The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 06.6 – You’re Gonna Help Me?-06

Well, seeing this kind of sight ain’t that bad at all. But what irritates him so much was the fact. These two women were fighting over a single man.


Serious, just how lucky this guy could get?


Even though the King himself knew what kind of guy he was, it still failed to amuse him, even in this lifetime. 


Did he drank an entire bottle of a love potion? No, maybe tons of bottles, to be chased by these kinds of beauties? Even though his looks were beyond help, one or two women still continued to appear in his side, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


While the King was amusing the long battle between the two lioness women, he soon lost focus over them since they were staring at each other for so long, before his eyes became heavy. And soon, the King which beauty surpassed the Elven race, fell into deep slumber, with his hands leaned over the table and his head rested upon the back of his palms.


It was really a beautiful sight, but the two women had no time to spare him a glance.


Seriously, if he was awake right now, surely, he would have thrown some complaints over them.


Just think about how many he had rejected in his life, and how much women had chased over him in the past years. If one could compare it to the number of an army being trained right now, the King himself would definitely cackle over the ground with his belly fully exposed, while making a mocking face.


Well, even if he was awake, the fact that the two women’s reaction over him wouldn’t change. After all, he knew what kind of influence over a woman that man has.


Unfortunately, the staring contest between the two didn’t also end there. The staring contest will commence till one of them blacked out, that’s what they’ve only decided in their heads.



After taking a few rest, my eyes started functioning again, after a few winks left my eyes. And soon, the image of an empty white ceiling was facing my face again.


How long I’ve been seeing that thing by now? Probably, over a thousand years or something….


Even though It’s only been a while since I’ve been here, it feels like I’ve been spending a really long time in this asshole place.


How did I ended up here? Welp, such a thing was so easy to answer.


It was because of a fated meeting, or would be better to say, a forced meeting by coincidence, and I was forced to be here due to someone’s weird hobby….


Because the Queen of our country wants a toy!!!!!!!


A fucking toy!!!!!!!


Even though she enslaved me into this place, and had me guarded 24/7, the Queen itself never really did used me as a toy or something. Should I say as a big plushie bear instead?


True may be that, there was a time where she almost used me as a production slave, but good thing that time my head was always misted with my mother’s image, and I was able to prevent such a thing from happening after creating an obvious excuse. But, after that day, a new trouble has surfaced even then….Bigger trouble than one could never imagine happening…..


The Queen, divorced with her husband, the King, and now a single woman!!!!!!!!!!!


Just like I wanted her to beeeeee!!!! I mean, what I wished for her in order for her to finally be able to lay a hand on me!


Should I be freaking happy instead!? My freaking assssssss!!!


If I were a slightly happy by it, I would be jumping over from joy by now. But instead, look at the expression painted on my face….Can’t you see the manly despair!!! HUH!? Look at this manly despairsssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! Youuuuuuu fuckerrrrrrrrrssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After cooling my head off just a little bit, from spacing out staring soundlessly into the ceiling, I soon took out my favorite book, hanging from a bookshelf into my side.


The Queen prepared this bookshelf for me, filled with books. Honestly, I was also shocked myself. I thought she wouldn’t even feed me once I’ve become her slave, and would be sleeping in stables. 


But who knew my position would be something like this? It seems like my level was even higher than the guards, guarding this place.


It makes me wonder whether I’m a demon king or something, or a person from a royal blood secretly, to be treated this way.


Well, everyone would think of such a thing, if things like this happened to them. Only stupid people and horni ones who needs to be cleansed would be the only ones enjoying this kind of tragic thing.


After the book fell into my hand, I immediately shoved it just a few inches away from my face, before starting to flip the pages of the book one by one.


Honestly, my first thought when I started picking out the books from the bookshelves, after the Queen ordered the guards to move a bookshelf inside my room beside my bed was, the books would be very bad and boring to read. 


But as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, the books in the bookshelf were pretty interesting. Truth be told, it was the kind of books I loved to read. It was as if, the Queen knew who I was from a very long time, and even the meal that were always delivered to me, were the ones perfect to my taste. 


Even though some of it were something I’ve never tasted before, the familiarity I felt before wasn’t new as if it was something I’ve ate it over hundreds of times already, and was able to cope in just a few hours.


Now, filled with confusion all over my face, I’ve continued to flip over pages, with my eyes uncertain where it was looking at.


No matter what I do, and no matter how I try to distract myself…


Something still bugging my head…


....Was she really planning something to me….? 


One weird question continued to arose over his head, but every time that happens, he’ll just shook his head off, and deny the fact that he didn’t want to admit.


< Aigoo, this isn’t a staring contest…. (06.6) >

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