The Protagonist’s Halo

Chapter 128

Chapter 127 Confucianism and Taoism

Yang Zhen anxiously grabbed his friend’s arm, “Where did you find this book?”

When Yang Zhen arrived at the bookstore, he couldn’t find it anymore. This book is special, but anyone who has read it can realize that Yang Zhen’s friend only found it by chance and got it. He didn’t know how many people had read this book and still kept it at home, and whether the colleague who passed through had written more than this book. I heard from the owner of the bookstore that some people came back and said they wanted to buy all the books of Mr. Huang Liang, but they were already bought.

Yang Zhen turned around and read this book carefully, but it was in a friend’s home. The content of this book is really advanced. It also includes the doctrines of many families, the knowledge of the world and everything, and also explains the profound things in simple terms, with examples.

The friend couldn’t help sighing, “I don’t know which school Mr. Huang Liang is a bachelor of. He has studied Mohist medical schools, soldiers, peasants, etc., and learned from others. It seems to be omnipotent, but some views are too whimsical.

He was referring to the mystery in the book about the movement of the heavens and the earth, the reasons for the changes in the four seasons, and the length of the sun and the moon. Although the explanations in the book are reasonable and perfect, he is after all a student of Confucianism and it is inevitable to regard it as a student. Having made nonsense, I feel that putting aside these, Mr. Huang Liang already has a semi-sacred potential based on the brand-new classics described in various theories.

The reason for saying it is potential, because I don’t know who it is. To reach the top of the semi-sage, we still need to open a school, give lectures and debate, and truly establish a theory to be recognized by the world.

And Yang Zhen from modern society, of course, knows that those are true, and many of them are just the simplest scientific knowledge.

Yang Zhen didn’t find any poems he had written in the book, and Yang Zhen was relieved. If there was any, I was afraid that he would have been arrested by Xuezheng and be deprived of his literary reputation.

It’s just why the colleague who passed through had to throw all these things out.

He had read the contents carefully, and he was not an ordinary person before crossing.

“What an amazing hermit Mr. Huang Liang is, why did he take Huang Liang as the name.” The friend was puzzled. Yang Zhen, the only one who knew the truth, couldn’t tell. There is no allusion of Huang Liang Yi Meng in this world, because it comes from the “Pillow in the Pillow” in the Tang Dynasty.

Unlike friends’ interest as miscellaneous studies, Yang Zhen knows what the content of this book means, what power it will have, and even shake the foundation of the world. The more Yang Zhen thought about it, the more frightened.

And if the content of this book is widely circulated, the fellow traversing colleague may be regarded as a new saint, admired by all people, and more likely to be caught by the major forces of this world as a heresy and burned to death. All the people spurned.

He really didn’t know what the crossing colleague thought, was it for his name? Wouldn’t it be better to take it slow? Instead of throwing out this kind of king bomb that is enough to set the world upside down.

As for whether this book will be silent, Yang Zhen will not even think about it, because there are too many eye-catching things in this book, even if it is still doubtful, as long as someone dares to try it.

Yang Zhen can predict what a bloodbath will be.

Yujia Garden,

Xiao Han only had time to meet his brother, Yu Jia Erlang, and accepted the gift he brought back from the imperial capital. The other party hurriedly went to the study to discuss with Father Yu, as if there was something important.

Now she is accompanied by Mother Yu to enjoy the scenery in the garden. Mother Yu has watched her daughter stay in the other yard on the mountain for a while, her face is radiant, her spirit is much better, and she is very happy. If she knew what earth-shattering things her daughter had done, she would not be happy.

Even her second son suddenly rushed back this time to discuss the important matters with Father Yu in a hurry, which is inseparable from Xiao Han.

But she won’t know, and no one in the Yu family will know. Xiao Han still has this confidence. It’s just that whether the Yu family will be affected or jump into the whirlpool, it’s not that she will intervene.

After all, a month ago, she was hurt by the malice of the will of Heaven from this world, and she didn’t even care if this world changed for good or bad, so how could she care about a Yu family.

Yang Zhen didn’t understand why his traversing colleague was so radical. It was because Xiao Han was less than a hundred years old in this world, and compared to this world with unique power and magnificent waves, he appeared short and insignificant.

It seems that there is no difference between being a well-knowing family girl or a swordsman who travels to Kyushu. It is impossible for her to be a woman of various schools. There are not many choices for her, which makes her uninterested.

There is a saying that the sky does not give me, I take it for myself.

The same goes for Xiao Han. Since the will of heaven in this world does not allow her to obtain cultural power, then don’t blame her for doing things on her own.

Since Yang Zhen can gain the power of heaven and earth by virtue of her poetry, the things she took out will also prove to be able to change the world. Anyway, it is boring enough. It is better to find something that interests her, such as influence and change the world.

What’s more, what she sent out was not an ordinary butterfly.

