The Protagonist Only Thinks About Falling In Love

Chapter 129 Misconduct

There was a crackling sound outside the window, the room was quiet, shallow breathing sounded one after another, in the middle of the night, the sky was full of stars, the door made a soft "squeak", opened and closed again.

On the bed, Jiang Zefeng's eyelashes trembled slightly, and when he opened his eyes, he turned over.

The room was silent, and Jiang Zefeng was not tired.

Half an hour later, the door slammed again, and Gu Yinzhou came back. As soon as he got into bed, a day's arm was put around his waist, hiding a strong force, and he took a breath.

"Where did you go?" Jiang Zefeng asked in a hoarse voice, as if he had just woken up.

Gu Yinzhou said in a low voice: "The hut, did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, I can't sleep because of the noise, you have to take responsibility." Jiang Zefeng snorted and said.

He became dishonest again.

Gu Yinzhou pressed him down, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't make trouble".

Jiang Zefeng didn't know what Gu Yinzhou did when he went out, but he definitely didn't go to the latrine, he couldn't have the energy to go out and have an affair, and he cleaned up everything that should be cleaned up before going to bed.

He lowered his eyes, covered the expression in them, closed his eyes and pulled Gu Yinzhou into his arms.

Early the next morning, when he was carrying a bucket to the pond, he met Chen Qianhu on the road. Chen Qianhu was carrying two loads of water, and walked back in a frivolous footstep, his lips were too pale to cover.

"Jiang Er... Ah Qiu..." He sneezed, and Jiang Zefeng hid for a while.

"Not yet." He asked.

"No." Chen Qianhu rubbed his nose, "Are you going to fetch water too?"

Jiang Zefeng said "um", seeing that he was wearing little clothes, he asked, "Aren't you cold?"

"It's hot to work." Chen Qianhu said, coughing a few more times.

Jiang Zefeng felt that his illness would not recover for a while, the two chatted for a while, and when they were about to leave by mistake, Chen Qianhu stopped him again.

"Jiang Er." There was some hesitation on his face.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Zefeng asked.

Chen Qianhu: "I...forget it."

He thought about it, but didn't say anything.

"Forget it, if you have something to say." Jiang Zefeng said "tsk", and didn't like other people's words to stop abruptly.

"It's... your brother." Chen Qianhu simply put down the shoulder pole first, and said, "I saw him staying up most of the night last night, and went to the fields. What did he do?"

Jiang Zefeng paused, then changed the subject: "What are you doing up in the middle of the night?"

Chen Qianhu: "Pee."

There is a hut next to the pigsty behind Chen's house, and behind it is the field. He slept in a daze last night. When he got up in the middle of the night, he saw the figure on the field ridge and was almost not frightened. The cheap silly big brother picked up from home.

Jiang Zefeng: "Oh, he is too."

Chen Qianhu: "..."

"Maybe you are dreaming." Jiang Zefeng laughed.

Chen Qianhu muttered, could it be that he was wrong?

He took the water and left.

Seeing him disappear, Jiang Zefeng went to fetch water from the pond. He looked at his faint reflection in the water and put the bucket down.

In an instant, the calm pond was filled with waves, one circle after another, and even the reflection was shattered.

Today is a cloudy day, the sky is gray and cloudy, and it always gives people a heavy feeling. When Jiang Zefeng returned home, he heard the sound of chopping firewood inside. I wonder if Chen Qianhu coughed a lot just now, and his throat was also a little itchy , He rolled his Adam's apple a few times, stood outside the door, and waited for a while before pushing the door in.

The man in the courtyard is holding an axe and chopping firewood on the pier, every stroke is very rhythmic. The firewood at home is used up quickly, and the unused firewood is piled up in the corner of the kitchen.

"Brother." He carried water into the door.

The weather was hot and dry for a few days, and the well at home was also short of water. When there was no water to use, I would go to the pond to fetch water and pour it into the tank.

