The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 87: +Doctor Ilvia, Pretty Huge D*ck+

I dragged him down from there at some point and found a maid to take care of him after I got him somewhat clean.

It's somewhere around the afternoon now so I can't just go and sleep, but I also don't know what to do, hm...

I mean, anything dealing with demons just feels counter-productive now since I'll be dragged away from here soon anyway, but I guess I could go around cleaning up some annoying people to make me feel better.

... Definitely not going to go visit that Heroine, though! I refuse to be bullied again!

It feels odd not having anything to do, though, normally I would have plans or some sort of thing necessitating my presence but now it's just... Nothing?

I could punish more of my servants, but I would rather not taint all of their last thoughts of me, just Llorithen earned that.

I aimlessly wander through the hallways, purposely avoiding any servants who might decide I'm in need of 'help' on account of being lost.

They would probably just lead me straight into the clutches of the Heroine again, anyway! All my servants have turned against me in favor of her, not that I had much expectations otherwise, at least judging by how much they seem to dote on her plots and ideas.

I do feel oddly relaxed though, despite the fact that sounds so negative. I mean, I don't have to worry about them anymore, because now it's all the Heroine's responsibility anyway! I don't really have to care about my Demon General business once I leave here...

I feel like I'm putting all of my eggs a bit in one basket, though, am I really okay with the Heroine just taking the reins on everything? Not really, I guess, but it's not quite like I have a choice anymore!

Humans are fragile though and are prone to dying in a lot of different ways, what am I supposed to do about that, anyhow? I feel like I should be making more elven friends instead...

Friends. That word tickles my heart a little bit, I mean, they are kind of pains in every part of my body, but... Well, I mean they seem to like to betray for little things, but big things, maybe not.

Perhaps I'm just naive to think that, I mean, the Heroine is plotting with Greed after all. Can I really trust that kind of thing?

I let out a frustrated sigh, ruffling my shoulder length hair. Normally I pick longer, but this felt appropriate for the business with Llorithen.

Humans and demons don't seem very different, but I can't help but want to trust humans more. What part of them does that? Perhaps humans are even more well plotting than a demon to make one trust them.

I suck in a deep breath to try and clear out the mixed and strange feelings within me, watching over the tapestries as I pass by, the once appealing lewd acts seeming less than savory.

Many of them depict acts of forcing various races into acts, like dogs on leashes, cats eating out of bowls on the floor while a succubus steps on their head, elves being gang banged by orcs, things like that.

I mean, I can't deny that they're still very hot, but part of me feels deeply frustrated at the consideration that the Heroine and company might not appreciate them so much.

+Nah, they're still pretty hot, not gonna lie, having porn all over your walls is pretty solid interior design. +

I mean, are my servants bothered by them, perhaps? I could just blame Greed for all of it, but I do quite like it as a choice of interior despite the fact I would rather rail someone instead of looking at them.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a shout from beside my immobile frame, finding the Heroine stomping over to hug me deeply.

"Ilvia, my little kitten, what have you been up to?!" She rests her chin against my breasts, looking up to me with a grin, leaving me to look away with burning cheeks.

"I'm never becoming a kitten for you again, so don't even think about calling me that!" I huff and puff, trying to pry her off me, wondering why she's so clingy today.

"Oohhh... So the reason you became that little kitty was for me?!" She says while her face is pushed away by my hands, causing me to freeze, becoming even more flustered.

"N-no, I didn't say that I just meant..." Of course, the damage has already been done.

"Awhhh, my Ilvia! If you wanted to be my pet you could have just asked! I would have given you a collar and leash earlier... Is that why you kept acting so naughty on the way here? Did you just want to be strung up by me?" No! That is absolutely not true, I just misspoke, you-

Her eyes stare up at me, shining in excitement, filling my heart with immense discomfort as I push her away properly this time, covering my cheeks as I turn away.

"T-that's not what I did at all, shut it! Go back to being a slut with your friends, shoo!" I step away, ensuring she can't approach whenever she steps towards me.

"Oooh... So you even want me to be a slut with you too? Ilvia is really naughty today." That! I said your friends you- Are you not listening to me on purpose?!

"I said your friends! Go slut them! You obviously have a lot of tension to work out!" I find myself backed up against one of the vases lining the corridor as the Heroine squeezes herself up against me again.

"Ehh, but you're my friend too, so doesn't that mean you want me to be a slut for you too?" Why- What?! What? I stare at her blankly, caught off guard by everything, the approach, the comment, her breath on my face, all of it, I...

"Though, perhaps you aren't a friend..." My shoulders droop in simultaneous relief and disappointment, the emotions washing over me creating an unpleasant tension in my stomach.

"I mean, you're apart of my harem now, right? Should I call you dearest instead? Wife? Darling? Whore? Cumslut?" My cheeks begin to burn more than ever despite some of those being definite outliers for what you should be calling your loved ones... Wait, loved ones? Does...