When these books copied by Xiao Han had just begun to circulate in small circles, many big figures who could stir the situation had already noticed. The first to come out was the children of various schools, looking for bookshops related to them.

The children of medical school believe that the author is the hermit of their medical school, because the book contains the lost records of the medical school, as well as the “Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases” and “Compendium of Materia Medica” which can be regarded as the classics of the medical school after reading. medical knowledge.

The Mohist school also believed that Mr. Huang Liang was a member of the Mohist school because of the knowledge in the book. The Mohist school has always been proud of organ skills, but after reading the contents of the book, the drum carts used for agricultural irrigation, farming tools, and The manufacturing technology of ships and new-style vehicles, various techniques of smelting and forging metals, etc., can not help but be deeply attracted.

In addition, there are peasants, legalists and military strategists.

Although all schools of thought are well-known in this world, there is no one that can compare with Confucianism. Scholars study Confucian classics. The popularity and dominance of Confucianism have also affected the stagnation of the development of other schools over the past thousands of years, gradually becoming weaker and harder to make progress. Even Taoists, legalists, soldiers, etc. had once produced saints, but they were not as prosperous as Confucianism.

Xiao Han copied more than one book, and it was systematically helped. The most complete doctrines were copied, and the schools that were underdeveloped in this field were no different from godsend.

Although all schools except Confucianism took the initiative to claim their own great sages, the answer given by the bookstore was that they didn’t know who Mr. Huang Liang was. Even the shop that printed books was a young man who knocked on the door at night. I don’t know anything else.

This is just the beginning and it has already disturbed the various schools of thought.

The next step is the kings of the ten countries. Although it is an ancient world, the unique power system allows literati from other countries to discover the preciousness of these books, and a poem can be turned into a horse of thousands of miles and presented to the case of the king of the country. , So in a small number of people, the speed of transmission is abnormally fast.

Jin Dynasty Imperial Palace,

An old official sighed to the young emperor in the temple, “It would be nice if the official found out earlier.”

Obviously, these books first appeared in the territory of Jin. If they discovered earlier and firmly held the books and people in their hands, the rise of Jin would be unstoppable.

The young emperor wondered, “Isn’t that Mr. Huang Liang from any school?”

Although there are people from various schools in the court as officials, but after all, they are not completely loyal to the emperor. Whoever allows the holy court to hold the position of literature and the monarch to hold the official position, if the saint comes, he can even judge the emperor to be innocent.

The veteran shook his head, “There is no news yet. Even within the schools of thought, I have never heard of Mr. Huang Liang. The most important thing is that there are no signs of heaven and earth.”

The content of the book can be described as earth-shattering, and even the scholars have been arguing. It stands to reason that it is not so quiet and obscured. It is really weird.

The emperor was also taken aback when he heard this, and he asked again, “The printing in that book, making glass cement, gunpowder, crossbows, bows, etc., is really true?”

The old official replied, “It has been ordered that Tianfang Workshop is being developed, and it has had preliminary results. The Mohists are also surprised.”

It is also because at the beginning that various schools are arguing, no one suspects that the contents of Mr. Huang Liang’s books are nonsense. Almost anyone who gets these books, anyone with a family background, will not be able to resist giving it a try, let alone being wealthy. The emperor of a country has a stronger ability to act.

Thinking of the printing techniques, glass, gunpowder, crossbow and bow mentioned in the book, the emperor’s heart burst into enthusiasm.

Even if it is not like Yang Zhen from the modern world, who is familiar with these technical things and has a vision far higher than that of ordinary people, and all the great clans have seen the potential value of these things. To put it bluntly, that is the benefit. .

No matter which world you are in, anyone who has something to do with these two words will not be taken lightly.

It was this matter that Yu Jia Erlang discussed with his father, and his brother was still in the imperial capital, so he rushed back to report the matter. Not only did the imperial court’s Tiangongfang try secretly, but many aristocratic families did not lag behind, let alone the Mohist.

This is really not a trivial matter. Whether it is printing that can popularize knowledge, and the gun, crossbow, and bow that can be used by ordinary soldiers in the book, like the glass of a cornucopia, it is huge for anyone. The impact, from high-ranking officials to dignitaries, to traffickers and pawns.

Everyone wants to hide privately, just like the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, but there is a prerequisite for private hiding, that is, no one but himself knows.

Now there are hundreds of scholars, monarchs of various countries, powers of the family, and a very small number of people who get lucky,

If you can’t hide, you can only get the most benefits out of the book first. Even if you can’t catch up, you can’t get behind and get a piece of the pie.

This is what the Yu family meant after the talks with his son.

Half a month later, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom rewarded him with the official title of the first craftsman who developed gunpowder.

He also told the world that he wanted to find the author of the book of heaven, Mr. Huang Liang, who was regarded as the national teacher.

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