The Raptor of Life

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


A/N: Thanks to ALowMar for helping with the start of the chapter news report.
ALowMar/N: Please Enjoy! :D

Previously on Raptor of life…

Jean has destroyed the Hand, killed their demonic leader by popping his Hell dimension like a rancid soap bubble. After analyzing the data taken from the enemy’s Main Headquarters, they discovered that Cindy was taken to North Korea for reprogramming and experimentation to serve the Hand’s allies, The Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Ill. 

Unfortunately for them, Cindy escaped when she was being shown off to the North Korean Military High Command and she went Carrie on them all. Cindy discovered that her mother is a brainwashed goon there. As for Jean, she took over North Korea by using a power never displayed before. 

Things were supposed to have a happy ending, but… something had to break…

Despite having won against the Hand and vanquished another country stealthily; Jean had lost and she’s not handling it well…


# # #

(Interpol Officer Chun Li)


March, 2nd 1997
Yasaka Shrine


There was something fishy going on at this shrine. There were too many foreigners coming from and out of it, heavy material that had no identification on it and the font of Chi that she felt was inhabiting the place as well. But contrary to her belief when she challenged the temple's priest, it was shown that everything was up to code as the infrastructures inside were being updated.

She still smelled a rat, the workers were all Gaijin like her and it pained her to say it but Japanese people preferred to use the local help rather than those american sounding people she was spying on from the cafe facing the entrance of the Yasaka Shrine.

If it wasn’t from Fuurinji-sama telling the director that something was going on, Li would have dismissed what was happening as normal. However, there has been a shift in the government as well, some people were revealed to be embezzling, stealing secrets, catering to criminal organizations and even more matters of corruption. Some were even found dead in their bed, killed by electrical shock and other over-exotic methods of assassination.

Something happened in the week and reshaped the world as she knew it. The officer ordered a coffee and some pastries as she wrote into her notebook. Though everything changed when the cafe barista turned on the radio.

" -dramatic update on this morning's breaking news. Our correspondents in Seoul reported unexplained turmoil and seemingly chaotic movement in the DPRK forces stationed throughout their border with the Demilitarized Zone. The government of South Korea and its allies were understandably alarmed at the signs of potentially extreme escalation, and in a speech today with the US Defense-”

"What the hell?" Li stopped writing, her pen falling from her right hand, gaze snapping towards the crackling radio speaker. Eyeing the barista, the young man answered her wordless demand and turned up the radio's volume, tuning it to clear up some static.

“-Further observational facilities detected flurries of radio transmissions and a seeming burst of activity around the Capital City of Pyongyang, where we see what appears to be armed groups gathering and organizing around the city's main plaza and between major government buildings late on February 22nd. Analysts speculated that DPRK's military movements suggest one of the pariah state's various inter-factional disputes flared up as a form of positional jockeying within the dictatorship's highly stratified ruling structures.

What was once thought to be mere jockeying, now, our analysts believe, has shifted to a full-blown palace coup.”

Li felt herself gaping, and shook her head. Why hadn't they heard about this? Someone had to be in the know here. It was too fast, too sudden... The Hermit State had weathered internal division well enough before, and their brutal fanaticism was well-known. Foreign operations? No, but...

At the next words flowing out from that single crackling radio into the silent cafe, Li felt herself hang on the newscaster's incredulous voice, their awed tone.

“As of this morning on February 23rd, we now have statements and footage-” The caster's voice trembled just enough to pierce through their professional demeanor "-of the country's leadership facing public trial… and a shockingly brutal mass execution, with a speech from the chief officiator of this silent and ruthless coup, the one who claims mantle of the new Supreme Leader, one Song Ha-Yoon, making it clear in no uncertain terms that she will be the new, uncontested master of the Hermit Kingdom's fate, beginning with the total purge of her predecessors and their government. This new path to the future, she claims, shall be under the newly formed Citizen Technocratic Party of Korea, whose policy and goals have yet to-”

It went on and on, and Li could barely sip at the coffee long since placed in her hands, enraptured as the unbelievable string of events flowing out in the cool, professional tone of newscasters and correspondents who were themselves holding back disbelief...

There was more information about how the world was waiting for an official introduction to the new Supreme Leader at the UN’s HQ in Geneva. The Interpol officer feared for the worst, how would her homeland react to this change in leadership? This report distracted her from seeing a young woman with bright crimson hair entering the Yasaka shrine; she was surrounded by bodyguards, securing the street.

Since the event which had caused a massive death toll worldwide, this kind of news was becoming the norm. However, this happened close to Li's own investigation and she felt that there was more to it and it might be connected. Li looked at the news and heard more news reports which announced that North Korea has changed leadership and planned to tell the world about the changes they intended to implement. 

Li finally focused back on her task and looked at the Limousine which had suddenly parked near the shrine. "Wait, when did-"

Then a bunch of redheads exited the Tori at the entrance of the temple and their arms were full with things. Li recognized talismans and Miko outfits. One of the girls stopped and looked right at her, tilted her head and Li swore that she saw her make a sad smile and then turn her head.

Was it just her imagination? 


# # #


Back with Jean…
March, 3rd 1997
Egypt Base
Jean personal’s lab…


I didn’t feel like doing anything, a part of me was going through the motions of restructuring the dumb country which had enacted Cindy’s kidnapping, and another was busy with my other project in the Atlantic. Having my consciousness divided but still being able to multitask was strange but comforting, when I am Song Ha-Yoon, everything that belongs to Jean falls to the wayside and I could focus on playing Kingdom building. I ratified a new constitution for The Technocratic Republic of Goryeo, which I decided to rename my new land.

