The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 16

Muscle monster.

There was no other word to describe it.


However, even with the barrage of bullets, the monster charged straight ahead, as if assured of its solid muscle durability.

If I just stand here like an idiot, I’ll be crushed by that massive weight. Edanant dodged the brutal attack like a bullfighter facing a raging buffalo, swinging the blade of Aldebaran.


He sliced at its side.

But it seemed pitiful compared to its enormous bulk.

The muscles were as hard as alloy. They were tough enough to even block bullets, surpassing any metal’s strength. Plus, with fists wielding power akin to a battering ram, getting close was no easy feat.

‘But it’s not invincible. What kind of invincible character appears in Chapter 2?’

The Bomber, who had fallen like a beehive, reborn as a monster that could take on hundreds alone. If unleashed on the battlefield, it would have become a killing machine, slaughtering countless soldiers.


Unfortunately, the opponent was less than ideal.

Around 100 muskets blazed with fire, ready to unleash their wrath.


The storm of bullets rained incessantly.

Despite his bravado, Gale quickly checked his tattered body and hastily retreated. Even as his torn wounds regenerated, the process had become noticeably slower with time.

Just moments ago, his almost invincible regenerative ability was faltering since he had been sliced.

This can’t be happening.

I should be invincible…!

Why is my body breaking down from such attacks?

Even though the monstrous regenerative power was consuming his minimal intellect, the fear of death remained.

If this keeps up, I’ll die.

I’ll face my second death in vain.

The massive creature that was nearly five yards tall began to slowly back away from Edanant.

“If ten shots don’t work, just shoot twenty… If twenty don’t work, then forty. If the enemy isn’t falling after all that firepower, it just means we need more firepower. Yeah, that makes sense.”

The hazy, murky mass started to spread, increasing the army of muskets.

They doubled in number.

A total of over 200 muskets formed a cluster.

The muskets, now loaded with magic bullets, created a grand spectacle. When Edanant gestured, they reacted like a well-trained brass band, moving in unison to form a firing formation. The giant monster repeated its retreat, overwhelmed by the encroaching muskets.

Guh…!! Gyaaah!!!

For some unknown reason, his regenerative ability had significantly slowed down.

As a result, the once muscular body filled with gunshot wounds was now becoming tattered.

I’m going to die.

The noose of fear tightened around Gale’s neck.

As if to showcase this, hundreds of bullets rained down, tearing apart his lump of flesh. Gale screamed but the muskets never missed their target. Wherever he tried to escape, they aimed straight for him, trying to end his pathetic life.

“I’m gonna kill you…! I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you!!”

Prioritizing survival, Gale suddenly turned and dove into a physical assault.

He spread his arms wide.

Then he kicked off the ground, attempting a leap.

Body Press.

An aggressive attack that intended to crush him with his entire body.

It was mindless foolhardiness.

If he got squashed beneath that solid mass, he would become unrecognizable mush.



A staggering mass targeted Edanant.

But for some reason, the giant, who had leaped, suddenly lost its balance and fell.

Gale’s body was changing.

The muscles, which had been as solid as iron, were now twisting and collapsing.

His bones were shattering and reforming repeatedly.

With each transformation, Gale let out a heart-wrenching scream as he writhed on the ground.

Unimaginable pain surged through him.

If he could just die, he thought, he might be freed from this merciless agony. But the stubborn regenerative power he gained upon resurrection wouldn’t allow it.

With every cycle of pain, the purplish scar on Gale’s side became more vivid. It was the scar from being slashed by Aldebaran. Compared to the body surrounded by muscles, it was merely a scratch, yet it dug deep like a curse, ultimately disrupting the dark magic that was enhancing and regenerating his body.

“With the Blessing of the musketeer, and pulling out the Holy Sword Aldebaran… what a hassle. This feels like cleaning up a mess.”

Edanant sighed as he watched Gale writhing in pain.


The body, which was collapsing and regenerating, exploded.


It was like a balloon that had repeatedly expanded and contracted finally bursting apart. Blood and flesh exploded, turning the inside of the cathedral into a bloody mess. And, of course, at the center of it all, Edanant got drenched in the vile aftermath.



He grumbled as he brushed aside the heavy lump of flesh covering his face.

