The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 19: Out Of The Dungeon


The sharp eyes of Lee Hengyang couldn’t believe what he was looking at. Or well, what he could sense by utilizing his powerful Demonic Senses. After having sent Adam and Han to eliminate Jack from the list of pests the Demonic Cult had to take care of, just some hours later, he learned some terrifying piece of news.

He received a single oracle from his patron and sponsor, the only Demonic Throne {The Snake That Endlessly Devours Its Tail}, or as his followers know him, Uroboros.

[Adam and Han have perished! Pathetic worms, undeserving of my powers. I’ve learned that pathetic human identity. The only one that could truly devour a fragment of my powers… The Devourer of Gods… the Fallen Constellation, Fenrir!]

“T-This… So that man, Jack. He’s the vessel of a Fallen Constellation?!”

However, this wasn’t all the bad news Lee, the Leader of the Uroboros Cult would receive this night from his patron. It only made the man feel even more dread as he heard the message sent to his very soul.

[But there’s someone even more dangerous than him…]

“Someone more dangerous?”

[The sister he protects so dearly, she’s a monster by itself! In all of my long life, I have never seen someone so protected by so many Constellations before. She possesses power capable of rewriting this entire world’s history- no, perhaps the entire Cosmos. Be careful, my slave! And make sure to kill her and her brother, at all costs! Do everything possible… EVERYTHING!]

“Yes, Lord Uroboros! I shall not disappoint you!”

Lee nodded while his face distorted in both fury and frustration. The “oracle” he received quickly stopped, as everything within his department fell to silence. Lee Hengyang sighed, his sharp blue eyes glancing into the night sky while sighing. Despite having such a gorgeous face and a handsome appearance, he was a demon amongst demons.

“I thought I would finally end this whole ordeal, but it seems Jack is filled with more surprises than I could have ever imagined… And that little sister. Let’s see what we can do with her. You’ll regret messing with our Demonic Guild.”




While riding Fenrir, we escaped the dungeon as fast as possible. On the way, we saw several corpses of people who had died, so we decided to at least bring them with us to give them a proper burial. I was trying my best to handle them as gently as I could. I didn’t want them to get any more damaged. Honestly, I felt really bad just seeing them. It made me feel frustrated I was so weak I couldn’t even save a few innocent bystanders. My brother mercilessly killed any monster we found gnawing at the corpses, and I made sure to burn those beasts into cinders with my knife.

“You’re the only survivor, the innocents that got dragged here… All of them died at the hands of the monsters.” My brother lamented. “I wasn’t fast enough…”

“Don’t worry, you did what you could. Even if their bodies are in this state, let’s bring them out so they can be recognized and buried properly.” I nodded. “Their families need to know what happened to them…”

“You’re such a good girl, Anna.” My brother smiled with a proud smile, patting my head. “You’re right, let’s go.”

When we finally reached the Dungeon’s Entrance, we landed over a mountain of ruins. When Dungeon Breaks happen, the Gates that lead to them shake space itself and everything around them. It is not unusual for buildings to completely collapse by the shockwave alone.

Thankfully, no monsters have escaped the Dungeon yet, so people outside were safe. Nonetheless, once we arrived at the outside world and I felt the cold breeze of this night, we were swarmed by police officials, hunters guarding the area, and tons, tons of journalists.

“There are some survivors over there!”

“It is Hunter Jack! And… who is he carrying with his wolf familiar?!”

“A little girl?! Who is she?!”

“Ignore them for now, Anna, don’t talk with Journos.” Said my brother while ignoring the people.

However, how could I possibly ignore them? I want to be famous and recognized, even now. I am craving for attention and all of that!

…But I better just stay silent for now, let’s be realistic.

“Jack! Over here!”

Jack quickly brought Fenrir back into his shadows, as he led me through the crowd of people while holding my hand, as we finally arrived outside the restricted area, a group of people wearing black suits greeted us.

These were the Gate Administrators, and the one that called my brother was nobody else than the few characters that ever had a good impression of him, Guild Executive Leo Edwards, a handsome and tall brown-haired man nearing his thirties.

He was the one who handled all sorts of guild-related things for my brother, managed his money and also all the monsters he constantly sold, helped him join auctions, and bought equipment and items.

“Oh my God, you’re actually alive even after leaping inside?! Are you not hurt?! A-And you brought your sister! She’s alive?! And that Mana…!” He reacted very surprised. His eyes began shining. One of his Skills was [Appraisal], which he easily used to gauge my Mana and Ki energy.

It wasn’t a game-like Appraisal though, but it gave him an “estimate” of a person’s current strength, and a bit of their potential as well. But it didn’t give him their total status or something.

“Yeah, this is Anna. Leo we need to get out of here, we don’t want much attention.” Said Jack.

“Y-Yes! I’ve already prepared the car, please come with me.” Leo said. “But are you sure about this? Shouldn’t you first wait for your sister to be discharged?”

