The Protagonist of the TS Posession Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 72

Episode 72 – Purple Star (2)

The purple light seeped into the palm of my hand as soon as I held it.

The light that permeated the body flowed along the texture of the body and moved toward the heart.

I flinched at the foreign sensation, but before I could do anything, the ray of light that flowed like water collected in my heart.

The purple light that stagnated inside the heart gradually increased in size and became a single star, spreading the light throughout the body.

My whole body felt as hot as heated iron, but also as cold as ice.

The beam of light that spread throughout the body nestled in each muscle fiber, strengthening the body several times more than before.

No, it was more like evolution, not temporary strengthening.

As the body accepted the new power, it achieved tremendous growth.

I moved my magic and made a sword on Shinam Sword.

Dina’s sword skill was unfolding even though she didn’t use blood skill and only used magic power.

The difference is that it is not an ordinary aura, but has a similar appearance to Stia’s Astral Sword.

A purple star.

It is the power of a completely new realm that has never been read anywhere in [Oeyoungdoe].

At first glance, it was so strong that it was a pity to even compare it to the original Dina Sword.

As he was admiring that wonderful power, the pure white space distorted in an instant, and the man’s body began to move little by little.

The stopped world started moving again.

When the man’s body started to move, I was in the same posture as before the world stopped.

Was it just a fantasy?

None of that mattered.

This power wriggling in my heart must have been a purple star.

Looking at the sword, Dina’s sword, which she had poured her magic into just before the world stopped, was gone.

In order to block the man’s attack, sword skills are needed.

I tried to create a sword skill, but stopped for a moment.

In the process of evolving to a higher rank, all of his mana had been consumed, and all that remained in his heart was a pale purple star and a handful of rays of light revolving around it.

I was taken aback by the much smaller amount of mana than when [Insensitivity to Mana] Was just removed, but it’s fortunate that even that remains.

He drew the magic of his heart and created a sword.

The method of moving magic was different from before, but my body instinctively knew how to handle the purple star.

As the small purple star inside the heart rotated in place, it gradually began to recover mana while eating away the mana around it.

This is the preparation process for converting mana into magic using a purple star and using it.

It is similar to starting a car before it starts.

Then, as the purple star rotates, the light that revolves around it also rotates.

When it looks like a skein of thread, it draws a ray of light from there like a thread and uses it.

That thin beam of light extended to the sword and formed a faint sword.

Maybe it’s because the magic power is only a handful, but the color of the sword is light.

Nonetheless, it was definitely a sword with purple starlight.

Even with a small amount of magic, it was certain that it would be stronger than Dina’s sword, which she had poured all her magic into earlier.


‘It’s f*cked up.’

It’s still not enough.

At this level of strength, I don’t know if I can somehow survive a single blow, but unlike me, the opponent is not a blow that pours everything.

Finally, the slow-moving time began to flow again at its original speed.

A man’s hand flying rapidly in an instant.

There is no time to think. First of all, surviving as little as possible is an urgent priority.

He thrust forward the sword wrapped in the sword energy of the purple star.

Could a strong swordsman be wielded better?

This stance, which was pushed out more smoothly than ever, was the most perfect spear ever.

But just before my sword collided with the man’s hand.

From beyond the man’s finger, a white girl was shouting urgently, and the man who heard that was greatly embarrassed and relaxed his swinging hand.

I don’t know what the girl said because I was still deaf, but this is a big opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.

From noble mtl dot com

While the man hesitated, I continued to thrust my sword.

The man hurriedly shook his fist again to block the attack, but the power of the once hesitant attack could not be the same as before.


Swords collided with fists, and an explosion that could be heard through even deaf ears exploded.

The man who was pushed back in the power struggle bounced back a few steps.

But it wasn’t the time to laugh at that scene.


The first is that my arm, which was holding the sword, was sore from the recent collision.

The second is because my body is flying back to the wall where I just crashed into due to the previous collision.


Once again, I was slammed into the wall, a blunt impact was applied to the back of my head, and I blacked out.


When I opened my eyes and looked around, it was a white temple-like place.

Strangely, my knees didn’t hurt even though I was kneeling on the hard floor.

Could it be because Dina’s sword skill evolved before she died?

Right now, in front of my eyes was Dina.

Among the cartoons I’ve seen in the past, when a person dies and meets a god in the afterlife, the god appears in the form of a person he knew during his lifetime.

Dina slowly approached me as I was on her knees.

Dina, who was wearing a pure white coat, was so beautiful that one could say she was a goddess.

Dinah approached slowly and reached out her hand to gently caress my cheek.

For a moment, Dina tried to reject the idea that she was a man, but when she thought about it, there was no way that she would have a male Dina in the afterlife, so she just happily accepted it.

A cold yet warm hand caressed my cheek gently several times.

My body gets lighter and I feel a sense of floating as if I am floating.

My mind is getting more and more comfortable.

