The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 78: How Life Changes

The end of the mission in Italy was a little chaotic. The mages left the rebuilding of the city to civilians and mages that hadn’t been involved with the mission. They were all too tired to deal with it after three days of fighting and healing. The treasure from the two dungeons was split specifically among the people who entered the dungeons, including Yue. Natasha and Aylin ended up only choosing a few things they wanted and the rest was split among the other mages in the group. Other forms of compensation would come from the mage association and the Italian government so the other mages didn’t mind.

The mission was the only thing people seemed to talk about for a while. Since Elena ran the whole thing there was a lot more information about it out there compared to when the mage association ran it. Almost all information about it was known to all but even months later, the news of Yue and Viktor’s engagement was still practically a secret.

The students in their class and the other Beasts knew and so did Viktor’s close family, but no one else. Elena and Andrei wanted it all to be announced on the day of their official engagement party in Belarus and Yue and Viktor didn’t mind that.

Viktor looked up from his desk and smiled for a second as he watched Yue enter his office.

He quickly put on a fake upset expression after he caught himself smiling.

“Hehe don’t be angry.” Yue giggled and plopped down on Viktor’s lap.

“We’re going to spend all of our time together once we graduate so don’t be upset,” Yue said and kissed Viktor’s cheeks with a small grin.

Yue had cheekily decided to stop living in the Ivanov manor soon after the mission in Italy and Viktor wasn’t…completely onboard with it.


“Don’t you think the young miss is very happy lately?” A maid whispered as she watched Yue and Viktor drink tea together in the garden of Academy city manor.

“Yes...She never used to smile so much, maybe she’s just really happy about their engagement?” Another maid murmured.

The maids quickly shut their mouths as Anya walked over.

“Bring these to the kitchen,” Anya said and handed them a set of used plates. The maids did as they were told and Anya stood in their place and watched Yue and Viktor.

Yue was much more cheerful now. He was more relaxed and less burdened so his usual blank or serious resting face was now replaced by a cheerful expression. Some other people who noticed Yue’s change foolishly expected Viktor to be unhappy with the change but Viktor was very happy that Yue was happy. He fell in love with Yue’s smile after all.

“What is it?” Viktor asked as he noticed Yue humming a little tune as he stirred his tea.

“I want to go back to living in the dorm,” Yue said with a bright smile.

Viktor almost dropped his teacup. Really...Yue knew exactly what he was doing.


“Because... I was only supposed to be here until I got better and it's already been a month.” Yue said and grinned as he watched Viktor’s flustered expression.

“There are only a few months left of school and it’s not like we won’t see each other,” Yue added, he could practically see Viktor trying to find a reason for him to stay.

“...But...What about—“ 

“Pervert.” Yue said and giggled.

“I wasn’t going to say that...” Viktor pouted.

“Sure you weren’t.”  Yue giggled and moved his chair so he was sitting next to Viktor and not across from him.

“I’ll still come here, so don’t be so pouty,” Yue said and kissed Viktor’s cheek.

“It’s not the same…” Viktor whined, pulling Yue onto his lap.

“It’s just a few’ll live.” Yue giggled.

“Hmph.” Viktor huffed and kissed Yue chastely. Yue smiled and made himself comfortable on Viktor’s lap.

“My mother wants you to come to a ball in Belarus in a few weeks. Partially so you can just see Belarus and partially so you can plan our engagement party with her.” Viktor murmured and kissed Yue’s shoulder as he showed Yue a letter.

Yue giggled a little with pink cheeks. He always felt happy when he thought of their engagement. He stared at the ring on his finger with a little grin.

“Okay~” Yue hummed.

“I’m happy you like the ring so much, I’ve gotten about a million letters from my father about how he wishes I’d proposed with a family heirloom instead.” Viktor chuckled.

“Hmm...I wouldn’t care, either way, It’s not the ring that I’m happy about.” Yue giggled and interlocked his fingers with Viktor’s.

“And if he’s upset can’t you just use a family heirloom as the wedding ring?” Yue suggested.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Viktor murmured and kissed Yue’s cheek.

“All that’s left is our last expedition and then graduation…what should we do afterward?” Viktor asked.

“Marianne’s wedding is a month after graduation and Mai’s is half a month after that. The four beasts meeting Is a few weeks after graduation so we have to go to that… and then we have free time I think?” Yue murmured, twirling Viktor’s hair in his fingers with his free hand.

