The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 27: Osiris’ Trials


[The Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} invites you to her Dungeon.]

[After what you’ve done with Anubis, she finds your existence very amusing.]

[She’s thinking about making you her incarnation.]

As the gates to Osiris Dungeon opened, I received some words from the goddess, who had been peeking at me for a while. Although she controls the authority of Osiris, she’s not truly Osiris. He was a male god, after all; the goddess that’s watching me is, however, someone very close to him. I am fairly sure she is Isis, the wife of Osiris and the Egyptian Goddess linked with Funerals, Motherhood, and even Magic.

But why is she in control of the authority of Osiris? Where is Osiris?

Well, this is a spoiler from the novel, but the thing is... Osiris is in trouble. 

A battle between the Egyptian Gods happened long ago, named the “Dawn of Ra”, Anubis managed to seal Osiris and take back the Egyptian Underworld in such a battle, sealing Osiris in the depths of the Underworld.

Isis was left alone after the battle once settled when the leader of the Faction of “Ancient Gods” acquired the Eye of Ra, the ultimate power said to be the embodiment of the sun itself. However, before being sealed completely, Osiris gave his wife his last remaining divinities, as he didn’t want Anubis to acquire them for himself.

This is the reason why she enjoyed me beating the shit out of the annoying dog, and I think I could curry favor with her even more. After all, I want to make some Constellations my allies, especially the “good” and “righteous” ones that aren’t chaotic or outright evil.

Hence, the mission Isis has with this Dungeon is to find a suitable Incarnation for her powers and those of her husband, so they can battle against Anubis incarnation. Incarnations are a way for Constellations to descend into our world and settle their grudges by fighting against each other to death. The losers often have to forbid their powers or even end up getting sealed. 

This is because they imbue part of their very souls into them. It is a gamble, but if they win against another Incarnation, they grow stronger by absorbing the Incarnation Powers that belonged to their Constellation. They’re watching us not just for their own amusement; there’s something they can earn out of all of this. 

A good example is what happened with Sepa. She foolishly chose an Incarnation that was just a monster, which was defeated. As a result, she was punished by the “Rules of Battles Between Incarnations”. Of course, for such Rules to exist among such powerful entities as Constellations, there must be even higher authorities out there, right? Well, that’s where the “Council of Nebulas” enters.

But that’ll be for another time. Now, I should better concentrate on what’s in front of me.

[The Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} welcomes you to her Dungeon of Trials.]

[If you want to obtain the Relics and Treasures here, you have to complete the first Three Trials.]

[Additionally, the Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} will see if you’re qualified to become her Incarnation.]

“I see, I am looking forward to that!”

Of course, I wasn’t planning on becoming anybody’s incarnation, but for now, it is nice to make her think I am interested so she can give me rewards and stuff.

“Huh?! Are you sure you want that crazy Isis as your Constellation?!” Wondered Sepa, beginning to sob. “I-I thought... sniff, you wanted to become my Incarnation instead! I feel betrayed.

“What are you sobbing at?” I sighed. “Why would I become your incarnation?”

“Guh…” Sepa felt even more terrible.

“Come on, just cooperate, and once we’re back, I’ll make you some pancakes,” I said.

“And fried eggs with bacon?” 


“A-And peanut butter jam sandwiches?!”



"Okay, don’t get too cocky!”

[Welcome to the {Osiris Dungeon of Trials}]

[You have entered the First Trial, the Trial of Defeat.]

Suddenly, we found ourselves surrounded by several statues of various Egyptian Gods. The entire old-looking hall changed, now resembling something like an ancient arena. It startled me for a bit, but I quickly kept my calm. These Trials needed my full concentration, or I would fail. And my life was on the line here. 

“I-It began already?!” Sepa panicked.

KYU?!” Violet was just as surprised.

“Calm down,” I said, looking around my surroundings. 

The statues surrounding us began overflowing with dark and golden auras as their eyes shone bright red. The arena slowly started to tremble before their ever-growing presence. 

[The {First Trial} of the {Osiris Dungeon of Trials} has begun: {The Trial of Defeat}!]

[Difficulty Level]: [S+]

[Defeat and Victory go hand in hand. In our lives, we face many Trials, but out of them all, most of them will be Defeats. However, in such a life-or-death situation, can you give yourself the benefit of being Defeated? Without Victory, you simply cannot advance, and with Defeat, you’ll only fall. Now, what is the path you want to take? Defeat or Victory?]

[Objective]: [Defeat all foes.]

