The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 88: End of the night

“The 4 saints of each of the 4 temples….” 

Later in the party, Elena announced that the four temples each had their own saint or Saintess now so it was a special time in history. She had only really announced it within the group she was speaking with but it soon spread and after the party it spread even beyond Belarus.

People were very curious about one thing in particular.

Were the four saints all as powerful as Elena?

“You’re classmates?” A noble asked Viktor and Yue at the party. The nobles who were surrounding them were on the list of nobles that Yue was advised against speaking to so he wasn’t really participating in the conversation much. He was more focused on a side conversation with Mai. Viktor on the other hand was a part of many of the conversations in his circle. His arm was around Yue’s waist and he would tap him when people were asking both of them a question.

Yue nodded a little and smiled as he took a sip of his drink. A lot of the nobles were beginning to wonder if they were going to hear Yue’s voice today. Yue was actually talking, but only quietly in Vietnamese to Mai and Huy and in English to Viktor. He never turned and spoke to the nobles.

“Does she not speak Russian? How disappointing…”. 

Not everyone heard it but Yue and Viktor did and their eyes both immediately turned to the person who spoke. The woman was a bit flustered that she was heard and covered her face with her fan, she seemed ashamed but the man standing beside her was shameless in his taunting of Yue. 

“Ah, he never learns,” Yue mumbled in Chinese. Viktor didn’t quite understand but he got the sentiment and the people around them just seemed confused.

Mark had definitely slipped the thought in the woman’s head and made her say that. The other people who heard that sort of seemed to agree but they wouldn’t say that out loud or nod. 

‘Do you want to do something about it?’ Viktor asked through telepathy.

‘No, it’s fine for now. It’s not like I need to speak to them.’ Yue responded and smiled.

The conversation that had been going on prior to the comment about Yue soon tapered off and Yue and Viktor entered their own little world. Elena came over to check on them and smiled. She had heard a murmur or two about the comment on Yue’s Russian and Decided she wouldn’t just let it slip by. Yue and Viktor seemed to not care about it but she wasn’t keen on letting the rumor swell.

“Would you like another drink?” Elen asked Yue in Russian. Yue’s glass had been empty for a few minutes now.

“No, I’m fine. I’m not a very good drinker.” Yue said in Russian and smiled.

People thought he was just going to nod or shake his head or answer quietly in English like he had been so they were surprised to hear Yue speak in Russian.

“Seriously?” Elena was actually a little shocked by that.

“No, she’s pretty good but just not good enough to out drink me.” Viktor chuckled. Yue avoided all alcohol like the plague because of what happened when he was drunk in Paris but he was still a very good drinker.

“Ohhh I was going to say that was odd. Most of the four saints are pretty good at drinking.” Elena chuckled. She said four saints but she meant just ‘the four’ but she couldn’t say it like that because they were in public.

“Have you spoken to people?”

“Not really, I’m not very knowledgeable on Belarusian subjects of conversation, and they all seem more interested in speaking to Viktor instead,” Yue said this out loud but all three of them knew that Yue had been rigorously taught about what Belarusian nobles talk about. The Belarusian nobles who were listening in seemed a bit embarrassed, they didn’t realize that they hadn’t really spoken specifically to Yue. Even interrogating Yue would’ve been better than asking both Viktor and Yue questions that Viktor could easily answer on his own.

“Well then come speak with Me and Aylin. There’s still a few hours left of the party, we can’t have you sit around bored for all of it.” Elena said and locked arms with Yue. She started leading both Yue and Viktor toward Aylin but someone called out to Viktor so he paused and let them go on ahead.

Viktor turned to the person who called out to him, Leonid. It was rare for them to speak so he was curious about what he had to say. Was he on Mark’s side? Or was he just trying to fix Mark’s mistakes?

“Congratulations on your engagement,” Leonid said and smiled, glancing toward Yue.

“Thank you,” Viktor said and smiled a little.

“I wanted to talk to you about the Lord position that will be open soon,” Leonid said, quickly changing the subject. Viktor internally groaned, he hadn’t really found a good solution to that problem yet. His contender for the position wasn’t quite ready yet.

“Do you have someone in mind?” Viktor asked and looked around for Alexei, “Oh... Lord Chernyshevsky looks busy.”

Alexei was on his way out of the ballroom with Natasha, Nikolai seemed to have fallen asleep.

“I had heard that you were going to be managing the Lords and other parts of the council after your graduation so I figured I should come to speak to you about it,” Leonid said and smiled.

“I plan on submitting myself as a Lord candidate.” 

Viktor was a bit shocked to hear that. He thought it over for a second, he didn’t want Mark getting his ego inflated by his brother becoming a Lord but Leonid was much more agreeable.

“Are you eligible?” Viktor asked with a raised eyebrow.

“At the moment no, but there are 2 months until the position officially opens up, I’m certain that I can meet the criteria by then,” Leonid said with a smile, he seemed very confident in himself in his abilities.

“I am backing a candidate myself, and he is also not quite there yet. If you both meet the conditions by then, you might have to duel.” Viktor revealed. Leonid couldn’t tell but he was using insight on him and had already deemed that Leonid was quite a bit weaker than his candidate.

“That’s fine. May I know who the candidate is?” Leonid asked, he wasn’t too surprised that Viktor had a candidate but he was curious as to who it could be.

