The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 138 Sword Fairy

The news of the richest woman becoming a sugar baby spread like wildfire, causing a commotion that echoed throughout the city. Su Yanling couldn't help but chuckle at the over-the-top reactions of the people around her. After all, she was just a wealthy woman with striking beauty, but no real power.

In contrast, Xia Tian exuded both wealth and influence, making him a highly desirable partner. However, Su Yanling was determined not to age alone and was willing to explore the path of cultivation with a younger, resourceful individual, even if it meant becoming a sugar baby.

As the commotion died down, Xia Tian's attention was drawn to the entrance of the restaurant. He raised an eyebrow and observed the new arrivals with interest. It turned out to be his long-lost little brother, Chen, accompanied by some new Pokémons. Despite his excitement, Xia Tian managed to ignore the creatures for now as he focused on his brother's companion, Xia Ying.

But it was the foreign woman who caught his eye and the attention of those around him. The murmurs nearby revealed that she was the legendary sword fairy.

Xia Tian couldn't help but feel curious about this woman, she seemed like a force to be reckoned with.

He thought to himself, 'I must find out more about her, maybe she can take my sword in and show me a thing or two.'

But then he remembered he left his sword at home and felt silly for even thinking it, however his mood was lifted up remembering he always carries his another reliable sword with him.

Unaware of the danger lurking on her, Sword fairy gazed swept across all the figures inside in an instant.

Her black hair and eyes shone in the dim light of the room, and her slender frame held a certain elegance that betrayed her deadly skill with a sword. 'Did something happen here?' She felt intrigued by the aura here, there were some remnants of aura of an overlord level figure.

But it appeared to be a one-sided fight, because if an overlord goes off, then it might as well destroy this place in no time.

Her gaze wandered across, Wang Wenshu, whom she can recognize as the perpetrator.

'A visitor?' Sword fairy thought.

She already knew all the top figures in the continent, so Wang Wenshu must be a visitor, it wasn't strange for them to receive visitors, so Sword fairy thought not much about it.

But suddenly her brows raised, as the another two women stood up and started approaching towards her.

Initially Xuan Ruyan thought the purple haired one was a young girl, but seeing the her grace and confident it doesn't appeared to be the case.

Another black haired one emitted a similar aura, that reminded her of someone, she turned around to look at the cultivator that was accompanying Xia Ying and Xia Chen.

Evelynn was accompanying both from long, but Sword fairy never get to know much about her.

Xuan Ruyan even felt whenever she tried to get some information off Evelynn, the latter played with the conversation and get away with ease.

Regardless, she thought Evelynn as their protector guardian and did nothing much to anger the force of Xia Family behind her.

Xuan Ruyan is sect leader of Holy Water Palace, and is serving the imperial family Wei, the Imperial family sent her to retrieve the guests of Xia Family, as there was some malfunctioning in teleportaion array, from then both Xia Ying and Xia Chen are receiving training from them in their sect.

Bai Xue approached Evelynn, grabbing her hands and pulling her close. She whispered urgently, "Sister Evelynn, protect me from the evil master lurking over there!"

Evelynn was taken aback by the sudden request.

Protect her from whom?

She looked around the room, confused.

Nyx pointed to the table where Xia Tian sat, a devilish grin on his face.

Evelynn's heart sank.

Oh no, not Xia Tian.

Anyone but him.

Bai Xue's eyes widened in fear as Evelynn hesitated, but before she could say anything, Xia Tian stood up and strolled over, a smirk on his face.

Evelynn tried to play it cool and pretended not to know Bai Xue.

"Who are you?" she asked, as if she had never seen the purple-haired loli before.

Bai Xue pouted and stomped her foot. "Sister Evelynn, don't you remember me? You came to visit me last year!"

Evelynn tried to remember, but her memory was hazy.

Evelynn pretended to be in deep though, trying to remember that if she has ever saw Bai Xue or not.

The latter was speechless after getting betrayed.

Xia Tian arrived near Evelynn, leaned in close, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I see you've made a new friend, Evelynn. She's quite cute, isn't she?"

Evelynn rolled her eyes. "What did you do with her?"

She obviously remembered Bai Xue, but the latter was the smart one, Evelynn can't help but be curious what Xia Tian did to make Bai Xue feel so helpless.

Bai Xue tugged on Evelynn's arm. "Sister Evelynn, don't leave me alone with him! He's scary!"

Xia Tian raised an eyebrow, his face smug with self-confidence. "Am I scary now? I thought I was too charming for that."

