The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 69: Unable to Think

A/N: This is smut lol here's your warning.

“What is Vik up to anyway?” Yue asked, he was starting to get bored.

“Ah It’s a private matter, you shouldn’t get involved, it could get...bloody.” A maid responded, eyeing the door.

Yue’s curiosity went through the roof as he heard that but he didn’t want to mess up the way Viktor did things even if he was curious.

“How long have you been a maid here?” Yue asked, curiously.

“I have been here since the young master started going to the academy but I’ve served the Ivanov family since the Young master was 16.” The maid said and smiled.

“Hmmmm...What was he like back then?” Yue asked.

“He was much more stoic and emotionless than now. Even toward his family, he wasn’t very expressive. It was this way until recently though...You seemed to have brought out the Young master that Miss Anya would always say she missed.” The maid said and watched as Yue became embarrassed and looked away.

“That’s an embarrassing thing to say…” Yue murmured.

“It’s really true! In his teen years, he was incredibly expressionless. Even when lord Mark followed him around all day smiling and making jokes and cuddling up to him he literally would not even say anything beyond ‘leave me alone’ or ‘get out of my house’. It was really crazy since lord Mark had such a contagious smile.” The maid continued.

Yue was pleased to hear that Viktor ignored Mark so much although he was annoyed that he was so well known by Viktor’s maids.

“I’m surprised the young master even let him be around him if he hated him so much.” The maid murmured and shrugged.

Yue chewed on his lip a little as he heard that. He covered his frown with his hand as he leaned on it and looked around Viktor’s desk. He noticed that under a few papers there was a small painting that had been turned over. He pulled the painting out and he giggled a little, “So cute!”

It was a picture of Viktor when he was only around 12 holding a baby who he could only assume was Nikolai. Yue stared at the picture for a long time with a smile. It was almost hard to believe that Viktor used to be so small.

“He’s so tall now it’s crazy.” Yue giggled and the maid giggled as well.

“Miss Anya says so as well.” The maid says and smiles.

“Anya has been serving the Ivanovs for a long time hasn’t she?” Yue asked, Anya really didn’t look her age at all, she looked about as old as the young maid he was speaking to but she had been there since Viktor was very young.

“Miss Anya has been around since before Lady Natasha was even born! She was a prodigy from the Black Tortoise temple, she was taught holy magic by her Majesty and she even reached the first stage of immortality!” The maid said, rambling about her superior.

“Oh wow...just what are the requirements to be a servant for the Ivanov family?” Yue asked, surprised that Anya was secretly such an amazing mage.

“...Your core must be at least iridium, you must have your fighting skills acknowledged by a member of the Ivanov family and you must have a perfectly clean background. It’s honestly very very difficult…” The maid murmured.

‘Wow, that rules out our entire class essentially.’ Yue thought to himself and looked amazed.

“Yue, do you want to go somewhere?” Viktor suddenly asked as he walked in and placed his hands on the table in front of Yue.

“Uh...Okay...Where?” Yue asked, standing up.

“Don’t worry about that, just come with me,” Viktor said and pecked Yue’s lips.

“Get Yue a coat,” Viktor said to the maid as he brought Yue out of the office.

“Is it urgent? Can’t I change my hanfu first?” Yue asked.

“It’s not urgent but you look beautiful enough already,” Viktor said and grinned.

Yue looked at Viktor with a flustered look as maids put a thick cloak with a hood on him. It was still cold out and Yue had only recently recovered so the maids covered him up well.

They got in a carriage and went on their way and Yue couldn’t help but wonder what happened to the person Viktor was supposed to be meeting with. He was also really curious about where in the world they were going but he figured Viktor wouldn’t tell him.

“Can you give me a hint?” Yue asked, turning to Viktor and raising his finger with a little smile.

“Hmmm...It’s a store.” Viktor said and chuckled, kissing Yue’s cheek.

“Do I like what they sell?” Yue asked.

“That’s more than 1 hint but I’ll humor you, the answer is yes,” Viktor said and poked Yue’s nose.

Yue had made his guess, they were probably going to a bookstore. He was excited but he still had so much left to read at the manor so he didn’t know what he’d get.

“If you’re going to guess then don’t use your eyes!” Viktor whined. Yue felt dumb for not doing that in the first place but he didn’t use it since he already had his guess and he was pretty sure of himself.

When they arrived at their destination Yue was surprised that he was wrong. The store seemed to be a liquor store?

Yue was immediately reminded of how he kissed Viktor while drunk in Paris and promised himself to never drink again. His drunk self would be less improper now that they were together but it was still embarrassing to think of how things would go if he got drunk now.

