The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 97

The reason the Emperor started showing favor was because he learned through his eldest daughter, Isabel, that I truly loved Ludmilla.

The only truth is the scandal related to my second daughter, Ludmilla.

The scandal with my third daughter, Elizaveta, is nothing but fake news.

Thus, Barbarossa decided to take me along every time he went hunting, hinting to the nobles that he would make me a son-in-law of the Valtarian Empire.

“Liza was being quite friendly. It felt like an old lover speaking.”
“That, that can’t be!”

After returning from the hunting grounds, I always ate steak. Barbarossa, known as a meat lover, particularly liked to savor the meat of the mountain beasts he caught.

Normally, we would chat and enjoy the dinner.

But today was different.

Barbarossa, having witnessed a thief trying to woo my second and now third daughter right before his eyes, displayed his doubts with an agitated voice. The Emperor’s gaze, shining like a beast, felt especially menacing today.

“Is it possible that, even though I’ve promised to marry Ludmilla, you’ve thrown your charms at Elizaveta? That’s a misunderstanding of Your Majesty.”
“Ahem! If you were human, that wouldn’t happen.”

Did I really feel any affection for Elizaveta until now?

If asked such a question, I would surely trail off in my reply.

I truly love Ludmilla.
And I was also shaken by my brother’s former fiancée, Elizaveta.

There was absolutely no room for error—it was a complete love triangle.
Who would have thought I’d become the trash who loves both the elder and the younger sister?

Acknowledging my playboyish ways made me feel a pang of guilt. But it was something I could not accept easily, so I appealed to the Emperor that I was completely unrelated to the hastily-mouthed suspicions he had.

“Father, may I come in?”
“Come in quickly.”

Knock knock.

With a crisp knock, a woman’s firm voice was heard.

It was Ludmilla.

The beautiful blonde princess entered with grace and took her seat across from me. As soon as her spot was filled, the attendants immediately placed steaks and wine before us.

“When does that sly rye bread plan to leave? I’d like him to get out of my Imperial Palace right now…”
“I’m scheduled to return to the Holy Kingdom tomorrow afternoon.”

With the Alliance Conference successfully concluded, the kings gathered in the Imperial City were now scattering. The Holy Kingdom, which had temporarily stayed here to encourage the priests of the Empire, was also about to head home.

We had successfully navigated the crisis.
Despite the unexpected variable of the Earth Mother’s divine oracle, of course.

As if to celebrate that, Ludmilla sitting opposite me flashed a smile. Responding to the princess’s kindness, I nodded with a faint smile.

“How many did you catch today?”
“I caught three deer, four foxes, and two wild boars.”
“An astonishing harvest this time as well. Well done.”
“Too much praise.”

Witnessing Ludmilla and I engaging in a cheerful conversation, Barbarossa didn’t mention what had happened with Elizaveta today.

He must have been concerned about the discord among the princesses.
He would have gotten anxious wondering if Ludmilla’s engagement might fall through.

His ambiguous doubts mixed with a sigh of relief made my heart uneasy. The repeating scandals were all due to his indecisive nature.

Next time, if Elizaveta approaches first, I must draw a line.
I genuinely cherish my sister, Ludmilla, after all. It’s a necessary task for survival against the suspicious emperor.

“Edanant casually mentioned it. He said a wedding in spring or summer next year would be good.”
“Y-yes?! Cough cough!

It was true that I brought it up first.
But I didn’t expect it to be delivered to Ludmilla so suddenly.

Could it be because of what I saw with Elizaveta today?
Since the start of the banquet, Barbarossa had been acting slightly hurried.

While quenching her thirst with wine, Ludmilla suddenly started coughing. No matter how dignified a heroine she was, she turned red and showed an awkward expression in front of romance.

“Well, if that’s Edanant’s intention… I’m okay with it.”
“I think so too.”

With the Emperor alternating between carrots and sticks to encourage marriage, today’s result was born.

Could this truly be a marriage scam?

How outrageous.

A marriage scam co-created by the Emperor and the princess.

Sweat dripped from my forehead at the sight of the overly eager Emperor and princess, as if they were ready to fill out the marriage registration immediately.


There were rumors that the First Saintess would also return to the Holy Kingdom alongside the Emperor and priests, but they were all just nonsense.
Zebeline didn’t return.

They hadn’t found the whereabouts of the Saintess Party yet.

“I’ll always sit next to Edan.”
“That makes me feel shy, you know.”