The statues slowly began moving towards us. The entire Trial had a really stupid description, and it was obvious it was completely ridiculous. Defeating S Rank Statues such as these was suicide. My “fusion” with Sepa had already ended, and the buff of the potion was also gone. And I couldn’t use Anubis’ Balance Skill for 23 hours. 

“Uwaaah! These are S-Rank Monsters! We’re done for!”


Violet panicked, quickly beginning to unleash attacks against the approaching statues. His scythes generated aura attacks that released powerful explosions upon contact.


However, the statues were unscathed. They continued approaching slowly. Sepa only continued trembling in fear, while Violet grew more nervous. 

“T-This is useless; we’re going to die!”


As Sepa and Violet panicked, I kept my calm, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

“W-Why are you just meditating there?!” Sepa asked.

“Sepa, Violet, do you guys trust me?” I looked into her bug-like eyes.

“I don’t!” Sepa cried.

“KYU!” Violet agreed.

“Then just sit still. Do nothing.” I said, smiling.

“D-Do nothing?! What do you mean by doing nothing?! I only know about my own dungeon’s trials, so what is even your plan? We’re gonna get demolished…” Sepa sighed.

“Kyuuu…” Violet seemed to panic.

“Trust me and do nothing,” I said.

The two glanced at my eyes and then seemed to remain silent, remaining by my side. The statutes reached us, and then they started hitting us. They were so strong that with just a few stomps and fist attacks, we died, stomped like rats.


Yes, we died.



Violet panicked, suddenly seeing himself in his phantasmal form. I was also in my phantasmal form. It was as if we had truly died, and our souls were slowly rising out of our bodies, like in cartoons. It was very funny. 

“See? I told you it was going to be fine. Also, Sepa, you’re not even part of the trials; were you just worried about me?” I giggled.

“E-Eh?! You died! Then what… What is going on…?” Sepa felt confused.

“Dummy, why do you think this Trial is named “The Trial of Defeat”? Isis is not a ruthless goddess. In fact, she’s very nice. Her trials are a breeze.” I laughed.


“They’re just very sadistic.” I pointed at the message that appeared in front of us. 

[You’ve been defeated!]

[You died!]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed the {Trial of Defeat} through the hidden objective!]

[The powers of The Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} have reconstructed your bodies and placed your souls back into them!]


In mere seconds, we were completely back to normal. Even the clothes were restored at 100%, and in fact, we felt more energized and stronger after dying and getting revived. The next trial gates opened right after being revived. And the comment of our beloved goddess popped up right in front of me.

[The Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} sighs in disbelief, being incapable of thinking what’s on your head.]

[She says that originally, those that fight back will lose even if they die…]

[How were you able to figure out that the proper way to win was to be defeated without fighting back?]

“I just... guessed it.” I shrugged.

It was something my brother learned about in the novel I read. Isis Incarnation became one of his allies, and she told him about how she was killed and then suddenly revived in the first trial. After that, he simply did the same and realized how stupidly easy Osiris' trials were.

We stepped into the second trial while Sepa was still wondering what just happened. In front of us, a gigantic sphinx glared at us with glowing red eyes. Yes, a sphynx that could move and talk too. 

[The {Second Trial} of the {Osiris Dungeon of Trials} has begun: {The Trial of Ignorance}!]

[Difficulty Level]: [S+]

[Sometimes they say that Ignorance is a Bliss. But is it truly a blessing to not know anything? To not comprehend the things most important in life? To not be able to answer the most important of questions? Is it truly a blessing to be ignorant of everything? In this Trial, Ignorance is a Curse.]

[Objective]: [Answer all questions correctly.]

The sphinx immediately started talking.

“Welcome to the Second Trial, Hunter. I will give you three riddles; if you answer two correctly, you will pass.” She said. “Let us begin. Which is the creature that has one voice but has four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night?”

“Ah, it already began. Hmm… A horse?” I asked, acting as clueless as I could. “Wait, no! A cat!” 

“…Incorrect.” The Sphinx glared at me with anger. “Let us continue with the second riddle! You better answer them correctly this time! Just because you seem stupid, I will let you pass if you answer just one, ONE correctly! Okay?”

“Sure.” I looked straight into their eyes. 

“Well then. There are two sisters; one gives birth to the other, who in turn gives birth to the first. Who are they?” She asked.

“Hmmm… Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Cycle with Plants and Animals?”

“Wha… What sort of stupid answer is that?! Are you that dumb?! It was day and night! How come…!” She muttered. “Fine… Just answer this simple question and you can pass!”

The sphinx was losing her mind.

