The Queen’s Toy

Chapter 07.1 – I’m Screwed-01

“Are the preparations properly set now?” 


“There are only a few minutes remaining before we will complete setting up the preparations, so please wait until we are finished .”


“Good, call me once all the preparations are done.” 


After sighing oh-so grandly, a woman who resembled an adorable shrimp lad, exited the room she was in, her face deeply flustered like a blooming flower.


Finally, the day to be together with the man she'd longed for has finally come. Just how many years she had waited to finish all the preparations till this very day. 


Although it was kind of troublesome since she had to be careful in her movement because there was surveillance everywhere, who would have thought that this day would finally come.


"I'll help you escape out from that hell, so please just wait until then!"


She giggled out uncontrollably, and soon a deep smile formed on her lips.


In the past, all she could do was dream of being with him, but if this plan succeeds tonight, she'll finally be able to see the light where the image of him being beside her was possible. Even without restrictions.


Heck, hugging him just like from her dreams might become reality sooner or later if this plan really succeeds….


If the plan were to succeed that is.


"...This is why I can't afford to fail this plan no matter what," 


Her tone turned somewhat cold, as she said coldly, "It's showtime."


Her dark eyes emitted a cold aura, with her giggles resembling a devil's chuckle.




I woke up under the white ceiling again, my eyes still irritated over it. This feeling felt alienated and at the same time not.


Likee, as if seeing something you dearly had already got used to, but at the very same time, you dearly didn't want to see again.


Heck, if I was given the chance to escape, I wouldn't hesitate to do it.


Was it in order to escape the Queen's grasp? No, it was merely because of that fucking white ceiling!!


Who in the freaking hell would enjoy seeing white ceilings….?! 


I mean, if you're gonna sleep at night, wouldn't you try to at least turn off the lights since it's too bright? The story about the ceiling in front of my eyes was the same as that!


"Just who in the fucking hell made this ceiling and painted it white…" 


Whoever made this freaking white ceiling, I swear to f*cking gods and even buddha that one day, I'll definitely kill him.


While thinking of such a thing, suddenly I felt like my whole world shook for a second there…


And what comes after was, a bombardment from the outside.


The guards were immediately alarmed as panics appeared on their faces.


“What the hell’s happening now!?” Somewhat flustered, I asked the guards who were busy standing on guard.


One of them sneaked a glance inside my room, before irritatingly glaring at me.


“We’re under attack so shut yer crap.”


Under attack?


Who’s under attack?




I must be hearing things.


While shaking inconsiderately, I asked the guard an another question with a slightly paled face, “U-Under attack? By whom may I ask…?”


The guard sneered and said, “Obviously, by mages. Are you half asleep or something? You’ve never seen a mage before in your entire life before? Currently, we’re surrounded by countless mages before we knew it. Even though this part of the country has the highest guard, we still got surrounded. Just who in the hell plotted this plan as to be able to escape our surveillance.”


After hearing those words, I immediately recalled someone’s face inside my head.


Was it that bitch Rayne Misforst who’ve stole my first kiss?!


No no, I must be thinking things too far ahead.


I mean, there’s no way she would be the culprit of this bombardment….


Likee, really reaallly impossible…..


Ughhh…. It’s because of what she said when we first met that I’m still struck with this alienated feeling.


That she said she’ll “rescue me” from this prison hell.


Even though I also desperately wanted to get out of this prison hell…. Not because everyone is treating me like shit in here…. 


It’s because of the fucking white painted wall!!


Truth be told, the way they’re treating me was more like a king. 


Feeding me with high quality meals, and giving me enough books to read in order to not get bored. Heck, there were even snacks whenever I wished to, unlike when I was living with my old man and mother.


I mean, my father even forced me to work even when my bones aches in pain unlike here where all I’ve got to do is rot inside in a prison cell with nothing to do but eat and continue living like a rat.


If someone were to ask me which one was better to live, I won’t hesitate to answer “here”.


Just who in their whole life would get to live such a life....?

If not for the white ceilings and theme walls, I wouldn’t be complaining about living here.




The guard who's guarding my room took another sneak inside, before his eyes narrowed to a slit.


“What do you want?” Of course, I wouldn’t let myself be looked at by those kinds of eyes. Unless it was the Queen who’s currently tormenting me.


“You had it easy there ain’tcha?”




Who had it easy here?!




Are you f*cking kidding me you freaking asshole!!


Just who in their f*cking right mind would want to see white painted walls and ceilings as if they’re inside an asylums, huh!?


If you can freaking find one, then they might be those lab rats whose mind’s not functioning properly!! If not then what else.


“As if I had it easy here. I mean, every freaking day, I had to be trapped here as if waiting for my demise without any freedom or whatsoever.”


“But, you get to eat three times a day meal though. And also, since you’re the Queen’s favorite, she also grants whatever you wished ain’t ya?”


I sneered ever so grandly and said, “Did I wished for anything though?”


The guard seemed to be lost for words, before he slowly admitted defeat, “....Uhhh….. You got a point there….”


< Bombardment (07.1) >

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