What part could that possibly be?

Chills began to creep up his spine.


The remnants of the criminal organization that had once attacked the Saintess Party launched a bombing operation in the 7th District of the Imperial City.

The urban area was engulfed in flames.

This resulted in countless casualties.

In an attempt to maximize their killing potential, they targeted the central living quarters. The explosion and the rapidly spreading dark blue flames consumed the city in an instant, creating a hellish inferno. They even mobilized monsters to raid the fleeing refugees in a heinous act.

Over 400 deaths and disappearances.

The wounded caught in the flames numbered ten times that.

Had the Valtarian Imperial Family not quickly dispatched troops for rescue and extinguishing efforts, the damage would have been uncontrollable. Fortunately, they managed to avert the worst of the situation, but the damage was still severe. The remnants of the now smoldering urban area told of the tragic aftermath.

“Gale Doher… to think the notorious Bomber Squad has re-emerged. The last recorded sighting of the Bomber Squad by the intelligence agency was in the Alonde Kingdom.”

The fact that the ruthless crime organization had briefly outsmarted the empire’s intelligence agency brought a disdainful grimace to her face.

It was far too relaxed.

The empire was having a bitter lesson regarding their arrogance.

If they had sent in troops as soon as they pinpointed the Bomber Squad’s location, they would have stopped this unprecedented disaster in its tracks. There wouldn’t have been countless citizens slain in such a tragedy.

As she reviewed the documents meticulously, the woman bit her thick lips in self-reproach.

“The Black Magician must have been involved. Otherwise, this makes no sense.”

She spoke while looking at Ludmilla, who was enveloped in self-loathing.

The princess nodded in agreement.

“The Black Magician… they said he was behind your family’s attack.”


The Bomber Gale was merely a loyal madman consumed by revenge.

The followers of the Bomber Squad were no different from him.

Someone was behind it all.

The Black Magicians must have supported the Bomber Squad.

The sudden ambush of the Bomber Squad proved that point. And the monsters that roamed the city only reinforced their assurance. It could be safely assumed that they were behind virtually all the incidents.

“When the emperor receives the report, he will be furious. A large-scale eradication order for the Black Magicians will be issued soon. The Holy Kingdom, which has been repeatedly suppressing the cultists, will also step in.”


It would be strange if he didn’t get angry.

Over 400 people have died.

And that in the capital ruled by the emperor and ministers.

Barbarossa, with his tempestuous nature, could hardly sit idly by. Summoning the empire’s representative generals to the conference hall, he would likely demand an eradication order. An explicit command to show no mercy would additionally be given.

Blood for blood.

As the Valtarian Empire was engulfed in silence, an ominous storm began to brew.

“I heard you dived into the fiery sea to eradicate the Bomber and his crew. On behalf of the empire and its citizens, I would like to thank you… let me make time for an official event.”

“Oh, no. Please, don’t.”

“You are always so humble. I would almost like to emulate your humility.”


He tried to hide his identity.

The more famous he became, the harder it would be to maintain confidentiality.

When he left the cathedral after dealing with The Bomber,

Unfortunately, he ran into the knights deployed at the scene.

After they encountered him following the monster extermination, their reports added up, and he became hailed as the hero who defeated The Bomber without option. Despite not wanting this at all, he found himself in a situation where he had no choice but to endure ‘forced’ worship and fame.

It felt like he had become an unintended clown.

Wherever he went, people recognized him.

“I have something to relay to you.”


Are they going to award me?

Or perhaps a medal or an insignia for my contributions…

Honestly, I would have preferred a monetary reward. Or at least a pension.

“The emperor has summoned the hero who saved the capital. Surely, he is looking highly upon you. Depending on this contribution, he may even forgive the Hohenberc Family.”


What Ludmilla handed over was an invitation.

With the seal of the golden lion stamped on it.

It was the imperial notification he received for the second time within this month.

He was frozen in place, staring at Ludmilla’s faint smile. He wanted nothing more than to reject the royal invitation right then and there, but his fear of sacrilege stopped him.

“Accept it.”


“I’m telling you to accept it.”


Ludmilla’s crimson eyes shimmered brightly.

He had no choice but to accept it.

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