After modeling the constitution of my country by taking bits and stuff from the Japanese, the North American and Canadian’s bills of rights, I organized a big meet and greet with the low level officials to which I showed the two hours long speed trials where I killed all the high and mid level officials and started asking that they kneel and swear loyalty to me, of course I recorded this for posterity and decided to show it to the population of my new land. 

At the same time, I took note of who was competent and who was taking advantage of their constituents. There was another round of speed trials, I ended up pardoning a lot of people in the prison and hiring them for their competence and skills; I also decided to release the international prisoners who were kept as hostages after wiping their minds and healing them of the harm that was done to them.

Yes, I would slowly release them back to their countries to show them how different the current Leader, Song Ha-Yoon, was; next was my message to the UN and how I planned to secede from it and isolate this country. There were so many things to do, but… not enough to keep my mind out of the fact that Cindy decided to put our relationship on break!

I’ve felt heartbreak before, but not so painfully as right now. I know she was serious, that she still loved me but she also blamed me for what happened to her dad, herself and her brother.

I feel like she was both right and not. A peek at the different futures involved here and I with my precog showed me that she'd still be kidnapped because of how her mother was brainwashed and I would have saved her, but… she's right because her dad would still be alive. The only fault I attributed to myself was my foolishness of accepting the invitation of Colleen Wing; that is why I decided to always leave on my precog passively for dangerous events to be one step of the way from everyone.

I wanted to have fun and live my life, but I guess I will have to go Contessa on this planet and start manipulating shit on a global scale. Currently I was working on the Pym Particle and discovered that it wasn’t the important part; what I wanted to have was spatial manipulation technology, not whatever fluid the dumbo was using. I wanted to be able to fold space, make a closet the size of an apartment, manipulate mass and all that goodies.

I was building a sensor which was similar to my ability to look into the fabric of reality to the Quark level, when I felt a familiar mind coming toward me. It was Anna-Marie my second girlfriend; but was she still that to me? She was supposed to be dating Cindy and me. I’ve come to more than like her, but could I still pursue anyone knowing that Cindy was putting us on break? I think I can.

There was no way that I would break sweet Anna’s heart; not now that I knew how painful it was in this life. Feel my lab’s door open, I saw that she was wearing something casual, a sleeveless green top, with some silver accessories, green shorts fastened by an obscure brand name leather belt and gladiator sandals. Her black bra was visible and I couldn’t believe she was wearing this, does she know how beautiful she is? There’s wolves everywhere in this base.

Letting go of everything I was doing, I turned to Anna-marie who greeted me casually. “Hey, Jean.”

She hugged me and kissed me quickly on the lips. Putting on a smile, I asked, “Anna, sup’?”

Anna-Marie held onto me, her right hand tightening around my left arm, her mind exuding… understanding and sad emotions. “Ya know, ah understand…”

I quickly said to stop her from pitying me, “Raven sent you to get me out of the lab.”

Anna didn't let go of me for one second, in her mind she told me that she knew exactly what I was doing and she wouldn't allow me to isolate myself. “She did, but ah do worry about ya darlin'.”

She raised a hand to my face, I gave into the touch and sighed; I couldn’t reject someone who wanted to comfort me, despite me not deserving it. I felt her warmth and her desire to make my situation better. “I can feel your concern…”

“Ya’re avoidin' everyone, Jeanie.” It wasn’t an accusation, more like a statement.

“I know.” I averted my eyes from hers…

Anna-Marie took my chin in between her fingers, and forced me to look back into her eyes. “And ya’re avoidin' me.”

She was angry and shame coursed through me… forcing me to lie. “I’m not!”

She used her powers against me, and I let her, she absorbed a bunch of my memories and read my feelings. It was a by-product of her energy-vampire ability. “Don’t lie ta me, Jean Elaine Grey, ya’re better than dis.”

Why was this girl having such an effect on me? I deflated and said, “F-fine…”

She stopped absorbing my lifeforce, even attempted to give back.

“It hurts, ah know.” Echoes of the same feeling that I felt pierced my mind, Anna-Marie was opening herself to me and made me feel the heart wrenching emotion she felt when the guy she liked fell into a coma because of the activation of her power. 

As a matter of fact she was still working on being able to give back the lifeforce she has taken with small successes. It was a work in progress that I helped her with. Though she was helping herself with some of my empathic ability that she copied. Tacit permission or acknowledgment worked wonders with Anna-Marie's power, I had given her a blanket permission to drain my energy when she wanted. Foolish? It might have been if I wasn't a Phoenix avatar, I have lifeforce to spare.

I took care to partition my memories to not let Anna-Marie see stuff her brain can't handle like the billions of years of history of the Phoenix. No more coasting it with loved ones; safety was the name of the game.

Holding onto me with possessiveness, Anna sighed. "Ya know… ah think ya need to stop workin' and have some fun. To be a kid and stop broodin' like a certain manbat. Don't ya want ta… have fun with me?" Her voice did things to my lower body that shouldn't be allowed.

*How is she doing that?* I found her throwing a seductive glance at me, her perfume was subtle and pleasant, but her thoughts were filled with sensuous emotions which threatened to overwhelm me. This was new, even the boundless lust of Cindy couldn't hold a candle to what I was feeling from the Southern Belle. How sexually repressed was this girl?

I felt like Anna-Marie wanted to devour me, but she didn't do anything; Anna has Supreme control on her desire. *Yeah why isn't she jumping my bones right now with that level of lust?*

With a nod, I said, "I think you're right."

Forcing my mind out of the gutter, I thought about what I've been doing. Cindy was hurt and she might hate me right now, but I would be patient and be hands off with her for now and let our Psychologist, Miss Harkness, do her magic. I would pay for everything to keep Cindy safe and comfortable. No, I will do better and send her on the safest place on Earth where I have total power.

