The Protagonist’s Halo

Chapter 31

Chapter 30 True love in the chronology

This farce eventually made its way into the Public Security Bureau, and it also made the matter a complete mess.

Chen Xi hung the lottery, and after being fished out of the game by her family, she continued to teach her a lesson and even got a stick. Chen Xi is the most troublesome bully in the compound. He has done a lot of mess. Fried pork with bamboo strips is also commonplace, but this time he was beaten extremely hard.

He was originally injured, even if he believed that he was really skinny, and resisted not admitting his mistakes and not begging for mercy, in the end he was dizzy and numb with pain.

His father was still very upset, until Chen Xi passed out and was dragged by his wife.

Father Chen angrily kicked his son again, “I shouldn’t have given birth to this bastard. I know everything about trouble. I’ll be **** off by him sooner or later.”

Mother Chen, who usually loves her son and is sweet and coaxing, didn’t dare to speak for him this time. She also knew that Chen Xi really stabbed a big basket. Chen Xi’s pursuit of a married woman can no longer be hidden, and it is still known to everyone, and the troubled Chen family is also in the capital. If the old man hadn’t officially retired, he still had some prestige in the center, otherwise the rumors would have been flying all over the sky.

The opponent’s husband is still a senior officer in the army and a young and promising regimental commander. A hat that is not handled well and destroys the military marriage cannot escape. What about Chen Xi’s future?

Chen Xiyou woke up and turned around. He was not stupid. He knew why his parents were so angry that even the old man was alarmed.

But Chen Xi didn’t care. Didn’t he just get into the army? Chen Xi only had Qin Qiu in his mind now. What the future was, it didn’t matter if he let him die for Qin Qiu’s sake.

Even after being beaten by Lin Hua and his family, Chen Xi was lying on the bed and dying even when he woke up, unable to even howl.

His cousin Chen Zhan came to see him in private and sent two more bottles of wound medicine by the way. As one of the insiders, he didn’t suffer a lesson too much. It’s just that Chen Xi was the culprit and was bombarded by the main artillery. The family was busy cleaning up the mess. Chen Zhan suffered twice because he was still in school because he was young. A curse of concealment without telling, escaped by luck.

Chen Zhan pushed open the door and walked to the bed, and asked softly, “Cousin, how are you?”

“What do you mean, it was so cruel.” Chen Xi lay on the bed and couldn’t move, her voice was trembling, humming with a nasal voice, a bruised and swollen face that was so handsome and unruly that her face was beaten, only the corner of her eyes was left behind. Glanced. “But Lao Tzu is too fate to die.”

Although Father Chen made a heavy attack, he wanted to kill Chen Xi, but after all he couldn’t beat him to death. After the lesson, he asked the father’s exclusive doctor to check that there was nothing serious. Then he stayed in the next room, paying attention to the injury at all times, and appeared carefully. Signs of fever. At this time, the Chen family can’t wait to be low-key and low-key. People in the capital can forget Chen Xi, and it is not easy for them to send Chen Xi to the hospital.

Chen Zhan felt a little sympathetic when he looked at his bruised body. Although he expected that his cousin would be beaten for this sooner or later, he did not expect to be beaten so badly. The old man and the elders were really upset, and Chen Zhan also had some palpitations.

No matter how clever he was, he was still only a teenager. He didn’t realize the seriousness of this matter. His previous cousin Chen Xi was even more troublesome than this, and he was used to it.

Chen Zhan put down the medicine box, harmony and airway, “This is already the best medicine for injury, but the doctor said that you have to lie in bed for at least two weeks, so as not to hurt your muscles and bones.”

“Don’t think this will please me.” Chen Xi glanced at him, “What’s the matter with you and Lin Yun.”

Don’t think he didn’t see that Chen Zhan came in behind Lin Hua’s sister’s ass, and even when he was fighting with Lin Hua, this kid was not on his side, he knew that he was going around Lin Yun, no Those who know thought his surname was Lin Bu and Chen.

Chen Zhan also knew that he couldn’t be concealed, his cousin was smart or really smart, so he told the truth.

