The Protagonist Only Thinks About Falling In Love

Chapter 117 Sewing Clothes

System 067 carefully read the introduction materials of system number 1091. This is the system for awakening self-awareness that he is about to take over.

[Hi, I'm System 067. ] He greeted his new partner.

[067? 】For some reason, the other party's tone rose with interest,【I've heard of you. 】

067 thought, maybe there are some bad rumors.

【Glad to cooperate with you. ] 1091 said, 【I hope to have a happy cooperation. 】

067 said: 【Happy cooperation. 】

They went to the derivative little plane.

"Someone jumped into the river! Come on!"

"Help! Come help me!"

As soon as 1091 entered the plane derived from novels, he heard someone yelling loudly that gossiping and eating melons is human nature, so he pricked up his ears.

Jump into the river?What jumping into the river?Who jumped into the river?

Immediately afterwards, he felt a sudden loss of balance in his body. He subconsciously grabbed a handful, trying to grab something to stabilize his figure, and reached out to grab something empty.

In front of him was the blue sky, everything seemed to be slowed down in his eyes, and when cold water poured in from all directions, his face was numb.

Oh, it was he who jumped into the river.

Generally speaking, people who fall into the water and struggle will die faster than those who do not struggle. 1091 has rich knowledge of swimming theory, but zero practical knowledge.

The cold water soaked into his clothes, and he unconsciously tensed his body. After flicking his arms in the water twice, he returned to calm again. He hadn't found the trick yet, and his body was sinking heavily.

The surface of the water returned to calm, and there was no movement for a while. Several women who were washing clothes by the water were discussing and looking around anxiously. Swim to the deep water in the middle.

[I'm going to drown. ] 1091 asked, [Will you be subsidized if you drown? 】

067: [...Yes. 】

【That's fine. 】1091 Relaxed and lay flat without any desire to survive, and suddenly felt that the body began to float up.

In his hazy vision, he saw a figure swimming towards him. The person swam up behind him, passed his arm through his chest, and dragged him up. Since 1091 was too cooperative, they didn't struggle, and the two quickly floated up. out of the water.

"Cough, cough, cough..." 1091 knelt down on the soft grass and coughed a few times, and then he regained his breath.

The man next to him who had just rescued him was wringing the water from his clothes. He was wearing a dusty sackcloth, but he seemed to have a good temperament. aura.

Because his clothes were wet and stuck to his body, the neckline was loose, and the muscle lines could still be seen at the neckline. The women on the side surrounded him, all embarrassed to look at him.

"What do you think you're doing running up there?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'm scared to death."

The women gathered around 1091, chattering about him, 1091 lowered his head and didn't speak, a memory popped up in his mind intermittently.

For a while, a group of children surrounded him, throwing stones at him;

When 067 transmitted the information about the original body to him, he understood why.

His original name was Jiang Zefeng, and he was a well-known fool in Xishi Village. He was a fool in the literal sense. He was born a fool, he couldn't cry, he couldn't speak when he was three or four years old, and he had an older brother who was only ten years old. Before the war, the elder brother of the family went to join the army, leaving him a fool and the old mother in the village.

His illness can't be cured, and the old mother's hair is graying with worry, but she still loves the only child left by her side, and only worries about how Jiang Zefeng will live without her in the future.

And this soon became a fact. Just a few months ago, her health began to deteriorate. She knew that she would not be able to stay with Jiang Zefeng for long, so she planned for him and wanted to marry him a wife, but no decent family would marry his wife. For such a fool, it is very difficult to talk about marriage, but one or two wanted to sell their daughters, but the old mother was afraid that Jiang Zefeng would suffer in the future, so he hesitated so much, until she saved a man while washing clothes by the river.

The man is silent and honest, he knows how to repay his kindness, but he hurt his brain and can't remember things, but it doesn't matter. The man sworn brothers with his own son, and will take care of her son more in the future.

This man is the man who saved him just now.

"Are you okay?" The man walked up to him and looked down at him. There was not much expression on his face. The face was very handsome, and when he looked down at him, he was casually sharp.

Jiang Zefeng shook his head.