“What can bring back the dead; make you cry, make you laugh, make you young; is born in an instant, yet lasts a lifetime?” She asked.

“Huh… Life?” I wondered.

“NO! It is Memory, MEMORY! You dumb, damn little brat! You!” She roared furiously, opening her gigantic jaws.

“Anna! What the heck did you do?! She’s going to eat you now!” Sepa cried, running away from the scene.


However, she didn’t attack me; she began devouring herself, bite by bite.

“AAAGGGH! I was this close to eating you instead! How can the Goddess desire such dumb people as her Incarnation?! I don’t get it!”

Ultimately, she devoured herself until she just disappeared.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed the {Trial of Ignorance} through the hidden objective!]

[The Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} smiles at your sincerity.]


[The Gate for the third and last trial has been opened.]

“And we’re done,” I said with a smile.

“W-What?! That was it?!” Sepa was shocked. “Isis what the fuck?! I put so much effort into my own trial, yet you make stuff like this?!”

“Come on, leave her alone.” I patted Sepa’s little head. “She just wants someone who is selfless and honest. People tend to despise innocence, idiocy, and ignorance, but sometimes that’s what makes a person worth trusting. When they’re not more cunning than yourself. People of emotion and bonds, do you get it?”

“Huhh… No, I don't; that’s stupid!” Sepa complained. “To me, it seems she just wants a dumb person.”

“Hahaha, I guess so.” I shrugged. “But it works pretty well at catching rats that think they’re smarter than they truly are.”

We stepped into the third trial without hesitating.

[The {Third Trial} of the {Osiris Dungeon of Trials} has begun: {The Trial of Vulnerability}!]

[Difficulty Level]: [S+]

[Everyone in the world is vulnerable. However, only a few of them can get past their own vulnerability and strive forward. To gain new strength and let go of their fears and weaknesses, to become strong so nobody can ever hurt them anymore… Some people are not afraid to show their vulnerability to others, but in this Trial, it will mean your death.]

[Objective]: [Defeat all foes.]


The sound of a gigantic swarm of insects echoed at the end of the large hall. Countless venomous bugs of all types began rushing towards us. Scorpions, centipedes, spiders, wasps—everything. It was the entire goddamn plague! 

“Oh, bugs?! I think I can handle these!” Sepa said.

“Just stay still.” I sighed.

“Eh?!” Sepa was surprised.

“You too, Violet, don’t intimidate them,” I said.



And then we were drowned in millions of disgusting, venomous critters. I felt hundreds of stingers piercing my skin constantly, jaws biting my skin, and even some bugs getting inside my mouth and ears, and even biting my own eyes. It was painful and rather horrendous, and at any moment I felt like screaming, but I resisted the agony.

After minutes passed and I lost consciousness, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the hall. All of the bugs were gone, and Violet was fine. Sepa was once again confused, looking around with many questions clear on her face. It was as if the bugs were never there to begin with.

“W-What the? Did the bugs just disappear? Where are they?”

“It was obviously an illusion.”

“What?! An Illusion?! No fucking way!”

[Congratulations! You’ve completed the {Trial of Vulnerability} through the hidden objective!]

[The Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} is amazed by your amazing willpower.]

“See? It is not just for dumb people, either. It is for people of strong faith. Isis wants someone who has faith that she won’t hurt them. And also someone capable of bearing with horrendous agony and torture for such faith.”

It was the reason why the incarnation in the novel was chosen, even after hundreds had failed and died miserably. She won by losing every single trial and became Isis’ incarnation. She was always a fun and nice girl, but ultimately faded into the background and never returned. I wonder if we’ll ever meet her.

“Y-You’re insane…” Sepa said.

“Maybe…” I walked towards the gates in front of us, which were opening.

[Congratulations, you have completed all Trials of the Dungeon!]

[You’ve now been given the chance to enter {Osiris Treasury}!]

And right as we entered the next room, we were greeted with a mountain of treasures and relics. Legendary armor, weapons, elixirs, piles of gold and magic crystals, accessories, magic rings—everything.

[You can only choose a single Relic! One relic per person!]

[Tamed Monsters cannot choose a treasure. Choose carefully.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Lady that Soothes the Souls of the Death} is watching you attentively, wondering what you will choose as your Relic.]

I’m finally here. Now it’s time to acquire the item that’ll help me soar into new horizons and be able to catch up with the absolute monsters that reside in this world. And with the many more that will later invade our home. 


Can you guess what's Anna looking for? What power could allow her to grow endlessly?

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