Chen Zhan admitted his mistake and explained it very sincerely, sincerely enough to make people feel that there was nothing wrong with him. Even Chen Xi was almost taken into the ditch when he listened, “Don’t fool me, your kid actually sold me to please the little girl.”

Chen Xi didn’t get angry. He didn’t expect that he sent his cousin to inquire about the enemy, but he turned the other way around. This kid sold him out, if it wasn’t for his injuries, he couldn’t move, Chen. Xi can’t wait to pull a belt and beat him up.

Chen Zhan looked very sincere, looked at Chen Xi and said, “Brother, you should be able to understand me.”

Anyway, Chen Xi’s pursuit of Teacher Qin will be exposed sooner or later, and the ending will be the same. Why does this affect his relationship with Lin Yun?

Chen Xi gritted his teeth and said, “You are really my brother.”

Chen Zhan smiled shyly and said nothing.

Although Chen Xi was on the side that was beaten, and Lin Hua’s hand was quite heavy, but the Chen family couldn’t make trouble with Lin Hua no matter how faceless and skinny. They were afraid that things would get worse, so they took Chen. Hitti slipped back and said that he would take it back to teach him, but did not find Lin Hua to hold him accountable. The fight was not counted.

Lin’s father and Lin’s mother didn’t get a perfect meal for the family, but after knowing the truth, he didn’t feel that his son was wrong, so many people looked at it, and it was impossible for any man to bear this kind of dignified provocation.

Lin Mu’s impression of Qin Qiu also went downhill, and instantly fell to the bottom. Before, she was always committed to defending her, angry at the entanglement of her daughter-in-law, and angry at her son for not fulfilling her husband’s responsibilities. Who would have thought that Qin Qiu and Chen Xi would have been together a long time ago, and still cuddling in front of so many people, it is simply shameless.

Lin Hua was a little bit self-reproach and annoyed. He felt that he hadn’t controlled his emotions at the time. As a soldier, he asked for leave to go home, and he was still fighting with others in the public. For this reason, he got into the game. After he came back, he rushed to report to the boss, and took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Xiao Han had to admit that his eldest brother Lin Hua was really strict and rigid to the extreme. At this time, I was still introspecting my faults and strictly abiding by the discipline of the army.

There are people like Lin Hua who are so straightforward, and there are people like Qin Qiu and Chen Xi who don’t think they are wrong at all.

Qin Qiu didn’t come back with Lin Hua at all. When he was in the Public Security Bureau, he was concerned about Chen Xi’s injury, not Lin Hua.

One is that things have reached this point, and Qin Qiu doesn’t want to go back to Lin’s house, and the other is that Qin’s mother, who has received the news, called and asked her to go back.

Lin Hua didn’t say anything, and took his sister Lin Yun home.

Mother Qin’s shock and anger were no less than that of Mother Lin, and even more sad and sad. She thought Qin Qiu had listened to her words and stayed away from that Chen Xi, but she did not expect to make such a noise, and almost tore her face, she trembled with anger.

Mother Qin is only fortunate that Father Qin is still in the army, and she won’t know for a while, but sooner or later this matter will reach his ears, and it won’t take long. With father Qin’s temperament, if he knew that his daughter had done such a scandal, he would be able to drive her out of the house and sever ties with her daughter.

Unless before he comes back, try to calm the storm and handle things well.

Mother Qin cut the mess quickly, and said decisively, “You immediately broke the relationship with that Chen Xi, and I will take you to the Lin family to apologize and explain. You don’t do the job of Teacher Jingda. I will do the work and arrange you to join the army. .”

The mother changed her old way of being gentle and tolerant, and arranging her life like her father, on the contrary, it aroused Qin Qiu’s resistance.

“I don’t want, why should I sacrifice my love and work.”

She was so angry that her cheeks were flushed with anger, and she was totally unwilling to accept this arrangement.

Mother Qin suppressed her anger and said, “Then what do you want to do.”

