The Puppet Emperor Regresses

9: Lessons in Mana – Part 2

A wave of emotion washed over Mikhail. Pride, excitement, and a touch of fear mingled in his chest. This was real. He was doing magic. In his previous life, he had been left to watch as his siblings grew in strength while he remained weak and useless. 

But now... now he held the power of the universe in the palm of his hand.

"Most mages struggle just to form their initial connection to mana." Thorne remarked, a hint of seriousness in his voice, "They must painstakingly cultivate their Mana Heart through meditation and rigorous practice. But for royalty like yourself, this connection to the universe is granted as a birthright. The Rite of Ascension gifts you a fully formed Mana Heart, giving you an immense advantage in your magical studies."

"It's overwhelming though, isn't it?" Thorne said gently. "The first time we truly connect with mana, it's like... like seeing colour after a lifetime of grey. It changes everything."

Mikhail nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"In time," Thorne said, "you'll learn to shape this energy into spells, to imbue it with elemental properties, to weave it into complex enchantments. But for now, focus on this sensation. Learn to call upon it at will, to direct it through your body."

With a gesture, Thorne sent a stream of knowledge directly into Mikhail's mind. "This is the meditation guide for mana cultivation," he explained. "And this... this is something very special."

Another stream of information flowed into Mikhail's consciousness. "This is the Imperial Celestial Spiral Technique," Thorne said solemnly. "It's a closely guarded secret of the royal family, passed down through generations of Tiberian rulers. I'm entrusting you with this knowledge, as my predecessors have with previous members of the royal family."

Thorne went on to explain the technique's features, its unique mana circulation pattern that enhanced purity and capacity, its ability to help royals attune their mana to the imperial bloodline - forming the foundations for advanced imperial magic and rituals, and the techniques included for enhancing one's connection to the empire itself.

"This technique is versatile, adapting to whatever your magical affinity might be," Thorne explained. "It offers a strong foundation for growth, befitting a potential future ruler of the empire. It's complex and challenging, show me you're capable of mastering it."

Over the next several hours, Thorne guided Mikhail through various exercises, teaching him to circulate mana through his body according to the Imperial Celestial Spiral Technique, to draw it in from his surroundings, and to release it in controlled bursts.

Mikhail followed along diligently, his face a mask of concentration as he guided his mana according to Thorne's instructions. 

Thorne would often place his hand on Mikhail's chest to personally illustrate the flow of mana that Mikhail must follow within his body. This practical display of his internal pathways accelerated Mikhail's understanding considerably. 

He could feel the energy spiralling through his body, following the complex patterns of the technique.

[System Alert: Imperial Celestial Spiral Technique learned. Mana circulation efficiency increased by 15%.]

[System Alert: Level 2 Magic Sense unlocked. You can now perceive intricate mana patterns in your surroundings.]

As the lesson progressed, Thorne found himself delving deeper into magical theory than he'd initially planned. Mikhail's eager absorption of knowledge and insightful questions spurred the Grand Mage on, caught up in the excitement of teaching such a receptive student.

"The elements we commonly recognize are Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Dark," Thorne explained, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "But there are rarer, more abstract affinities as well – Time, Space, even conceptual magics like 'Growth' or 'Decay'. Your affinity will become clearer as you progress in your studies."

Mikhail absorbed this information eagerly, wondering what his own affinity might be. In his previous life, he had never had the chance to find out.

Thorne went on to explain the structure of more advanced magic – how multiple mana manipulation techniques could be combined to create complex spells, how ritual magic could achieve effects far beyond an individual mage's power, and how magical artefacts could store and channel mana in unique ways.

"And of course," Thorne said, his voice lowering conspiratorially, "there are the forbidden arts. Blood magic, soul manipulation, temporal distortion – magics so powerful and dangerous that their very study is outlawed. But I tell you this not to tempt you, Mikhail, but to warn you. There will always be those who seek shortcuts to power, no matter the cost."

Mikhail listened intently, and made sure to make the appropriate expressions of shock that anyone would do such a thing. 

He knew, of course, that he would have to explore some of these forbidden arts if he wanted to reshape his destiny. But he would be cautious, smart. He wouldn't make the mistakes of his previous life.

"It seems that in my enthusiasm, I've gotten ahead of myself, all of these concepts are rather advanced. Perhaps we can come back to these once you've managed to establish your first circle, Mikhail.", Thorne spoke with some exasperation directed at himself. "Alright, let's get back to the basics."

