The Protagonist’s Party is Too Diligent

Chapter 2

“What’s this? Are you saying you’ll come with me?”


I just looked up at the Old Woman without saying a word, and she clicked her tongue before speaking.

“Well, since you’re out, it’s a good opportunity. Take this lamp.”

She handed me the oil lamp she was holding. The lamp, filled with oil, was quite heavy. There were lighter gas lamps, but they probably wouldn’t last as long as the oil lamp.

Everything in this orphanage was cheap. The clothes were worn out by the kids who had been here before, stretched at the neck, torn at the hems, and covered in stains, with holes here and there. The underwear was so stretched that it barely fit. I was holding everything up with a pin to keep it from slipping down.

When was the last time the building was repaired? The windows with cracks were stuffed with rags, allowing the wind to whistle through. The floor creaked as if it could collapse at any moment.

The porridge served daily was certainly thrown together with cheap ingredients, just enough not to starve.

Probably the most expensive item in this orphanage was the orphans themselves.

“For crying out loud, it’s so gloomy. No matter how pretty your face is, if you keep acting like that, no one will want to take you.”


I should probably say something.

Could a five-year-old child win against an Old Woman?

No, even if she was a toothless Old Woman leaning on her cane, she was still stronger than a five-year-old. Last time she grabbed my arm, I was shocked at how much stronger she was.

It’d be useless to argue; I’d just end up getting smacked, and I might even be prevented from walking next to Claire.

Even now, I was thinking of how to somehow get her out of this. It wasn’t a brilliant plan, but I didn’t just want to let her go.

The first impression of Claire was definitely not positive.

She was rude, a bundle of complexes, belittling the Crown Princess, one of the targets, and teasing her.

But as the past slowly unfolded and I reconciled with the Crown Princess, Claire’s image improved, and she eventually fought on the Emperor’s side in an attempt to conquer the world, sacrificing herself for the Crown Princess despite ignoring even the Emperor’s orders.

I… liked the character Claire.

No, actually, I loved all the main characters from this game series.

It usually took between 70 to 150 hours to clear, and there were times I played multiple rounds just to figure everything out.

Having watched these characters for so long over my seven years of waiting for new installments, reserving and eagerly tearing open the delivery box, I was quite attached to all the main characters in this franchise.

After all, it was seven years. Every year, I awaited the new release and even bought the downloadable version in impatience before the package arrived.

These characters were from a game I adored. I wanted to somehow save the situation. I knew the future.

But… I had no such power.

Knowing the future, yet barely five years old.

Often in other stories, especially those involving games, characters had status menus or possessed numerous special abilities, but… I had none of that. No, even if I did, I wouldn’t know how to use them.

Why, of all places, was I here?

What was the reason I, who could do nothing, ended up so close to the heroine?

“Now, greet them.”

The Old Woman’s voice came from behind.

The door was open. Maybe it was because it was summer, but the sky was dark. A middle-aged couple that looked well-off had come to this place in the middle of the night.


Feeling like I would get hit again if I didn’t greet them, I bowed respectfully.

Claire, who was beside me, awkwardly copied my bow.


A man with a neatly trimmed bushy mustache and a cylindrical silk hat bent down to examine my face.

The weather still felt like early winter. A cold breeze swept through me.

But it wasn’t merely the chill on my skin that made me shiver.

A man with prominent cheekbones and a pair of round glasses made one of his eyes look oddly larger than the other because of those glasses.

“Is this child the one?”

“N-no, the one you came to see is over here…”

The Old Woman, who usually spoke to the children with annoyance, now had a sweet tone with the man.

“……I suppose so, but of course, that one is for sale as well.”


The man took the oil lamp from my hands and held it up to my face. The smell of burning oil wafted through the air, and I felt the heat of the flame through the thick glass. The light from the lamp was red, almost with a hint of blue. Though it was oil inside, it looked like a gas flame.

He meticulously examined my face in the light, slowly lowering the lamp to scrutinize me.

Then he stepped aside and did the same with Claire.

“Unfortunately, I’ve only brought enough money for one today. Still, this child barely fits the age requirement. I’m sure the customer will like her. Same price?”

The man asked after inspecting Claire from head to toe.

Meanwhile, a plump middle-aged woman stood a distance away, seemingly disinterested in what was unfolding.

“A-ah, well, this child was originally a premium product, so I had kept her hidden. I was planning to sell her to a customer who prefers slightly older children…”


The man turned back toward me, reaching out to grab my hair. Chills ran down my spine. Even if I had my original body, I felt like I wouldn’t be able to beat this man.

The muscles in his tailored suit were prominent, and I couldn’t shake the fear of my skull cracking if he squeezed my head. His fingers were thick and rough.

Ignoring my stiffened body, he shone the lamp against my hair, as if checking the color.