"You know, Ilvia, you are really cute when you're flustered. I love that about you." Okay, no, there's no way! I... My head feels like it has steam coming out of it, I can't help but squirm, pushing over the vase behind me, leading it to shatter onto the ground, but the Heroine doesn't stop her face approaching mine.

I know you're just messing with me again! I know you! You're reading my mind and fucking with me because of that! You-

Despite my protests through my mind, her lips are forced against mine as I end up practically riding the table that once housed the precious ornament, pushed up against the wall as my heart pounds in my ears, my thoughts racing like crazy, wondering exactly what is going through this Heroine's mind.

She suddenly pulls back with a flinch, glancing down at her feet which stand bare on the shards of pottery, I can see flecks of blood on the pieces, leaving my heart sinking in shock. You! Humans are fragile here, you idiot! Why are you running around in bare feet on porcelain?!

I hop down, stomping onto the shards in frustration, dusting them to ensure they can't hurt her anymore before scooping the Heroine up, my head blank to anything else as I begin jogging through the halls, ignoring her protests.

"Ilvia! Ilvia that-" She pulls on my cheeks firmly, trying to get my attention through my panic, I mean... Who should I find? Julia, right? I mean, some of my maids know how to treat things, but people have died here before despite that!

Julia should know what to do, right? Yeah, Julia, I need to find-

My panic is interrupted by some harsh slaps on my face, forcing me to pull my gaze towards the Heroine.

"Ilvia, I'm not gonna die from that. It's just a couple cuts, okay? It didn't hurt that much, it just surprised me." How do you know you're not gonna die from that?! You humans are unpredictably fragile, how am I supposed to believe you when you say 'Oh I'm fine', when you might be on your death bed the very next day?!

My cheeks are pulled even harder, encouraging me to keep my focus on her. "I'm gonna take you to Julia anyway, so stay there and shut!"

She lets out a helpless sounding sigh before shrugging. "At the very least you should go the right way, then. Their rooms are the opposite direction."

Why didn't you say that earlier?! I begin my rush in the other direction, making leaps and bounds through the hallway as I make sure the Heroine can guide me to the guest bedrooms, following her finger to a small but regal doorway.

I knock rapidly on it, hearing some inaudible grunts from the other side, nobody in particular answering the door. "Wait, Ilvia-"

I ignore the Heroine and turn the locked handle enough to snap it, pushing my way in without care, finding Julia strapped down to the bed with Fluffy pounding into her, both of them writhing with the other in lewd bliss, Julia erupting into an alarmed moan as she spots us, Fluffy turning around briefly to check what exactly is going on... Before continuing to rail Julia right in front of us.

Julia continues to wriggle around in surprise, melting even deeper into moans as the Heroine watches her before letting out a sigh, looking to me. "As I was trying to say, they sounded busy. I'll be fine. Seriously."

I spot the jar of healing unguent that Julia seems to normally have prepared unspent on the dresser. I step forward and snatch it, leaving the room with a slam of the door, not minding the fact it can't even sit shut anymore, revealing the deeds of the room to all who dare to pass.

I have a seat in the hallway with the Heroine in my arms, adjusting her so the soles of her feet are presented in front of me, red streaks in place across a couple of locations on them, some fragile pieces of porcelain remaining within.

"If they won't help you, then I will!" Ignoring her continued protests, I use my nails to gently pry out the stuck shards, brow furrowing as she winces with the touch. True to her words there aren't a great many wounds, but still, people have died for less! I think.

I gently stroke the outsides of the wounds, inspecting them thoroughly for any more shards, taking out plenty of the gel before massaging it into her feet gingerly, now focused on her expressions as I do, stopping whenever the pain seems to bring her discomfort.

"Ilvia... You are seriously something else, I'm fine, really." She continues to say that, bringing an even more annoyed expression to my face. I don't care if you think you're fine, I'm gonna make sure you're fine, weakling!

I apply plenty of it to the soles of her feet, ensuring the blood has completely stopped, content with what seems to be a satisfactory treatment... Except for maybe the lack of bandages. I tear the hem of my dress off smoothly with my nails, beginning to wrap it around her feet gingerly, tying them up in cute black bows on top, leaving me smiling smugly with my perfect treatment!

"And you wonder why I think you're stupidly cute, honestly." She says, prompting me to finally look up at her.

"I mean, obviously I'm cute, I'm me after all?" I don't wonder that at all! I just wonder why you're so weird, duh.

She snickers briefly before bursting out in a laugh. "Yeah, yeah you are." She attempts to stand once again, but I scoop her up before she can even try, staring at her, if you want to go somewhere, then you're going with me!

I stare at her firmly, ensuring she knows this, prompting her to rub her palms into her face.

"Yeah, fine. Carry me around, wife-dearest, take me to my destination... Your lips!" She suddenly pulls my head down and leans forward, kissing me once more as she hangs in my arms.

+You're so cute when you worry about me. I'm tougher than all humans, so don't go killing me off in your head so easily.+

(Shush, you're the idiot who walked through a broken vase with bare feet.)

+Hey, I was focused on your lips, okay? Can't blame me.+


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