The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 99

The ultimate cause of the world’s end was the establishment of a unique god system following the disappearance of the disaster of innocence that had led to the extinction of humankind.

Tyranny and famine were reduced to mere puppets.

Death found its eternal rest thanks to the Saintess Party.

The “symbol of evil” that would continue the next chapter no longer existed.

The Earth Mother Gael, who had become the ultimate cause, undoubtedly never anticipated this. Even the supreme being who ascended to the throne of the unique god was just another character in the story. Hence, they were trying to mobilize the Holy Kingdom to prevent the world’s end at a late stage.

“So, how many people were gathered?”

“Just barely short of forty.”

“That’s way fewer than I expected… It doesn’t even reach half of what I anticipated.”


Could it be due to getting hit in the back of the head by cultists every time?

I thought there would be at least a hundred lurking in the shadows.

But not even forty?

That’s way too few to shake the throne of the unique god. Engaging in a full-scale war with the Holy Kingdom was close to impossible.

“We’ll gather at the meeting place in three days.”

“Yes, understood.”

It was quite an ironic situation.

To summon beings more disgusting than pests with my own hands.

The Harbinger.

This vampire referred to me that way.

While I gazed at the vampire harboring strong expectations, I found myself deep in thought. I questioned whether I would truly ascend to become the Harbinger of cultists.

“If the Harbinger commands, all the apostles will prostrate and worship! The false unique god will ultimately be consumed by the disaster of innocence! The ascension of evil is near!”


There isn’t such a grand agenda.

My objective is solely to topple Gael from the throne of the unique god.

The ascension of evil?

I definitely don’t want to see a world overrun by those damned disaster gods.

A world of slaughter and human sacrifice driven by cultists would surely be a living hell. Thus, even if I did manage to push Gael off the throne of the unique god, I had no intentions of participating in the ascension of evil.

“You sure had a tough time… Thanks for your hard work.”

“A-Ah! Since it’s the Harbinger’s call, I must obey!”

The beautiful vampire with cascading black hair blushed and hurriedly replied.

Respect and awe,

I could feel countless emotions directed toward me.

I didn’t quite understand why they believed me so wholeheartedly as the Harbinger.

Staring into the shimmering black eyes of the vampire, I felt awkwardness. Every time I saw the vampire follow me without any doubt, I occasionally felt that way.

“I heard the Harbinger has been selected as the new hero of the Holy Kingdom by the Earth Mother! Truly, you are the Harbinger! A guise to deceive even the unique god! The foolish ones in the Holy Kingdom can’t even tell black from white!”

“Well, sure… They are foolish. Choosing someone who worships the disaster of war as a hero. I will make them regret this decision someday.”

“Aah! Great Harbinger!”


Concealing my malicious smile to respond to the awe-stricken vampire, I spoke.

Then Ariel trembled all over, blushing.

‘After being locked in prison for days only eating jelly candy, they’ve finally gone mad. Should I give them blood now?’

They’re mad.

Or maybe just pretending to be mad.

I thought as I gazed at the praising vampire clasping her hands together.

“Ariel, come closer.”


Ariel approached with an air of thorough nervousness.

I reached out and grabbed the black choker that encircled the vampire’s white neck.

If she exceeds the limited distance, it’ll activate.

Even if she tries to forcibly remove it, the bomb collar would be triggered.

I highly praised them for fulfilling the mission and relaxed the restrictions placed on the bomb collar. The lethality of the bomb collar remained intact, but the distance allowed was significantly increased.

“I’ve increased the distance. You should be fine even if you leave the Valtarian Empire now.”

“To repay the Harbinger’s trust… I will do my best from now on!”

Even being bound by a bomb collar, she seemed happy.

She’s lost it.

Maybe she’s opened her eyes to bondage play.

It wasn’t just a unique quirk befitting a cunning vampire.

“Now, step back and wait. I’ll give orders later.”

“The plan to topple the unique god is about to commence! Yes, understood!”

The vampire, adorned with a gruesome bomb collar, replied in a spirited voice while lifting her head like a pet waiting for its master’s command, her eyes dazzling.

Then she transformed into blood-red mist and scattered.

Once I confirmed that Ariel had flown away, I let out a deep sigh.

“I thought they were struggling to survive, but they really believe I’m the Harbinger.”

It was indeed a regrettable misconception.

How on earth did they come to have this misunderstanding?

What a lamentable situation.

Seeing them believe so strongly makes me feel guilty.

I planned to ensure that the cultist forces would exist solely as a necessary evil. After gathering the apostles led by Ariel, I thought it would be entirely possible to force them into submission.


Zebeline was frantically trying to get a wedding ring from Edanant.

A wedding ring.

A pure love proof that a couple has officially bonded.