Ah… Is this paying off… ?

Goddess Dina sits on her knees in front of me and gently strokes my hair.

If attaining Buddhahood is such a comfortable thing, then it might not be so bad to just die like this…….

Goddess Dinah brushed her bangs lightly and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

Surprised by her sudden moist and soft touch, I looked at the goddess Dinah and saw that the corner of her mouth was drawing a soft arc.

As I stared at her beautiful face in awe, the goddess Dina carefully hugged me.

“Siwoo… ….”

Then he whispered in my ear with the sweetest voice in the world.

“Don’t be a jerk and wake up quickly.”


Like someone who couldn’t breathe after being submerged in water for a long time, he let out his breath and let out a rough breath.

There was no white temple anywhere, only the ceiling of a cave filled with red stones.

It seemed like it was just a dream.

After being possessed in this world, how much do you have to suffer from Dina to dream like that…….


Scarlett shook her head and called me crying.

“You thought you were dead because you couldn’t breathe… ….”

Then she let out a sigh of despair, so I thought about punching her in the head, but when she saw the water droplets around her eyes, that thought disappeared.

Judging by the tear marks, he was saying that, but it seemed like he really cried for a long time, thinking I was dead.

Looking around, Park Jin-sung and Lee Ki-hoon are lying side by side.

They both seemed fine, though they were asleep.

I’m breathing well…….

… All right?

I was dumbfounded and looked at the two men who were sleeping well.

‘I’m sure you saw him get hit and fly away?’

I’m not saying these two are weak, but it’s absurd that there wouldn’t be a single wound if he hit that guy earlier.

When I jumped up, I was startled by the creaking of my joints.

It’s not that I was surprised because it hurt, I was surprised that all the scars on my body were gone.

Looking at the tattered clothes, it is certain that it was not a dream or fantasy, but except for the fact that the tired body creaked a little, it was clean and unscathed.

Come to think of it, the boy and girl from earlier are nowhere to be seen.

“Where did those people go?”

She asked Scarlett, who must have been watching them all, about the whereabouts of the two, and Scarlett scratched her head as if she was embarrassed as well, and opened her mouth.


“… Why did you tell me not to kill you just a moment ago?”

Butterfly asked Sally in a slightly sullen tone.

Then she smiled at Sally, who walked away, stepping on only a slightly protruding sidewalk block, and asked her station.

“Are you curious?”

“Haa… ….”

Butterfly let out a deep sigh at Sally’s appearance.

Since Sally played with Seria all the time, her bad points became all the same.

Even if I ask her something, she dares to joke around and give me an answer.

“I told you! The older brother I saw earlier said that one day he would become a ‘great force’ for us.”

“…… So how do you know that?”

Then Sally, who had been walking in front of her, stopped suddenly, put her chin on her sword blade, looked up at the sky, pondered for a moment, and then she smiled brightly.

“I don’t know! I just knew it the moment I saw it!”

“… ….”

Butterfly glanced at Sally disapprovingly.

She had such a frightening face that a normal person would be afraid to sit down and incontinence, but Sally knew very well that the butterfly was infinitely friendly to her.

That’s why she said that she would never harm herself.

She was Celie who knew that Seria and Nabi cared for her terribly, and she knew that, although she did a lot of clever things.

All of that was because Sally also loved Seria and Butterfly.

Sally rushes at the butterfly, still disapproving of her, and wraps herself in her arms.

She then kissed her lightly as if she were petting a butterfly on the cheek and looked into her eyes.

“Butterfly, don’t you believe me?”

Butterfly met Shelly’s eyes with a frown on her face, but she couldn’t help but see that Shelly, who had started her snowball fight, showed no sign of backing down, so she finally closed her eyes and sighed once again. .

“Okay! Won!”

Looking at Sally, who was excited that she had won the snowball fight, the butterfly let out a chuckle.

Anyway, her parents seem to have no choice but to give up on their children.

It wasn’t just a story about birth parents, it was also a story about the relationship between Nabi and Sally.

So the butterfly did not complain any more and quietly looked down at her right hand.

Normally, it wouldn’t even leave a scar, and even if it did, it would all regenerate within seconds.

The wounds from the boy earlier were regenerating at a very slow pace.

Her regeneration had never been so slow since her attack from the Great Saint Celestia.

I didn’t like that feeling, but it still hasn’t changed the fact that it’s a bug that you can go and kill whenever you’re really annoyed.

So let’s do what Sally wants for now.

Suddenly, Shelly, who was in her arms, waved her hand wildly at her somewhere.

Following her child’s gaze, she saw Seria waving her hand in the distance.

He said he would be back tomorrow.

She got out of her arms before she knew it, and Sally, who ran away, ran into Seria’s arms.

It’s like a mother and daughter reunited after 10 years, even though they’ve only been apart for a day.

The butterfly, looking at her, shed a smile.

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