The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 86


The holding of the Alliance Conference was like an inevitable occurrence that even the Emperor, boasting Absolute Power, could not stop.

The Divine Oracle of the Earth Mother. That was the justification for the Alliance Conference.

Since the leader of the Holy Kingdom proclaimed the oracle, countries devoted to the Earth Mother as the Creator Deity had no choice but to accept the divine will. The moment the news that an oracle had descended from the heavenly realm spread, many nations across the continent began to stir.

“Damn it, after driving out those ugly Demon Races, now cultists are rising. Never trust the bread of the Holy Kingdom. All the past Holy Kings were madmen blinded by faith.”

No one would criticize Holy King Boerun, revered as the great father of all priests, as sharply as the Emperor of the Valtarian Empire.

The man with a splendid mustache spoke in a nonchalant voice while raising his shotgun.

“Do you believe in the oracle, Your Majesty?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. A hook for the nose is merely a nose ring, and an earring is just an earring—nothing more than the essence of the oracle. Who would believe it without being a fool?”

The oracle was undoubtedly the voice of the benevolent Earth Mother. However, all the oracles announced by the Holy Kingdom had been used as justifications for war.

Isn’t that amusing? The voice of the benevolent Creator Deity becoming a cause for bloodshed.

Emperor Barbarossa scoffed as he exposed the duality of the oracle.


A sharp gunshot echoed. At the same time, a deer struck by the bullet collapsed, its head pierced.

“The truth of the oracle doesn’t matter. What matters is its repercussions.”

Barbarossa remained wary of the Holy Kingdom’s assertion for the Alliance Conference, but ultimately had no choice but to accept it.

No, he had to accept it.

The voice of the benevolent Creator Deity bore a weight capable of turning even the Emperor, a being of countless high stature, into an insignificant commoner in an instant.

“According to the command of the benevolent Earth Mother, we’ve destroyed the Demon King’s Army and swept away all cultists. We painted the entire continent in crimson… but apparently, that wasn’t enough.”

He piled up the corpses of demons into mountains. He made a sea of blood from the blood of believers worshipping the Forgotten God.

Was he perhaps feeling guilt as a ruler who commanded such ruthless slaughter and bloodshed? The Emperor lowered his smoking shotgun, wearing a sardonic smile filled with regret.

“Do you have any idea about the oracle, Your Majesty?”
“Well, how can a mere creature discern divine will?”

That’s true.

How could a mere human grasp the Creator Deity’s heart?

The divine issues commands, and humans only obey.

As history has shown, the relationship between gods and humans will never change.

“Enough of this complicated, dull chatter… Edanant, seeing you hanging out with Mila so much lately, seems like your romance is progressing smoothly.”

“Didn’t the two of you visit the Hohenberc Family not long ago? The young folks today sure move fast.”


Did he think that the father-in-law and daughter-in-law already finished their introduction?

A sense of incredible expectation flooded the usually fierce-looking Barbarossa’s face like a feral lion.


What the hell should I say in response?

If I said, “Actually, I have nothing to do with Ludmilla!” I’d probably end up dragged to the execution platform with my father. The greater the expectation, the greater the despair, after all.

“There’s not much left in this year, huh.”

Get married before this year ends.

Though he sounded casual, sincerity was evident in his tone.

“I hear these days, it’s fashionable to have weddings in spring.”

Or maybe get married next spring.

His murmuring voice, laden with oppressive pressure, made it hard to breathe.

“I-I will do my utmost to repay your grace with a good outcome, Your Majesty.”

Should I change the topic to avoid the answer?

Maybe I should politely state that it’s difficult to give a firm answer?


Whichever option I chose would lead to self-destruction.

The other party was the Valtarian Emperor, who cherished his children like precious jewels. He was not someone to be deceived with mere tricks. Thus, sweating profusely, I gave the response that the Emperor would like the most.

“Hmm. I wasn’t quite forcing you to answer, but….”

How brazen.

I see where Ludmilla’s occasional audacity comes from.

“Anyway, let’s discuss the engagement after the successful completion of the Alliance Conference.”
“I never thought I’d discuss an engagement with the Hohenberc Family once again…. Truly, life is full of twists and wonders.”

Life is indeed full of twists and wonders.

I resonate with that statement a hundred times over. My current feelings were precisely like that.


The Emperor of the Valtarian Empire accepted Holy King Boerun’s proposal and proclaimed the holding of the Alliance Conference.

“All kings who follow the Earth Mother, assemble!”

As the Emperor and Holy King proclaimed themselves the co-leaders of the Alliance Conference, kings from all over the continent began to flock to the imperial city.