It seemed like the blessing of the white dragon that had descended during the baptism ceremony instinctively shouted, “Pure love is the best!”

Recognizing that she had fallen behind the old maid of the Valtarian Empire, Zebeline stepped forward with an air of desperation. A sense of humiliation and discomfort surged within as she felt she was being overshadowed by her rival and nemesis.

“Hello, First Saintess.”

“I hear you’re leaving today? Thank you for your hard work in serving His Grace.”

A girl with lavender hair approached.

She was wearing pure white vestments, proving she was a candidate saint from the Saintess Academy.

She must have come to bid farewell.

As a senior, it was only right to offer some kind words to the junior.

Suppressing the boiling jealousy like lava, Zebeline put on a bright smile. The kind of smile suited for official occasions.

“Uh, um… Could I ask for a handshake?”

“Of course.”

A handshake.

What a cute request.

There’s no harm in it.

Grasping hands wouldn’t wear them out.

Nodding while gazing at the lavender eyes that exuded both hope and anxiety, Zebeline was about to say something.



The candidate saint suddenly fell silent, holding my hand.

Zebeline tilted her head in confusion and opened her mouth to inquire.

“Ah! S-Sorry. I’m just really nervous….”

“It’s alright. That can happen.”

Seeing the candidate saint appear extremely tense, Zebeline smiled faintly. She could see her past self reflected in the clumsy demeanor of the candidate saint.

When she had been selected by the divine status of the white dragon,

the moment when her previous appearance had changed drastically suddenly came to mind.

It was a memory she wanted to forget.

At that time, she was a clumsily naive country girl.

“I will definitely become an excellent saint like the First Saintess one day!”

“Yes, I’ll be cheering for you.”

After finishing their handshake, the candidate saint boldly conveyed her ambitions and departed quickly.


I forgot to ask her name.

As she watched the lavender-haired candidate saint’s retreating figure, Zebeline muttered with a hint of disappointment.

‘This is also a connection, so maybe I’ll meet her again when I return… Though I don’t know when that will be.’

Truly, as expected from a vessel prepared by the Holy Kingdom for the Earth Mother, she was incredibly cute and beautiful. Surely, she had been cared for like a delicate flower in a greenhouse at the Saintess Academy.


I’m grateful all the candidate saints have returned.

I didn’t like the way they showed interest in Edanant.

Who do they think they are?

Being a mere candidate saint and looking at him like that.

Zebeline turned away and headed toward Edanant. She planned to give the First Saintess’s ultimatum that he must hand over the wedding ring to her.


Once the alliance conference was over, the kings of each country began returning to their homelands one by one.

Finally, the co-leader of the alliance conference, Holy King Boern, also set off for home accompanied by the priests. As the Holy King’s carriage set into motion, the Holy Knights responsible for the escort sprang into action.

“Was there any good news?”

“Well, sort of.”

Boern inquired.

Then the candidate saint seated across glanced out the window and replied.

“I saw Ludmilla Dreg Valtaria and Zebeline Albion Russell up close.”

“Those vessels blessed by the red dragon and white dragon. So, what was your impression?”

“They were incredibly beautiful, like pomegranate and turquoise. It’s sad to think they were selected as vessels to seal the disaster of innocence.”

“I see.”

The contempt and wariness once harbored towards the vessels sealing the disasters slowly shifted to sympathy.

The disaster of tyranny. The disaster of famine.

To eternally seal them, vessels were necessary.

These were the blessed users of divine powers from the red dragon and white dragon.

The vessels, now reborn as protectors of the Valtarian Empire and Gael Holy Kingdom, had been decisively suppressing the Demon King’s Army and cultist forces. They had been protecting the throne of the unique god until now, mobilizing their lifelong enemies reduced to mere puppets.

“I didn’t expect that. I thought the Earth Mother would be wary of the First Saintess and the Empire’s Second Imperial Princess, just like how she loathes Lord Edanant.”

“That’s completely different! Ludmilla and Zebeline are children born under my blessing!”

It’s not merely because they were chosen as vessels by the disaster of innocence that they are held in contempt.

If that were the case, Gael would have certainly directed malice toward Ludmilla and Zebeline as well.

External intruders.

An anomaly created by the fusion of the soul from the outside world and the body that existed in the current world.

The girl with flowing lavender hair frowned, revealing her contempt. It was evident she harbored hatred for the external intruders who wandered around exuding a foul stench.

“But it’s a bit strange. Though I bestowed them the highest fates as a sign of atonement for being chosen as vessels to seal the disasters… why is it that Ludmilla still hasn’t married? And why is Zebeline still living in a pathetic state?”

That’s odd.

What went wrong?

As the unique god expressed his doubts, he scratched the back of his head and continued with his thoughts.

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