I was going to get out of the funk I was in and I knew of a way… I know it was deflecting my worries and burying my feelings, but I chose to focus on what I had right now.

"Ah totally am, sugar." Anna boasted with a smug grin on her face.

I hugged her tightly. "Anna, I don't deserve you…"

She patted my back. "I like you anyway."

And I felt that, this wasn't just 'like' this was 'I'd kill for you' type of love that I felt coming from her. I let myself bath in the comforting tide of scalding love that Anna possessed. I wanted to respond to it, give in but something in me stopped me from doing it. I didn’t want to make the same mistake as before and throw myself again into emotion at the cost of reason.

Putting my hands on her shoulder and pushing her away a little, I said to Anna,"I more than like you, Anna. But I want to take what we have slow… I mean, I went fast in this relationship with Cindy and it ended hurting me and her. don't get me wrong, I love her and want to give her space…"

I was fumbling with my words, not knowing how to express my feelings well. This situation was kind of annoying to me. I wasn’t used to being so tongue tied! There was a bit of irritation coming from Anna and she calmed me down by catching my face in her hand. "Babe, stop. You made a mistake, it shows to me that you're human, Jeanie. And you tried and still are in the process of doing your best for Cindy. But you can't sacrifice your mental well-being over this entire affair."

She made me think, really think about this entire cluster fuck. Her eyes stared into mine and I felt her empathy and her willingness to help me go through my heartache; there was also a selfish part of her who still wanted me for herself. Anna-Marie voiced this egoistical thought that she’d been keeping locked for a while, "What should I do to make you stop thinking about her?"

Then there was this really dark part of me who had had enough of my own brooding and self-flagellation who took command that made me say in a sultry way, "I have some ideas…"

My hands grabbed her ass…making Anna-Marie yell a little squeak and I kissed her full on the mouth. Anna struggled a little bit, but finally gave in and I felt her pleasure when my tongue passed over her teeth, pleading for access into her mouth; she let it in and I started french kissing her for all I was worth putting all my longing and burying the hurt I was feeling about Cindy’s decision.


# # #

(Anna-Marie Darkholm)


Same day
United States
Las Vegas


(Music for this scene: Rockstar)


Anna-Marie felt like an eel, as if she was betraying her previous agreement of dating Cindy and Jean at the same time; but how could she not have jumped on this opportunity? She loved Jean first, how couldn’t she? She was the first person to have touched her since her powers activated, and she was teaching her how to control them. At least she controlled herself, unlike Wanda… her half-sister who was also enamored with Jean.

There were so many rivals for Jean’s attention that it wasn’t even funny. So what if she’s been underhanded? Thanks to her training as an Anzu, she had good mental defenses to not let Jean read her mind and intentions but what mattered was the empathic ability she possessed she couldn’t defend against that… but Jean let herself be seduced, it proved that she was wanted right?

Three hours earlier, Jean and her had been making out in her lab and it had been glorious to not worry about prolonged contact. Jean literally didn’t care about her psionic vampire power, she could stop Anna from siphoning her, or just let her absorb as she had energy to spare. Anna was keyed at the moment, bursting with energy and she didn’t know what to do. So Jean slyly offered to help her spend it; Anna had thought that it meant sex and she was ready for this step with her girlfriend now that she had her for herself! But obviously, Jean’s offer was different from what she wanted and less lewd. The redhead wanted to go to Vegas and spend money on luxury and fun.

Anna-Marie has donned her best and least scandalous dress, a black asymmetrical spaghetti dress with black goth ankle boot platform and some silver accessory like a studded belt with chains at her waist, a necklace and black bangle carved with a silver bird of prey given to her by Jean. The redhead was slowly driving as they reached their destination and entered the underground garage; they swiftly found somewhere to park the car. When they exited the 1982 black Pontiac Trans Am that they parked in the Caesars Palace underground parking garage where there were multiple luxury cars.

Anna-Marie turned her eyes toward Jean who was taking her own handbag and exited her; she was wearing a white top under a lace shirt of the same color, tight blue jeans fastened by a brown leather belt with a phoenix shaped golden buckle and brown cowboy boots complimented by a white cowgirl hat. Her hair was free and billowing in the wind; she started to turn head as she and Anna walked in the street.

"Dammit Jean, why Vegas?"Anna-Marie complained, it was sweltering here! She fished a paper tissue from her handbag and wiped her sweat from her forehead.

Jean was humming a song as she exited the car; she turned to Anna when she had heard the question, the redhead said, "Because I want to bathe in sin and have fun. And I want to pamper you, Anna. Though we will stop at trying alcohol and recreational drugs…"

Anna nodded at that, at least Jean didn’t want to get smashed or try the drugs. Knowing how rich Jean actually was, and with a little tiny bit of consumerism and materialism pointing its head; Anna-Marie thought it wouldn’t be so bad… but! They were here for Jean, not for her! "But ah  thought that it was ya who needed the pamperin’? Not that I mind…"

Jean slid on the car hood to land next to Anna and dorkily tip her hat to brunette. "Spending money on my girl and seeing her happy is good for my soul too." Linking her hand with Anna-Marie’s, the two looked into each other’s eyes. The brunette blushed at that, and relented. "Okay then…"

With a playfully evil tone, Jean said, "Good, very good, I will continue corrupting you."

Walking toward one of the underground elevator banks, Jean and Anna resurfaced in the Caesars palace lobby. It seemed that Jean had already reserved one of the Penthouse, because when she gave her name and presented a numbered metallic black card, the front desk agent asked for their ID and then suddenly started getting too amicable to Anna’s tastes.

