The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 62: The Dragon’s Mountain (6)

Uh Whoops, this is your NSFW content warning cause yeah...

Yue took a second to come back to reality as the door quickly opened and Viktor walked in. It was already late into the afternoon but he just now came back and looked deep in thought. He pecked Yue’s lips as he walked over and sat down next to him.

“Uh is something wrong?” Yue asked, cuddling up close to Viktor.

“What does Li Chaoxiang look like?”

Viktor had been hesitant to ask that but he needed to know. Yue stopped touching Viktor after hearing the question, he didn't want him to feel how he was shaking. He murmured a description and held himself back from stammering as best as he could.

“He probably also has a scar running down the exact midpoint of his body,” Yue mumbled.

“So it wasn’t you know of anyone in Hundun with olive-green eyes?” Viktor asked and pulled Yue onto his lap.

“...No…? I don’t know anyone besides Li Chaoxiang and the Lich.” Yue murmured, he couldn’t relax even as Viktor held him.

“I saw a group of hooded people following a man with black hair and olive-colored eyes, he almost saw me,” Viktor murmured.


Viktor pulled a map out from his pocket and unfolded it, pointing to the area where he saw the group of people. It was near another mountain pretty far from their base.

“You went really far...The Wyverns probably can’t see that far so maybe it is the right direction…” Yue murmured, he took a deep breath to try and calm himself. Hundun was once again involved in an expedition, which meant things wouldn’t be easy and quick like he had hoped.

“Yue, It’s okay. It’ll work out.” Viktor murmured and kissed Yue’s shoulder.

“I know. I’m strong so it’ll all be fine. I’ll keep everyone safe.” Yue murmured and smiled, turning so he could hug Viktor more comfortably. He had smiled for the split second that Viktor could see his face but the smile immediately disappeared when he knew Viktor couldn’t see his face.

‘Can I even keep you safe?’

“Yue, I’ll do my best to keep my promise but you don’t have to take everything into your own hands, I can help you. With anything. So trust me more...please.” Viktor whispered as he hugged Yue tightly and nuzzled his face into Yue’s chest.

“...Okay,” Yue murmured, he wished he could pretend that he had stopped hiding things from Viktor after the meeting of 4 beasts but that definitely wasn’t true and he felt bad that Viktor noticed it as well.

“I’ll tell you everything at some point… Everything about me and about what led to all of this. I promise.”

Now it was a proper exchange, Viktor had his promise to keep and Yue also had one.

“I don’t know the inner workings of Hundun but what I do know for sure is that the Lich and Li Chaoxiang are high-ranking members. Their main ideology is that there is no need for people like us with crazy amounts of power. But Li Chaoxiang and the Lich probably joined for different reasons.” Yue murmured, laying his head on Viktor’s chest as they laid together after dinner.

“Li Chaoxiang is driven solely by spite, he joined because he wanted to be strong enough to defeat those who he hated. Now his main goal is probably to kill me...or maybe to make me suffer…” Yue didn’t stop talking even as he saw Viktor’s expression become a bit sour, “I don’t know exactly what the Lich wants but it’s probably the ability to revive anyone at will. They could probably only do that once more so they’re probably looking for a way to make it so they can do it limitlessly with no consequences.”

“The person I sent to investigate Hundun, didn’t manage to find anything and came back very ill,” Viktor murmured, twirling a lock of Yue’s hair with his fingers.

“Ah, that’s right. They also have someone who is really good at dealing with negative energy. We met before but… I couldn’t see their face. I almost killed them back in China but they ran away.” Yue murmured.

Viktor almost giggled at how nonchalantly Yue mentioned that he almost killed someone but he didn’t want to make the mood weird so he held himself back. Yue seemed to misinterpret his expression though and he felt awkward. He thought Viktor was feeling awkward or maybe trying to hide his displeasure.

“I’ve killed...a lot of people y’know? Mostly members of Hundun but just a lot…Real people, not monsters…” Yue murmured, sitting up, he had an awkward smile on his face, he had promised to tell Viktor more about himself but he was immediately worried about destroying his image of him.

“Hmm? I’ve also killed people. Can't just let assassins escape…” Viktor said and sat up as well, tilting Yue’s head so he faced him.

‘You had a reason though...Li Chaoxiang was the only person I needed to kill and yet I-’ Yue wished he could voice the thought, for the sake of trusting Viktor more and being more honest but he couldn’t bring himself to.

“You’ve probably never killed people for some sort of evil reason...and even if you did I couldn’t bring myself to hate you for that.”

Yue stared at Viktor, completely speechless.

“Y-You…Why do you—?”

“Why do I love you so much? Hmm... I don’t know maybe it’s because you’re beautiful or maybe I just like to see you happy and smiling...It’s probably just that I’m infatuated with all of you though.” Viktor murmured and kissed Yue.

“I d-don’t get it…” Yue murmured, he was tearing up a bit but he immediately tried to wipe those tears.

“You don’t have to get it, as long as you know I love you.” Viktor laughed and kissed Yue more deeply. Yue kissed back and wrapped his arms around Viktor’s neck.

Viktor pulled away and kissed Yue’s neck. Yue didn’t even react to Viktor’s lips trailing down his neck. He was lost in thought for a bit, his fingers running through Viktor’s hair.