“Arseny Orlov, you likely haven’t heard of him. He’s a close friend of mine, he serves my Grandparents.” Viktor explained, he immediately could tell that Leonid was underestimating Arseny. He had avoided mentioning that Arseny was a part of the Black tortoise temple or that he was Anya’s son for this very reason. 

“I’m sure he’ll be a worthy opponent.” Leonid said and smiled, “I’ll let you go spend time with your fiance then your highness.” 

Viktor smiled and nodded before going off toward Yue, Elena, and Aylin.

“What were you two talking about?” Yue asked, turning to face Viktor.

“Lord candidates?” Elena asked.

“Yes, I set up something fun for Senya.” Viktor chuckled.

“Not sure if he’ll appreciate that…” Elena said and chuckled.


The party finished without any issues but the night wasn’t over yet. Many nobles were staying at the palace. They were staying in a separate wing of the palace from where the Ivanovs and special guests like Aylin and Huy were staying but the security was still heightened just in case anything happened. Yue was a little bummed that he couldn’t walk alone with Viktor to their bedroom but the guards around them tried their best to stay out of their sight, it’s not like they needed guards anyway.

Yue wanted them to take their time and chat and just be together but it was a bit annoying if they were surrounded by people so he just interlocked his and Viktor’s arms and sped up a little. He wanted to be alone with him as soon as possible.

Viktor laughed at him a little as he ended up being dragged into their bedroom quickly, “So eager.” 

Yue quickly hugged him as they entered the room.

“I’m so happy it all went well! Mark was a pain in the ass today... but it all ended up in our favor.” Yue giggled and kissed Viktor’s cheek.

Viktor nodded and smiled, pecking Yue’s lips.

“Unfortunately, we won’t be able to sleep soundly tonight...I’m sure you’re tired,” Viktor murmured and wrapped his arms around his waist. 

Yue shook his head a little, “It’s fine.”

“I’ll call for a maid to help you change in-” Viktor let go of Yue’s waist and was going to go to the door to tell a guard to go get a maid when Yue stopped him with his words.


Viktor was a bit confused for a second when Yue went over and hugged his waist.

“Can’t you just help me take it off?” Yue said with a cheeky flutter of his eyelashes.

Viktor laughed a little, his face was a bit flushed. Yue caught him completely off guard.

“Yeah...I’ll do whatever you want,” Viktor said and watched Yue’s cheeky little smile widen.


“I’m a little confused here, My love.”

Yue chuckled as he straightened out his nightgown. Viktor had blinked after taking off Yue’s dress suddenly Yue was wearing a nightgown. He was completely ready to go to town touching and kissing Yue’s bare body but suddenly Yue was covered up again so he was a bit confused. Was he just tricked?

“If someone decides to try and sneak in here, they obviously shouldn’t find out about ‘this’.” Yue giggled and sneakily raised the nightgown up. He didn’t raise it up ‘enough’ by Viktor’s standards but he was definitely doing this all to be a tease so Viktor didn’t know what he was expecting.

“Good luck, Vitya~” Yue giggled and Viktor couldn’t help but think this was revenge for him teasing Yue too much.

“I don’t need luck, I need patience,” Viktor said and lifted Yue into his arms, carrying him to the bed. 


Viktor found some satisfaction in touching Yue through the nightgown but not quite enough. He could slip his hands inside the nightgown but Yue was very vigilant and would stop him if the nightgown was raised high enough for him to be exposed. He was hoping Yue would forget but even as he was drowning in pleasure while he stretched him out, he remembered and made sure to pull the nightgown down.

This little game was definitely frustrating but it was also very much arousing in a way. And it was making Viktor realize his own habits.

“I like leaving marks on you too much.” Viktor suddenly self-reflected, he seriously wanted to bite Yue all over right this second.

“I’ve trying to tell you that,” Yue said, out of breath a little.

Viktor let out a breathy chuckle, he was going to kiss Yue but then he noticed Yue’s grip on the bedsheets and felt a little dumb for not thinking of this little loophole sooner.

Yue let out a little sound of surprise as he was suddenly pulled off his back and on top of Viktor. Viktor pulled the nightgown off him and before Yue could complain he pulled the sheets over both of them.

“... It’s hot,” Yue murmured, pouting a little now what he knew Viktor could get his way.

“Good Luck, Yue~” Viktor sang and laughed at Yue’s annoyed whining.


“Are they leaving?” 

“Yes, most of the nobles are leaving now. There were no disturbances throughout the night.” 

Yue grumbled a little as he woke up to the sound of Viktor and Anya talking.

“Good morning, My lady...I’ll leave you two to eat,” Anya said and left as Yue finally decided to open his eyes.

“Good morning, My love,” Viktor said and kissed Yue’s cheek.

“What time is it?” Yue asked.

“Almost noon,” Viktor said and chuckled. Yue panicked a little after hearing this and sat up quickly.

“We were up until just before sunrise so it’s to be expected,” Viktor said, watching as Yue doubled over a little as he felt his back aching.

“...You are something else.”

Viktor laughed and lifted Yue out of bed and walked to the table in the room where Anya had set up their breakfast.

“You said you’d do whatever I wanted,” Yue whined.

“...Next time.”


“I promise,” Viktor said and kissed Yue as he set him down in a chair.

A/N: Soon, Yue~ Soon~  Graduation is up next :))

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