“This one would fit the customer’s taste. Is she experienced?”

The man dropped my hair and turned to the Old Woman.

“Oh no, of course not! We only deal in brand-new stock. That’s only natural.”

“I see. In that case, I’ll take care of the processing.”

The man straightened up and handed the lamp back to the Old Woman.

Now that I looked closely, he was holding a sturdy cane in his right hand. This cane was nothing like the Old Woman’s shabby wooden one.

It was black and glossy, with a handle shaped like an eagle’s head. It might even be made of silver.

“Ah, so, what’s the price, then?”

The man asked, gazing down at the Old Woman, who seemed to have forgotten the elaborate price she’d just given me.

“Oh dear, no. It’s just an orphan. Can we really put a price on a child? Just give me the same price you mentioned last time, please.”

“So be it. Understood.”

The man reached into the breast pocket of his suit and tossed a rather hefty pouch to the Old Woman. As she fumbled to catch it, she looked inside and beamed. The wrinkles on her face crinkled, revealing her almost toothless grin. Thanks to the lamp beneath, those wrinkles almost made her look like a horror movie character.

“Thank you! Please use us again…”

The Old Woman lowered her already hunched back deeply.

“Sure. Just keep that child until then.”

The man pointed to Claire as he spoke.

“Of course! Is there any doubt…”

“Let’s go.”

The man cut off any further words of the Old Woman as he turned to me.

“Big sister?”

Claire, not understanding what was happening, finally looked at me.


I didn’t expect things to come to this point…

But at least, was it over for now?

I couldn’t guarantee what would happen to Claire later, but at least I managed to prevent an immediate crisis, didn’t I?

“……Stay healthy.”

I said that much as goodbye.

“Big sister, where are you going?”

Claire asked anxiously, looking at me, and I shook my head…


…Just before I nodded, the man spoke.

His voice, completely different from the stiff tone moments ago, was chillingly warm.

The man turned around and strolled toward Claire, bending down to her level.

As if pretending to be a gentle adult, he placed a hand on Claire’s shoulder and said, “Your ‘big sister’ is going to a good place. It’s a much warmer place where you won’t go hungry. So just wait here patiently; I’ll come for you soon. Then you’ll be able to enjoy yourself in the same place as your big sister.”


But Claire, despite her young age, didn’t seem to entirely believe his words.

Her gaze flickered nervously between the man and me.


The man smiled at Claire and tousled her hair.

Then he straightened up and turned away. Without saying another word, he headed directly toward the carriage waiting on the street.


I waved to Claire.

It wasn’t a situation to smile about, but… I forced a smile.

Seeing my smile seemed to calm Claire, and finally, she waved back.

With nothing more I could do, I turned to follow the man toward the carriage.



A loud sound echoed.

As soon as I hopped into the carriage, I thought it was the sound of the door closing.

But feeling the late pain in my forehead, I realized I had just been slammed face-first into the ground.

My eyes were spinning, and my ears were ringing. It wasn’t so much the pain as it was the dizziness. A burly man had grabbed a five-year-old by the head and slammed her down. It was a miracle I was even processing the situation.


But that didn’t mean my body was fine.

Blood was flowing from my face. Had my nose broken?

I felt something rolling around in my mouth.

As I tried to touch my face with my hands—

A loud sound resonated, and my head was jerked to the right.


Only then did I feel the pain.

It hurt.

This was probably the first pain I had ever experienced in my life—whether it be here or elsewhere.

Tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision, and my head buzzed, making it hard to hear. Perhaps that slap had ruptured my eardrum.

“I’m sorry.”

A flat, emotionless voice came faintly through the ringing in my ears.

“I have no personal feelings. The customer simply prefers them a little damaged.”

A thick hand grasped my neck roughly.

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill you.”


I wanted to say something, but my voice wouldn’t come out right.

The man raised his hand, and I barely saw it with my still unbruised eye.

I didn’t want this…


…And in the next moment, I realized all the pain in my body had vanished in an instant.

Curled up tightly, I waited, but no hands came to hit me again.

No, more than that, the warmth I felt inside the carriage had suddenly disappeared.

Could it be… am I dying?

I cautiously lifted my head, tense, and before me stood a confused-looking Claire.

“Big sister?”

Seeing me huddled up fearfully on the bed with my arms raised, Claire asked.


Slowly lowering my arms and looking around, I saw that I was back in the orphanage. It looked exactly as it did before I left.

I raised my hand to touch my face.

There were no bruises or wounds. I appeared fine without any pain. Moving my tongue around, I could feel no broken or missing teeth.

What the…?

Before I could fully come to terms with my situation,


The Old Woman’s voice resounded.

“Someone is here to take you away! Come out joyfully!”

I had heard that line before.

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