The Prophet Didn’t Mean to Fall in Love! [BL]

Chapter 97: Break It

I recommend taking a deep breath before you read this if you are binging this or got really used to the 'honeymoon' vibe of the previous chapters...

“It feels like a trap,” Yue murmured as he approached the door.

“Nothing we can’t handle,” Viktor said as he examined the area around them.

The dungeon did seem pretty high level but not high enough that it would give them too much trouble.

The first door was in fact a trap, it wasn’t a boss room it was just an empty room. Keyword: was. The second Viktor and Yue walked to the center, planning on going to the door on the other side of the room, the door disappeared and a hoarse of monsters surrounded them and immediately attacked.

Neither of them were very surprised by this, they both jumped into the air and observed the crowd of monsters for a second before glancing at one another. Yue created strong winds and Viktor cast one of the fire spells from his grimoire.

A tornado of pitch-black flames burnt the monster horde into a crisp.

“Huh? I don’t remember that spell being in there.” Yue murmured as he dropped down to the floor cautiously.

“Your wind carried more magic to it,” Viktor murmured, he was a bit surprised by the power of the spell as well.

The door at the other end of the room then appeared again and Viktor and Yue reached it. 

When they got to the next room they were hit with the same scenario.

“Don’t tell me this repeats until the boss room decides to open…” Yue mumbled.

“I think it does…” Viktor sighed, it wasn’t that it was difficult to defeat these monsters, it was just tedious to do it over and over again.

In the next room, Yue motioned for Viktor to stop as he noticed that Viktor was going to cast a spell.

“Don’t waste your mana, this dungeon boss is just messing with us at this point,” Yue said as the monsters rushed toward them. He had decided they should have a little fun with this.

Just a quick slash of his sword was enough to kill all the monsters in the room.

Viktor chuckled as he watched Yue’s prideful look.

“I’ll do it in one go too.” He said and walked over to the next room.

He did exactly what Yue did and cut down all of the monsters in the room.

“Should we try it with only our hands now?” Yue asked as he went toward the next door. 

“That might be a little unfair,” Viktor said and watched Yue’s claws lengthen.

“I still want to!” Yue smiled and walked through the next door.

Viktor backed up a little and let Yue use his claws to cut all the monsters down.

“I’m glad you didn’t scratch me with those.” Viktor teased as he walked over to Yue.

Yue blushed a little and rolled his eyes, moving on to the next room.

They both continued to switch the ways they defeated the monsters and they were starting to run out of little challenges for each other.

“Should I try it with one hand behind my back?” Viktor asked as he pushed open the door to the next room.

“I Don’t think you can, Human.”

The next room was finally the boss room. The door from the previous room looked normal like the rest of the rooms but the interior of the boss room was completely different.

The boss was a large stone statue in the center of the room. The gray stones fell off as it stood and the gray statue became white like porcelain.

“I think you should.” Yue giggled and held Viktor’s arm, “It’ll be fun.”

“Are you gonna help?” Viktor asked as he analyzed the giant coming over to them.

“Sure, I’ll use only one arm too,” Yue said and smiled as they both jumped out of the way of the giant’s steps.

They both gave themselves the challenge of using their non-dominant hand only. Viktor used his right hand to slash down at the dungeon boss with his sword and Yue used his left hand to cast magic.

“This isn’t very hard.” Viktor chuckled as he managed to cause a crack on the boss’ arm. Yue sent a kick to the cracked arm and it quickly fell off.

“Not at all,” Yue responded.

The dungeon boss didn’t respond, it had something up Its sleeve. When Yue and Viktor managed to crack almost every part of it and all of the porcelain had fallen, a human-sized sprite was still left behind and it moved quickly to strike Yue and kick him away.

Viktor almost called out Yue’s name but Yue didn’t move very far because of the kick.

“Sorry, I’m all healed up now, that won’t work.” Yue giggled, he had been kicked in the ribs by a dungeon boss once again but he was fine now and the dungeon boss wasn’t very strong so the attack didn’t injure him. Viktor just smiled as he watched. 

Yue and the boss exchanged blows in the air, quickly moving through the air as Viktor just watched and readied his spell.

I can feel your intentions, Human.” The boss suddenly turned to Viktor and sent an attack toward him. Viktor wasn’t very worried and simply matched the attack with his spell.