She didn’t understand what was the big deal until Jean explained what the black metallic card meant. The American Express Centurion Card (also known as the Amex Black Card) is a rather new service for the people amongst the 1% (those rich muckety muck like Tony Stark) is reportedly reserved for people who spend at least $100,000 per year, and an invitation is needed to apply. By showing this, the hotels give the card holder full access to its luxury and services.

Jean almost didn’t care, money seemed to not mean anything to her; well when she can transmute gold or make diamonds with her power why wouldn’t she? While the agent was finalizing the details for their room, Anna looked into the lobby and discovered that there was a bar there. She was struck by the casual elegance of it, the furniture here could only be described as sleek and stylish, the  aesthetic showed that it wasn’t some lowbrow inn for sure. Anna felt out of place for a moment until she felt the arm of Jean around her waist.

“Anna, it’s okay. I pay you enough for training and operation that you could easily afford a stay at this hotel.” Jean comforted the brunette.

Anna giggled when she realized something. “I just realized that I’m dating my boss.”

In a low voice Jean said into her ear. “And your boss is happy with you, but… do you think she is taking advantage of you?”

The brunette put a hand on Jean’s hand which was on her belly. “She can be rather bossy but I think it’s the reverse, I’m taking advantage of her I feel.”

Anna felt a kiss on the back of her neck and melted into the redhead’s embrace and it inflamed her passion; the barely restrained lust that she felt at the moment. She forcibly calmed herself down, and decided to stop being so close to Jean or else she would just give a show to everyone if she gave in.

Jean let go of her, but still held onto her hand; as if knowing her current state of mind. Anna-Marie was sure that she did and tried to make this a good experience for her. When the agent came back, he gave Jean the key to the penthouse but they chose to not go there yet and to go shopping. When they arrived back at the underground parking lot they were accosted by a handsome man with combed over blonde hair, blue eyes and an easy smile with a fit body and a black casual suit.

Anna looked at the expensive car on whose hood he was sitting on, the expensive-looking signet ring and wristwatch and she knew that this guy was a total poser. “Hey, Ladies are you two alone-”

Jean waved her hand before his eyes and said, “We’re not the hot chicks you’re looking for.”

His eyes went glassy and he repeated, “You’re not the hot chicks I’m looking for.” 

“Jean, why?” Anna asked as she looked at the guy entered his car and ignited it and left.

“I don’t want any problems here nor any annoyances. Do you?” Jean asked Anna with a meaningful glance.

She sighed and decided that Jean was right, she didn’t want anyone to spoil the good time she was having. Anna just opened the door of the Pontiac, and decided to not mind that Jean just Jedi mind tricked some random guy because she wanted a problem free date with her. The redhead climbed into the car and put her palm on the dashboard and the engine ignited in silence.

This was flattering in a way, but did Cindy have to go through the same things? She still didn’t know when they exited the underground garage. Anna didn’t even notice the car following behind them with two women inside it.


# # #

(Raven Darkholm) 


She was aware that what she was doing was a breach of trust and reprehensible. But Anna was her little baby and since she had her powers awakened she had closed herself off from everyone. Jean had succeeded where she failed with saving her daughter from the slow apathy slowly gaining ground in her heart. However, this gave too much power over her daughter to the young woman who was to Raven’s opinion rather damaged.

Jean never broke her promise to Raven, she saved Irene, even made her young again and ageless just like her; she also had taken her concern to the redhead about Anna-Marie and her issues with her powers. Since the two have started dating, Jean took care of always contacting Raven when she was on a date with Anna, and she kept to the minimum of public display of affection. But it wasn’t the redhead who worried her; Anna was rather cunning and when she wanted something didn’t mind lying or scheming to obtain it. That was the consequence of having been raised by a mother who was a precog and having another who was an assassin and a spy.

Despite her religious upbringing, Anna was… curious and adventurous. Raven has read her diary and saw the kinky and lewd artwork her daughter was drawing; she was fairly talented and could easily become an illustrator of some renown. All those months without contact with anyone sure have made her imaginative. Spying on her daughter was a matter of course, protecting her asked that Raven invade her privacy; Anna was on permanent suicide watch after something happened to that young man she sucked dry.

“Raven, I think we’re going too far. We should leave the two girls alone.” Irene, her life partner said.

Briefly glancing at the brown haired woman with white eyes -a sure sign that she used her abilities- and retorted, “Who said that Anna was going to get married to Jean in Vegas?”

It must have been a mistake from Irene, after all Jean would invite all her family and Raven's for such an event; but the shapeshifter couldn't be sure of that. 

Irene spoke with a defensive tone. “It’s just a possibility at this point, and I think that I’ve seen what happened in the far future; not the immediate one… it’s hard to predict the future around Jean; her fate is always in flux.”

Raven chuckled, she knew exactly why. “She’s too powerful for you to precog, it’s a given. Did you see what she did in North Korea?”

Jean could divide herself and shapeshift herself? No, she felt that the girl did something more complex; she spoke with Song Ha-Yoon and she acted just like someone who was raised in Korea.

“Yes, she took over a country, one of the things Magneto desired to do.” Irene added.

Raven chuckled, once again the girl surpassed herself and proved that was working toward the cause. Already Song Ha-Yoon was gathering the Metahuman from the newly conquered land that were being experimented on for medical check and training.

“At least she’s not turning the normal into slaves or second class citizens like Erik would have done; she’s like a mix of Charles and Erik’s philosophy.” Raven commented but she wasn't satisfied with her answer. Jean was so much more than those two, she actually cared for everyone; to her they were all human.