“The princes of the Laterano United Duchies have all arrived!”
“The Gisterd Kingdom is here too!”

Princes from the Savoia Duchy and Siena Duchy, part of the Laterano United Duchies, made their appearance. Following them, the king of the Gisterd Kingdom, known as the Eastern Conqueror, entered through the city gates with his elite guards.

With vast wealth acquired from trade and finance, the Laterano United Duchies had grown into a powerful nation after defeating numerous surrounding factions.

The Gisterd Kingdom, which had risen to a superpower after conquering the continent, was expected to draw even more attention as home to the Mercenary King and Sage of the Saintess Party. The endless festival of the crowd seemed to say it all.

“It’s truly a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle. To think that all the renowned figures from across the continent would gather here.”

“But with that comes danger. The complex web of hidden relationships can’t be ignored.”

Kings who reign over the continent are gathering.

That signifies a powder keg ready to ignite.

I nodded at Zebeline’s words, watching the endless procession of kings.

“It’s a foolish circus. Kings ruling the continent are rushing to gather to listen to the unclear divine will of the Earth Mother.”

“For the kings, truth and facts aren’t particularly important. They’re merely gathering to demonstrate their faith and loyalty in praise of the Earth Mother.”

The arrivals of the Laterano United Duchies and Gisterd Kingdom were just the beginning.

Soon, countless kings leading impressive elite troops revealed themselves.

Were they competing with one another?

The kings, appearing with cavalcades adorned with precious gems and resplendent armories, looked extraordinary.

“Aside from the co-leaders, the escorting forces of the kings were said to be capped at 100 men. But this is far too many?”

“That’s because so many kings are attending the conference.”

The sight of troops pouring through the gates like rivers swollen from torrential rains was magnificent.

No, it was magnificent enough to evoke worry and fear.

Is it really okay to have so many troops?

Though the Valtarian Empire must have been prepared for armed conflict, ominous feelings prevailed. After all, there had been several instances of sudden assaults on the imperial city by cultist forces.

“Ludmilla must be extremely busy.”
“Hmph, it’s only natural for the Empire’s Red Dragon.”

Isabel and Elizaveta welcomed the kings, while Ludmilla must have been strictly commanding troops in preparation for any contingencies.

All the princesses were bustling about.

I smiled slightly at the thought of the princesses fulfilling their royal duties and responsibilities.

“Won’t you go out? The Holy King should be coming soon.”
“Well, I don’t know.”

Zebeline frowned, clearly expressing her dissatisfaction at my question.

I don’t want to go.

Why do I have to meet that damn uncle?

Where on earth did precious Beatrice wander off to?

Her warm image, like the finest velvet, twisted in an instant.

Through such a blatant change, I could roughly assume just how much Zebeline disliked the Holy King.

“Saintess! Cardinal Valadi is urgently looking for you! Please prepare at once!”

The priests serving Zebeline rushed in with pale faces, urging her to get ready.

Thus, the Saintess moved her feet reluctantly, clearly sulking.

The oracle is merely a trigger. The real problem lies in the upheavals that the Creator Deity’s will could create.

As the Alliance Conference commenced in the imperial city, the currents of upheaval rapidly began to accelerate.

I could feel it in my skin.

The kings participating in the Alliance Conference were all set to be used as pawns in accordance with the Earth Mother’s intentions.

“The envoy of the Holy Kingdom has arrived!”
“Ah! The Holy King is coming…!”

The three-layered crown symbolizing the authority of the Holy King. The royal scepter signifying the Divine Status of the Earth Mother, and a pure white cross.

Without a doubt.

Waving flags imbued with divinity, the procession of the Holy Kingdom’s elite guards arrived.

Armor forged from platinum was enough to captivate the multitude. And when the renowned imperial knights, known as the sworn defenders of the Holy King and the pinnacle of holy knights, appeared, the cheers of the crowd reached a fever pitch.


As I watched the procession of the Holy Kingdom with keen interest, I happened upon a rather peculiar sight.

A splendid white carriage, presumably carrying the Holy King, glimmered luxuriously. Various other carriages, akin to the Holy King’s carriage, followed closely in a snake-like formation.

Who could possibly be riding in that carriage?

Given its ornate decorations, it must definitely belong to someone of noble status.


I spotted one of the carriages slowly making its way along the street and felt a wave of nausea wash over me.

My heart began to race.

Then, as if the Divine Status of War had encountered its natural enemy, it surged dramatically.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Along with a fear induced by instinct, killing intent boiled over within me.

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