The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 102

The reason the Tyranny of Disaster failed to resurrect was because of Edanant.

Ludmilla’s mental state, which was swaying like a sandcastle before the waves, was solidified the moment she was held in Edanant’s arms. Because of that, the Red Dragon lost its chance to resurrect.

This cannot end in failure.

After attempting to engulf again, it all returned to nothing.

With a feeling of despair, the Tyranny of Disaster, which was watching Ludmilla’s progress, accidentally seized an opportunity. The moment it heard that Edanant had traveled far with the Second Saintess, Ludmilla’s sanity began to waver once more, just like when resurrection was on the horizon.

Isn’t it ironic?

The one who hindered the resurrection was Edanant, and the one who incited it was also Edanant.

It was like a double-edged sword.

The feelings towards sanity were accompanied by both hope and despair.

“Edan, Ant…! Edanant!”

Ludmilla rushed from the Imperial City to the Marquisate of Hohenberg, taking unsteady steps while repeating the name of her beloved man.

It was a situation on the brink.

The fuse would explode soon.

Her jet-black eyes and frighteningly shining red pupils proved that.

Grab it! Take everything you desire!

As she recalled the fleeting image of Edanant and Zebeline whispering love to each other, a voice inciting tyranny echoed in her head.


The voice she had experienced at that time returned again.

Despite having minimal sanity left, Ludmilla swallowed her breath and suppressed the resurrection of tyranny. It was out of fear that if she did not repress the resurrection, a disaster akin to a calamity would pour forth.

“Princess Ludmilla…?”


At that moment.

A girl with flowing silver hair approached her.

The saintess dressed in pure white vestments was undoubtedly Zebeline. Upon seeing Zebeline, Ludmilla’s red pupils glowed fiercely as she revealed her killing intent.

“Zebeline…! Where is Edanant?”

Zebeline, witnessing the swirling dark vortex as if it would swallow the Marquisate of Hohenberg, immediately arrived at the scene.

She saw the pure white saintess.

At that, the whirlpool swirling around intensified.

Zebeline’s rash action in approaching the scene contributed to hastening the resurrection of tyranny. As soon as Ludmilla’s gaze met that of the rival in the Holy Kingdom, she clenched her fists in anger.

“How dare you elope with Edanant! Those so-called saintesses are always coveting someone else’s fiancé! Just like the Second Saintess Beatrice, who ran away with the hero!”

“What on earth are you saying…?”

“Don’t play dumb! You ran away with Edanant!”


What does this even mean?

She had no idea at all.

Did Ludmilla discover that Edanant was colluding with the Apostles of the Disaster God? Zebeline, filled with anxiety, could not hide her bewilderment at Ludmilla’s response.

“This is absurd. To turn the surroundings into chaos over such a trivial misunderstanding.”

“What, trivial…?”

The Red Dragon and White Dragon had always been rivals.

There was no compromise.

Only struggle and enmity existed.

Though they had cooperated to help Edanant at one time, the essence remained unchanged. Zebeline glared at her rival and revealed contempt born from instinct.

“I never liked you from the start. Your boar-like ferocity as an old maid unable to find a husband while constantly pestering Edanant was annoying from the beginning.”

“In the end, Edanant chose me, the First Saintess, not you. It’s laughable to see you thrashing about because you can’t accept defeat. Am I wrong?”

White streaks of lightning struck down uniformly.

In response, flames darker than night erupted like columns of fire.

Lightning and flames.

The divine statuses of the White Dragon and Red Dragon clashed starkly in black and white.

The atmosphere quaked as an unprecedented natural disaster shook the ground. The aftermath from the almost ghost town-like Hillidar County soon spread to the Hohenberc Family.

‘Until Edanant cleans up this mess… I must buy some time. Ugh, I absolutely hate these reckless roles. I’ll make sure to collect everything later, Edan.’

Seven Heroes of the Warring States.

Guardians of the Valtarian Empire.

Ludmilla, shrouded in black flames, resembled an embodiment of nightmares.

Zebeline, witnessing Ludmilla’s majesty as she took slow steps while spewing flames, was dumbstruck but did not back down. It was for Edanant, who had hosted the meeting of the Apostles.


That is not the Red Dragon.

Something was different.

It had transformed into an alien form he had never seen before.

Disaster God.

It was closer to the fear that threatened humanity.

Ludmilla, enveloped in the dark divine status, reminded Edanant of the disaster of war he brought upon. Especially her darkened eye sockets and abyss-like flames spoke volumes.

