The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 127


The aftermath of battle had taken quite a toll on Edanant, causing him to collapse the moment he returned to his beloved hometown. It was as if the accumulated burdens had struck him all at once, like an excessively loaded container.

Must be the tension finally easing up.

Face down in the soft sand, Edanant buried his face, wishing, “Oh, how I wish I could just die like this…”


Edanant stretched out his hand for a cup of water while lying on the bed.

At that moment, a woman with flowing orange hair frowned, humiliated by Edanant’s disrespectful behavior that treated her like a mere servant.

She certainly had no intention of submitting to such disasters.

However, the chains of the Pressure Demon held an absolute grip on her, forcing Belashiel to politely lift a glass bottle and fill the cup Edanant extended.

“Your mother shall never forgive you!”

“Calling your mom in a fight? That’s child’s play. A mature lady like you shouldn’t be so petty. A Seraph guarding the Creator Deity should know how to accept defeat too.”

Belashiel gritted her teeth at Edanant’s cheeky voice.

She knew it well.

A defeat is just a defeat.

Even if she didn’t accept the outcome, nothing would change.

The platinum choker around Belashiel’s pure white neck spoke volumes about her status as a possession. The choker, adorned with a short-cut chain, resembled a collar for a slave.

“That outfit suits you quite well.”

“If I ever break free from the chains of the Pressure Demon… I swear I will kill you.”

The archangel presiding over justice, Belashiel, was currently clad in the maid uniform given to the maids working in the villa.

A top decorated with white frills.
A modest skirt that reached the calves.
And a large apron worn over the maid uniform.

The design was extremely conservative. But for the voluptuous Belashiel, it did not suffice. The blouse was so tightly stretched over her body that it looked like the buttons might pop off at any moment.


As soon as a button popped, it was shot out.

The button knocked straight into Edanant’s forehead with fierce force.

Edanant let out a scream, like a person hit by a rubber bullet. Belashiel burst into genuine laughter, reveling in her mischief.

“How shameless! Attacking your master?”

“It’s because they’re small! And don’t call me that!”

Among the servants in the Hohenberc Family, none had a bust larger than Belashiel’s. Hence, there arose some issues when it came to distributing maid uniforms.

She had G-cup breasts.
Her slender waist rivaled even Ludmilla’s.

She felt like a creation made by the goddess overseeing love and beauty. A beauty worthy enough for Earth Mother Gael to take as her ward.


A girl with fluttering silver hair expressed her displeasure with a fierce cough. Edanant turned his head away to avoid the furious glare of Zebeline.

When did she come in? Surely, there was no knocking.

Just like the time he faced off against the Seraph, a disaster of Famine might descend upon them.

Prioritizing the safety of the Hohenberc Family, Edanant jumped out of bed, fearing Zebeline might lash out. As expected, Zebeline was in an extreme rage.

“How nice to receive care from that damn Seraph! To show affection to a profound enemy in a life-or-death battle!”

“Well, you see…!”

Zap! Zap!

Black sparks began to dance.

Zebeline’s simmering rage erupted like a wildfire, crackling with electric energy around her.

Edanant had to come up with a way to diffuse the crisis and pulled out his prepared scheme. It was a temptation even a jealous Zebeline couldn’t resist.

“Belashiel just told me… we can restore the wedding ring!”


The wedding ring, swept away by the battle’s aftermath, had been shattered to pieces. While he managed to retrieve the scraps, restoring the ring fully without turning back time was impossible.

There’s a way to restore it?


They didn’t even manage to collect all the shards.

Zebeline’s gaze turned fiery as she focused on the arch-nemesis, the Seraph.
Belashiel trembled under her piercing glare, suddenly reminded of the moment she was freed from the shackles of the Pressure Demon.

“Why should I use my noble power for you? Disaster of War! How dare you threaten the archangels of heaven!”

“You should just listen for once!”

Edanant clenched his fists.

At that, the choker adorning Belashiel’s white neck radiated brilliant light. The ethereal glow stretched like chains, wrapping around Edanant’s fingers.


The absolute command authority through subordination.
The possessor of the chains had to obey their master’s command.

Belashiel, the original owner, certainly understood the absolute command authority. When Edanant tugged at the glimmering chains linked to the choker, the authority activated immediately.

“Radiance of the Seraph, shape what this object once was.”

Bright orbs began gathering in his hand.
Then, the light moved towards the fragmented pieces of the wedding ring.

As the light congealed, it formed a crystal.
Like piecing together a puzzle, the light encased the broken shards, seamlessly merging them.


The wedding ring had returned.
The ring he received from his beloved radiated with a splendid glow.

Zebeline marveled at the flawless wedding ring, tears of joy welling in her eyes, having reclaimed something of such precious value she thought she had lost.

“Surprisingly useful. If it’s not an inconvenience, can I call you an all-purpose slave?”

“Your very existence is a disgrace!!”

