The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 211: Hunting Posture, Hollowing out the Fish Pond

Chapter 211

Ge Dongxuan stood in the middle of the fish pond, turning back in confusion and helplessness.

She hadn't caught anything. She looked to Nan XiangWan for help!

Nan XiangWan entered the water very quickly. Her heels seemed to be cheating as she steadily waded in without any of the stumbling of Ge Dongxuan when she first entered.


Swish swish!

In just a few moments, she rushed to the center of the fish pond.

The water line was above her abdomen.

Ge Dongxuan was shocked, her mouth forming an O shape.

Why was it that as she carefully waded through, Nan XiangWan seemed to teleport right over?

This is not scientific!

The next second, Nan XiangWan started squatting down.

Her whole body submerged in the water, leaving only half a head above the surface, just her nostrils poking out.

Ge Dongxuan: "???"

After Nan XiangWan submerged, she didn't move at all, like a statue.

Ge Dongxuan thought for a bit, then also submerged the same way. She was still a few meters away from Nan XiangWan, the two in different spots, but the water depth was the same.

Gradually, after not too long, Ge Dongxuan couldn't take it anymore.

Squatting half-submerged in the water, even with her legs deeply sunk so she wouldn't slip, she felt her legs were so sore they didn't feel like her own.

She looked again to Nan XiangWan next to her, still unmoving, her eyes even closed.

It was as if she had disappeared!

If not for that half a head surfacing ridiculously above the water.

Ge Dongxuan even suspected no one was there.

Comment thread flies across screen:

- What is Nan XiangWan doing?

- I'm laughing to death at XiangWan's half a head poking out! Hilarious screenshot material!

- Iconic scene, quickly screenshot!

- Does anyone else feel like she looks like some kind of animal right now?

- A crocodile???

- Oh my god! I was just wondering what she looked like and isn't this the hunting stance of a crocodile?

- How long has it been guys? This position can't be easy to hold underwater.

- Whenever it comes to physical ability, Queen Nan never loses!


Nan XiangWan still maintained her unmoving half-squatting posture, half a silly round head floating above the water. But her breathing was steady and her body underwater blended into one with the fish pond, as if she was originally a rock at the bottom.

Ge Dongxuan stood without moving, taking a break and seeing what Nan XiangWan was trying to do.

She didn't know how much time passed when Nan XiangWan felt fish swim by her several times. But she still didn't move, even emboldening some fish to casually start swimming right by her, not detecting a human at all. This continued until the water currents grew stronger.

Nan XiangWan opened her eyes. Then with a sweep of both arms—

The next second, the fishing net that had been submerged underwater was abruptly hauled up!

Beside her, Ge Dongxuan was startled by the sudden movement. She blurted out on instinct: “Oh my god!”

But in the next look, Nan XiangWan had already stood up. The one meter deep fishing net was completely filled with fish!

One or two fish?

She wouldn't look twice at that!

She had maintained that utter stillness in order to catch a whole school of fish!

Big and small, nearly two dozen in total. A whole family caught together!

The heavy net of flipping fish was loaded on Nan XiangWan's shoulder as she headed straight to shore.

Ge Dongxuan excitedly followed behind her like a little duck, stumbling through water shallow and deep in cheerful little hops and skips.

Ge Dongxuan: “Nan XiangWan, you're amazing!”

Ge Dongxuan: “There's nearly twenty fish in this net! And this one's so big! This one too!”

Nan XiangWan walked in front, Ge Dongxuan behind.

When the two came ashore, Nan XiangWan threw the net of fish right into the buckets.

Then she turned right around to keep fishing.

Ge Dongxuan: “You're still going to fish?”

Nan XiangWan: “Enough to eat?”

Ge Dongxuan thought back to Nan XiangWan's appetite and shook her head. “Go catch a few more nets.”

Nan XiangWan: “Got it. I'll go catch the fish, you sort them. Throw back the small ones not even big enough to get stuck in teeth.”

Ge Dongxuan: “Roger!”

And so the two divided up work.

Every ten or so minutes Nan XiangWan spent underwater, she'd surface with a big new net of fish.

Ge Dongxuan's fish sorting speed couldn't even keep up with her catch frequency!

Finally, when the sun was nearly set, the two packed up to head home.

With too many fish, one bucket wasn't enough at all.

The staff members nearby brought over many buckets, even driving the small three-wheeled transport cart over.

In the yard...

Huang Shi had already prepared most of the side dishes. Only the rice was still steaming.

The five members of team Heaven's Mandate were sitting in the yard chatting with this esteemed senior.

Huang Shi's face retained a constant smile as he continuously praised them.

These girls all had such different personalities and appearances, skilled in different things.

But each was charming in her own way!

As expected of Nan XiangWan's friends, they were all good kids.

At this time, sounds drifted in from the yard entrance.

Huang Shi poked his head out: “Are the fishing girls back?”

Ge Dongxuan: “Teacher Huang, we're back!”

Huang Shi smiled warmly. “Oh, how many did you catch?”

He had originally meant to ask if they came back empty-handed. After all, just getting to the pond wasn't easy. And the fish were pretty sly too. Previously when guests went, it took groups working for a whole afternoon just to catch one or two fish.

Now it was just these two young girls Nan XiangWan and Ge Dongxuan. Would they really catch anything?

But then Huang Shi remembered Nan XiangWan's earlier antics and felt there really could be a chance she caught something. So he asked conservatively.

Yet he was caught completely off guard by—

Nan XiangWan driving the three-wheeled cart into the yard, then hopping off to slap the dozen-something buckets loaded on the back.

Nan XiangWan: “Teacher Huang! Fish!”

Seeing the buckets, Huang Shi's eyelid gave an involuntary twitch.

He rushed over for a closer look.


Bucket after bucket filled with plump fish, packed to the brim and still desperately flopping, trying to leap out.

Fish nets covered each bucket, preventing chaotic escape.

Huang Shi's mind buzzed blankly!

His voice nearly jumped octaves. “You emptied out my whole pond?!”

Nan XiangWan: “No, I had Ge Dongxuan throw the little ones back. They can grow up next year.”

Huang Shi: “Next... Next year?!”

Ge Dongxuan shrugged. “Don't blame me, I'm just a follower.”

On the side, Deng Si Nan laughed so hard she bent double. “Calling the headline: Nan XiangWan Empties Teacher Huang's Fish Pond!”

By now Huang Shi was speechless as he gazed at Nan XiangWan like she was some kind of monster.

His fish pond...


“Woof woof!” At this time, Yun Shi gave a couple barks.

Huang Shi looked over right at a very meaningful look from Yun Shi, seemingly saying “See that? This woman is here to ransack your household! Chase her out!”

The livestream audience also roared with laughter.

Comment thread flies across screen:

- Teacher Huang is green with shock!

- Nan XiangWan's “next year” line is just too hilarious!

- Teacher Huang, quick, ban fishing! She's emptied out all the fish!

- I'm dying laughing! Barely any small fish left. Gotta restock the pond.

- Teacher Huang currently regretting letting Nan XiangWan go fishing.


Oblivious to everyone else, Nan XiangWan proudly flaunted her catch to her teammates.

Nan XiangWan: “Come look! What do you think?”

Her teammates all understood her perfectly. They quickly applauded and sang her praises.

“Nan XiangWan is amazing!”

“XiangWan rules!”

“With Nan XiangWan, we'll eat till we're stuffed!”

Huang Shi expressionlessly clapped along with them too.


You're really too impressive to empty out his fish pond!

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