The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 06.2 – You’re Gonna Help Me?-02

Wait, aren’t I the only who’ve misunderstood her as a male in the very first place? 


Maybe I really am….

But, so what??


Even though her looks resembled a woman, she doesn’t have the atmosphere in being one, so how can I blame myself!!


I just thought that she looked feminine, not an actual woman!!!!!!!!! I swear!!!


Wait, did I, really did??


I think….I actually thought she’s a woman from the beginning…. Anyway, that doesn’t matter anymore!!!


When I was about to retort to what Rayne had said, she suddenly retracted her mouth beside my ears, before backing away her face for a bit. Her eyes gleamed in a strange hue, and from her mouth, were hot steams coming out strangely wild.


“You never really changed, ain’t you~” 


Obviously, because I am me.


How the hell am I supposed to change!!


Strangely, Rayne started talking to me as if she knows me for a very long time. And, also I didn’t found it weird. It was as, I was familiar with it.


It was the same thing with the Queen, just what the hell’s happening…..


I’m really confused.


Confused as fuck.


Even though I wanted an answer, no one can answer me….


Even when I asked the Queen when she cuddled me while sleeping like a baby often nights, she doesn’t tell me anything.


It was as if she was hiding something.


As if, she was afraid of something I might discover…..


Rayne took the chance of confusion showing in my face, and drove her face closer, before her mouth connected with mine…..



The sound of a sliced lemon being squeezed to its last bit, strangely could be heard. I know it was impossible for a human to make such a sound, but, what the hell, it was happening for real, that I was kind of confused myself.


Her lips grasped mine, before it sucked on it even harder.


What are you, a fucking mosquito!!!!!


A fucking mosquito will the only thing who would do such a thing!!!!!!


My eyes were wide opened, as I watched the scene of Rayne sucking my lips as if she was natural to it.


Tears started gathering in the corners of my eyes, before it finally dropped off my eye sockets, and started flowing down…


Finally, manly tears….


I could finally cry…….


Heck, now isn’t time for this!!!!!!!!!


I was supposed to be worrying about my first kiss being stolen by this woman, but why this feeling so familiar to me, that I kinda felt like, this was nothing more than a past lost memory!! A past memory that I’m familiar with!!!!!!!


“AAAARRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” After regaining my reasons, I pushed her away from my face, before she stumbled to trip and fall on her knees. 


“Moan…..” Soft moan escaped her mouth, but I paid no attention over such a small thing.


Why…. Why do I feel dirty right now…..


Maybe….Just maybe….Maybe because I thought my first kiss was supposed to be for my mother?!?!


Or was it because she’s the one who’ve done it instead of me!!!! Seriously, who’s the man here right now!!!


But, one thing for sure…….It was fucking supposedly for my mother!!!!!!




Rayne stared at me with pitiful eyes, and titled her head another again.


“Why are you suddenly screaming?”


“I’m screaming because you don’t know!!!!!!!!!”


Yes!!! I- I’ve been saving that first kiss for my mother……..For god sake, it was for my mother, and my mother alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So why do you have to steal it!!!!


“Oh, was it because I stole your first kiss in this life~?” Rayne stood up from the ground, before coming closer to him again, poking his side, before teasing him.


“I was saviiing that firstttttt kisssss of mineeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Rayne narrowed her eyes even more, before her eyes became disgusted in pity. 


“Ain’t it actually a blessing since you’ve got your first kiss stolen by a pretty woman~?”


“Of course NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


How would I be thankful about that!!


I’ve been saving it for my mother, didn’t you know!!!!


Sob….I’m realy been saving it for my mother……But- wait…….


I really didn’t need to save it for my mother though…

I mean, my hands were still virgin, so, I’ve got nothing to complain….


I mean, holding a person’s hand counts as being married…..


…Wait a fucking second…..Didn’t she, also held my hands earlier!!!!!!!! Ain’t she?!?!?!




Once again, I cried out in all my heart….


Yes, like you’ve guessed, it’s a manly tears….. Really manly tears……..


My knees fell off the ground, before my soul waivered.


And soon, a single despairing thought came into my mind.


Why am I even here…..Just to suffer.


Rayne watched me despaired on the ground, before turning her back.


And her last words was….


“I’m leaving…..”


At that proclaimed of her, I suddenly jumped right up from excitement and wagged my tail on her like an obedient dog.


“Then leave already~!” Of course, the words that came out from my mouth was still rude words.


I thought Rayne was gonna retort to that, but to my surprise, she warned me about something instead.


“Kurai….Be careful of the Queen.”


The Queen. Her words struck my mind deeply in curiosity. Just what kind of meaning those words carried behind it?


I lend my ears out to listen, as she continued with her yapping.


“The Queen, she, was planning something.” I was about to doubt her words, but the moment my eyes saw how her eyes trembled, I quickly swallowed down the dry saliva under my throat, with my eyes completely focused on her trembling pinkish lips.


And without even knowing it, my body suddenly leaped forward and ran after her legs to hug it with my hands….My hand cuddled her legs in my embrace, and soon, a words completely befitting my character came out of my mouth.


“D- don’t leave me!!” My mouth quaked in fear for no reason, and my jaws continued to tremble ever so slightly.


< D- don’t leave me!! (06.2) >

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