“...I mostly only like Huangjiu,” Yue murmured with a bright blush.

“That’s why we’re here,” Viktor said and smirked as he brought Yue inside and showed him a little area where the shop was selling Huangjiu.

“F-From the same place and everything…” Yue murmured with surprise as he looked at the jars of Huangjiu in the store.

“Did you have something to do with it?” Yue asked as some maids bought some of the Huangjiu for them.

“Hmmm, I might’ve sent out an anonymous tip about a noble being very interested in Chinese wine. I can’t quite recall…” Viktor joked and smiled.

Yue giggled and locked arms with him, he wanted to kiss him but he could feel the eyes of the shop workers on them.

“I definitely thought you’d be scared to drink with me after what happened last time,” Viktor smirked and watched Yue sit down beside him in the lounge area of their room after dinner.

“...I won’t drink as much this time,” Yue murmured, he really didn’t plan to drink as much but he had mentally prepared himself for whatever he would wake up to the next morning.

“We’ll see if that makes a difference,” Viktor said and drank some of the Huangjiu.

“I want to see you get drunk, actually,” Yue said and smirked.

“...Well, then we’ll need a whole lot more alcohol.” Viktor laughed.

They chatted while drinking for a while but there was an obvious sultry atmosphere between them. Yue was surprised Viktor wasn’t just acting on it immediately like usual but he decided he was just woozy enough to start it all himself. Both of them knew exactly what they were getting into when they started drinking but Viktor was a bit surprised when Yue sat himself down on his lap. He was especially surprised by how awake Yue seemed.

“...Ooh~ Did I make you impatient?” Viktor whispered into Yue’s ear as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

“Yeah..” Yue whispered in return and pulled Viktor into a kiss.

It was a simple kiss for a while but Yue opened his mouth and licked Viktor’s lips, he wanted to stay in control as the kiss got deeper and more sultry but Viktor was teasing him by not opening his mouth. Yue could feel his lips turning into a smirk as they kissed and he pouted as he pulled away for a second.

“Don’t tease me,” Yue murmured with a little huff.

Viktor opened his mouth to say something in response and he only saw Yue’s little devilish smirk for half a second before Yue had already pressed their lips together in an open-mouthed kiss. He rolled his eyes playfully at Yue’s little trick and tried to take control of the kiss. Yue tried to hold his ground and did quite well until Viktor decided to suddenly stand up and carry him while they were kissing. Yue was caught off guard and Viktor got his chance to take over.

Yue was even more caught off guard when he was pressed against the bed during the kiss. He was completely out of breath by the time Viktor pulled away.

“I win.” Viktor chuckled, watching Yue pant and try to catch his breath.

“N-Not fair!” Yue exclaimed.

Viktor just laughed in response and started unbuttoning his shirt while walking back to the lounge area. He looked at the ceramic jar of Huangjiu and looked inside of it, swishing it around a little.

“Can’t have this go to waste,” Viktor murmured and smirked.

There was only around one serving left so he turned around and just lifted the jar up and drank it all in one gulp while facing Yue.

Yue was bright red as he watched Viktor drink it. His shirt was completely unbuttoned and he was drinking it in a way that Yue found so seductive it annoyed him. Viktor was definitely doing it all on purpose.

“I’ve done that before too, Y’know,” Yue murmured, he had done the exact same thing a number of times when drinking with Xia Guiren. When Guiren couldn’t continue he’d drink the rest straight from the jar on his own. He definitely thought the way that Viktor did it was sexier than how he did as a little 18-year-old though.

“I’d love to see that,” Viktor said and smirked as he walked back to him.

“Now then, teach me how to take this off,” Viktor said and slid his hand over Yue’s midriff and up to the crossed collar of his Hanfu.

Yue was embarrassed and his cheeks were bright red but he took Viktor’s hands and started showing him how to remove it. It was embarrassing and even though he was leading Viktor’s hands it felt very sensual and arousing.

Yue stopped leading him when he got to his undergarments, he meant to take them off himself but Viktor did it for him which only made him more embarrassed.

He was starting to regret being so impulsive, he definitely wasn’t drunk enough to do everything shamelessly.

“Is it too embarrassing?” Viktor asked and looked at Yue with a small smile, “I’ve already seen this though?”

He slid his hands down Yue’s chest and down to his waist.

“T-That doesn’t make it less embarrassing…” Yue said and wrapped his arms around Viktor’s neck so he could lift himself up and kiss him.

