The Punishment of A Demon General

Interlude: +How To Train Your Demon+

+So! You've come to learn from the master of taming demons, eh?+

(I would say something like 'you're not the master', but uh... Well, spoilers.)

+Hah! Anyway, if you want to add a demon to your harem like me, don't fret! You don't need a goddess' power to do so, or an extraordinarily rare mutant succubus!+

(I feel like I'm being attacked right now.)

+It's just your imagination. The first rule of taming demons is to always remember that they are not like us, unless they are like Ilvia, they may never fully be like us.+

(It feels weird being an exception, but thanks?)

+Don't mention it, cutie. I learned a lot from training Ilvia, and a lot from Ilvia directly herself, so I am in fact the most educated person in this room!+

(In terms of training demons.)

+C'mon, you could have let me have that for a little longer.+

(Your ego doesn't need to be fed more.)

+Anyhow, each type of demon has it's own way of training but you can generally get by basing it on the sin... We'll start from easiest to hardest, I suppose?+

(No points if you can guess which is the easiest.)

+Where's my lovely Ilvia's generosity? I guess it's pretty obvious though. Sloth demons are incredibly easy to 'tame', you'll have more difficulty finding one than actually taming them. Give them some food, some water, and don't ever make them active in bed longer than they care to be.+

(The heroine's 'favorite' position for them is burying them face down between her legs. Requires minimal effort on their part, though some do get a little bit energetic.)

+Energetic is probably a bit of an overstatement, but that is true. Responsibilities are the enemy to them! Well, most of them. There are some unique case-by-case measures you might have to take, but that's just the fun of taming! Don't let me spoil everything for you.+

(You'd think you would spoil to someone that 'playing with fire will burn you', but that's definitely a very you thing to not warn someone about. This is why we aren't having kids.)

+Hey, we just aren't having kids 'for now', okay? I'll convince you eventually, I have absolutely nothing against half-demon children! They're little cuties.+

(I didn't say that it was because you had something against them, I said it because you'd never leave me alone when I'm pregnant and I can't handle that much heroine 24/7.)

+Glad you're already thinking of yourself as the mother in this relationship! My plan is already coming to fruition.+

(I... You're the one with the breeding fetish so, yenno, I expected...)

+That I'd be the one to fuck you silly and breed you? Suuuure, that's totally not just a fantasy of yours.+

(Shut, return to the topic.)

+Next is gluttony! You'll have to be choosy with this one, it can be extraordinarily high maintenance to pick the wrong type of sin, and for goddess' sake, do NOT pick a druggy glutton. A meth head is the last thing you want in bed.+


+... That's it? That's all you're giving me? Boo. Anyway, your goal for gluttony is to have their target of gluttony constantly and permanently on hand, no 'oops we ran out for a day, you can wait that long, right?' Ideally, you want to also only give it to them when you're there, as well, to create a Pavlovian response to the feeding. When seeing you means 'I get what I want.', it naturally forms a higher opinion of you in their mind. Just don't enter without what they want too early into training or else they might get angry at you.+

(Also, avoid anyone that's 'flesh of a specific animal' especially if that animal is human or demi-human. If you want to save everyone trouble at that point, just kill them.)

+Technically you could feed them only natural deaths... But yeah, you're right, the thought of that is really eugh. As for why she says 'specific animal' as well, it drives the market up REALLY fast with how often you have to feed them to keep them 'satisfied' with your presence.+


+Wrath is up this time! This is only at this point in the list if you are absolutely confident in your fighting skills, you need to be overpowered for this one. Well, technically there are 'social wraths' where they have a sharp tongue and equally sharp wit, but those can be really difficult. If you've got extremely good verbal skills and can never lose in a battle of words or wits, that might just be the one for you! These rules will apply just the same, you just need to translate a couple words.+

(I can imagine a lot of people are more likely to be meatheads like you, though.)

+My head is composed of meat like a normal human, yes, jealous you amorphous bean?+

(... No.)

+There was a pause there, good enough for me! Like I said, for wrath you need to show absolute dominance to them in martial prowess, but there's a caveat to it, and this caveat belongs to literally all demons. Rule number two! Never ever let them perceive you as a threat to their life. For wrath you can get away with a bit more 'loose' terms of threat, but I cannot overstate this enough... Do not let them perceive you as a threat to their life. This means you can't just go beating on them until they've completely given into you. You have to let them come to challenge you, only fight them when they challenge you, win, and then stop immediately. It's fine to give punishments for losses, but state that clearly before hand. Don't surprise them.+

(And while you aren't allowed to surprise them, keep in mind that they still can surprise you. You may get attacked in your sleep, so have absolute confidence in your sleeping arrangements.)

+Correct! Otherwise it's simple, always win. This is a good choice to any of you who are completely busted brokie like me.+

(Do you wish you had a wrath demon instead?)

+Aw, c'mon, don't pout. I'd never replace you, not even for my life!+

(Hm, you pass for now.)