The man paused. In the past, when he talked to Jiang Zefeng, Jiang Zefeng didn't respond to him very much. He was afraid that he would be as frightened as a quail, cowardly.

He also knew that he was scary, and he tried his best to keep his tone calm when talking to Jiang Zefeng.

But he didn't think deeply, "Go back."

Jiang Zefeng's mother passed away a month ago, and the man did not keep his promise to Jiang Zefeng's mother. From then on, Jiang Zefeng seemed to be the responsibility on his shoulders.

He squatted down and re-bundled the dry firewood scattered on the side. He happened to be passing by today, and he jumped down when he heard them shouting that someone had fallen into the water. He didn't expect to save "my family".

The man bent down, the neckline was loose and drooping, and Jiang Zefeng caught it just in front of his eyes. He had many scars on his body, and his muscles were also very tight. Just a glance, Jiang Zefeng couldn't see it very clearly.

There was a man around, and the women on the side didn't dare to gossip, and told them: "Go back and change into dry clothes, don't catch a cold."

"Look at Jiang Er more, this kid, I don't know what's going on, but he came here today."

"If it weren't for someone, they would all be drowned."

"It's just..."

"Understood." Gu Yinzhou nodded slightly, glanced at Jiang Zefeng from the corner of his eye, and walked back on the road with the dry firewood on his back, not caring whether Jiang Zefeng behind him followed.

Jiang Zefeng got up from the ground, patted the hay on his body, and followed behind the man with a loose pace, and stroked the information in his mind along the way——

According to the plot just received from System 067, this is the protagonist.

This is a world derived from the novel "The General Who Amnesiad Revives His Glory". The protagonist of the novel, Gu Yinzhou, is a great general of a dynasty.

But when the squadron returned to the court, he encountered an internal attack. Gu Yinzhou led his henchmen to fight with the opponent, accidentally fell into the cliff, wandered to a village, and suffered from the disease of soul loss.

He spent a period of time in the village. During this period, he experienced things such as being cheated of money, being dragged out to act as a villain, and being misunderstood as a villain. .

Gu Yinzhou looks handsome, and his temperament is different from that of the men in the village. There are many unmarried girls in the village who express their love secretly, and it is inevitable that there will be people who can't understand him and like to make things difficult for him behind his back.

After a bandit entered the village, Gu Yinzhou recovered his memory. He found that his most trusted subordinate betrayed him, joined the enemy camp, was murdered by his brother, and all kinds of bad things happened together.


The system told Jiang Zefeng that his mission is to save the protagonist and prevent the protagonist from blackening the ending.

Jiang Zefeng thought about some of the things that the original body did.

Lie Gu Yinzhou's money to gamble, break into the goods and let Gu Yinzhou top him, looking stupid, but sometimes a little shrewd, Jiang Zefeng's role in the plot is basically being tricked by others to add trouble to Gu Yinzhou.

In the afternoon, the sun went down and the sun was not so bright. The two walked one after the other. Gu Yinzhou took Jiang Zefeng back to the village. The two of them were dripping wet, and they didn't encounter anything along the way. people.

Jiang Zefeng guessed that Gu Yinzhou specially chose a small path with few people.

The latch of the wooden door was stuck, and it opened with a slight pull. When the door was pushed in, the wooden door made a few "squeaky" sounds. Gu Yinzhou had just repaired the door two days ago, so the wooden door seemed to be quite strong.

There is a small yard inside, after walking in, the main house is right in front, Gu Yinzhou went in and threw the firewood on the ground, there was a lot of firewood piled up there, it should be chopped.

Passing through the main house, there is a kitchen and a small open space behind the house. Vegetables are planted in the corner, and there is a well in the yard. Gu Yinzhou hooked the bucket, lowered the rope, and fetched several buckets of water into the kitchen.

Sitting on the threshold, Jiang Zefeng watched him come in and out, his clear eyes looked a bit pleasing and innocent, but his face was dirty, as if he had rolled around in the mud.

Not long after, the hot water was ready, Gu Yinzhou took it out, mixed the hot water with cold water, and put it in front of Jiang Zefeng, "Wash and change clothes."

After that, he passed through the main room and went to the front yard to chop firewood.

