The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 01- I’m Just The Queen’s Toy

“Hrmmmm~ The weather’s also good today~ “

My deprived eyes were staring deep into the ablaze sun, I hummed myself a little in joy before fixing my gaze to the scorching sun. Although the sun was too far away from me, it almost burned my skin, making my skin resemble a brown dirt one could spot anywhere.

The air in the province smells great, but I still desired to see what it looked like to be in the center of the capital. In my entire 18 years of life, I’ve always been breathing, staying on the farm we own. Although there were no problems with meals for every day we required, since we harvested our own meal, there was still a missing piece making me somewhat feel unease.

I’ve been living on the farm for so long, that I almost forgot about the academy. I mean, others in my age, might even be attending the academy now, yet here I am, stuck in the middle of the farm, working my ass 24/7 without even rest, in the middle of the scorching sun.

AAAAHH~ I wonder how good the life in the capital was. 

I’ve been thinking too far ahead of the future, that the danger soon approached me.

“Kuraii~!” It was none other than my one and only mother, her name was Yun, a lovely mother who always cherished me.

From both my father and mother, my mother has always been the sweetest for me. Ever since I was a child, there were times where she would let me take a rest by dealing with my father, and would always tell my f*cking old man that I’m a growing man, so I shouldn’t take heavy works. And also, there was a time when a beautiful foreign lady came up to speak with me, and soon approached my mother, while handing a card for a transaction, saying that she’ll pay up no matter how much my mother will price for the sake of owning me, heck, just the memory of it creeps me out. Thankfully, my mother seemed to be not that sane as to sell her own child, that even though the lady offered a large sum of money, she still chose to reject the offer. Well, if it was me in her position, I might have thought deeply about it, and soon would choose to sell my own blood. For christ sake.

Those memories alone built up a foundation of trust, that I should never doubt my mother. I mean, if she had any ill intent towards me, she would have sold me in the past, however, she didn’t even get blinded by money, choosing me at the very end.

With my arms wide opened, I prepared a hug for my incoming mother, before my lips stretched inwardly, shaping into a smile, “M, mother!”

My mother ran towards me as if she was in a hurry, before arriving into my side. I thought she’s gonna embrace me like what she usually does every day, but, heck, thoughts are really meant to be broken. As soon she arrived at my side panting, her mesmerizing hands struck my face, and sent me flying a few steps away. 

How scary it was. Does everyone’s mother like this? I scratched the corner of my reddened cheeks, before pouting in irritation, “Mommm! Why didja slapped me!”

“It’s already past the morning, and yet you’re only resting yer butt here! Didn’t you see your father over there working his ar*ses so hard!” 

I shifted my gaze over to where my mother was pointing at and soon found a middle-aged man, cutting some woods, before staring at my mother’s face… 

But momm!! You told me to take it easy!!

I wanted to complain but gave up halfway. After all, once I’ve entered an argument with my mom, it’ll be hard to disregard such a topic once started. One time when I was out helping out with my mum and got into an argument, she didn’t give my ears a break, that I almost lost my pace. Hell, just the thought of it, sent me to shivers.

After thinking about it for so long, a sigh soon escaped from my mouth, before a frown formed on my face.

“Alright, alright. I’m going.” I brought my face forward and prepared to leave. However, before I could take a step, my mother suddenly grabbed my broad shoulder, with her gripped so tight, that I could feel the pain arriving to my side.

Acck… I tried shoving away her hand, but the grip was so tight, that it doesn’t even bunch an inch… Seriously, just how strong my mother was. 

A man’s strength doesn’t even her match. 

Recalling something inside my head, the corner of my eyes soon started moistening. Aaahh… so that’s why every time I saw my father in their bedroom, I’ve always seen him in tears. Just how the heck the two of them ended up with each other in the first place! If it was me, I’ll never marry such a violent woman!

After removing every single piece of clothing I’m wearing, I knelt my head to the ground, with my a*s swaying left and right, fully exposed, before gnawing out the words “Arf!” like a tamed dog. Right, this is how powerful women could be. I swear to f*ckin God that I’ll never marry someone! Never in my f*ckin life…

Well, heck, I didn't even know that I’ll soon meet the one fated for me and someone who’ll even bring me so much headaches in the future, I wished it or not..

“I apologize dear mother.” I bit my lip in frustration, thankfully she couldn’t see it since my head was deep dug into the ground. If she did, I would be f*ckin dead on the spot.

I could taste the blood dripping out from the corner of my lips, but could only swallow it in silence. Hell, women are really the scariest thing.

“Rise your head… Also, wear your clothes, are you a beast in heat? Why are you removing yer clothes? And also, in front of your own mother? Are you perhaps someone who’s into incest..? Woooh~ I see, you’re a death-seeking person, huh?”

But you always order me to do this whenever I did something bad!!

Are there some loose screws in your head!? Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is!

“Y, YES!” I hurriedly clothed myself with clothing, before saluting like a trained soldier. I’d rather beat my tsundere father to pulp than speak rudely to my mother! After all, she was so God damn scary, that a demon king paled in comparison.

