were flying high around the base. Yue ignored the painfully cold feeling he got on his hands and jumped and lifted himself onto the roof, motioning for everyone to stay where they were.

"What kind of dragon looks like that?" One of the smaller Wyverns growled as it flew around and narrowed its eyes at Yue.

"Is that not just a snake father?" The Wyvern laughed and looked at the bigger Wyvern that was sitting on the roof.

Yue somehow felt pissed to hear that, he just barely bit back his bloodlust as to not alert his classmates but a "conveniently violent" gust of wind made the Wyvern unstable to the point where it had to settle itself on a tree and cover its face with its wing to avoid having itself thrown to the ground by the wind.

"Watch yourself, child, that is a real Dragon." The large dragon on the roof said and looked toward the small Wyvern and then to Yue.

Yue coughed a bit, composing himself.

"Why are you here. I told one of you to not attack the people in this building." He said, still sounding a bit angry over what the other Wyvern had said.

To Viktor and the other students, it sounded like the Wyverns were all growing at him and Yue was moving his mouth and no sound came out. It only made them all more worried, especially Viktor who could see how cold Yue was. The temperature was well below freezing and his anger had made the winds pick up so Yue would definitely get frostbite in a short time.

"Our leader is a Dragon, so we came to meet you, and tell you we don't need a new leader. Our leader will return soon enough."

This wyvern was definitely more polite than the young one from earlier but Yue felt that he was clearly being patronized. Usually, Yue wouldn't care so much but maybe it was because it was a wyvern talking down to him but he felt pissed. Through some odd sort of hierarchy in the natural world, dragons were far superior to Wyverns so maybe it was something ingrained into him that made it feel like he was being deeply offended, like a king being talked down to by his follower.

"I didn't come here to rule over measly Wyverns so you needn't worry about that," Yue said and smiled, he shouldn't kill them without any good reason, no matter how much his body was yelling at him to assert his dominance. His curt response and the piercing glare his eyes were giving him despite his smile should be enough.

"Now If you have nothing else you need from me, leave."

Only the Wyverns could hear how different Yue's last word was from the rest. He poured all of his blood lust into it and all of the wyverns involuntarily pushed themselves away from him. Perhaps it was fear or maybe a natural response to a dragon's order but they all flew away.

Yue quickly jumped down back down to the entrance of the base, rushing inside, he couldn't take the cold anymore. Mai used magic on him to warm him up and Viktor hugged him, knowing it did barely anything because they had both been outside in the cold.

"The one I met in the mountain was okay but these ones were infuriating," Yue murmured and tried to stop his teeth from clattering.

"What did they say?" Mai asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Nothing important that's for sure," Yue murmured through his teeth for the other students who didn't know about him being Azure Dragon and he gave a cryptic summary for Viktor and Mai through telepathy.

'I would like to never be compared to a snake ever again. Especially not by a wyvern of all creatures.'

Viktor couldn't help but laugh, which led to him being glared at by Yue.

"Sorry sorry." Viktor apologized as Yue huffed and pouted.

'You just reminded me of my mother. I pointed at a turtle in a book when I was a kid and said that it was a tortoise just like her and she got super angry.' Viktor explained through telepathy as he laughed into Yue's shoulder.

'Are all of the 4 so prideful about their species...?' Mai asked, she couldn't imagine Huy being angry if someone called him the wrong type of bird, then again she wasn't sure what type of bird Huy even was.

'Call Huy a chicken and see what happens.' Yue deadpanned.

'It's a biological thing, even if we're not usually prideful we can't take it when we're mistaken for another creature or our species is insulted.' Yue added.

Viktor and Mai laughed as they started walking toward Yue and Viktor's room to get Yue under some blankets. He was still really cold even after Mai used her magic to warm him up. When they got to the bedroom Viktor covered him up in blankets and examined his hands and his body temperature while Mai went to get warm water to soak his hands in.

“I doubt I have frostbite or anything, you’re exaggerating….” Yue murmured, he was still shivering and his teeth clacked as he said that.

“I think I know a thing or two about hypothermia and Frostbite, Yue. “ Viktor murmured as he looked at Yue’s hands and took Yue’s temperature with a small thermometer.

“You shouldn’t have used wind magic even if you were angry. You just made it worse for yourself.” Mai said as she came back from the bathroom with the warm water.

“I know…” Yue mumbled and rolled his eyes.

“32 degrees...That’s mild Hypothermia and 1st-degree Frostbite on your hands.” Viktor said and showed Yue the thermometer.