He shivered a bit and lost his train of thought as he felt Viktor’s cold hands slid up his shirt.

“Is it okay?” Viktor asked and looked up at him.

“...Make your hands warmer…” Yue said and nodded with a flushed red face.

Viktor smiled and rubbed his hands together quickly to warm them up before pulling Yue under him. Yue couldn’t tell if he was just embarrassed and his body was heating up or if Viktor had made the temperature in the room higher.

Viktor unbuttoned his shirt and just stared at Yue’s abdomen and chest for a while, Yue felt self-conscious as he was stared at but he was quickly distracted by the way Viktor’s hand slid down his chest and abdomen.

“Ah...You’re seriously too attractive.”

Being complimented and being half-naked was embarrassing but seeing Viktor’s pale cheeks dusted with pink made Yue happy. He reached up and unbuttoned Viktor’s shirt as he had done for him.

“You seem to like making things difficult for me.” Viktor chuckled and pulled off his shirt, Yue was really testing his self-control by going along with him.

“...You can do whatever you want…” Yue murmured and ran his fingers down Viktor's chest, his cheeks were bright red.

“...Don’t tell me that... I’ll seriously lose control,” Viktor mumbled and blushed, taking a deep breath. He cupped Yue’s cheeks and kissed him.

They kissed for a while and Yue’s hands which had been in Viktor’s shoulders, slowly slipped down as they kissed. Viktor pulled away for a second to give a breathy chuckle as he saw Yue’s hands sneakily touching his muscular chest and abdomen.

“You’re turning into a pervert like me,” Viktor whispered before kissing Yue all over again.

Yue became embarrassed and pulled his hand away but Viktor took his wrist and pulled his hand back, placing it on his abdomen. He kept Yue’s hands on him as he deepened the kiss and pulled Yue even closer to his body. He slid his hands up Yue’s waist and to his chest. He slid his hands over Yue’s nipples, just lightly brushing them and he could feel Yue’s breath hitch and he quickly closed his legs.

Yue pulled away from the kiss looking up at Viktor and down at his chest with bright red cheeks. Viktor smiled and rubbed one of Yue’s nipples with his thumb, chuckling as he watched Yue try to hold back a moan.

“W-Wait…” Yue moaned. He knew what he had been getting into when he let Viktor touch him and even when he said that he could do whatever he wanted but now he was starting to really realize what he was in the middle of doing.

“I’ll only go as far as you want me to go,” Viktor said and rubbed Yue’s nipple. Yue quickly covered his mouth with his hand as he almost let a moan slip out.

“Come on...Just make as much noise as you want.” Viktor said and grinned, “No one will hear, I promise.”

Viktor took Yue’s nipple into his mouth and sucked on it. Yue let out his voice a little more, tangling his fingers in Viktor’s hair.

“Ah..” Yue moaned right into Viktor’s ear.


“Don’t say that. I’ll seriously end up taking you right now .” Viktor said and covered Yue’s mouth with his hand.

Part of Yue wanted to say it just to see what actually happened but he could feel ‘Viktor’ against him and he could see the lustful

Glaze in his eyes so he knew he was serious.

“T-Touch me somewhere else…” Yue murmured, chewing his lip a bit.

“Like where?” Viktor asked with a smirk, His hands definitely knew where though.

Viktor’s hands slid down to Yue’s waist.

“D-don't make me say it, you clearly already know,” Yue mumbled and Viktor just chuckled. He unbuttoned Yue’s pants and smiled.

Yue wanted to hide as he watched Viktor ghost his finger over his length.

“It’s so cute.”

“Hah?” Yue almost threw a fit right then and there over Viktor calling it cute but he watched Viktor unbutton his pants and he turned bright red.

“W-What the hell-“ Yue murmured and covered his bright red face with his hands.

‘Am I going to be okay when we end up going all the way?’ Yue thought as he peeked out from between his fingers to stare at Viktor’s length.

He flinched and let out a quiet squeak as Viktor touched him. He didn’t even try to hide his eyes anymore, he just had to watch. Viktor Stroked him a few times, silently smiling as he watched precum drip from his tip. Viktor moved him even closer after a second, pressing his length against Yue’s and stroking them at the same time.

Yue glanced up at Viktor and was speechless—until he was interrupted by a moan— as he looked at Viktor's expression. Viktor was quiet but he would close his eyes and inhale sharply every once in a while. Yue suddenly knew how Viktor felt when he was being quiet. He definitely wanted to make him moan out loud now.

“That’s a nice expression...What are you thinking about, My love?” Viktor asked, taking a breath in the middle.

Yue didn’t even know what his expression looked like and he didn’t really care, his only response to Viktor’s words was him flinching a bit at the pet name and then reaching out to touch down Viktor’s chest until he reached Viktor’s length and stroked him, lightly squeezing. The moan he heard from Viktor was incredibly rewarding and Yue definitely fell into a sort of lustful daze from then on.

‘Ah that’s not good...I’ve created a little monster. A really seductive one too.’ Viktor thought to himself and grinned. Yue was looking at him through his wispy fringe with half-lidded eyes and his kiss swollen lips were pressed into a sultry smile. Viktor loved the expression and he only loved it more as it was messed up by Yue moaning.

Fun NSFWfact


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