He poured water into the tank, Gu Yinzhou saw this, came over to help him, "Go to the pond?"

"Well, when I woke up in the morning, there was no water at home." Jiang Zefeng said.

"I'll do this kind of thing." Gu Yinzhou frowned slightly, Jiang Zefeng didn't know how to swim, if he fell headfirst——

"I see you are not awake." Jiang Zefeng said.

Gu Yinzhou: "Put the bucket there, I'll go later."

Jiang Zefeng said "oh" and said, "I just met a tiger on the road."

Gu Yinzhou didn't care too much about "um", and then heard Jiang Zefeng say, "He said you went to the field in the middle of the night yesterday, brother, what did you do?"

This seemingly unintentional question seemed to be just overheard, so he came back and asked casually, but Gu Yinzhou's heart was lifted in an instant. He glanced at Jiang Zefeng, and Jiang Zefeng's eyes fell on him straightforwardly.

When Jiang Zefeng was still stupid in the past, he was ignorant and silent, he didn't know how to say when he was bullied, and he didn't have so many expressions on his face on weekdays, but since he was not stupid, he seemed a little too sharp and intelligent—he It's different from the people here.

Gu Yinzhou couldn't confirm it. He asked this sentence, but he just asked inadvertently, but he still noticed something.

"When I woke up last night, I saw a wild cat running in and took a piece of meat from the kitchen, so I chased it out." Gu Yinzhou said calmly.

"Why didn't you tell me last night?"

"I'm afraid you'll think too much."

Jiang Zefeng asked: "Have you caught up?"

Gu Yinzhou: "No, I lost it and came back."

He raised his eyes and quietly glanced at Jiang Zefeng's face.

Feeling his gaze, Jiang Zefeng tilted his head and smiled at him, "If you lose it, just throw it away, and if you get it back, you won't be able to eat it."

Gu Yinzhou breathed a sigh of relief imperceptibly.

He didn't want to lie to Jiang Zefeng, but he couldn't say anything good or bad, so he subconsciously lied to him.

"Brother, you have nothing to hide from me, right?" He heard Jiang Zefeng ask again.

"No." His throat tightened.

It seems that if there is such a thing as lying, once there is a first time, there will be a second time.

Jiang Zefeng said "oh", Gu Yinzhou avoided his eyes, asked him if he was hungry, and said to wash the vegetables first, but he changed the subject on his own initiative, and Jiang Zefeng didn't hold on to it.

He reckoned that Gu Yinzhou was too good at lying, and this kind of lie could be easily broken.

He is sure that Gu Yinzhou has something to hide from him, and it is definitely not a trivial matter.

Why did he go to the field, to do something, or to... meet someone?

Gu Yinzhou felt the eyes on him, Jiang Zefeng did not hide it, he only felt the pressure on his shoulders, he sat on the small bench in the kitchen, picked lentils, pinched the head and tail skillfully.

As time went by, he became more and more unwilling to break the status quo.

An overly comfortable life can easily paralyze people.

It looks the same as usual between the two, but there are still some differences.

Gu Yinzhou could often feel that Jiang Zefeng was not asleep at night, when he turned over, Jiang Zefeng's hands holding his waist tightened, but he never asked him like last time.

This situation did not last long, and something happened in the village.

It is most easy to get sick during the changing seasons. Recently, an infectious disease broke out in the town. Many people in the village contracted the infectious disease. At first, Chen Qianhu's family fell ill, and then it spread, and many families had one or two sick number.

The gloomy weather shows no signs of improving.

There were many people in the village getting medicine from Wang Po's. When the situation got serious, Jiang Zefeng would go to Wang Po's gang every day.

"Jiang Er? Are you sick too?" Chen Qianhu sat weakly at the door of Wang Po's house, looking at Jiang Zefeng who came out of the curtain.

"No." Jiang Zefeng said, "I see a doctor."

"...What?" Chen Qianhu's eyes were filled with astonishment, but he also felt amused, "It's this time, why are you laughing?"

