The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 125

Humans are bound to learn lessons from the same mistakes.

Of course, most humans are also bound to repeat those same mistakes.

So where does Ludmilla fall?

The Imperial Princess, even though Edanant and Zebeline were headed to the Holy Sanctuary on their honeymoon, showed no signs of being different than usual.

“The restoration work on the imperial palace has finally been completed.”

“The city center of the Imperial City, swept away by the Sea of Flames, is also progressing smoothly.”

As the capital of the Empire gradually regained its vitality, the scars of the incident were quickly healing. The charred castle walls and the buildings that had crumbled like dominoes were being rebuilt one by one.

It was a smooth situation.

It should be completed by the end of this year.

Before the cold winter arrived, citizens needed a safe place to stay. That’s why Ludmilla kept herself very busy personally overseeing the restoration work.

“Ludmilla seems just like usual. Surprising.”

“Indeed. Edanant may have fled with the Saintess in a love escapade.”

“How long will she keep laughing like that?”

“She’s probably playing the role of the heroine who drops out early in a romance competition in novels.”

The thirty-year-old unmarried princess.

In contrast, the First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom was a fresh young maiden.

This was overwhelmingly an unfavorable situation.

There was no way the prince of the Hohenberg Family would choose a dull, unmarried woman. Naturally, he would welcome a younger and cuter maiden as his partner.

Ludmilla’s subordinates sighed as they watched their superior engrossed in work as usual. The Saintess was likely melting Edanant’s heart with her sweet charms… while the princess who should be trying her best was lazily focusing on her duties.


The Second Imperial Princess of the Valtarian Empire was among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States.

And she had awakened as an Apostle of Tyranny.

Naturally, the whispers of her subordinates in the hallway rang vividly in her ears, as if they were chatting right beside her.

It was to be expected that the subordinates misunderstood since they didn’t know the whole story. Ludmilla smiled kindly at her subordinates and commanded them to patrol the training grounds until sunset, fully geared up.
‘Edanant is just heading to the Holy Sanctuary to thwart the wicked plot of the Holy Kingdom. Fleeing in love with a sly and twisted Saintess like a thieving cat? Nonsense!’

She received a wedding ring that was to be conveyed to the ladies of the Hohenberg Family.

And they promised to get married in the spring of next year.

Although a somewhat violent incident occurred during the marriage vows, she didn’t mind. After all, she had officially received a proposal.

– I can’t understand why you’re so restless. If you like something, just take it! If anyone disobeys your orders, kill them! Isn’t that simple enough even for a foolish child to understand?

A monstrous voice that had donned the guise of the guardian dragon echoed.

The full-length mirror decorated on the wall reflected the monster of Evil’s Extermination.

Since the outburst in the Marquisate of Hohenberg, the unpleasant voice and figure had occasionally appeared whenever Ludmilla was lost in thought. It was here to claim the body of Ludmilla, who had awakened as an Apostle of Tyranny.

“I warned you not to show yourself without permission! If you commit the same rudeness again, I will smash all the mirrors around!”

– Such a laughable warning. You think my power only extends to mere mirrors?

“You need a medium to manifest, don’t you? Then I’ll just remove all objects that could be misused as a medium.”

– Hmm.

In this argument, Ludmilla emerged victorious.

The Apostle of Tyranny had no choice but to retreat in the face of Ludmilla’s determined declaration.

“I’m busy with work. I have no time for your childish banter.”

– Childish banter? How disappointing. I merely wanted to share some rare news I just heard.

She displayed a chilly rejection.

At that moment, the Apostle of Tyranny chuckled meaningfully and continued speaking.

– Just now, Famine has revived. Finally freed from the damned curse of the Earth Mother.



The Innocent’s Disaster sealed within Zebeline had been resurrected.

At the sudden shocking news, Ludmilla shot up from her seat.

Her complexion was filled with confusion.

Seeing her reaction, the Apostle of Tyranny burst into gleeful laughter.

– The one who accepted the Disaster of War has awakened another disaster. Truly an outstanding servant of Innocence. Where on earth did the Disaster of War find such a person?

“Shut up! More importantly… is it really true that the Disaster of Famine has revived!”

– If you don’t believe it, you can check for yourself.