Viktor turned the kiss into a quick peck but Yue didn’t complain as he noticed that Viktor pulled away to undress himself. Viktor stopped halfway and reached into the bedside table and pulled out a vial of oil that Yue was embarrassed to recognize.

‘That was in the book I read…’ He thought to himself and looked away. Viktor chuckled a bit and Yue knew it was aimed at him and his embarrassed expression.

“H-Huh?” Yue exclaimed when Viktor took his legs and raised them so they were hooked on his shoulders.

“I’m starting from here,” Viktor said in response to Yue’s questioning gaze. He kissed Yue’s calf and smiled at how Yue was super red.

“Don’t hide your face,” Viktor said as he kissed down Yue’s legs, smiling as he felt Yue tremble a little as he got to his thighs.

“Th-that’s a little…” Yue mumbled. Just the feeling of Viktor’s hair touching the sensitive skin of his inner thighs along with his kisses was giving him a hard time so he was only more worried as he saw Viktor eyeing his length as he kissed up his thighs.

“A little what?” Viktor asked, looking up at Yue seductively as he lightly stroked his length.

“T-Too much f-for me…” Yue stuttered as he watched Viktor press a kiss to his tip.

“Do you want me to stop?” Viktor asked, removing his lips from Yue’s length.

“No, but...I-If you u-use your mouth I really won’t be able to think…”

“I don’t think that sounds like a bad thing,” Viktor said and grinned, taking Yue’s length into his mouth all at once.

Yue inhaled sharply, quickly grabbing Viktor’s hair. How was he even doing that? Sure, Yue wasn’t the same size as Viktor but he was in no way small. Yue didn’t know whether to fully sink into pleasure or worry about how he was going to meet this standard that Viktor was setting. He was sure he’d asphyxiate if he tried to keep Viktor’s in his mouth.

Speaking of Asphyxiation, Yue had to remind himself to breathe after watching Viktor glance up at him with his mouth full.

“D-Don’t look… me!” Yue said and covered his face, removing his hands from Viktor’s hair.

“But I want to look at you,” Viktor took Yue’s length out of his mouth just to say that and then moved to lick from his base to his tip. He then took Yue into his mouth again, locking eyes with Yue as he did so.

Just as Yue expected, he couldn’t even think after some time and he could only stare at Viktor and moan. Viktor noticed Yue was becoming more out of breath and starting to tremble and he smiled, continuing what he was doing even though he knew Yue was about to cum. If Yue had been just a little more conscious of what was going on he would’ve been incredibly embarrassed and would try to have Viktor pull away but he only realized what Viktor was doing once he had calmed down a little.

He blinked a few times as he looked at Viktor who had already pulled away from his length and was licking his lips. His moment of realization came a couple of minutes later when Viktor was already starting to move on, spreading Yue’s legs so he could see more of him.

“Y-You swallowed it?!” Yue exclaimed, his blush reaching all the way to his ears.

Viktor nodded with a smile and leaned down to kiss the center of Yue’s chest. Yue’s embarrassment only increased. Of course, Viktor’s kisses were far less embarrassing than what they had already done but his own anticipation and arousal was the really embarrassing part.

Viktor raised his head and stopped kissing Yue. He turned to the bedside table and took the glass vial of oil and drenched his fingers in the lubricating oil. Yue looked on with an embarrassed expression.

“I’m getting started okay?” Viktor smiled and kissed Yue’s forehead. Yue didn’t know why he found that more arousing than Viktor’s regular teasing but he did.

Yue felt Viktor’s finger entering him and he trembled, holding on to Viktor’s shoulders.

“You’re going to have to hold out for a while, My love, don’t go cumming too soon,” Viktor whispered and kissed Yue’s neck as he stretched him out. He added another finger and smiled as he hard Yue moan into his ear.

“Aah...Viktor…” Yue moaned, still trying to contain his moans.

Viktor exhaled, Yue’s moans were tempting but he was trying to stretch him out as much as possible as to not hurt him. It was hard to hold himself back even without Yue’s moans egging him on but when Yue started moaning his name it became even harder. Yue was frustrated, Viktor’s touch inside of him felt really good but even as Viktor added more fingers and touched the little bundle of nerves that made him see stars, it wasn’t enough yet. He wanted more.

“Pleas-Aah...V-Vitya.” Yue moaned, He looked at Viktor dead in the eyes as the diminutive dripped from his mouth.

“It-It’s going to hurt if I put it in now…” Viktor murmured, he wanted to scold Yue for trying to make him lose control but Yue clearly didn’t care. Fingers weren’t enough for him and despite it being his first time he could already guess what would make him feel better.