Edanant chuckled, petting Belashiel’s head.
In response, the Seraph swatted his hand away, shouting in an agitated tone.


Having secretly received news that Edanant and Zebeline had returned from the Holy Sanctuary, Ludmilla dashed to the Marquisate of Hohenberg.


Was it because she had sprinted at full tilt from the Imperial City to the Marquisate?

Elizaveta felt nauseous as she collapsed.
It was the consequence of an exhausting forced march.

Worried about her little sister’s severe dizziness, Ludmilla was restless.

“Ugh! My head is spinning!”

Rue, who had been carried like a sack of grain, was now spinning in place, complaining of dizziness.

She had planned to go alone.
But the Villainous Princess and Luinong insisted on tagging along.

Finally arriving at the Marquisate of Hohenberg, Elizaveta and Rue were utterly exhausted. Ludmilla entrusted their safety to the servants and hurried into the villa’s entrance.

“Ludmilla, Your Highness.”

“…Saintess. You’re safe.”

Though they had consistently clashed every time they met, right now the priority was to deal with the aftermath of the disruption in the Holy Sanctuary.

The sanctuary had been destroyed.
Countless Holy Knights had lost their lives.

Ludmilla sought confirmation of the rumors she’d heard from the Holy Sanctuary. Zebeline nodded, admitting that the City of the Creator Deity had indeed been laid to waste by the disasters.

“The Black Cardinal. The Invincible Sword. The owner of the Red Magic Tower. Continental champions were all present at the scene.”

“Edan had to fight those strongest men in line without any rest.”

“H-he fought all of them?”

“You’ll be surprised in a moment. In the end, he fought the Seraph Belashiel, who was behind the incident.”


Ludmilla received shocking news that completely overturned her understanding. She felt a slight dizziness as she pressed her temples.

If it hadn’t been for Zebeline’s words, she would have doubted the validity of the news.

The Seraph’s descent.
Edanant had matched the great archangel of heaven blow for blow.
The news of Edanant’s victory against the Seraph left her utterly astonished.

“Is Edan… Is Edan safe?”
“He’s resting in the bedroom right now.”

The clash between the Seraph and the disasters had resulted in the destruction of the City of the Creator Deity. Surely, Edanant had endured many injuries in the fierce exchanges.

Ludmilla strode briskly towards the second floor, where the bedroom was located, eager to personally check on Edanant’s safety.


Was it perhaps due to his weakening vigor?
He found himself frequently thirsty.

If only there were some electrolyte drink, but alas, such a convenience was absent. Thus, Edanant resorted to drinking sugar water as a substitute.

“Ordering the Seraph, a noble daughter of the Creator Deity, who commands the great angels of heaven! I will not forget this humiliation!”


Lying on the bed, Edanant commanded Belashiel to stand ready with a bottle like a mannequin.

In a sense, it was revenge for the Holy Sanctuary.
As he observed Belashiel’s fierce reactions to his light touches, he drank the sugar water.

Though Belashiel strongly resisted being treated as a mere servant, the mandatory power of obedience bound her, making resistance impossible. Showing herself to be contrary, Belashiel would bark but still filled the cup with sugar water whenever Edanant issued a command.

“This sugar water is getting dull after half a day. Bring me some milk instead.”

Grr! You go down to the kitchen and get it yourself!

“That’s too much hassle! Just hurry and wiggle that big bum of yours and move.”

“I’ll kill you…! One day, I’ll definitely kill you!”

A woman…
Did that slave just talk back?

Edanant tugged at the glowing chains.
Belashiel experienced humiliation as the forceful pull of the choker made her grit her teeth.


“S-stop! Just stop already!!”

Bring me milk.
As soon as Edanant issued the command while pulling on the chains, Belashiel suddenly began to strip off her clothing.

What was going on?
He hadn’t asked for a strip show.

She unbuttoned her blouse, flinging it off. Then the bra that had covered her ample bosom fell away, unveiling her pristine skin.
Her white breasts, like freshly fallen snowflakes, jiggled enticingly.

At the same time, rosy fruits seemed to sway in response to her movements.
Perhaps because she was the ward of the Earth Mother, she possessed breasts as lovely as ripe raspberries in the fields, sweet milk dripping from them.

Did she take that command literally?
Not off the mark.

Given her size, calling these as milk (牛乳) wouldn’t be odd at all.
Edanant relaxed as he appreciated the nurturing, maternal beauty of the Seraph.


Just then-
The door swung open with a frantic shout.
The princess, looking utterly flustered, barged into the bedroom, locking eyes with Edanant. As he continued to gaze at the Seraph’s impromptu show, he felt an overwhelming urge to pee.

Is this a dream?
It obviously has to be a dream.

Believing he had merely fallen asleep, Edanant exhibited a brazenly nonchalant attitude in front of Ludmilla and Zebeline. After all, nightmares typically end with a bang when one wakes up anyway.

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