Once again, Irene as the best part of their couple straightforwardly and accurately said what she meant. “No, she’s better and has a fresh outlook of what our world is capable of. She's aware of many secrets which would reshape our understanding of our species and reality. Magic, Demons, Aliens, parallel dimensions… believe me we’ve barely scratched the surface of what we’re going to be confronted with, so it is a matter of survival that our species become united under her banner.”

Raven continued to follow Jean and Anna on Las Vegas Boulevard. She knew that Jean was aware that they were being followed, and that she was just being overprotective; but she wasn’t made to leave them alone, Jean had been less than happy when the shapeshifter tried this when she was dating Cindy.

With a slight shake of her head, she stopped thinking about events from the past. “Fair enough,” Raven replied. “but what matters now is Anna-Marie and not letting her make a mistake.”

Irene snorted at that comment and said in a derisive tone, “Whatever we do today and in the next two weeks, the girls end up together anyway. Jean loves her because she’s adorable and…” The brown haired precog stopped herself from saying too much with a hand on her mouth.

Raven turned right with the car, they finally arrived at their destination; it was some big ass mall called Fashion Show. “And what?”

The precog kept a neutral tone. “Forget it. I’m just looking forward to the future.”

Raven turned to her paramour and frowned at her. “The curse of knowing what’s ahead huh?”

There was always some information or knowledge that Irene didn’t tell her; often because doing so would make things worse. Irene nodded. “Something like that.”

The girls immediately found a place where to park their car, as usual Jean’s replica of the tv show’s car attracted attention. Some people were looking for the cameras, some were gawking at the car with dumb expressions on their face. Even more so when the two girls exited it, Jean and Anna were excessively photogenic. Jean secured the car and walked toward the entrance of the mall with Anna.

Irene was the first to exit the car when Raven parked it on the lot. Raven noticed that despite the pantsuit the woman was wearing, there was a bulge on her vest; the shapeshifter recognized the shape of a Tetryon gun, it was concealed behind her back. The brown haired precog knew that something was up but chose to not tell her what. Raven morphed into a American-Indian woman with feathers and pearls in her long black hair, she was wearing a black sleeveless jacket with fringe and a white top; the jean which appeared espoused delightfully her lower body. 

However, she was armed too with a large caliber pistol concealed under her jacket. Raven exited the car, following Irene who seemed to know where she was going. *How typical.*

Raven and Irene followed the two girls happily riding the escalator directly to the second level of the mall. Their first stop was a Levi's cloth shop and the two girls stayed there for one hour. After going to the women’s toilet, Raven changed again into a blonde girl of eighteen, wearing a white sundress, a blue leather belt and silver jewelry and sandals and entered the shop.

She started to look through the shelves while spying on Jean and Anna who shopped for pants and tops. The girl tried not to fool around in the changing room at least. Raven was forced to buy an outfit to stay in this upscale store, fortunately, money wasn’t a problem. When Jean and Anna exited the store, Raven had at least a bag full with her. For the next store, Irene and the shapeshifter didn’t enter it, as it was a specialty store and the sellers were too attentive to their clients. Jean bought everything interesting for Anna in the shop; clothes, jewelry, accessories, boots and ambience decorations. This store was called Boutique Goth and Raven understood that this trip was mostly for Anna as this was the kind of fashion she favored.

They went next to a foreign sounding cloth shop called Moda Latina, mainly to buy Brazilian swimsuits. The next two shops, the girls bought nightgowns for parties and soirees. It must be for the casino or restaurant there. Raven knew they were too young for it, but Jean using her telepathy for access would be her modus operandi.  

Irene looked at the two girls exit the clothing store with a lot of packages in hands and saw Jean teleport them with her secondary powers. It had always mystified her how Jean had access to many powers; she had asked the girl how but she just told Raven that it was a secret. Chimera knew and had told the shapeshifter that it was better that she didn't. 

*Fair enough.* The next part of the date was more pleasant. The girls went to see a movie in what could be considered a luxurious private movie theater where the sufficiently rich could see movies ahead of their release dates. Some people acted like beta-viewers and gave their impression at the end of the movie they watched. The 5th Element was a masterpiece and Jean had loved it in particular; Anna had liked some of it, but she had found it too silly. How does she know that? Raven has disguised herself as a help to monitor the girls, while Irene was watching a shorter movie.

It was at this point that Raven decided that Jean only wanted a chaste date with Anna-Marie. But just to be sure… she stood up and pulled Irene out of her seat; they were going to go look for some tools at Egypt base to spy on Jean and Anna in the night.


# # #


Back with Jean…
3570 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas
NV 89109, United States
Caesars palace
Moving toward Nobu Penthouse
07:12 PM


We were back in the hotel after this awesome date. Anna succeeded in taking my mind out of the funk I was in because of Cindy, who I decided needed her space. I will be hand’s off with her and provide for her like I intended; but I would focus on Anna right now and go through another mental health evaluation with Doctor Harkness a bit more. 

I was hand in hand with Anna-Marie, in the elevator that would lead us to the penthouse. The brunette smiled at me, caressing the inside of my palm with her thumb, it was all I could do to not jump her; but if Anna could have supreme control over her desire, so could I. But it was at this point that my precognition hit me and told me what awaited us in the Penthouse.

Becoming more alert, but my heart sank; why couldn’t I have a simple date with my girlfriend? Was I doomed to attract trouble or was it some kind of Karmic retribution? My mind settled on the second one because I was a mass murderer, but a murderer with principles. I’m not going to suffer demons in my immediate vicinity after what happened with Cindy.