It’s not that I’ve seen a demon king before, but for me, her figure alone was much more domineering than the said demon king… I wonder if the demon king also has a mother like that. Just thinking about it brought me to tears, no matter how powerful a person was, in front of their mother, they’re just trash who were supposed to be thrown into a trash can.

Men would always be men.

As I stood in a daze, looking at her face, my mother brightened in red for a second, before glaring her bladder straight to my eyes. 

Muuuuummmmm!!! Don’t look at me like that!! Like I told ya earlier, I’m not into incest!!

AAAAAHHH!!! I wish I could vanish into thin air!!

My mother let out a sigh of depression, before shifting her gaze upon the mighty sun. That’s the sun I badly despised. Since I had to work in daylight, that f*cking sun made me tan as a brown envelope.

My mother left my side for a few minutes, before returning with a fishing rod in her hand. I tilted my head ever so slightly, as my gaze landed upon the eye-catching wooden fishing rod. Just what is she planning on giving me that? Never in my life did she taught nor let me touch a fishing rod in my entire life, so right now, my head is full of confusion.

Did she finally lost her sanity, and decided to side with my father? If so, they should have just sold me to the pretty lady in the past! Why make me do labor jobs, even though I’ve already plucked out the f*cking dirt of our farm like f*cking every day!

Although my mother was treating me like trash almost every day, because I’m just like a pig, required for them to feed almost every day. 

She never let me do things I couldn’t do, nor carry heavy things I can’t handle. 

There were even times, she helped me whenever I had a problem in my mind, by singing into my ears with her voice.

She was my ideal woman, but not really at the same time. I mean, in terms of sweetness, I prefer her more than anything. Heck, if my father was dead, I would have tried my way into her, even if it’s forbidden. I mean, not only was she as pretty as a jewel. She’s also kind, and always soothing and humble. 

My ideal- no, I’d be better to describe that she’s my dream woman.

If only my father was dead in a coffin! I threw countless killing intent towards my father before fixing my gaze upon the wooden fishing rod. 

My father shuddered in coldness as soon he sensed a great killing intent being directed to him. 

When he looked around his surroundings, from afar he could see his wife and son. 

He frowned his brows forward in all resentment. 

He could guess what his son was thinking right away…

You want to kill me, huh!? Ungrateful b*stard!!

If not for his wife stopping him, he would have killed his son before it even grew up. 

At first, there was not a single unordinary part about his son, only showing heavy affection towards his mother. Well, he didn’t give it a long thought about at the beginning, but as the time passed by and he grew older, he noticed some weird changes in his son...

His son has a mother complex!!

Well, his wife was not to blame, but, that b*stard son of his! 

There were times he would wish for his own father to vanish so he could own his father’s wife! If he’s not crazy, then what else would he be? Where would you find a son who’s wishing for his own father to die? Huh?

Actually, when his son was born, he was quite an average fellow. 

Interacting with someone his age’s, and playing with them, however, since his intelligence was quite a mature one, his son soon got tired of playing with others his age and started looking at his own mother with heart shaped eyes...

I wonder if my wife has noticed it already…. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about the two of them. Like one day, in the future, they’re gonna end up with each other, and he will soon become an invisible mob.

Welp, that was a story for the future, so let’s not jump right into it…

“Stop staring at my face, and get on with it!” My mother handed me over, the wooden fishing rod in her hand while preventing her gaze from meeting mine.

What a splendid reaction! I wanted to jump straight into her arms!

I held the wooden fishing in careful manners, before shoving it into my cheeks rubbing the part where my mother fragrance last appeared.

My mother stared at me full of disgust. Surely, she would have already guessed the affection that surpassed family love directed into her, was undoubtedly a weird fetish of her son.

With a smile etched into her face, she soon left the place, after shouting to her husband to lead the way, so their son could fish.


“Why did you have to come with me, old fart!?”

“Huh?! Y, you! You’re being rude towards your father!!”

“What did you said!! Father? Faaatttttttheeeeeeeeer!?!? When did you act like a father!?”

“Uhhh…” Shuttering in his voice, my father failed to give me a response. Not only was his son a rude fellow, but he also has some weird fetishes, like liking his own mother. 

Before he knew it, he already started wiping away the tears in the corner of his eyes, as it almost fell off from his eye sockets.

Just how did our son become a man like this… My father suddenly recalled something, and soon, a smile arose into his face, making him somewhatttttttt… likee… a f*cking pervert?

His lovely, and cute son who used to call him “Father” every f*cking time, still etched into his mind and pained him rather deeply. Only if he didn’t fall in love with his mother!! 

If only his son really didn’t fall in love with his own mother, then.. then...  he would have stayed as the cute son he knew!

Did he sell a country in his past life to deserve this? Why did his son ended up like this…

As soon as they arrived at their destination, my father taught me everything there is to know about fishing. And as soon I got a gist of everything, my father immediately left the said place with cold shoulders.