Hearing the rhythmic sound of "bang bang bang" chopping firewood over there, Jiang Zefeng took off his clothes and took a bath with a handkerchief. He washed carefully, and it was a bit slow. He kept turtles inside, so he went in and took a look.

They are all big men, and there is no need to shy away from each other, not to mention that Jiang Zefeng is not a real man in his eyes.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he was met with a fair face, handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. His appearance was very good, but he was not very clean on weekdays. It was still the same face, but somehow it made him feel strange. Feeling, without the ignorance and stupidity of the past, he looks a lot smarter, which makes his face look a lot better.

"Did you wash it? Go get your clothes on." Gu Yinzhou said.

Jiang Zefeng looked at him without much shame. To him, it was only this level. The system never wore clothes.

Junzitan balls.

After a while, he imitated the original body and walked past Gu Yinzhou with his head down.

If he changes too quickly from a fool to a better person, I'm afraid it's too unreasonable to avoid the theory of ghosts and gods. If so, according to the tradition, he might be burned in this kind of place.

Jiang Zefeng walked into the room where he lived. The room was a bit messy. The wooden box in the corner was used to store clothes. He took out a piece of clothes from inside and put them on. The material of the clothes was very rough.

He washed the dirty clothes when he was dressed.

When he passed by, Gu Yinzhou had just brought out the water and seemed to be planning to take a shower.

Seeing him coming, he didn't look too much, took off his clothes, turned his back to Jiang Zefeng, and poured water on his body.

Jiang Zefeng squatted aside and rubbed his clothes, and in order to repay his life-saving grace, he also washed Gu Yinzhou's clothes.

"Tear" -

He looked at the tear on the clothes, looked towards Gu Yinzhou with a guilty conscience, fiddled with the hole, hid it, and continued to wash the clothes as if nothing had happened.


【what to do? 】Jiang Zefeng looked at the second cut in his clothes and fell into deep thought.

[Hide. ] The system gave him bad ideas.

Jiang Zefeng glanced at Gu Yinzhou.

The man's wheat-colored skin and muscle lines change with his movements. The water flows across the skin and falls on the ground. It's hot in summer and when there is a lot of farm work, men don't pay much attention to it. Most of them just close the door. Wash in the yard, and occasionally go to the river to wash.

The sun set, the afterglow reflected the sky, and the clouds were dyed orange-red, as if the sky was on fire. It was very beautiful. In the small courtyard behind, Jiang Zefeng poured out the water and poured another basin of water.

It was only after taking a shower that Gu Yinzhou found out that Jiang Zefeng had taken the clothes to wash. He took a second look, but Jiang Zefeng didn't dare to look up at him, and he didn't care too much. Jiang Zefeng used to be like this.

He didn't know how his clothes were ruined in the hands of another person.

The more Jiang Zefeng wanted to make amends, the faster the thread came off, and at the end, he had no choice but to hide.

After it dries, Gu Yinzhou is not at home, and he can sew it up again.

The dinner in the evening was cooked by Gu Yinzhou. His cooking skills are mediocre, and he is at the level of "you can eat it". Jiang Zefeng is not picky, he thinks this is the normal level of food.

Gu Yinzhou and Jiang Zefeng became sworn brothers. He lived in the house where Jiang Zefeng's brother used to live. His mother Liu's room was empty. Jiang Zefeng lay in bed at night and quietly got up at night to dig a well in the backyard.

Gu Yinzhou got up early the next morning. He went to the kitchen to get some food, and then went out to the fields. When he came back at noon, he saw that the food left on the table hadn't been touched, even the boiled eggs were still in place. In situ, he frowned.

He went to Jiang Zefeng's door and knocked, but no one answered.

He pushed open the door directly.

The furnishings inside the door are simple, the tables and chairs are better than Jiang Zefeng's room, the bed is slightly arched, Jiang Zefeng is nestled in the quilt, revealing half of his blushing cheeks, his eyelids are slightly closed, and his brows are tightly wrinkled.

"Jiang Zefeng, Jiang Zefeng." Gu Yinzhou patted him.

Didn't wake up.

He lifted the quilt, put a coat on Jiang Zefeng's body, and planned to go to the village's mother-in-law with his back behind his back to have a look.