The incident has reached this point, maybe not tomorrow, Qin Qiu’s derailment is the story of the city full of wind and rain, let people see all the jokes. Qin Qiu was still thinking about the job of a university teacher, why she didn’t want to think about how she would behave in the future, how many people would point her back, the taint of extramarital affairs would be difficult to erase in this life.

Qin Qiu didn’t understand his mother’s pains at all, but stubbornly said, “I want to divorce Lin Hua.”

These words exploded like a thunder, and she almost stunned Mother Qin. She couldn’t believe it, “You, what did you say.”

After Qin Qiu said these words, he felt relieved, and even brought some decisive decisiveness.

She couldn’t go back to the Lin family anyway. She was unwilling to apologize with a low eyebrow like her mother said, begging Lin’s family for forgiveness and forgiveness. She had to lose her job and go to the border guard so far away as a family member. Then her life would not He became Lin Hua’s vassal completely, and the pride hidden in Qin Qiu’s heart could not bear this result.

This is the end of the matter, it is better to get a clean divorce.

Anyway, this marriage, she did not have any nostalgia.

Mother Qin never expected that one day she would hear the word’divorce’ from her daughter. She was almost in no rush, but she immediately pinched herself to stay calm and sober, stabilized her body, and said with anger and anger, “That’s Chen. What kind of Ecstasy did Xi’s boy give you so that you actually want to get a divorce for him.”

The children are all of their own. Qin Qiu is always excellent, quiet and gentle, and no one can make mistakes. He must have been tempted by others. The Chen Xi, she has heard, is the demon king of the Chen family, and he has no scruples. He is not stingy and has caused a lot of misfortunes. He is younger than Qin Qiu. Who knows if the pursuit of her is a whim, and regardless of it, how can such a person be a daughter who can entrust her lifelong good Yes, Mother Qin didn’t believe it in her heart.

Qin Qiu didn’t think so. Whether it was Chen Xi’s bold confession, or he did not back down in front of Lin Hua, that kind of true publicity and wanton, how could Qin Qiu remain unmoved because she would not admit defeat even if she was beaten.

Qin Qiu was inclined to Chen Xi’s heart, and after this incident, he even fell to the other side. She once hesitated because of Qin’s mother’s repeated persuasion and thought of the consequences of the pressure she might face, but this time she was smashed by Lin Hua personally, which instead strengthened her desire to divorce.

Seeing Qin Qiu’s still unrepentant look, Qin’s native tongue said with a strong anger, “It’s useless if you want to leave. Your dad can’t agree. He would rather kill you than let you and Lin Hua. divorced.”

Qin Qiu bit her lip. She knew that her mother was telling the truth, so she had to divorce her before her father came back.

A look of determination flashed in her eyes.

Mother Qin continued to persuade me earnestly, “It’s okay to talk about divorce before me. Don’t mention it casually in the future. I told you to quit your job as a teacher at Beijing University. It is also for your own good to join the army with Lin Hua. The consequences of the big storm are more serious than you think.”

After Qin Qiu’s heart was certain, he lowered his eyes, “Okay, Mom, I’ll think about it again.”

Seeing her daughter lowered her head to silence, Mother Qin thought she could finally calm down and think about these words seriously. After thinking about it, there is no room for redemption. Mother Qin doesn’t have much time to educate her daughter. She wants to find Lin’s family as soon as possible to apologize for this matter and settle the situation.

The atmosphere of the Lin family these days is destined to be a little low.

But Lin Hua got up early in the morning to exercise, strictly according to the work and rest time in the army, and prepared a family’s breakfast. The taste was actually comparable to that of Lin’s mother.

Xiao Han was eating the fragrant egg and green onion noodles, wondering what her elder brother could not do.

Lin Hua put a fresh meat pie in her bowl, “You are still growing, so eat more breakfast.”

Xiao Han looked at him. He was calm and calm. He was in good spirits. He couldn’t see the cool breeze on the balcony all night last night, watching the stars think about life without sleep.

Lin Hua’s tone is steady and gentle, with a serious and solemn tone, “I heard my parents say that your academic performance has improved a lot recently, and you want to skip a grade. The school teacher agreed.”

She didn’t know when she knew it. At this time, is Lin Hua still in the mood to care about her study? This point is wrong.