The boss was injured by the attack but it still had enough energy to reach to attack Yue who was glancing at Viktor to check for injuries for just a second longer than he should’ve. Yue moved out of the way of the attack a second too late and ended up with a cut on his cheek but he managed to quickly finish off the boss with his sword because it got close enough.

The treasure room opened as the boss disappeared and Viktor went up to Yue as he went back to the ground. He looked a little concerned but Yue just smiled and wiped off the little blood that had dripped from his cheek.

“It’s fine,” Yue said and took Viktor’s hand.

The cut didn’t bleed anymore and was fully healed by the time they walked into the treasure room together.

Yue looked around the treasure room, examining all the things inside.

He found a variety of things that caught his eye.

“A pocket watch?” Yue murmured to himself and opened the silver disk. It did look like a pocket watch on the inside as well but the numbers were in the wrong positions. 3 was in the 12 position, 6 was in 3, 9 was in 6, and 12 was in 9. That wasn’t the only off thing about the watch either, the watch had 6 hands, 2 were black, 2 were red and 2 were violet.

“Vitya, how long do you think we’ve spent here?” Yue asked from across the treasure room.

Viktor managed to calculate the time after staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, letting his eyes analyze how time was flowing in the dungeon in comparison to the outside world.

“3 hours.” Viktor replied, “why?”

“The time on this clock is confusing… and completely wrong? Or…maybe I'm supposed to read it how it would normally be read, without paying attention to the numbers that are actually written?” Yue explained as he analyzed the clock.

“Oh! I think I was right!” Yue suddenly said and walked over to Viktor.

“These two are the outside time.” He said and pointed to the two black hands on the clock, “I’m not sure about the rest but a watch that works inside of dungeons is pretty useful.”

“This is the time in the dungeon right now,” Viktor said and pointed to the two red hands on the watch.

“3:45? Or 6:00?” Yue asked. The actual watch’s hands pointed to 6:00 but if the watch worked like it worked for the outside world’s time then it might be based on a normal clock.

“3:45,” Viktor said and then looked at the leftover clock’s hands.

“….so what is this one for? Is this the only one that is actually accurate to what the clock says?” Yue asked. The leftover clock’s hands read 4:55. 

“Maybe it’s the time in the towers.” 

Yue got chills at Viktor’s suggestion. He didn’t want to think about the towers again.

“Maybe.” He murmured and went back to poking around the treasure room, putting the watch away in his storage gem.

Viktor watched him for a few seconds before turning back to look through the treasure.

“That’s a good one,” Yue murmured to himself as he found a pretty protective ring among the treasures. 

“Maybe Mai will like it.” He said and smiled before continuing to look around.

“Hmm, what’s this..?” He murmured as he saw a large cylindrical shape under a sheet of gold cloth.

“It’s a bit Heavy…” 

Viktor heard him murmur about the weight and turned around with a curious expression. Something that Yue found heavy…?

Yue removed the gold cloth and lost his grip as he looked at what he was holding in his arms. The only reason he didn’t drop it was because his feet were right below it and he would drop it onto them.

“Uh…that’s creepy,” Yue murmured and held it in the air in front of him, much farther away from him than he had been holding it.

“Look at this is,” Yue said and turned to Viktor, showing him what he had found.

The cylinder was a large jar completely sealed shut in the top and bottom. And inside of the jar, there were a pair of eyes.

Viktor walked closer, staring at the eyes, and even using insight on them in a slight trance.

“Oh…they’re just monster eyes,” Viktor said after a second of pure silence.

“Hmm? Yeah. From a shapeshifter. That’s why they shift in color.” Yue said and put the jar down carefully.

“People make jewelry from them but I don’t think it’s very tasteful…” Yue murmured.

“Let’s just take everything but that.” He said and stretched a little.

“Okay,” Viktor murmured and gathered everything into his storage ring with magic.

He walked out of the dungeon with Yue and Yue felt that Viktor was acting a little strange.

“Vitya are you okay—eh?” Yue turned to Viktor to ask if he was okay when he noticed a large shadow covering them and stone bricks in the corner of his eye.

He noticed that a tower had sprouted from where the dungeon had been and he gulped.

‘Destroy it.’ Growled the incarnation In Yue’s head.