“That can’t be true.I-I wasn’t even out there for 5 minutes.” Yue murmured, his eyes widening as he looked at the thermometer.

“High winds, below-freezing temperatures, It makes perfect sense to me,” Mai said and placed Yue’s hands in the warm water. Viktor took some of the blankets from the other bed in the room and wrapped Yue in them covering his head too since his ears were a little red too. He left to make Yue something warm to drink and left Mai and Yue alone in the room.

“Must be nice, being perpetually warm,” Yue murmured, he honestly thought the cold in London was worse but he didn’t get hypothermia and frostbite back then. Maybe it was because of the mana?

“It has its downsides, summer is pretty terrible for me because of it. Viktor is the one who has it good, The cold doesn’t faze him and the heat doesn’t faze him either. He wears his stuffy suit every day like it’s nothing. His year wasn’t very hot but Marianne and Alexius say he’s always been like that.” Mai chuckled.

“I’ve never seen him wear anything informal. He always has his dress shirt and tie or an ascot.” Yue giggled, he couldn’t even imagine Viktor in informal clothes.

Mai seemed a bit surprised to hear that ut she changed her expression when Yue looked over.

“You should stay inside tomorrow, it’ll be cold then too,” Mai suggested as she saw Viktor enter with the tea. Yue sighed and didn’t argue, he knew he’d only be a burden if he got worse and he knew Viktor would probably be fine doing what he usually did.

“I’m going back to patrol,” Mai said and waved before leaving the room.

Viktor sat down in a chair next to Yue and held the teacup up to Yue’s lips. Yue was embarrassed and turned away from the teacup, lifting his hands out of the water.

“Just let me hold it…” Yue murmured and reached out to get the teacup with his wet hands. Viktor pulled the teacup away when he reached for it though.

“It’s either this or mouth to mouth,” Viktor said and smirked, leaning the cup toward his mouth.

Yue blushed bright red and shook his head quickly.

“I’m said no so quickly.” Viktor faked a hurt expression and placed the teacup to Yue’s lips.

Yue blushed and took a sip of the tea slowly, he was embarrassed but he would be more embarrassed about mouth to mouth. It wasn’t like it was anything too crazy for them but it was just an embarrassing thought in general.

Yue finished drinking the tea and soaked his hands for a while longer until he could feel his hands more and felt warmer altogether.

“Do you wanna bathe again or just sleep?” Viktor asked as he carefully wiped Yue’s hands so that water droplets of the now room temperature water wouldn’t make his hands feel cold.

“I just want to sleep…” Yue murmured.

Viktor whispered okay and then kissed Yue’s forehead, he slipped onto the bed beside Yue and hugged him. He didn’t get under the blankets so Yue could be as warm as possible as he was rolled in the blankets.

“If the Dragon that leads the Wyverns doesn’t show up tomorrow or the next day, I want to investigate farther from the mountain and into the wyvern’s caves. I want to find the more polite Wyvern and talk to him again to find out more about what direction their leader went in to deal with the humans… You can look around the rest of the trail for me right?”

“Mhm.” Viktor nodded.

“What about the report?"

"I'll do it tomorrow," Viktor murmured, starting to catch on to Yue's string of questions.

"There's still time today though."

"Are you just not sleepy?" Viktor asked with a smirk, "You only slept for like an hour earlier, you should be more tired than this."

Yue's silence was enough of an answer.

"I shouldn't try to tire you out while you're suffering from hypothermia though." Viktor chuckled and pecked Yue's lips. Yue kissed him when he pulled away from the chaste kiss and made him confused.

"Kissing doesn't require me getting out my blankets though..?" Yue whispered, "Plus you can use magic to make the room warmer..." He sad the last part even quieter than the rest.

"I already did sweetheart, your body temperature is just really low you can't tell." Viktor chuckled.

Yue couldn't describe the way his heart fluttered when Viktor called him sweetheart. His lips trembled and he quickly kissed Viktor again with a flushed red face. Viktor was smirking as he watched Yue's embarrassed expression but Yue whispered something that made him super embarrassed as well.

"Can I call you Vitya... o-or some other nickname..?"

"Y-you can call me Vik in public, but you should only call me Vitya in private..." Viktor murmured and got out of the bed.

"Huh? Why..?" Yue asked, confused about why Viktor was getting up. Viktor leaned over and whispered in his ear before walking off into the bathroom, leaving Yue with bright red cheeks.

"Because you just made me hard."

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