Not only that, Lin Hua also took the initiative to take over the responsibility of Lin’s father, and praised his sister Lin Yun for her excellent progress, “The performance is very good, as a reward, you can tell your elder brother what you want.”

Xiao Han bit his chopsticks, “Anything is fine?”

Lin Hua condensed his eyebrows for a while, and then promised, “If you are within the eldest brother’s ability, you can agree.”

Xiao Han smiled and said, “Then I will think about it, and I will tell the eldest brother after I think about it.”

She still believes in Lin Hua’s character and commitment, and it is not bad to keep a chance.

After breakfast, Lin Hua looked at his watch and put on his coat as if he was going out.

Xiao Han asked again, “Big Brother, where are you going?”

“Are you going to see Qin Qiu?” Xiao Han stopped calling his sister-in-law, and no one in the Lin family cared about it.

Father Lin and Mother Lin wouldn’t bother in the first place, but he couldn’t help frowning when he heard the words Qin Qiu.

Lin Hua didn’t deny it either, and nodded.

Mother Lin wanted to say something but stopped, Lin Hua had already spoken, “I will take care of Qin Qiu and me, so you don’t have to worry about your parents.”

Lin’s father and Lin’s mother were used to his son’s style of not having to worry about everything, and they also trusted Lin Hua very much.

Xiao Han couldn’t see what Lin Hua’s attitude towards this matter was, and what he planned to do. For the time being, he decided to sit on the sidelines. It might not be a good thing to intervene more.

Mother Lin was working in the Women’s Federation, but she didn’t expect Mother Qin to come directly.

She didn’t want to accept Qin’s mother’s appointment at all. Qin Qiu made such a thing, and never came back to see them and explained it. It was not bad that she hadn’t asked the Qin family for an explanation. But without hitting the smiling face, Mother Qin lowered her posture and apologized again, but she taught Mother Lin that she couldn’t say anything angry.

Mother Lin is not a mean person, and finally calmed down and talked with Mother Qin peacefully.

“This matter is because Xiao Qiu made a mistake, and his attitude is wrong. It is also because our parents have not managed well.” Mother Qin first admitted the mistake, and then whispered in harmony, “In the past few days, it is better to let the two children share. Calm down, talk about it, and let them make their own decisions no matter what the outcome is.”

“Marriage is a matter for the two of them after all. Those of us who are elders should not interfere.”

What Lin said was that she was used to working in the Women’s Federation, and she would not be taken away by Qin’s mother-in-law, but there is a saying that the son’s thoughts are the most important thing, so she shouldn’t be annoyed by her being a mother-in-law. Just forcing them to divorce. Although Mother Lin was angry that Qin Qiu was entangled with others and caused such a scandal, she still hadn’t thought about divorce. Lin Hua also said that he would handle it well, and didn’t want them to worry about it.

It was said that Mother Lin, Father Lin could work hard, and Mother Qin was finally relieved.

Mother Qin was right about the temperament of the Lin family, and after doing so, the Lin family’s parents would be cold towards Qin Qiu in the future. Anyway, in the future, Qin Qiu will accompany Lin Hua with the army to stay in the south for four or five years.

She understands Lin Hua’s personality even more. She has a solemn attitude towards marriage and will not mention divorce casually. Lin Hua is not a narrow-minded person or a person who cannot tolerate a grain of sand. Only such a person can tolerate Qin Qiu. The occasional waywardness. As long as it does not reach the point of divorce, everything can be restored.

What Qin’s mother who was comforting the Lin family didn’t know was that Qin Qiu, who looked as proud in her heart and seemed to be well-behaved and peaceful, had a decision in her heart, and she decided to cut first and then play. She made an appointment with Lin Hua.

It’s in a coffee shop.

Lin Hua also knows Qin Qiu’s hobby. She likes to drink foreign coffee, and also like this kind of place that she thinks is romantic, but Lin Hua is not used to drinking coffee, and he didn’t touch the cup Qin Qiu ordered him.

When Qin Qiu saw this, his expression was lightly said, “You still look like this.”