The girl with fluttering silver hair smiled shyly while crossing her arms.
Was it because I showed affection like a couple at the banquet hosted by the Emperor and Empress? Zebeline seemed to become bolder, shaking my heart.

“I heard unpleasant rumors that I’ll be marrying the Red Dragon next year.”
“Uh, that…”

“I hope it’s just the usual nonsense. No, it must be nonsense.”

Was it just my feeling?
It seemed I could hear thunderous roars from outside.

Screams could also be heard.
With a thunderclap striking from the heavens, it was only natural to be in a panic.

Today, the Saintess’s blue eyes felt chilling. The heavy pressure as if white lightning bolts were striking all around weighed down on the atmosphere.

“Well, even if it’s true, I don’t care. If I can steal Edan before the wedding next year, that’s sufficient. I want to witness the Red Dragon weeping after losing her beloved.”
“Usually, in such situations, doesn’t one tend to give up?”
“I will never give up. Tell that to any old maid.”


She was obstinate.
And resolute.

She wouldn’t let go.
Not at all.

Zebeline’s blue eyes shimmered with determination.
Ludmilla must be the same.

Every time I faced Zebeline, Ludmilla would glare at me with her red eyes filled with fierce resolve. Despite being extreme rivals, the Red Dragon and White Dragon had a lot in common, almost sisterly.


The silver-haired saintess stretched her neck while calling out.
Her plump lips stood out.

It was as if she was casting a passionate kiss, throwing off alluring charm.

I reflexively turned my head away from Zebeline’s penetrating gaze. Even after hearing about my wedding with Ludmilla next year, Zebeline’s undeterred love began to shake my heart.

“What would you do if I were to announce a breakup?”
“I’d hold on to you.”
“But you like old maids.”
“Still, I’d hold on.”

Am I that greedy of a philanderer?
The answer reflexively spilled out.

It hardly seemed like something an indecisive guy would say.
The thought that Zebeline might return filled me with desperation.

I desperately wanted to hold onto this bond I barely regained.

“You really are a greedy one. You’ve seduced even Elizaveta, haven’t you?”
“…You knew?”
“How could I not know when the princess acts that openly? The maids in the Imperial Palace all know. They’re probably whispering how Elizaveta has fallen for her brother’s former fiancé.”

“I’m feeling quite awkward now. I thought nobody would know.”

The First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom.
The Second Imperial Princess and the Third Imperial Princess.
I found myself in this absurd situation, torn between two beauties boasting stunning appearances.

Whichever I choose, nothing will change.
Choosing Ludmilla only reaffirmed Zebeline’s unyielding stance.


That night, I shared a kiss with Ludmilla, conveying my feelings.
I loved Ludmilla.
Even after witnessing the Saintess’s stubbornness, my decision from that time remained unchanged.

No matter what I said, Zebeline and Elizaveta wouldn’t yield. With a heavy heart, I sighed, racking my brain for a solution.

“Edan, I want to entrust this to you.”

Just as I was wrapped in anxiety, likely to be beaten down by all the men in the world,
a guest arrived.

It was my father, who had just come up from the Marquisate of Hohenberg.

What could possibly be the matter?
I escorted my father, showing his tense face, to the reception room. As soon as he sat down on the sofa, he pulled something small out of his pocket.

To my surprise, it was a pair of rings dazzling with sparkling jewels.
Surely, my father wouldn’t suddenly propose to me. Unfortunately, I had no peculiarities towards shiny bald heads.

“This is the wedding ring I presented to your mother in my youth.”
“Eh? You gave the wedding ring to that damn brother of mine. Didn’t you tell him to propose to the saintess someday?”
“Yes, that was true… But your brother returned it to me.”

Why on earth did Maximilian return the wedding ring to my father?
Was it because Beatrice rejected his heartfelt proposal?

No, that couldn’t be.

After defeating the Demon King, Maximilian proposed to Beatrice, presenting her the wedding ring. And Beatrice accepted it with a bright smile.
That was the epilogue of the ‘White Blessed Lady.’

“I entrust the wedding ring to you. When you find someone you truly love, present it as you propose, using the wedding ring of the Hohenberg Family. It would be a suitable gift for Princess Ludmilla.”
“But Father… isn’t there just one?”
“There should be at least two more.”

Why was there only one ring for Maximilian and Edanant’s mother?
If there were three mothers instead of just one, there would have been enough rings to hand out.

If there’s one man with three fathers, there should be one woman with three mothers to keep balance.
Where should I procure more wedding rings?

I gulped as I looked down at the sparkling wedding ring.

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