The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 1: +Our Lovely Ilvia+

Greetings, prisoner Ilvia here!

Who am I greeting? I'm not sure exactly, I've been stuck here for a month bored out of my mind in this dark, dank cell... Actually, it's not all that either, it's quite resplendent and plush. I suppose they have caught wind of my reputation as the most beautiful and enigmatic of the seven demon generals, the Demon General of Lust!

Humans are quite lustful, you know, I'm the strongest of all of us!

(Minus Wrath and Pride but we don't talk about those two.)

Of course I've gotten some entertainment in the meantime... Mostly in the form of guards who I've been trying to seduce. They have the gall to laugh! Laugh, I say! That dirty heroine put me in an anti-magic cell so I can't charm OR fight my way out... A lady can't have muscles you know, all of it's magic really.

Not that I'm a lady! Or, well I am, but... Amorphous-demonic-essence-who-decided-to-have-tits-and-a-dick doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

Anyhow, onto the guards... Not in a literal sense obviously, silly cell, but they've been talking quite the juicy tidbits. They've been discussing how the heroine was making some aggressive, and to some of them, unpleasant changes to the status quo... Apparently talking about ways to enslave the demon race? How crude and uncivilized!

Speaking of slaves, I miss mine... They would crawl all over themselves to please me and it was so darling! They oft praised my icy-blue skin as well as my mildly generous d-cup endowments. My faintly pointed ears poking out from my snow-white nape length hair, when I would have horns, they would praise those as well... Far be it from a lady to snub a good brown-nosing.

Oh! More guards, time to stop my internal monologue, goodbye, darling!

I, Demon General Ilvia, watch as the guards strut their kinda cute butts into the hallway adjoining my cell. I lean back onto my bed so as not to seem desperate for whatever entertainment they have for me today.

"I can't believe our heroine is doing this... I mean, keeping demons alive? It's too risky!" One of the guards chirps. Frankly, I enjoy being alive, so I'm going to be writing this guard down for revenge later upon my escape.

"I'm sure she has a plan for it all, don't worry too much... She fought tooth and nail for this decree, so it must have something to do with her master plan. We'll just do as we ordered and skedaddle... Remember to guard the door, okay? It can't do anything as long as it's in that cell," the second guard says.

I wonder who they're talking about... I don't recall hearing anything else down here with me, but they certainly can't be calling me an 'it', that would be beyond disrespectful.

Turns out my whining found no purchase as they came to a halt right in front of my cell. I can't even bring myself to be offended, I just silently mark down another for the revenge list later... And I redact calling their butts cute!

"Alright, you, demon. We're going to let you out with a few ground rules, understand?" One of them says, speaking in a slow 'do-you-understand me-foreigner' kind of way. Do they really think I'm not fluent in their language? Perhaps that's why they've been so loose-tongued around me. Oh well, more juicy details for me, I'll just nod and play dumb.

"Good, you're going to stay in that corner. Do not move when we open the cell, or you'll be getting a fierce punishment." I look flustered at that statement, no, not because it's unnerving, but it's kind of exciting. I've done prison-play a lot with my slaves, but I've never been the one on the receiving end. Perhaps I'll disobey a bit and see what they say...

Or not. A true demon general's intentions are always fickle and ephemeral! I shall not be categorized in their silly games!

While I muse to myself the guards open the cell door, one of them standing firm at the entry while the other comes in bearing some sort of collar. It must be an anti-magic collar!

Just kidding, that trope is way overused... How could you possibly fit all the anti-magic to suppress a demon general into a tiny collar? It's just a regular collar and leash with a metal heart stamped with my name on it.

"I still don't like this... The heroine says this collar is enchanted with the best, but it looks awfully flimsy." The guard at the door says, they have orders though, so they seem to keep moving.

Okay, pause, what? That collar isn't enchanted at all, it's just a... Well, kinda kinky looking leather collar and leash. Does the heroine really think that'll hold me? Now I've decided I won't try to escape, I am very curious as to where this is going now.

I sit stock still, letting the guard man-handle me a bit, putting the cool leather to my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. No, not because it's cold, I just maybe... Got off a little bit, definitely nothing too spicy.

With a final click as the leash gets settled in place, I get firmly tugged out of my bed. I follow obediently so as not to give my captors reason to punish me yet. As I step out of the cell I feel relieved as my power returns. There's nothing like the rush of being able to pin down my captors and fuck them silly if I wanted to...

But I won't, I'm a good girl? for now. I follow them through hall after hall... Seriously, how big is this place? What kind of no-good noble owns a property so stupidly huge? I mean, really, I'd need a map to find my way back to my cell already! This must be the human's palace or something, I-

"The heroine's estate is really far too big, you'd think it was a maze." one of the guard's complains. Rude, interrupting me in the middle of my thoughts, but it appears I was right, a no-good noble-

"I heard the previous heroes and heroines all frequently gathered large harems equivalent to small armies... Something about where they come from, or their heritage being apart of it. A previous arch-mage hero designed this place to uh... Store them and keep them from escaping."

So it IS a maze, and it's owned by a no-good noble, no wonder there's so many twists and turns. Honestly, it would take me weeks to find my way out at this rate... Maybe I should remember the path in case I get brought back?

... Nah, I don't feel like it, I can always just bust through the walls like one of those heroes of old. Kool Eldman, I think his name was? I don't know, hero literature is boring.