I don’t understand the mood, what she likes, what she really wants.

“But I didn’t expect you to hit someone.”

This really surprised Qin Qiu. In her impression, Lin Hua’s mood and anger were not obvious, just like his current serious appearance, stereotyped and boring. Everything is done according to the military’s set, and even the time of day to wake up is fixed at the time of work and rest.

Such a person would actually be angry and beat others.

Qin Qiu still had a bit of resentment towards Lin Hua for starting so much. She was worried about Chen Xi’s injury, which looked really scary.

Lin Hua did not respond to her words, and said very calmly, “I have reported this matter, and I will follow the army’s discipline and rules, and I will accept the punishments I should receive.”

Long-term military life did make Lin Hua accustomed to controlling his emotions. Even if he saw someone wooing his wife at school, his wife accepted the scene. Lin Hua still held back at that time. Lin Hua still loves Qin Qiu. , Even for Qin Qiu’s sake, he would try his best to preserve his face, so as not to make the scene too awkward and difficult to clean up.

Chen Xi has no scruples and is not afraid of anything, but Lin Hua will consider the consequences. He is a soldier and a husband at the same time.

If it were not for those words after Chen Xi, he would not lose his mind and make mistakes.

It’s a pity that Qin Qiu didn’t understand his affection. Instead, he felt unhappy that Lin Hua was still paying attention to his army orders at this time.

Lin Hua didn’t understand her, and she didn’t know Lin Hua that much either.

Qin Qiu did not continue to struggle with this matter. She took the initiative to meet with Lin Hua for a more important purpose.

“Let’s get a divorce.”

It’s not a request or impulsive anger, but of course, an attitude that should be like this.

Lin Hua looked at her for a long time, her eyes were deep, and Qin Qiu felt a little guilty, and couldn’t help being anxious, before he slowly said, “I know, I will consider it carefully.”

This feeling of hitting the cotton made Qin Qiu unhappy, and Lin Hua did not give a clear reply, considering how long it would take, whether it would take a few days or a few months. From a certain point of view, she is also quite decisive. Even if there is no love, the relationship after three years of marriage is unlikely to have no emotional ties, but after Qin Qiu made the decision to divorce, he was unwilling to wait for a long time. Up.

Even out of some fear and worry, she became even more anxious and impatient.

She hasn’t seen Chen Xi again since that day, and getting rid of the relationship with Lin Hua as soon as possible has become the only thing she is eager to do.

The emotion on Qin Qiu’s face that was too late to conceal was captured by Lin Hua. Looking at Qin Qiu like this, Lin Hua suddenly felt that she was not the same as the good impression in her heart before, as if Qin Qiu was held in the arms of others. At the time, he had never imagined it.

After Lin Hua’s heartache for a while, he quickly calmed down and began to think seriously, maybe he hadn’t really understood Qin Qiu in his short marriage.

The atmosphere between the two of them became dull again. Qin Qiu endured forbearance and tried to calm down, “Can’t you give me an answer now?”

In fact, the true thought in her heart is that it is her who has filed for a divorce now, and even if Lin Hua is unwilling, she will leave.

Lin Hua also heard what she meant.

When meeting the right person at the right age, Lin Hua once thought that Qin Qiu was a partner who could join hands for a lifetime. However, Qin Qiu may not think so.

After all, she was so obvious, unless Lin Hua pretended to be stupid, but he would not speak sweet words, would not be empathetic, but he had demeanor and self-esteem, since Qin Qiu said so, he would not be entangled. Dragged it down.

Lin Hua took a deep look at Qin Qiu last, and succinctly said one word, “Okay.”

“Then let’s go through the divorce procedures now.” When Lin Hua agreed to divorce her, Qin Qiu’s tone revealed a hint of joy.

Lin Hua frowned, “Did you forget that I have to go back to the army for a divorce report.”

He is a soldier, and he has to apply to the army for marriage and divorce.

Qin Qiu was slightly astonished. She did forget about this incident, but she was helpless.

In the end, this conversation ended with Lin Hua expressing that he would return to the army as soon as possible to report a divorce.

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