It happens that the guy I jedi mind-tricked earlier in the afternoon was a demon worshiper. Apparently there was a cult of the demon lord Belasco in Vegas since its inception.They called him Lord Belasco of the Corrupted or Master of Worlds within Worlds… and they sacrificed or sent girls to his realm to be turned into demons, mostly succubae or servants… men were turned into foot soldiers or chosen to fulfill menial positions.

In the Penthouse waiting for us were two demons and over five goons plus the blonde fop that tried to pick us up earlier. With a sigh I let my awareness spread all over the entire state and its satellites and looked for the demons and their victims. I found a good number of them, simply grabbed them and shuttled them through portals to Egypt base, in the hospitals teleport and portal area; they were all naked and helpless anyway or almost dead as those sickos liked torturing men and women.

When the elevator pinged that we had arrived, I simply didn’t have the heart to fight, so I just disintegrated the demon worshipers and turned the demons over ten states around and in Nevada into particles and sanitized the Penthouse with cosmic fire and then returned the interior to pristine condition. And just to be thorough as I moved out of the elevator with my girlfriend, I sent a giant Phoenix construct to look for Belasco’s realm and… popped it with him inside like a bubble like I did to the Beast’s. I blocked anyone from leaving before that of course.

*No more holding back when trouble is seeking me out.* I resolved deep in my mind; this hesitation of mine to use everything at my disposition to resolve my problems. Hydra? I could have just erased them all out from the planet with a thought, but I’ve been hesitant after killing all the Sublime infected hosts. The Hand was another consequence of my Hubris; anyone from any organization I considered evil approaching me and mine was going to get snuffed out off the surface of the planet.

But here lay the crux of the situation, I didn’t want to become a tyrant or clean up after anyone as if I was their keeper, forcing my will on everyone. I understood how hypocritical I’ve become since that fateful day when Xavier came to my previous house last September. I started using the trick I warned him about on Jess and other people, this showed me how flawed my way of thinking was; I didn’t want to become a Xavier or Magneto. My goal has always been to protect my family and protect our interests and help some people along the way.

But somehow everything snowballed from that point and I became the leader of an organization made up of humans and metahumans and even conquered a country while building another one… The spiel about: With great power comes great responsibilities was true. But I wasn't going to chuck them away because they were heavy. No, I would not handle everything alone; I have people who love me and subordinates to take on my burdens.

That’s why I was going to include people in my plans and goals a bit more. As a matter of fact let me do that right now… <Chimera, take care of those people. They need help, I saved them from demons while I was on my date.>

A stream of expletives and emotions ranging from surprises, recognition, anger and resolution streamed from the established mental link with my friend and right hand. <I knew it was your fault! Jean, you can’t just pile up work on us like that!>

Ouch, her thoughts were stinging a bit. <Sorry, I will help when I can!>

I did the telepathic equivalent of hanging up on her, and then the mental link dissipated. Feeling a hand on my arm, I saw Anna’s concerned face near mine. “Jean, are ya okay?”

Not wanting to burden Anna-Marie with what I just did, I simply told her about what I felt today. “Better than good, this was a great date!”

As we entered the Penthouse, Anna’s eyes lit up with joy for the simple fact that I said that I liked hanging out with her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and said with an enticing tone, “But we aren’t done yet, right?”

Looking into her eyes I kissed her briefly and I answered, “Oh darlin’, this is just the beginnin’”

She chuckled. “Hmm, 4 out of 10 on the accent.”

Making a hurt expression, I played along. “What? But it sounds just like you.”

Anna-Marie shook her head with a laugh. “Nah, ya need better inflection.”

I shrugged, lifted her with my TK and flew past the foyer inside the penthouse. “Well, it’s true that I like your accent better than mine…”

The penthouse features Japanese decorations and other eastern influences; upscale touches include the curved staircase with an overlooking terrace and a stone hearth wall. The furniture looked rather comfy as well, at least for 90s stuff, I was still busy recreating the comfort of the 21st century

Landing ass first on the green tea colored giant sofa, I wasn’t that impressed with the place like Anna was. Suddenly, the brunette straddled my thighs, facing me and still holding onto me. Her lips reached for mine and then we started kissing, my heart sped up and my breath caught up. My girl has become a really good kisser!

As our tongues stroked each other, I basked in the feeling of having Anna in my arms, while the other girl was groping my body. When we stopped for air, I couldn't hide the smirk of contentment and pleasure  on my face. There was also the fact that our mouths were connected by a string of saliva.

"If you are trying to seduce me, consider your mission accomplished…" I quipped as I felt butterflies in my lower abdomen.

She felt the same coming from Anna-Marie, whose control was already slipping the more we were being intimate.

“Nice knowin’ ya’re easily seduced.” She caressed my cheek.

My arms tightened around Anna. “I don’t fall in love easily.”

Anna stared into my eyes and I felt resolution steel her mind as she said, “Me neither… I’m not easy. Those feelings may have started as lust and desperation for wanting to connect with you, but I learned to know you, Jean. Sure, I don’t know everything, but you’re amazing and I want to be part of your life.”

Under all the lust and longing, I sensed Anna’s feelings blossom as she confessed to me in a roundabout way. She didn't have to say 'I love you' to me, I was completely able to discern her feelings and thoughts and as a smile spread on my face, I said, “Ah, so that’s how it feels.”

“Huh?” Anna tilted her head.

“That’s what it feels like to love so fiercely.” My empathic abilities told me everything I needed to know, and similarly, feelings blossomed in my own heart in answer to Anna-Marie's. 

The brunette averted her eyes, there was a slight dusting of red on her cheeks. “I don’t wish to put a label on what I feel yet…”

I laughed. “I’m a telepath, Anna.”

