The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 68: Yanshi and silver

"I've already eaten..." Ling Xingye looked helplessly at the woman who was feasting in front of her.

"Really?" Bai Yinyao didn't care, maintaining an elegant but fast miraculous dining action, "Then it happens to be all mine!"

Ling Xingye was speechless again, it was just a polite way just now! It's rare to have food above the standard in front of you, no matter how hungry you are, you will try it, right?

But blocked by the other party's words, Ling Xingye could only watch helplessly as this devil-shaped woman swept all the dinner for two into her stomach...

"This woman... isn't afraid of getting fat?" Ling Xingye whispered to himself.

However, he was caught by Bai Yinyao, who had sharp ears and eyes: "I won't gain weight!"

She declared quite proudly: "Because fighting will consume excess fat!"

"Battle?" Ling Xingye frowned, finally getting into the topic!

"First of all, I never thought I was a member of the Silver Organization," Ling Xingye refused first, "I'm not interested in your battles either."

"Oh, really?" Baiyin Yao made a pot of tea and sipped it leisurely, "The enemy we are going to fight is the kind of thing you saw today. Did you see the starry night? That 'vampire' ? There were sixteen corpses in the alley at that time! As for how many there were before, I don’t know..."

Bai Yinyao brought up another topic—about the victims of this "vampire" incident.

This is a problem that Ling Xingye ignored...or deliberately ignored.

But now that she was directly exposed by this woman, Ling Xingye could no longer ignore it.

"According to the information we have in Baiyin, there are a total of sixteen automatic puppets that have infiltrated into the campus city this time." Baiyin Yao made two gestures of one and six with both hands, "In other words, they are as powerful as vampire puppets...or the same Dangerous guy, there are fifteen more!"

Gesture six becomes five.

"So how many victims will appear next?" Baiyin Yao said solemnly, "I'm also not sure about this. But I came here just to reduce this number as much as possible. Since Baiyin's forces have never officially entered I have passed this city, so I need the help of Starry Night who is familiar with here—do you have your own information cafe in this city?"

Ling Xingye frowned, the thought of resignation had completely disappeared, but he still wanted to struggle unwillingly: "Could it be that the sixteen automatic puppets that invaded this time are all 'vampire' models?"

"Xingye, you misunderstood." Baiyin Yao shook his head again and again, "The so-called 'vampire' is just a name I adopted in response to the rumors of people here. There is no special model of 'vampire' in the automatic puppets...or in other words, each of them They're all 'vampires'!"

"How do you say that?"

"Because the key energy source for automatic puppets to maintain 'automatic' is human blood!"

"What! What's the point of this!" Ling Xingye jumped up, his first reaction was absurd and unbelievable.

It is not scientific at all to use blood, especially human blood, as an energy source!

But he immediately realized that, strictly speaking, the automatic puppet itself is an "unscientific" existence, right?

If you look at it from the perspective of magic or ghost legends, it actually makes sense, and it does fit the legendary settings of vampires and zombies.

Seeing Ling Xingye so excited, Bai Yinyao was surprised: "Don't you know Xingye at all?"

"This is Academy City, known as the base camp of the scientific world... How could I know such a thing." Ling Xingye asked back.

"Obviously I have already fought many automatic puppets before, I thought Xingye could guess something."

Ling Xingye rolled his eyes and said: "At that time, I thought those puppets were things controlled wirelessly and remotely... Who knew they really had their own consciousness?"

Bai Yinyao looked up at the wall clock on the wall: "Okay, since we're going to cooperate next time, I'll spend some time teaching you the basics. It will be troublesome if you ask and answer questions on the spot during the battle."

Ling Xingye looked at the ghost beside him, sitting upright.

Now that he has decided to intervene in this matter, he must not let go of any valuable information!

What's more, he is very interested in automatic puppets and more sophisticated and advanced puppet techniques!

"If you want to trace the source of everything about puppets and puppet masters, you must mention a person...or an existence—'Yanshi'."

Bai Yinyao dipped his index finger in the tea, and wrote the word "Yanshi" on the table. Although she is a woman, the strokes of her pen are as vigorous and powerful as a golden hook and an iron stroke, and the water stains on the table condense and never disperse.

"In legend, he can be said to be the ancestor of the puppet master and the creator of the first puppet." Baiyin Yao said, "It was first recorded in "Liezi · Tang Wen". Yanshi is considered to be Bimozi Hejiang Shengong Shuban is an even more skilled craftsman."

Ling Xingye nodded to show that he knew it, and he knew it when he started learning silk puppets—when he was apprenticed to a master, the patriarch he enshrined was a puppet representing "Yanshi".

"Since the Zhou Dynasty, the descendants of Yanshiji's disciples have been working for the emperor's family." Bai Yinyao continued, "To be able to make puppets that are real enough, of course, such exquisite skills cannot be just used as playthings in the deep palace. — The transition to militarization is extremely natural.

"At first, it was used to guard imperial mausoleums and other forbidden places of similar level. Gradually, the puppet guards became the guards of the palace—tireless, fearless of death, UU Reading, and powerful in combat! These characteristics make the puppet guards It is very popular with the emperors. Even in the troubled times of the Spring and Autumn Period, when the nations were in conflict, some vassal states really used puppets to completely replace human guards.

"But then a fatal problem was exposed - these puppets are not completely obeying the orders of the protected. In fact, those who can really control them are those Yanshi. Because of Yanshi's betrayal, the city was destroyed and the country was destroyed. It is not an exception.

"So, as a matter of course, the Yanshi were hostile and expelled by all the vassal states at that time, and were even on the verge of destruction! The puppet army they cobbled together had no advantage in front of the real iron-blooded army. However, those Yanshi and their puppet army It also aroused the joint crusade of various countries, and soon the entire army was wiped out...

"But that was the first time that the puppet army appeared in public. Although it was defeated, it was largely because of its specialization in the art industry. Yanshi is not a military strategist, and its military network is almost zero. In the eyes of those real military masters , the puppet army is a very useful tool. Therefore, Yanshi was not wiped out, but once again entered the official sequence of various countries.

"After learning the lesson, one branch of Yanshi decided to make a change—they made brand-new guard puppets and handed over these puppets to the people chosen by the princes to control them, so as to regain trust.

"This is the original origin of the silk-drawing puppets. The so-called 'drawing silk' means that these puppets are controlled by humans, rather than directly obeying orders from Yanshi. This branch of Yanshi has also gradually changed its role to simply 'making puppets'." , and the person who taught the 'Silk Pulling Opera' also gradually split from the mainstream of Yanshi.

"The leader of this branch is called 'Silver'."

Baiyin Yao dipped his index finger in water again, and wrote the word "Baiyin" on the other side of "Yanshi", echoing each other from a distance.

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