--- --- ---

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the study, Thorne finally called an end to the lesson. "You've done well today, Mikhail. But remember, this is just the beginning. The path of a mage is long and fraught with challenges. But it is also a path of wonder, of discovery, of pushing the boundaries of what's possible."

"Now, don't feel overwhelmed if you don't understand everything we've covered today," Thorne added with a kind smile. "This was merely to give you an idea of the full scope of what's available to you in this world of magic. True understanding will come with time and practice. We'll revise and build upon these concepts in our future lessons."

Mikhail bowed deeply, genuinely grateful for the knowledge he had gained. "Thank you, Grand Mage. I won't disappoint you."

Thorne nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "See that you don't. Now, off you go. And this time, we'll use the door. Can't have you getting too dependent on my teleportation tricks."

As Mikhail turned to leave, he realised with a start that he had no idea how to navigate the Spire of Enlightenment on his own. He hesitated at the door, turning back to Thorne with a sheepish expression.

"Um, Grand Mage? I'm not quite sure how to get back..."

Thorne chuckled. "Ah, yes. I suppose I did rather unceremoniously pluck you from your garden this morning. Very well, one last teleportation for the day."

With a wave of his hand, the world blurred around Mikhail once more. When his vision cleared, he found himself back home, the familiar sights and sounds of the villa's garden surrounding him.

Mikhail's mind whirled with all he had learned. He could feel the mana pulsing within him, a wellspring of potential just waiting to be tapped. And beneath it, hidden from all but himself, the steady thrum of his Aura Core.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the warm sensation in his chest.

Although he had not yet established his first circle around his heart, he had taken the next step in becoming a mage. It wasn't nothing, this was progress. Now all that was left to do was cultivate.


[System Alert: Host status updated]

Name: Mikhail Robinette D'Arcy Ironforge

Title: Fourth Prince of the Tiberian Empire

Age: 6 (Mental Age: 127)

Status: Healthy


Health: 100/100 

Stamina: 100/100 

Mana Heart: 25/225 [Active]

Aura Core: 0.1/200 [Active]

Mana Pool: 10/100



Strength: 8 

Dexterity: 7 

Constitution: 10 

Intelligence: 16 

Wisdom: 20 

Charisma: 12 

Magic Circle: 0

Aura Tier: 0


Unique Abilities:

Dual Core Cultivation (Hidden) 

Temporal Consciousness

Personal Dimensional Space



"Beyond Expectations" - Endured the Rite of Ascension for an unprecedented duration.

"Sleeping Beauty" - Survived a 3-day coma following magical overexertion.

"Daddy's Favourite" - Gained the Emperor's personal attention and concern.

"First Steps" - Successfully manipulated mana for the first time.



Magic Sense (Level 2) - Ability to perceive mana.

Aura Sense (Level 1) – Ability to perceive aura.

Physical Endurance (Level 2) - Increased due to surviving the extended ritual.

Acting (Level 3) - Improved ability to conceal true thoughts and emotions.

Basic Meditation (Level 2) - Basic meditation techniques mastered.

Accelerated Healing (Level 1)[Passive] - Slightly enhanced natural healing rate.

Mana Manipulation (Level 1) - Basic ability to control and shape mana.

Imperial Celestial Spiral Technique (Level 1) - Royal family's secret mana cultivation method.

Items Possessed:

Rare Skill Book "Foundations of Imperial Might"


Current Quests:

"The Path of Atonement" - Begin your intensive training regimen. Reward: Increased stats, new skills, improved relationship with the Emperor.

"A Second Chance" - Navigate your new life armed with knowledge of the future. Reward: Opportunity to change fate, prevent betrayals, reshape the empire.

"The Unseen Web" - Begin building a network of loyal allies among the palace staff. Reward: Increased influence within the palace, access to hidden information.



Excessive use of future knowledge may alter the timeline unpredictably.

Dual Core nature must remain hidden to avoid suspicion and potential danger.

Balance must be maintained between pursuing power and maintaining the facade of a normal child prince.


--- --- ---

In the Spire of Enlightenment, Grand Mage Thorne gazed out over the sleeping city, a thoughtful expression on his weathered face. He had sensed something in young Mikhail, a potential that both thrilled and terrified him.

"May the gods help us all," he murmured to the night, "if that boy ever fully comes into his power."

And so, as the Imperial city of Tiberium slumbered, the wheels of fate began to turn, set in motion by the ambitions of a child with the mind of an emperor and the dawning power of a mage.

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