Tonight, I would show her how much her feelings touched my heart. I turned her head with a telekinetic hand and aggressively captured her lips. 


# # #


(Can be skipped)

(Anna-Marie Darkholm)


Anna barely stifled a gasp when she felt Jean’s soft lips pressed against hers; she was so quick to give in to her lust that she didn't even feel when her dress was teleported off her body. Not until she felt Jean’s nails dragging over her skin did Anna notice. When they parted their lips to breath, Jean’s verdant gaze fell into Anna’s.

"I want you, Anna." Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves; and those three simple words lit up Anna’s core as she let go of her restraint, all the bottled up lust and feelings of wanting to be touched by this young woman who had reached her heart.

“Then take me.” She said in a husky tone as she spread her arms, her breasts jiggling in her bra. The two orbs’ movements attracted Jean’s attention.

Anna saw a downright sexy and predatory smile spread on Jean’s face that made her wet, the redhead raised her hands and reached for Anna’s body. The brunette felt Jean’s hand climb over her belly, and her chest until they settled on the back of her neck. Soon she felt Jean’s warm lips against her own, stealing Anna’s breath away. Anna’s own hands didn’t stay idle. She took hold of Jean’s hips and let her digits slide on the redhead’s torso, until she reached for the other girl's clothes.

Jean was slowly helped out of her clothes by Anna, first her shirt and top; then she teleported her jeans and boots. Then the young woman took in Jean’s underwear clad body. “Ya’re beautiful, Jean.”

Anna wanted to wax poetic about Jean’s beauty but it would be too dorky to do. Never would she have guessed that one year ago she would consider herself bisexual; she still liked boys; but she liked girls as well and it had taken a moment of adjustment for that. But having grown up with her mom’s, Raven and Irene, Anna wasn’t surprised that her preferences leaned to the fairer sex as well.

“Not as much as you.” Jean murmured with a voice thick with desire that made Anna’s heart aflutter. The brunette’s eyes widened, like a deer in headlights as Jean approached closer and… laid her on the sofa.

Jean seemed to pause, seeing Anna shake like a leaf. The telepath was using no telepathic influence since they arrived in the penthouse; she had just taken advantage of her beauty, but she also possessed an unfair advantage and it was her empathy and experience of being in a relationship with Cindy. Anna was shaking, not out of fear but out of apprehension at not being a good enough lover. The redhead was on all four over her body with a lust filled gaze.

“If you wish me to stop, Anna,” Jean reassured her, “I will stop.”

Jean’s kiss was soft on Anna’s lips. She pressed gently. Her kiss slid across Anna’s mostly closed mouth patiently and invitingly until she felt Anna’s lips begin to part. Jean disappeared her and Anna’s underwear with a flash of blue light, the pieces of clothes landing two meters away on another sofa. Jean moved in a bit closer, bringing legs and breasts against each another as as she gathered Anna into an embrace.

Anna’s willingness grew. She was timid at first, but her head began to swim and she felt herself getting warm. The brunette melted into the arms of her endlessly confident lover. Her arms moved around Jean as she moved from shy recipient to hungry participant. She let go of her fears of being an inadequate lover and instead found herself holding Jean around the waist, then by the shoulders, then even with her hands roaming over Jean’s perfectly rounded ass.

They continued groping each other until Jean stopped, sat upright and stood up to only look at Anna and then go on her knee; Anna didn’t know what was going to happen until she felt her legs part and a mind-splitting, wonder tongue caressed Anna’s labia, parting them and teasing her inner flesh with inevitable rapture. Anna let out a loud, uncontrolled whimper, her hands went directly to hold onto Jean’s head. Her eyes closed as she focused on her own task of stroking the red hair of her lover.

Anna couldn’t help but come for Jean’s experienced tongue; her body shuddered in ecstasy. This was the first time that she climaxed with someone’s touch and ministration that weren’t her own. Masturbating was completely different from having someone making love to you. This continued for a longtime, Anna was on cloud nine and never asked herself when Jean would come up for air?

All of a sudden, Anna felt multiple hands reach for her body, when she opened her eyes, it was only to see red shaped telekinetic constructs caress her skin or grope her body, then all her erogenous zones being attacked. The pleasure she felt was nothing like she had experienced before, Jean was a musician and Anna’s body an instrument.


# # #

(Can be skipped)



Back with Jean…
One hour later


Cindy and Anna tasted completely different. They acted completely different in bed as well, Anna gave back what she got in spades and she learned fast thanks to the memories that I let her absorb from me. It was too bad that the brunette didn’t have as much endurance; I don’t want to compare her with Cindy, but I’m used to going at it for hours. Right now Anna was resting, I had water and food brought to us. Room service was extremely fast, and after a light snack Anna jumped me again.

Her arms were draping around my neck while she hugged me from behind on the bed; she pulled my hair on the side like a curtain to trail down kisses on my neck. “Jean… I want more. I want you.”

And Anna turned into an insatiable minx on me; being touch starved for so long and suddenly getting what she wanted lit up a fuse in her. The brunette bared my naked breasts by parting my silk bathrobe and had them in hands, lightly squeezing them, making me moan. Her breath could be felt next to my ear; Anna murmured, “I want you to fuck me, Jeanie. But, why don’t we experiment?”

Anna was a rather adventurous girl and she was curious about my powers and how their uses could translate in sex. I chuckled at that, “Oh, interesting. What do you want to test?”

The brunette got off the bed and came to sit on my thighs, holding onto my neck while kissing my cheek. “Ya… ya can shapeshift right?”