“You can do that sort of paperwork and stuff for me,” Jack said while shrugging.

“Sigh… Fine.” Leo sighed, looking completely tired.

To avoid getting recruited into other Guilds, my brother made his own Guild and currently, the only members are… him and Leo, unsurprisingly.

“Brother who’s Leo?” I wondered, trying to act like I didn’t know him.

“He’s my Hunter Executive and member of my Guild. Now that you’ve awakened… I suppose I’ll have to make you join my Guild for protection.” My brother said as he gave me the most basic explanation. I already knew everything, so I just listened to him while I nodded.

“Nice to meet you, Anna! Your brother always talked about you. It is a bit awkward to finally see you all awake and stuff, and after this entire incident but… I hope we can get along.” Leo said nervously.

“Sure uncle!” I nodded.

“U-Uncle?!” Leo felt really affected by those words, he looked at himself in a small mirror. “Do I look that old? …Ahem! S-So anyways, did you find any other survivors? What happened there?!”


[Leo Edwards has gained a favorable opinion of you.]

[The effects of the [Little Sister (F): Lv2] Skill have intensified this even further.]

[Leo Edwards seems to be trusting you right away.]

Hoh, so this Skill has its advantages… Although his reaction didn’t seem to tell me that. Does he trust me now? I guess he still found it funny somehow. Anyway, my brother gave him a brief explanation, omitting the part about the Demonic Humans for obvious reasons.

“Wait, you brought the corpses of the people that died inside?! W-We need to go back and bring them to the ambulance there and the cops!” Leo panicked, quickly turning back.

Like that, we were able to give the corpses to the authorities, and some journalists watched from afar. In just a few minutes the news showed that only two people survived the “Heart Street’s Hospital Dungeon Break”. My brother, an A-Rank Hunter also became popular once more, given the credit of cleaning the A- Rank Dungeon by himself and rescuing a “little girl”.

Once this was finally over, Leo brought me some clothes to wear, and I finally changed into something normal for once. After that, I was so exhausted I fell asleep on the drive back home on my brother’s shoulder.

And for some reason, while I slept, I saw weird… visions.

The entire world around me was just the cosmos.

I saw countless stars, nebulas, planets, and more in my surroundings.

And I found myself completely naked, floating in the skies.

Right in front of me, a bizarre scene was happening.

A group of… figures of all shapes and sizes were judging a gigantic and aberrant millipede.

Several chains were surging from the stars, wrapping all around the creature.

The monster roared furiously at me as if blaming me for what was happening.

I simply couldn’t understand it.

But once I woke up, I finally got it.

“Ah, it’s morning already…” I sighed, finding myself sleeping over a bed and seeing the sun rising from the horizon from the window.


[The Constellations have been awaiting you to wake up!]

[They seem to be pleased with yesterday’s achievements and have decided to reward you and also to punish the {Trillion-Legged Millipede That Swarms The Cosmos}!]

[The Constellations ask you to choose a manner of punishment for the {Trillion-Legged Millipede That Swarms The Cosmos}!]

[However, death or obtaining their powers is forbidden.]

[The many Constellations that have shown an interest in you. As someone who defeated her Incarnation, showing interest in what would be your decision.]

“Wait, what? Are you for real?”

So I can choose whatever I want except death or stealing her powers? Then I can decide her fate… I could tell them to seal her for eternity and would they do that? Or what if I tell them to make her give me all her riches too?

Or maybe I could even tell them to make her comply with any of my wishes… There are endless possibilities! However, if I let her slide and just ask something like that, this won’t end well. She’ll probably try to get at me in the future, eventually.

To ensure my own survival, getting this damn bug out of the way is a must. Sealing her would be the most direct way, but I have another, rather wild idea. I want to seal her so she won’t bother me again, but I also need help.

“I want her to pay her sentence by helping me.” I announced. “I want her to become my loyal retainer!”


For a moment, it seemed as if the Constellations were not even watching me anymore.

I guess it is a bit too wild, huh?

[The Constellations are thinking about it…]

[Some seem certain that this idea would bring even more interesting developments.]

[Others say that the mere idea of a human having a Constellation as a loyal retainer is atrocious!]

[However, many think that the offense the {Trillion-Legged Millipede That Swarms The Cosmos} has committed needs a proper, harsh punishment.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Jester Filled With Lies} has offered the Constellations an idea, a Voting Pool!]

[Those that don’t want this punishment may vote “No”]

[And those that do want it, may vote “Yes”]

[Any Constellation is welcome to join the voting pool, even those that have yet to participate in Earth’s affairs.]

“Huh, I guess he got a good idea…”


[The Many Constellations have agreed…]

[The voting has begun!]

[The voting has ended!]

Wait, that’s fast…


[Constellations that voted for the “No” Option: 43]

Huh? So many, I guess there’s no way it will happen.


[Constellations that voted for the “Yes” Option…]


What is Anna getting herself into now?!

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