‘I thought you said you didn’t know anything about the towers, why do you want me to destroy it? I mean I get it but…’ 

“Vitya…I don’t want to go inside…let’s just leave it for another da-“ 

The rest of his words died in his mouth all of a sudden. Viktor’s

cold hand slid over his cheek to caress his face and the place where the dungeon boss had cut him.

“I’m not talking about the Tower.”

Yue couldn’t hear the other incarnation’s voice in his head anymore. It had cut off at the same time his voice stopped working. He barely realized it but he also couldn’t move.


Viktor sighed a little and tilted Yue’s chin.

“Why do my descendants refuse to listen to me?” 

Yue gazed up into Viktor’s eyes, he already guessed what he would see from the change in Viktor’s tone but when he actually saw it he felt sick to his stomach. Light blue eyes with red pupils. Yue thought that if he had to see those eyes again that he’d be fine and could just bear with it but somehow that wasn’t the case.

Viktor…or whoever was Controlling Viktor’s body right now…was also controlling him. Even within his domain, in the place where he should be strongest, he was being forced into submission.

“They were literally my last words so you would think they’d listen…” “Viktor” rolled his eyes and looked into Yue’s eyes.

Yue was confused, “Viktor”’s hands were on his cheeks, his thumbs sliding from his cheekbones to the outer corners of his eyes. He was gentle but it was terrifying. Yue felt bloodlust but his body didn’t react to it, It was there but it was also not there, it was almost completely hidden by something else and Yue couldn’t figure out what it was. Maybe it was just hidden by how much he wished he and Viktor weren’t in this position right now.

Yue wasn’t sure about what “Viktor” was going to do but he didn’t want him to succeed, he desperately tried to get his body to move but he couldn’t.

“Break it before someone else gets the chance to.”

“Viktor”’s nails sliding across the fold of his eyelid gave Yue a hint as to what he planned to do.

Viktor had felt off since he saw the eyes. It was the first time he had seen eyes, human or not, in that state. And it did trigger a memory of the “Ivanov history” lesson he had received as a child. Why the Ivanov’s hated the Evanoffs and why he should too. He thought he understood the reason why the eyes made him feel weird but as he and Yue left the dungeon, he felt his whole sense of control slipping away. And instead of being in the plateau, he was now in a basement, staring at a pair of ice-blue eyes floating around a jar.

“I told you…Break it before anyone else gets the chance to. Or you’ll seriously regret it.” 

A voice like his, but not at all like his. A voice he’d heard time and time again. It worried him that this voice might be his conscience, his broken internal monologue that wanted him to acknowledge the messed up sort of possessiveness he felt when he watched Yue. On the outside, it disgusted him but when he watched Yue smile so brightly the thought would creep into his head, perfectly encroaching itself into his moments of happiness and turning them around.

“You love him, don’t you? You seriously love him. So don’t let anyone else take him from you.”

‘That’s not…There are other ways to…’ He couldn’t voice his response to the voice in his head.

“I thought you loved him?”

‘I do love him!’

“Then why would you just let someone else break him apart?”

‘That’s not what I’m–’

“I didn’t break her apart. And look where she is now. Among the Evanoff’s treasures.”

That was a hint. A hint that made Viktor simultaneously relieved and even more horrified. That wasn’t his conscience. That was someone else. 

“Has the smoke finally cleared?”

The voice was just taunting him now as the scene disappeared and Viktor could see Yue again. He couldn’t control his body but he could see and what he saw horrified him. Yue had his left eye closed, a small cut right above his eye was bleeding down and sending blood down his face, the cut was slowly getting worse.


Because Viktor… or rather Vikentiy, was pressing his nails onto his eyes. His intention was to gouge out Yue’s eyes, but perhaps he knew that it would torture Viktor more to watch him do it slowly while Yue was incapable of stopping him.

‘Stop! Stop it! No!’ Viktor was screaming for Vikentiy to stop but of course, he didn’t. He was serious. Vikentiy was going to use even more force but Viktor forced his body back into his control. He froze once he actually gained control and quickly pulled his hands away from Yue’s face.

After a second he quickly put his hands back on his face and started healing him while frantically apologizing. Yue was still in a daze but he was certain that Viktor was crying. Viktor was covering both of his eyes as he healed them and holding him close so all he could hear was him apologizing and the eerie sounds of the tower behind them. 

He felt like crying too.


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