Jiang Zefeng had a fever, and Gu Yinzhou probably caused it by falling into the water yesterday. He went to Wang Po's to get some medicine, and he didn't need money. These medicines were all obtained from the mountains. He took the medicine and watched Jiang Zefeng drink it.

He had to go out in the afternoon, and told Jiang Zefeng not to go out and run around, and went out with a basket on his back.

Jiang Zefeng didn't go out, but with this illness, he always felt that he had forgotten something, but his mind was groggy, and he couldn't think about anything.

When Gu Yinzhou came back in the evening, Jiang Zefeng was able to get out of bed, but his limbs were weak. He had dinner with Gu Yinzhou, and Gu Yinzhou made medicine for him and brought it to his room.

"Can I stop drinking?" Jiang Zefeng asked.

Gu Yinzhou paused, this was the first time Jiang Zefeng uttered a sentence so fluently in front of him, and the words were correct. The young man's voice was a little hoarse due to illness, and it sounded nice.

"No." Gu Yinzhou rebuffed straight away, "You will get better if you drink."

"It's so bitter." Jiang Zefeng said, "The medicine I drank at noon still tastes bitter in my mouth. Can I stop drinking it?"

If I said I was a little surprised just now, I am really surprised now.

"But you are sick." Gu Yinzhou said.

Jiang Zefeng: "I'll be fine after a night of sleep."

Gu Yinzhou: "..."

Although the words are short, they are very fluent, and the response to his questions is faster than before. If Gu Yinzhou hadn't lived with him before, now he would almost think that he was just pretending to be stupid.

"I don't know why, but when I woke up, I was much more awake." Jiang Zefeng said, "Tell me, is my mother coming to find me soon?"

Gu Yinzhou: "Don't talk nonsense."

The Liu family has been buried, and Jiang Zefeng couldn't understand what he meant by saying this.

Although he didn't like Jiang Zefeng, he didn't expect him to die either.

The medicine finally got into Jiang Zefeng's mouth, Gu Yinzhou went out from his wing with an empty bowl, looked down at the bowl in his hand, and stood in the yard for a while.

After he washed the dishes, he also collected the clothes that were drying in the yard. He didn't have many clothes, so he had to change them in turn after washing. Among the clothes that were drying, there were his and Jiang Zefeng's. Gu Yinzhou folded all the clothes first .

It was dark at night, and the light was dim even with the candles on, and he couldn't see too clearly. He planned to tidy up tomorrow after they were all folded.

The next morning, before full light, the roosters in the village began to crow aggressively. Jiang Zefeng slept soundly in the room and turned over.

On the other side, Gu Yinzhou got up to put on his clothes. When he put on today's coat, he always vaguely felt that something was wrong. His armpits seemed a little too loose. He raised his hand, and a thin sound resounded in the room .

Gu Yinzhou pursed his lower lip and fell into silence.

He remembered how Jiang Zefeng didn't dare to look up when he washed his clothes the day before yesterday.

"Dong dong dong".

Jiang Zefeng was awakened by knocking on the door.

"Are you awake?" Gu Yinzhou's voice came from outside.

"Ah... oh! Wake up." Jiang Zefeng replied.

Gu Yinzhou: "I'm coming in."

Jiang Zefeng: "Okay."

Gu Yinzhou pushed the door open and came in, holding a piece of clothing in his hand, with a calm expression on his face, but for no reason it gave off a feeling that a storm was coming, Jiang Zefeng's eyes fell on the piece of clothing in his hand, and he paused.

Suddenly remembered what I forgot.

His heart skipped a beat, he lay down on the bed, covered his body with the quilt, with a weak posture, preemptively said, "My heart hurts."

"stand up."

"My head hurts."

Gu Yinzhou: "..."

Jiang Zefeng: "Hiss, my stomach hurts too."

Gu Yinzhou: "..."

Now people are definitely not stupid anymore, and they are a little too clever.

Gu Yinzhou didn't do anything to him in the end, just told him not to touch his clothes in the future.

He went out to find Wang Po's house, and told about Jiang Zefeng's general situation. After he had a fever, he spoke fluently, almost like a normal person. He wanted to ask if this was a flashback.