“You should come to China with me during that time,” Yue added with a bright smile.

“ I know you can go to the temple but is It really okay for you to go around China?” Viktor asked, a bit puzzled.

“I'm going to be added to the Ivanov pact of kin soon so it’ll be fine! No one in China knows much about your family so once they see the kin mark they’ll realize they can’t mess with me.”  Yue grinned and turned himself around while in Viktor’s lap.

“I’m going to dress you up in a Hanfu…Hehe I Can just imagine how good you’ll look,” Yue said and kissed Viktor on the lips.

Viktor grinned and deepened their kiss suddenly, catching Yue off guard. Yue blushed a little and just let himself be swept away.

“I thought you weren’t living with Vik anymore.” Mai teased as she watched Yue and Viktor enter the classroom together.

“S-Shut up,” Yue murmured and blushed as he held onto Viktor’s arm as he walked, trying to hide a slight limp.

‘You went too far…’ Yue said through telepathy and Viktor only chuckled.

“Sorry My love,” Viktor whispered and kissed Yue’s cheek. Yue pouted for a while and then moved on, sitting down to get ready for class.

“Woah…Belarus is completely different from what I expected…” Mai murmured as she and Yue rode in a carriage together.

“The mana in the air is thicker than I expected…” Yue murmured.

Belarus was like any other country until you looked up. The sky was permanently like a night sky, Dark but covered with colors and bright stars. Magic devices were used to light up the country and give people the warmth and vitamins that the sun would’ve given them in any normal place.

Belarus had quickly become the coldest place in Europe after it became ruined but Yue and Mai, and most residents, couldn’t tell because of the magic devices used everywhere.

“All of the Belarusian people who couldn’t handle the new conditions of the country were relocated and are being taken care of by Her Majesty. When the Prince takes the throne, that will be your responsibility.” Anya said to Yue as she rode a horse next to their carriage. She wasn’t wearing her usual maid clothes, she was dressed more formally.

“O-Oh…” Yue murmured.

“I don’t think that will be too hard for you…maybe the formality will be difficult but you probably would’ve wanted to help with that anyway.” Mai grinned.

“We should have Vik take us around Minsk tomorrow. You should look around the country you will be ruling.” Mai teased.

Yue felt a bit nervous to hear that but he nodded a little.

“Are we almost there?” Yue asked Anya nervously.

Anya nodded and motioned for Yue and Mai to take a look as they reached Belarus’ castle.

“Haha, It’s very ‘Ivanov’.” Mai laughed and Yue just chuckled as he looked at the pure White Castle. 

Other carriages were entering the castle as well, it was nearing the start of the ball so lots of people were trying to rush in. 

Yue looked down at his hanfu, it was a style he wasn’t used to but he didn’t mind it too much, he and Mai were bound to stand out regardless of what they wore. The Hanfu had a white loose outer coat over a dark green ‘dress’ with gold detailing. He wore gold jewelry in his hair and around his neck and his engagement ring, though he wore it on the wrong finger.

Mai wore a lilac-colored Ao Dai and silver jewelry. Her hair was styled elegantly with a pair pin that Huy had gifted to her. She wore her engagement ring on the right finger, unlike Yue.

“It’s a shame your engagement announcement is still a while away, I’m sure people will be flirting with you all night. Vik is going to be so angry.” Mai chuckled.

“I don’t think anyone is going to flirt with me…but Viktor is going to come over to me immediately after the formalities are over anyway,” Yue said and smiled.

“We’ll see, I think a few brave souls will try.” Mai giggled.

Grisha Evanoff never thought he’d regret not learning to play Billiards properly. But how was he supposed to know that Billiards was the way that his family would decide who would go to Belarus for the memorial Ball?

He wanted to pray that Viktor Ivanov wouldn’t be there but as he entered the ballroom, after being thoroughly searched for weapons, he heard a maid mention ‘his highness’. His soul almost left his body upon hearing that but he quickly stood up straight and started looking around the room. He would follow his father’s advice.

‘Pick an Unmarried woman, and chat her up, she will be your shield for if the Ivanovs see you.’

He looked around at the women who had already arrived, every single one of them seemed to be married.

‘Ah! Finally!’ Grisha thought as he saw a woman in peculiar clothing reaching for a drink that a maid was serving her. She was wearing a ring but it seemed to not be a wedding ring since it was on the wrong finger. Grisha let out a sigh of relief and straightened his toe before walking over to the woman.