Evelynn couldn't help but roll her eyes at Xia Tian's ridiculousness.

Xia Ying, who had been napping on the couch, sat up with a start. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at the scene before her, wondering if she was still dreaming.

"I thought you went back to your family without a word, Brother Tian," she said, her voice filled with suspicion. "Or did my evil sister cast a spell on you?"

Xia Tian chuckled. "The cold women is not capable of doing that..."

Xia Ying couldn't resist boosting Xia Tian's ego even further. She walked over to him, giving him a big hug while glaring at Bai Xue.

"Brother Tian isn't just charming," she declared. "He's the most handsome man in the entire universe!"

Bai Xue couldn't help but roll her eyes, wondering if she was the reason behind Xia Tian's narcissism.

Xia Tian's eyes suddenly shone with a newfound light. He nodded to himself, abandoning his plans to break Xia Ying's belief. A narcissist loves people who praise him!

Xia Ying didn't even realize how her small act had saved her from misery. Still innocent, she asked, "What business did you have?"

She remembered Xia Tian saying that he had business back in Xia Family, but she couldn't fathom what it might be.

Xia Tian pointed at Wang Wenshu, who was lost in thought, while hesitation flickered in her eyes.

"Mother!?" Xia Ying's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Unaware of Wang Wenshu's hesitation, Xia Ying jumped on her, acting spoiled.

Wang Wenshu wore an expression of discomfort, feeling embarrassed in front of everyone. She stole a glance at Xia Chen, who was also approaching her.

Then, she looked at Xia Tian and decided to greet her son casually, without any physical contact.

Surprised, her eyes widened as she noticed Xia Chen's legs had grown back. Xia Tian hadn't used any spells to block his healing, so with his accumulated knowledge, Xia Chen was easily able to heal his legs.

Even now, he shuddered at the memory of that incident. The thought that a mysterious power could attack him without his awareness sent chills down his spine.


Xuan Ruyan saw the scene with a troubled look, she came here only to have a lunch with her two disciples, unaware there would be so many figures here.

Xia Ying and Xia Chen have a very high aptitude in cultivation, getting impressed by them, she decided to personally mentor them.

With a polite smile she introduced herself to Wang Wenshu, if her ears were right then latter was mother of Xia Ying and Xia Chen.

She was surprised to see the cultivation of Wang Wenshu, although Wang Wenshu was a concubine of Xia Leng, she still managed to climb to overlord realm albeit first stage only.

That was strange considering the concubines of these masters of large powers, don't usually get much resources to achieve a breakthrough.

But then she thought about the family Wang Wenshu belonged to, and then it became much more normal to her.

If the ancient families lack resources, then she might be called as poor.

Xuan Ruyan wore a troubled expression as she observed the scene. She had come here simply to have lunch with her two disciples, unaware that there would be so many figures present.

Impressed by Xia Ying and Xia Chen's remarkable aptitude in cultivation, she had decided to personally mentor them. With a polite smile, she introduced herself to Wang Wenshu, who she had heard was the mother of Xia Ying and Xia Chen.

Xuan Ruyan was astonished by Wang Wenshu's cultivation. As a concubine of Xia Leng, it was rare for her to have climbed to the overlord realm, even if it was just the first stage. However, when Xuan Ruyan considered the family that Wang Wenshu belonged to, it all made sense.

Xuan Ruyan was hailed as one of the strongest cultivators at the peak of mortality, and many believed that she would soon ascend to the Immortal realm. Even Xuan Ruyan was convinced of this, but reality proved to be different. More than a thousand years had passed since she reached the peak, yet she couldn't break through the barrier in her cultivation anymore. It was as if she had encountered a bottleneck, and she wasn't alone. So many mortals were forever stuck at the peak of overload, completely ignorant of the reason behind their failure.

Recently, she had bought a frozen heart Lotus and wanted to make a pill that could help her step into the realm of immortality by combining it with other ingredients. However, there was no mortal pill master who could help her concoct such a pill. It was a grade eight pill that needed an immortal's help to concoct, and only their souls had the ability to bear the burden of heavenly flames. There was only one immortal she knew of that she could ask for help, but she would rather die than do that.

Her only hope now was her new disciple, Xia Chen, who had exhibited immense talent in alchemy.

There was two more people beside Xia Ying and others, both were female with beautiful appearance.

It turned out both were Xia Chen followers that he had gained, what can we say as expected of son of destiny?

Beauty find a way to get to him regardless where he is...

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