"Do you still remember the time when Uncle Liu was hit by a wild boar and broke his bone?" Jiang Zefeng squatted down.

Chen Qianhu didn't understand, so he said, "Ang."

Jiang Zefeng thought for a while and said, "I picked it up for him."

Chen Qianhu: "..."

Chen Qianhu couldn't doubt Jiang Zefeng's tone, and besides, he could tell if what he said was true or not as soon as he asked about it, and he didn't need to tell such a lie. It was said that Jiang Zefeng saved Uncle Liu, and after that time, he often came to Wang Po's place.

Wang Po is an old woman with a bad temper and generally doesn't teach others.

He looked at Jiang Zefeng in front of him, and felt so clearly for the first time, so strange, so different from the former Jiang Zefeng.

"Jiang Er..." He hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Zefeng tilted his head.

Chen Qianhu lowered his head again, looking at the stones on the ground, "Last time I told you that I saw your brother in the field at night, do you remember?"


"Did you ask your brother?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"No." Chen Qianhu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I just want to know if it was him that night."

Jiang Zefeng stared at his face.

The smile on Chen Qianhu's lips became a little stiff, and he turned his head, "Why do you look at me like that?"

What did Gu Yinzhou say to him?Otherwise, why did Chen Qianhu mention this matter again?

There were still several people coughing and coughing in the yard, as if they were playing intense music, one after another.

Whether Jiang Zefeng was joking when he said that he saw a doctor, Chen Qianhu would know soon.

Jiang Zefeng first took medicine for Wang Po, and then gave people a pulse diagnosis. There were also people who could not trust him. He used some real skills, said something that listened to literati, and got along with each other every day. bluff.

Ordinary typhoid medicine alone cannot cure the root cause of the disease, it can only temporarily suppress it, but after three courses of treatment, the effect will be greatly weakened.

At the beginning of the symptoms of the disease, there will be coughing, fever, weakness and weakness, and weak pulse. If not treated in time, this situation will continue to spread and aggravate.

This day and night, Jiang Zefeng turned on the lamp to read a book, with one hand pressed on the book, he looked up and saw Gu Yinzhou's face, "What's wrong?"

Gu Yinzhou hid half of his face in the shadows: "Stop looking, it's time to sleep."

It was dark outside, and there was already silence.

Jiang Zefeng pulled the corners of his lips, "Brother, can't you sleep without me?"

Gu Yinzhou: "..."

"Why do you have to do this..." He pursed his lips, "You are not a doctor after all your troubles."

"I want to be a doctor." Jiang Zefeng said.

Gu Yinzhou paused: "Why?"

"Brother, what do you think people live for?" He asked.

Gu Yinzhou was stunned.

Jiang Zefeng rubbed the pages of the book with his fingertips, "Some people live for themselves, some live for desire or hatred, and some live for belief—"

He paused, raised his chin, raised his face, and asked him, "What about you?"

The candlelight flickered, and the shadow on the wall followed Yang Huang.

——What do you live for?

In the past, he was doing it for the glory of the family, for protecting the people, and for conquering the territory. When he had no memory, Gu Yinzhou was looking for the memory. Later, Jiang Zefeng was involved in it, and now.

"Why do you ask that?" he asked.

"I just think that if there is something I want to do, then I have to do it." Jiang Zefeng smiled and said, "What I want to do now is to cure diseases and save lives."

His eyes slid down and landed on Gu Yinzhou's chest. Gu Yinzhou was wearing clothes, but he couldn't see anything, but Jiang Zefeng knew that there was a long scar on his chest. He said, "I want them to feel less pain and less discomfort." .”

Gu Yinzhou followed his line of sight, lowered his eyelids, his lips moved, and he glanced at Jiang Zefeng again.

The candlelight reflected his side face very tenderly.

At this moment, he seems to be far away but also very close, like a shining star, shining brightly, dazzling and seductive.

Gu Yinzhou's hands hanging down his legs contracted.