As the mocking voice faded away, the monster of Evil’s Extermination, who had manifested through the mirror, left only confusion behind as it suddenly vanished.

The originally intact full-length mirror now reflected Ludmilla’s distorted expression.


After defeating the Cardinals of the Holy Kingdom and the Seraph Belashiel, the incident at the Holy Sanctuary came to a temporary halt.

However, it wasn’t completely resolved.

Many troops of the Holy Kingdom were likely to gather upon hearing that the Sanctuary had fallen. It was a situation that Edanant, who had exhausted most of his energy in battle with the Seraph, needed to avoid at all costs.

‘I hope Zebeline’s family has safely evacuated….’

The family that arrived from the Belus Kingdom was staying at the Februa Cathedral. Therefore, he needed to do his best to ensure the cathedral wasn’t caught up in the bombings.

As proof of that, most of the structures located to the north of the Holy Sanctuary remained unharmed. It stood in stark contrast to the completely reduced central area.

Edanant lifted his head and looked at Zebeline, only to meet her jealous, blazing blue eyes.

“Ariel should hurry and join us…. That way, we can escape safely.”

The Apostles of Disaster, who were engaged in a struggle against the troops of the Holy Kingdom trying to enter the heart of the Sanctuary, would realize the battle had concluded and start regrouping.

While waiting for the Apostles to assemble, Edanant glanced at Zebeline.

“I can’t believe we won against the Seraph of Heaven… You’re an even more impressive young man than I expected.”

If it were a vampire with a level of fanaticism close to a zealot, they’d have rushed over like a puppy after the battle ended. He thought about it while gazing up at the sky when—

A beautiful woman with flowing dark green hair descended from above.

The only one who would fly in the sky using a broomstick would be the Master of the Magic Tower. Edanant strained to maintain his composure as he looked at the owner of the red tower.

“Congratulations on your victory, Edanant von Hohenberg.”

“I don’t have time to deal with an old hag.”

Fighting against the Grand Magician, who had reached the pinnacle of magical arts in a tattered state, was almost like committing suicide. Even with Zebeline’s aid, the Master of the Magic Tower was a formidable opponent.

Damn it.

He had momentarily forgotten about the Master of the Magic Tower as he faced off against the Black Cardinal and the Seraph consecutively.

Edanant swallowed hard, recognizing his grave mistake. If the Master of the Magic Tower unleashed a massive magical bombardment like the city battle, there would be no way to escape.

“Don’t worry. I have no intention of fighting. I actually want to make a deal with you.”

“…A deal?”

Did she perhaps see the anxiety and fear piled up in Edanant’s heart?

Querisa smiled brightly as she spoke.

“I want you to contract with me and become my new employer.”


An ominous proposition.

It was certainly not a deal based on pure intentions.

Edanant hesitated to respond, casting a suspicious glance. In response, Querisa pulled out the hostages she had imprisoned in a spatial prison to press him for an answer.

“Se, Seer!”


As the gaps of space opened, numerous individuals poured out all at once.

It was the Apostles of Disaster, including Ariel.

They likely got caught by the Master of the Magic Tower during the ongoing battle against the forces of the Holy Kingdom. Quickly assessing the situation, Edanant realized he had completely fallen into the trap laid by the Master of the Magic Tower.

“What does the Master of the Magic Tower want? Should I rescue some handsome grandpas?”


Querisa gave an ambiguous reply and then turned away. She had become more concerned about a particular sight than getting a confirmed contract.

A beautiful woman completely bound by radiant chains.

The woman with orange hair must surely be the Seraph of the Heavens, in charge of the Archangels. Why on earth was such a Seraph undergoing an ‘exotic binding’ that one might find in an indecent arts magazine?

They were strongly pressing against her ample breasts.

And that wasn’t all.

They were gradually digging between her lower abdomen.

As her shoulders trembled and she struggled, the chains binding her body tightened even more. Her formerly sleek body was now laid bare for all to see.

“You’re sure trying hard to die. With those bombastic breasts, you’ve made a Seraph your slave.”


Naturally, that wasn’t good.

Was there even a man who disliked large breasts?

Not in your case.

Edanant swallowed the words that rose to his throat with Zebeline’s fierce warning in mind. If he carelessly let something slip, the wrath of Famine would undoubtedly rain down upon him.

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