+Wait, this was a test?! How rude. Next up... Greed! Greed make for some funny lil' guys, the best kind you can get are ones that are money-based and not specific-object based. They will always want more, so make sure you have big living arrangements if you plan to keep them for a long time. The best way you can do this is to give them a solid chunk of what their focus is as an 'allowance', it has to be a generous allowance too. Similar to gluttony, always present this by hand, and somewhat similar to wrath, expect some attempts at surprising you. They almost definitely will try to steal whatever their focus is from you until they realize it's hopeless. Keep it secret, keep it safe.+

(So basically, they're Gollum, conniving little bastards who are just as much of a victim of our unfortunate creation as any demon.)

+Hey, I, for one, appreciate that you were created!+

(Demons in general, though, I bet you have a different feeling about.)

+Eh, yeah, pretty much. Demons are horrible. Survey says... Lust!+

(As the heroine sometimes says... 'It me.')

+Lust are surprisingly high on the difficulty list, mostly because keeping them satisfied is just so damn difficult. First recommendation is to find one with a denial fetish if you don't want to be having sex damn near every day, or giving someone to them to have sex with.+

(See previous chapters to know the truth of that statement...)

+Yeah, if Ilvia weren't such a blessed little cutie with her powers, she would have already irreparably hated me.+


+If you want this demon apart of your harem, sorry subby-sluts, you'll have a really hard time. You're very likely to become apart of their own harem instead, which means get ready for a long ride and make sure you've packed some cookies in case they forget to feed you. Ilvia saying 'I was actually one of the better owners' is pretty true for demons in general. If you're fragile, this might be really difficult.+

(There is a way though!)

+Yeah, it mostly involves finding one who is dominant enough to want to have a stake in every part of their pet's life, and giving them reason to stay. You'll need to be cute, charming, and most of all... Submissive! I'm looking at you, Faith.+

(Quit flirting with the viewers.)

+If you're more on the dominant side, your first goal is to find one who is more open to being a switch. This is surprisingly far more difficult than it would first seem. After that, dom them, sub them, and gradually increase the amount of times you dom them over a long period of time, and eventually they'll become a cute little submissive pet! Surprisingly easy if not for the fact you would have to literally fuck every single day for years on end, enduring their dom torture for a good half of it. The biggest difficulty here is finding one that fits all your criteria, and then manage to perfectly train it with no failures. Makes for a really unlikely scenario.+

(I'm pretty average in that case.)

+Well, you probably unintentionally leaned more switch than dom when starting out. My bets are on because you fucked so many minotaurs! Anyhow, for a switch, it's not as difficult as being a sub, but certainly not as 'easy' as being a dom for one. Ownership cannot be cleared in 'vague' terms, so you have to absolutely make it clear that you DO own them, and that they're better off being with you than without you. This will probably require no small bit of martial prowess on top of being a worthwhile partner in bed. So get to watching porn ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between!+

(Not everyone can learn hyper-insane sex skills like you do from porn.)

+Nonsense, I'm sure I'm not just the outlier!+

(You are.)

+Anyway, the next two are... Real trouble. If you want envy or pride, you can't have a harem. You're setting yourself up for marriage! If you can get past the thought of commitment, you still have an endless amount of issues... For both of them you need to make sure they are absolutely satisfied at all times, it will be damn near a full-time job. You have to make sure you have absolutely no power over them, or at the very least, do not show it in front of them.+

(But how can you manage to survive keeping them if you have no power over them?)

+And that, my dear Ilvia, is exactly why they are so high up on this list. You need to hide EVERYTHING from them. You can never, and I mean never, let them find out you have something over them. If you fight them, you have to pretend that it was 'barely' a win, and probably even go pretend to recuperate for a while. Also, thank you for understanding my hand signals to ask that question, Ilvia, you're the best.+

(It's what I'm here for.)

+You'll basically be marrying into a relationship completely built off of lies, manipulation, and survival. I strongly, strongly recommend none of you ever take this option unless you're one of those max difficulty completionists. If you are, start with Envy, dispose of them, then go to Pride, then dispose of them, and then you can safely start the rest of your harem.+

(Eeehhh... Doing that for 'completion' seems kinda demonic, though.)

+Hey, just covering all my bases. Finally, the third rule of demons! Regardless of which demon you pick, training them is a deeply long term investment. You need to be fully committed to it, no half-assing. Expect to not leave your house for a long time during it unless you have scrying and teleport magic, so get everything that you need to have done before starting it.+

(And above all, remember rule one. Demons are not humans. If it ever seems like they love you, or are dependent on you... Never ever give them an opening to harm you, or they will immediately take it. It's effectively the instinct of a predator.)

+Yeah, you're basically keeping a large wild cat. If you don't treat it with the respect of a loaded gun, you or someone you know is gonna get hurt.+

(See what happened to Julia and the maid.)

+Yeah, that was a blessing that neither of them got severely hurt.+

(Yeah, I'm glad too.)

+And that, folks, is why my Ilvia is a unique case! Don't let her sweet demeanor fool you, she's an extraordinary case in extraordinary circumstances! Stay safe. That's the end of my DemonHarem TED Talk.+

(It's weird seeing you being responsible, but yes, stay safe everyone. I wish you luck in taming your own demon harems.)

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