It seemed that even if he did it all over again, he would still be caught off guard by this person.

"Why?" he asked hoarsely.

Jiang Zefeng looked at him, leaning his elbows on the table, tilting his head slightly, propping his head, with a sloppy smile on his lips, "What do you think? Brother, don't ask what you know."

His attitude is always so frank.


"I don't know." Gu Yinzhou said, "I only know after you tell me."

A moment of silence.

"Brother, hug me." Sitting at the table, Jiang Zefeng raised his lips frivolously and stretched out his hand.

Gu Yinzhou approached irresistibly, and hugged him in his arms. He lowered his head and looked at Jiang Zefeng's head. Jiang Zefeng leaned against his heart, and did not speak for a long time.

"You have something to tell me." Jiang Zefeng said suddenly.

"I..." He opened his mouth.

The person in his arms was warm and felt real, Gu Yinzhou panicked for some reason, he hugged Jiang Zefeng tightly, he was so strong that Jiang Zefeng was strangled a bit.

"Brother... do you want to strangle me to death?" Jiang Zefeng was as angry as a thread.

Only then did Gu Yinzhou relax a bit.

Not only liking, but also... wanting to get all of his feelings, he also experienced it.

There are old and young, men and women who are sick in the village, and Gu Yinzhou brings him meals every day.

After the man came, he didn't say a word, just sat aside and looked at him, and waited for him to finish eating before packing up his things and leaving.

"Jiang Er, your brother is here." A head poked through the door.

When Jiang Zefeng went out, he saw the man under the tree. Gu Yinzhou's thin figure was tall and straight, and his aura was strong. Even if he stood in an inconspicuous corner, no one would ignore his existence.

"What is this?" Jiang Zefeng looked at the two things wrapped in butter paper in the small basket.

"Snacks." Gu Yinzhou took it out and opened it, inside were some cakes, and the other was dried fruit, crunchy and sweet.

Jiang Zefeng took a few bites, "Where did you buy it?"

Gu Yinzhou avoided answering, "Is it delicious?"

He didn't want to lie to Jiang Zefeng again.

A bit of cake was on the corner of Jiang Zefeng's lips. He hooked his lips and said "um", looking in a good mood. After eating a piece of cake, he poked out the tip of his tongue, rolled the cake into his lips, and licked it on his fingertips. A little bit of cake remains.

He had just come out to drink water, and his lips were still moist. His light-colored lips looked plump and elastic. Gu Yinzhou glanced at him, watched him lick the cake on his fingertips, and licked his lips, "Which one do you like?" ?”

"I like them all." Jiang Zefeng said, "I like you the most."

Gu Yinzhou: "..."

This person can take these nasty words for granted all the time, as calmly as if he said "the weather is so nice today".

"Come with me somewhere," he said.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Zefeng asked.

"You'll know when you go." Gu Yinzhou said.

Jiang Zefeng followed behind him, kicking the gravel on the ground, the two of them walked to the side of the eaves of the thatched house in the backyard, there was no one around, Gu Yinzhou stopped, and handed the basket to Jiang Zefeng, "Help me hold it."

Jiang Zefeng took it, he raised his head, and Gu Yinzhou leaned over in front of him, and pressed it against his lips. Before he could do anything, his breathing became heavy, his earlobes were congested and blushed.

With the soft touch and chaotic and fiery breathing, Jiang Zefeng understood Gu Yinzhou's purpose.

Gu Yinzhou licked the seam of his lips, then moved away, he gasped, and said in a low voice with trembling breath: "Brother also wants to taste."

The two noses were touching, Jiang Zefeng said: "There are still inside."

"I don't want to eat the inside." Gu Yinzhou said.

"Brother, you tricked me here—" Jiang Zefeng paused for a moment, with a smile in his voice, "Just to do something wrong?"

The "ah" has a rising suffix, which makes people think about it for no reason.

"Isn't it possible?" Gu Yinzhou asked.

Jiang Zefeng chuckled, "Success."

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