“Hello, My lady. I couldn’t help but notice your beautiful clothing.” Grisha said as he walked up to the woman, he was trying to sound suave but he sounded a little awkward because he could hear people greeting a Royal. He purposely ignored it but he had stammered a little at first. He was sure that Viktor wouldn’t recognize him and he had heard rumors that he had never been interested in women so he didn’t expect Viktor to walk over to him.


Grisha’s mouth almost dropped as he saw the woman’s face. He honestly hadn’t expected such a pretty woman to be unmarried. 

There was another woman beside her and she seemed to be hiding a grin.

“…Your eyes are so beautiful…they’re like jewels,” Grisha murmured, stunned.

“Um…Thank you.” The woman murmured, she was a bit confused about who this person was.

“Your name, sir?” Yue asked, glancing at her friend who was giggling.

“Grisha Evanoff, may I know your name, My Lady?” Grisha asked.

“My name is—“

“Her name is Yue Xia. It’s been a while, dear cousin.” 

Grisha could tell who it was. Only two members of the Ivanov family ever referred to the Evanoffs as their cousins, and he had never met one of them before so that left only one other option.

Viktor Ivanov.

Grisha didn’t want to turn around, he wanted to find some way out of this. He remembered the lady in front of him and quickly lifted his head to look at her. She seemed kind, maybe she’d help even though they didn’t know each other.

Grisha was quickly pulled out of his fantasy.

This woman…her sort of awkward and stiff expression immediately changed as she looked past Grisha and at Viktor.

“Viktor,” Yue said and smiled, walking over to Viktor with a bright smile.

“My Lady,” Viktor said and kissed the ring on Yue’s hand with a sly smile.

Grisha just stood there. He felt like he had been played. These two people were looking at each other with heart eyes.

“Poor guy.” The woman with Yue said and giggled as she walked past Grisha.

“Did you have business with one another?” Viktor asked Yue.

“No, just introducing each other,” Yue answered with a smile that seemed a bit troubled.

“I’m stealing these ladies then. Dear. Cousin.” Viktor said to Grisha through his teeth and motioned for the two ladies to go with him.

Grisha just mumbled, “O-Okay.”

He rushed away when Viktor turned around.


“Never speak to an Evanoff again,” Viktor said and sighed.

Yue and Mai both looked confused. Some jealousy was expected but why ‘an Evanoff’ and not just Grisha.

“Why?” Yue asked curiously as they walked. He wanted to hold Viktor’s hand but they weren’t supposed to act too friendly with one another.

“…The Ivanovs we’re originally a part of the Evanoff family, and let’s just say there’s a reason we split.” Viktor murmured, he couldn’t bear to glare at Yue so he just glared at the wall behind him.

“Evanoff? Andrei invited the Evanoffs?” Dorofey, Viktor’s uncle, asked as he walked up to Viktor upon hearing that.

Viktor nodded.

…I get that this has been going on for way too long but Isn’t that okay? They still have that..” Dorofey murmured, sighing.

That’s my point of view on it too...” Viktor murmured, “But let’s not talk about that today. This isn’t an Ivanov event. This is an event for the Belarusian people.”

Yue was even more curious as he heard this and Mai was also curious as she listened to Yue’s translation.

“Hello there, Miss Yue,” Dorofey said, greeting Yue in English upon noticing him.

“It’s been a while, sir,” Yue said in Russian with a smile. Dorofey looked impressed as he heard Yue speak.

She learns quickly,” Viktor chuckled, and introduced Mai to Dorofey as well.

Dorofey was excited that Yue could speak Russian now so he took the chance to ask Yue about himself. Yue felt a little awkward because of the sudden interview but Dorofey wasn’t as intimidating as other members of the Ivanov family.

“You must be curious about what Viktor and I were talking about since you understand Russian…” Dorofey murmured. Yue nodded a little in response.

“I’m sure Andrei will tell you the full story…but I hope you don’t see us as cruel for how we treat the Evanoffs. For us…family is everything…to the point where we’d even fight family.” Dorofey explained with a thoughtful look.

Yue didn’t know how to feel when he heard that.  Even more so when he saw Viktor nodding. 

As an orphan and as someone who had been abandoned and cast aside many times, ‘Family’ was something that always seemed to exclude him. 

The Ball officially started as Andrei and Elena entered and everyone turned to them and Yue tried to stop thinking about it all.


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