I could feel the sadness in his eyes. Unfortunately, I was born this way. Even if I wanted to, I can no longer change myself.


(Father’s Point Of View)

As soon as I arrived at our lovely home, my wife’s face first came afloat in front of my vision.

I heaved a sigh of depression, before fixing my gaze upon her hands. It seemed like she was wanting to say something… More like… There was something going on.

“Rare for you to wait for me.” 

“Something troublesome has occurred…”

“Say what?”

“Yer son… The queen..”

Hey hey! Slow down! I couldn’t keep up with what you’re trying to say…

After calming her down for a few minutes, her panicking side soon subsided. Just what kind of letter it was to send my majestic wife to shudder….

Before long, my wife soon handed me the letter without saying anything. It seemed like her mental health was still exhausted. 

As soon as I opened the lid of the envelope and read the content inside. A delighted expression soon shaped into my face, as my lip formed into the shape of the crescent moon.


As I was focusing my gaze upon the swimming fishes, deep in the lake, footsteps resounded from my back, but I never shifted my gaze over the other way around, instead continued to concentrate over the swamp of fishes.

“Are you winning, son?”

My brows frowned a little, but my gaze was still directed to the swamp of fishes in the lake. Even I was amused of myself, despite such a distraction, my concentration has never been broken. I could proudly say that it’s my one, and f*cking only good point.

“Are yer eyes broken? Annoying old fart, go over to the side and sulk there. Can’t ya see I’m at the very trivial part, if I failed this thing, I’ll definitely strike yer face with my f*cking fist...”

Is that how a son supposed to talk to his father!? My father frowned his brows over and glared deeply at me before his glaring eyes subsided and changed into a deeply widened smile.

I’ll definitely put you to hell… My father gritted his teeth inside and showed his face motionless outside while maintaining the smiling figure.

Man, now that I thought about it, aren’t I somewhat fascinating? No, it’ll be better to describe me as a genius, I mean, was everyone capable of gritting their without making a sound and faking outside? No, you’ll rarely find one. Damn, why didn’t I become an actor instead of a farmer? Before the said person became conscious of it, his father started doubting himself. And also, regretted marrying his wife.

If only I could turn back time…. He wouldn’t have married his wife, and give birth to that f*cking rude momcon son of his!

The fishes in the lake grew aggressive, however, my mind was as calm as a calm before storm waves of the sea.

My father slowly approached my side, however I paid no attention into it.

“Your mother received an invitation…”

Invitation? Invitation for what? A pajama party?

I kept my mouth shut and kept my emotions at bay.

“What for?”

“You going into another town…” 

Hrmmmmm, going into another town was a normal thing- wait, what?! Me going over to the other town!

I suppressed the burning joy within my heart and fixed my gaze upon my father. The fishes soon were shaken and immediately made their escape at full speed. 

If he’s lying to me, I’ll definitely give him a hole in his stomach.

My glaring eyes made my father shiver and soon, he slowly approached my side before handing me a letter. The envelope was rather mesmerizing. It’s like a letter sent by one of the royal families. Although I’ve never seen one before, I could tell it’s close to that.

I slowly opened the lid of the envelope, before taking out the actual letter.

And after I pulled it out, an eye-catching name surfaced on top of the paper.

[From your dear: Queen]

The Queen? Why such a high figure’s letter doing here… I shifted my gaze over the direction where my father was, and I could see him averting his gaze while whistling 

Whatta bad acting that was… Although I could tell that there’s definitely something in the letter, I ignored my cautious thoughts and started reading the context written.

[I’m currently in need of a maid over the palace, whether it’s a male or not, I wished to have your son/daughter under my care. 

So, on behalf of the country, please send me your son- I mean, son or daughter over.

If such a thing was failed to carry on, your whole family will meet its demise, with heads rolling in the ground.]

It’s a short letter, but has a huge meaning on it…

So… If my mother and father fail to send their son/daughter over, the whole family’s head would be rolling in the ground?

Head’s rolling in the ground!! 

If it was my father who would have his head culled I wouldn’t have cared. But also, my mother! My mother!

If the Queen is not a bitch, what else is she?

My shoulder dropped a little bit and soon I ran out of strength. My knees fell to the ground and became rather dirty. 

So that’s why my father seemed to be quite delighted…

I shifted my gaze upon my dumbfounded father, and snorted at his bad acting; “Hey! Old fart! What do I need to do in the queen’s palace!? It seemed like the letter wasn’t completed. Did you took half of it?”

“No…” My father shook his head in all denial. His acting was so f*cking obvious, that I was having a feeling of puking over the ground.

“Just tell me about it already!”

My father gritted his teeth, before speaking out the actual truth; “She said, she wanted you to become her toy…”

Aaaahhh… so it’s just being a toy.

Yes, being a toy…

WAAAAIITTT!!! Isn’t it the same as selling me over just to save yer lives!! 



< I’m Just The Queen’s Toy (01) >

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