Slowly we make our way out of the long... Boring... Monotonous maze. Honestly, I almost forgot that I even had the option of escaping, seriously, that was more boring than my one month stay in prison. The guards didn't seem to know about the maze before hand though? They do seem to know their way around at least.

(There's no way the maze was there just because I'm with them and it's to trap me, riiiight? I definitely won't regret that later.)

Anyhow, I finally get blessed by natural light shining onto my face... Briefly I'm hit by the urge to run out and scream "FREEDOM!" before I reign myself back in. I'm a regal lady, I wouldn't do something so uncouth, plus I'm a good girl? for now, like I said.

I dart my gaze around the area as we come out, a large lily garden sprawling out before me... Surprisingly, I've actually heard about this place! Apparently one of the heroes who was a virgin until his death, (and happily so, I might add, what a strange human), planted this garden as a tribute to his massive harem of women. ... How he had lived to die a virgin with such a large harem, I have no idea.

Apparently it's been kept as some sort of cultural heritage site by many of the heroes and heroines following, it's even had an everlasting spell applied to it! That's some of the most insane time magic you can ever use, and they used it for a garden.

Ugh, anyway, I keep getting dragged along, at least I'm slightly more entertained by my own musings, not these dullards who can barely hold a conversation anyway... Plus I can't talk because they'll find out I know how to properly speak their language and might stop giving me their juicy tidbits. Did I ever say how much I like the phrase "juicy tidbits?" So delightfully lewd.

Speaking of lewd, these guards keep catching glances at me... And maybe not especially to the thing swaying between my legs... Obviously I'm naked, what kind of demon general of lust would I be if I wasn't naked? I definitely wasn't stripped of all my belongings when I got captured... even my toys. Boohoo.

Oh well, Right-y kept me some company when I was bored... And Left-y joined in sometimes, not often, because he doesn't like cooperating with my body too much. Who knew that an amorphous demon would have no concept of ambidexterity?

Ugh, I've redacted it again. These guards definitely have cute butts, and for some reason they turn away in panic as they realize something, and it's definitely not because it's getting harder to walk. I ignore them and think good girl? thoughts.

You might be wondering why I keep making 'girl' a question, and that's 'cause I don't really have the lady bits? I mean, sure I could but... It doesn't really fit my image. Demon society is very much oriented to giving ladies a good dick-ing down, so for a strong dominant lady like me... Well, it feels inappropriate.

That and I could never get used to the weakness in my legs when I'd use both at the same time... It gets intense, even for a Demon General of Lust, okay? So I opted for the pole, not the hole. ... I could definitely make the others submit with the hole as well, but there's something invigorating about seeing the shame on their faces as they crumble in pleasure under me.

And that definitely won't change later, okay? Not even in the slightest. I'm a strong Demon General!

(Ugh, it definitely changes later, shut it.)

I could swap between them too, or do a whole lot of things, but actually I'm oddly attached to this form, it's convenient and fun... Plus, if you couldn't tell from the battle, I have an oddly keen sense for all or nothing thrusting attacks. I ignore the guards who look at me questionably when I wiggle my brow.

I sigh wistfully as the scenery changes into another, more variety filled garden with various fancy statues and things... I don't really care, I'm not like Greed or Envy, I neither want to steal, nor get angry at the living conditions. Flowers're pretty though, good job whoever tends them. I'd make them my slave if I weren't currently being a good girl?.

You're getting bored too, aren't you? "Get to the smut, already!", you're probably saying.

(Was I seriously this crazy before?)

Well, too bad! I'm a lusty busty babe with restraint, I only jerked off like 50 times in the last month!

(Please stop thinking to yourself already... I'm dying of shame here.)

Right, so we finally stop in front of a door. A door, you might ask? What an obsequious encounter!



(Ugh, alright, please lemme explain... You're in here with us, right? Having to watch all of... this. Don't play into her hands, she just wants to humilia-)

Author's Note:

First story ever, and fairly new to Scribblehub, not really sure how to tag things, I did tag things I know I almost definitely will have in the story, but if that's incorrect feel free to toss me a comment. (And don't worry, our kindest Demon General of Lust will tag the smutty situations so you can know if you feel like skipping it, she'll tag non-con as well as the participants and their positions, including unique descriptors like "tentacles" or "beasts" if I ever do that one, I don't think I will but the winds take me where they will.) Title may change, I just picked what came to me at the time.

Audience participation is welcome in the comments by asking questions and things, the future MC or the future FL may respond them. Relationship questions are encouraged if you need a little comfort with how their relationship has developed in the future (though no promises they'll be answered)

Current Schedule is: Whenever I feel like it. Encouraging words will always help. I will however try to reach 6 chapters a week or so, no promises though.

++ denotes future FL speaking () denotes future MC speaking.

Semi-spoilers ahead for those who want to know what's in store for this series sexually, that way if it's not your cup of tea you don't feel too disappointed.


Also curse you, Ilvia. Ladies can have muscles too! >:(

 Edit: I plan on rewriting chapters 1-10 later once I improve more, if you feel the need to drop the novel, I would appreciate a comment on why you feel that way on the chapter you decided to drop on so I can know if its something I can improve on. If it's just not for you, that's okay too. Thank you for reading regardless.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.