‘Could it be the Disaster of Innocence? No, aside from the Disaster of War, all others should have vanished from this world.’

Death had fallen by the Saintess Party.

And tyranny and famine had fallen into distant relics that no one remembered.

What the hell is this?

The divine status writhing before her was undoubtedly the ‘Disaster of Innocence.’

Could there be disasters that had not been revealed to the world…?

As Zebeline observed Ludmilla’s transformation, she had to dismiss her thoughts. The pitch-black flames swept the ground like a massive wave.



The shockwaves created by the clash of lightning and flames engulfed the surroundings.

Then, Ludmilla, whose hands were engulfed in flames, kicked off the ground, reaching close to Zebeline. It seemed she intended to find Edanant after knocking her down in one stroke.

“…Hmph, I knew it.”

Zebeline extended her hand.

With that, a bright flash revealed the Scepter of White Night.

She unleashed the Holy Relics of the Holy Kingdom.

Zebeline aimed the Scepter of White Night at Ludmilla, who was closing in on her like aiming a gun.


Sensing danger, Ludmilla raised both hands.

At that moment, a concentrated beam erupted fiercely from the Scepter of White Night.

It was like the moment she had struck down a massive magical beast in the Boemon Kingdom with a single blow. Hit directly by the Earth Mother’s saintly power, Ludmilla swallowed her breath and swung her arms.


She tore apart the beam.

Like a ferocious beast, she canceled the attack solely by brute force.

Zebeline gripped the Scepter of White Night with both hands as she gazed at Ludmilla, whose fury showed no trace of sanity. It seemed her condition was more serious than expected.

‘She really has lost it. Can an old maid’s hysteria become this severe? I’ll have to watch out for all the old maids on the continent when I return to the Holy Kingdom.’

The surrounding environment was swept away in savagery.

With ruthless pressure emanating from her continuous maliciousness, it was clear that the power she unleashed with that single blow was indeed the Disaster of Innocence, akin to Edanant’s divine status.

Why exactly, she didn’t know.

What mattered now was that Tyranny spanning centuries was right before her.

“For the happy future of Edan and me… please give up and fall!”

“First Saintess. I will kill you here.”

Blood feud of rivals surrounding a single man.

A conflict stemming from a small misunderstanding shook the Marquisate of Hohenberg.

Regardless of who won, the outcome would be catastrophic.

But if a victor could be determined, it mattered not.

The princess of the empire, who sent forth flames and lightning, and the saintess of the Holy Kingdom glared at each other, preparing for the final strike. It was all to finally claim Edanant and the wedding ring of the Hohenberc family.


Just as the battle was nearing its peak,

a man clad in black armor extended his hands to hold back Ludmilla and Zebeline.

“What in the world… is going on, Ludmilla?”

The empire’s Red Dragon had fallen to the Apostles of Disaster God.

Faced with the corrupted figure of Ludmilla, Edanant swallowed hard and opened his mouth. The divine status spewing flames like a blaze that burns the mountains and rivers was undoubtedly the Disaster of Innocence.

Why on earth,

he faced Ludmilla, sharing the same question as the saintess.

Yet he did not back down.

Even if she had fallen to the Apostles of Disaster God, she was still Ludmilla. Edanant reached out his hands towards the woman he loved, attempting to embrace her as they had done on the terrace when they kissed.

“I’m here, so it’s all right.”

“Shut up, you damn playboy. You’ve always had your feet in both the saintess and me. No, if you include Liza, that makes three legs! Your indecisive view on love is the root of this!”


Something’s off.

Under normal circumstances, Ludmilla would have blushed and forgiven anything.

However, despite him sweetly whispering love while extending a hand, only killing intent returned.

Ludmilla unleashed maximum firepower as if on the brink of limits. Columns of pitch-black flames soared into the air, creating a disaster of fire.

“It’s because of you, because of you…!”


Wings of a dragon formed of flames spread from her back.

But that wasn’t all.

Ludmilla’s red pupils sharpened like a dragon.

“You promised to marry me…! And then you elope with the saintess of the Holy Kingdom?!”

The karma of having trifled with the hearts of both the princess and the saintess while having one foot in both was threatening his life now.

He was going to die.

He might die at Ludmilla’s hands.

Edanant swallowed his dry saliva, facing Ludmilla, who had transformed into the embodiment of jealousy.

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