“I don’t care,” Yue whispered and kissed Viktor sloppily.

“I care,” Viktor mumbled and pulled away from the kiss. Yue whined for a while longer and he was honestly considering trying to overpower Viktor just to get what he wanted but Viktor finally removed his fingers and got ready to enter him when he was deciding whether or not to do it. Now as he watched Viktor’s length lining up with his entrance he felt embarrassed and a little nervous.

“Now you’re nervous again?” Viktor asked and shook his head with a helpless laugh.

“J-Just s-start already…” Yue murmured, he was dripping precum onto his stomach and his nervousness wasn’t enough to make him shy away from going all the way with Viktor. Especially not when his erection wanted immediate relief.

“If it hurts you better not hide it because you’re embarrassed that I was right. Tell me immediately.” Viktor said and kissed Yue’s cheeks. Yue nodded hesitantly and Viktor thrust inside.

Yue moaned loudly and quickly wrapped his legs tightly around Viktor’s waist, the relief he had been begging for came sooner than he expected. There was some pain but despite his previous agreement with Viktor, he didn’t say anything. It’s not like he was thinking about the pain anyway, he was busy thinking about how full he felt. Viktor was smirking down at him, he could tell from Yue’s expression what he was thinking.

“Yue, it’s still not all in.” Viktor chuckled, wiping some sweat from his forehead.

“E-Eh?” Yue looked up at him with wide eyes and then looked down, shocked that Viktor was telling the truth.

“S-Seriously?” Yue asked quietly, almost just asking himself, “I-I’m full though?”

“You sure?” Viktor asked, smirking as he pulled Yue’s hips to his own in one swift thrust, fully sheathing himself inside Yue.

Yue didn’t think he could be so loud until then. Viktor was also a little surprised to hear Yue moan so loudly but he only chuckled to himself a bit, letting Yue calm down a bit before beginning to thrust in normally.

Of course ‘normally’ was a bit too much for a poor virgin like Yue who couldn’t handle even just having Viktor inside him. He came once more as Viktor slammed into his prostate and he gripped the bedsheets as Viktor continued to thrust into him, speeding up a bit as he got closer to his own orgasm. Yue’s legs remained tightly locked around Viktor’s waist so he couldn’t pull out to cum outside of him.

Viktor kissed Yue’s forehead as he came and rested his head next to his on the bed as he recovered from his own orgasm.

“A-Again...P-please.” Yue gasped out.

“So I take it you like it?” Viktor asked with a smirk, peeling himself off of Yue to get started on their next round.

Yue quickly nodded and kissed him, still not having caught his breath.

Viktor was curious, just how long was Yue able to go? He knew his own stamina was a bit crazy so he wondered if the same was true for Yue who was begging for more after coming three times already.


Viktor wished he had lit a candle or looked at the clock when they began their activities. They had been going for a long time but he had no idea exactly how long. He was sure their number of rounds was already in the double digits but he couldn’t be bothered to stop for a second to look out a window to see if it was almost dawn or even glance at the clock on the other side of the room.

Yue was driving him crazy. He expected Yue to be begging to take a break at this point but instead, Yue was riding him, taking control as they continued their erotic exercises.

“Dragons...Hng...A-Are quite energetic it seems…” Viktor murmured, smirking as Yue looked down at him.

Yue’s little smile was just like the one he’d seen when they did intimate things in Austria.

“I d-don’t know...I just f-feel good.” Yue murmured, rolling his hips trying to get more pleasure since Viktor stopped helping him move.

“Are you going to be able to stop?” Viktor asked, he was starting to get a little tired.

“J-Just one more time…” Yue said whilst panting, he was actually super tired physically but some part of him couldn’t get enough of sex.

Viktor didn’t really believe that it would only be one more round but he was surprised when Yue actually fell onto his chest, almost asleep after coming one last time.

‘I can’t wait to see what happens when he wakes up later.’ Viktor thought to himself and giggled before going on his way to clean Yue up.

“Ow…” Yue whined immediately as he woke up late into the morning the next day.

“I’m pretty sure I warned you about this halfway through.” Viktor laughed and kneaded Yue's back gently.

“You should’ve warned me about this in the beginning!” Yue whined and draped himself on top of Viktor. He ended up whining about how his body hurt for the rest of the day.

A list of the possible chapter titles for this chapter (These were suggested by other BL authors from the BL_Palace discord LMFAO):
"See Chapter Number"
"What did you expect"
"The dragon mountin'"
"The prophet didn't foresee that"
"Reaching adulthood"
"Crystal Balls"

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.