And Jiang Zefeng found a needle and thread at home, pulled a chair and sat under the eaves, and stitched up the place he broke. He didn't expect that a thin needle was so difficult to control, and Jiang Zefeng sewed to the back. , I lost my patience and sewed crookedly.

He walked around the yard, picked up the axe, and picked up the firewood in the yard. His arms were sore all afternoon, and he chopped a lot of firewood and piled them neatly aside.

These jobs are much more refreshing than needlework.

After having a fever, his body, which always felt weak, was much more energetic, but his back was sweating all over, and he was a little hungry. He went to the kitchen to look for something to eat, but he couldn’t find anything to eat. He rolled up his sleeves and planned to use it first. Huozhezi lit a fire.

It was getting late, and the people in the village were all working at sunrise and resting at night. People who returned late went home. When Gu Yinzhou went back, he opened the door and smelled the smell of food. When he entered the door, he saw the food on the table. .

He went to the backyard to find someone, and as soon as he approached, he heard the sound of water. He wanted to stop, but his feet had already stepped out.

The picture of the small open space behind came into view, the young man's black hair draped over his shoulders, under the moonlight, he looked like a ghost who had fallen into the world, his back was pure white and flawless, and it was only now that Gu Yinzhou remembered that Jiang Zefeng was at the age of eighteen.

Ordinary people should get married and have children.

Jiang Zefeng didn't notice him, so he took a step back and retreated to the main room.

【He peeps at me taking a shower. ] Jiang Zefeng said.


Jiang Zefeng: [Do you think he holds grudges? 】

Gu Yinzhou's emotions are too introverted, and he doesn't say much at ordinary times. It's hard for ordinary people to see his likes and dislikes.

The system said that he didn't understand human emotions.

Jiang Zefeng washed up, wiped off the water on his body, and went out. When passing by the main room, Gu Yinzhou was sitting at the table eating. Seeing him coming out, his eyes stayed on him for a moment, and then moved away.

Jiang Zefeng walked past him and entered the room, but the door was left open. When Gu Yinzhou finished eating, cleared the table, and went to take a shower, there was hot water in the kitchen. He remembered what happened this morning, and wondered if he should put People are scared.

Summer nights are also sultry. Jiang Zefeng sat on the eaves, shaking the legs of the stool. He thought it was too hot, so he tied up his sleeves, his arms were exposed, and the stool under his buttocks was loose. Will just be shaken to pieces by him.

Not long after, the person he was waiting for came in from behind.

Jiang Zefeng heard the voice and turned to look at him.

The man was only wearing a lewd garment, the skirt was wet and stuck to his body, his thin muscles were faintly visible, his handsome eyebrows were deep, and when he saw Jiang Zefeng blocking the door, he said, "Let me go."

"No." Jiang Zefeng said, "I'll show you something."

Gu Yinzhou looked down at him and motioned him to continue talking.

Jiang Zefeng flattened the clothes on his lap and picked them up, "I'll sew them for you."

" clothes?" Gu Yinzhou's tone was full of suspicion.

Jiang Zefeng: "Well, I didn't mean it, so don't be angry."

Gu Yinzhou took the clothes.

As a result, the next moment I heard Jiang Zefeng say, "I'm not even angry that you peeked at me taking a shower."

Gu Yinzhou: "...?"

Jiang Zefeng's words immediately overshadowed Gu Yinzhou's surprise at his sewing, and his head hurt, "I didn't peek."

Jiang Zefeng: "Then why are you running?"

Gu Yinzhou: "...don't go, continue watching?"

"I can do it."

"I can not."

"Why can a man say no?" Jiang Zefeng said.

Gu Yinzhou: "..."

"My mind is better now." Jiang Zefeng said, "What happened in the past, let's take it for granted?"

Gu Yinzhou glanced at him.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your answer." Jiang Zefeng raised his head, the moonlight fell on his face, his expression was serious and sincere, "I will treat you well in the future, and you will treat me well, will it be possible?" ?”

Jiang Zefeng thought for a while, and added the address to Gu Yinzhou, "Brother Zhuang."

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