My heart skipped a beat, I was seeing where the little minx was going with this. I never had to worry with Cindy about her tastes; she was pretty vanilla and loved my TK tentacles. Must be the asian in her... Anna though, she has special tastes from the literature I’ve seen her writing or reading. 

“Amongst… other things, yes.” I said a bit hesitant.

When I said that, a storm of images flowed into my mind; I had to shield my mind to stop the huge burst of kinky thoughts. With an enthusiastic tone, Anna said, “Ah really like the tentacle sex stuff you have goin’ for ya with yar powers but… could… ya maybe morph into a male version of you or make yourself get a the tool and fuck me my brains out?”

I sighed and laughed nervously, that was rather forward from Anna to ask. It’s not like I was adverse to doing that, I already tried to morph into a guy before, for power testing purposes; but I didn’t feel comfortable using it. When I morphed with Goldie, the change was total for as long as she maintained it. But for Anna, I was willing to do it; that’s why I asked her, “Is that what you want?”

She gave me a chaste kiss. “Yes, please.” 

With a nod, I started to focus on the one who could make Anna’s wish possible; Goldie started reading my mind. [Interested: Proceed, do you wish?]

*Yeah, you should be able to do it, right?*

There was silence on the mental link we shared, until Goldie showed me how much she learned from me on a day by day basis. [Positive: You owe me. If you want me to do this, punishment for stealing the bat-suit and playing vigilante must be lifted.]

Argh! She just wanted to get out of trouble. *Fine. Alright.*

A bubbly feeling of joy surged through me as Goldie said, [Happiness; Negotiation complete.]

That girl! She was getting smarter and more cunning, I’m glad it's her who got out of the damn meteorite and not Venom. I don’t look good in black, the fucking Klyntar was in stasis in its glass bubble and I don’t know what to do with him.

All of a sudden, Goldie started to change my body to the specification I’ve given her. I gained in height, my muscles grew and my breasts flattened on my chests. I still kept my long hair as I wasn’t about to give up on them. I heard Anna emit a little gasp and she jumped out of her seated position on my thigh.

I stood up and took off my blue silk bathrobe, opened my eyes and raised my… muscular arms and looked into my now big hands. I formed fist, my knuckles popped and I felt vastly stronger than in my feminine body. It didn’t mean that I was comfortable in it yet. I teleported a hand-mirror into my hand and looked at myself. “So this is what I would look like as a guy.”

The mirror disappeared with a flash of blue light, back from whence it came; then my eyes sought out Anna who was five meters away from me. I smiled at her when I found her looking at me all googly eyed. I sensed the same deluge of emotions from Anna when she was experiencing something new; wariness, shock, curiosity, fascination. Her feelings settled definitively on attraction and fascination; then the brunette slowly advanced toward me, raised her hands and touched my biceps. Hands gliding on my pecs and abs; Anna-Marie looked into my eyes and I smiled cockily at her.

“Anything more that you want?” I said in a deep voice that surprised even me.

Anna let go of me when she heard me, and I began laughing and saying, “This was unexpected, damn I sound like Adam Jensen from Deus Ex.”

“Deus what?” Anna frowned.

Huh… I just became more aware of her suddenly, is this how guys look at us? I had a hard time looking at Anna in the eyes when her chest moved and she smelled heavenly.

“A game character.” I answered with my eyes returning to Anna's face.

She nodded, not interested in video games. “Oh okay.”

My eyes focused on her pouty lips and I slowly walked up to her. “You seem rather subdued. Isn’t that what you wanted to see me as?”

She didn’t step back this time, and I felt her arousal as I loomed over her; my left hand reached for her face and I caressed her cheek.

“This is just… really different, ya know? But ah quite like what ah see.” Anna slipped up against me to kiss my cheek by raising on her tiptoes.

Everything was different as a boy, I found myself sporting an erection, this was a strange sensation that I wasn't used to. Anna looked down, my new appendage was poking her, then she looked back at me and had a smirk on her face. Anna tugged me toward the bed, sat me down and straddled me while sitting back on my legs; this was her favorite seating position. She pulled me into a deep, longing kiss.

Kissing as a boy was strange and more arousing somehow, and it was easier to get lost in the act. While our kiss deepened, Anna’s hand slipped to my lower body and grabbed my erect penis while my hand slid all over her back, her shoulders and her arms. Anna lured my tongue into her mouth and cooed with delight as her kiss grew more aggressive.

She stroked my members slowly, her hands sliding up and down its length. Anna broke their embrace and their kiss, and kneeled between my legs. “Let’s start our experiment, darlin’.” She said softly, so close to my skin that I felt her breath against my shaft.

Her next kiss slowly drew my penis into her mouth. I had never felt anything like this, this was so alien to me but oh so pleasurable, my whole body felt incredible for it. Anna held me prisoner to this pleasure for a long while. She took her time, enjoying the blowjob she was giving me. Eventually, I felt my muscles spasm from my groin all the way to my wrist and I grabbed Anna’s head with my hands to steady myself as I lost control and climaxed. Anna looked into my eyes welcoming my release. Nothing escaped her lips, then I watched her swallow my cum quite loudly.

Where the hell did she learn that? And the answer was in porn VHS, Japanese Adult Videos to be exact. What a kinky little minx!

Once she finished me off, I gasped breathlessly as she grabbed my penis again, keeping me hard with her expert hands. 

“Darlin’,” she purred. “You like?”

“Oh Stan Lee,” I huffed. “I… wow…” I looked down at her, marveling at how pleased she appeared. I felt so good that I could hardly form words. “Thank you for this experience.” I managed.

“But we aren’t done, Jeanie.” There was a sly smirk on the girl’s face.

I think I created a monster when I popped her cherry… Anna-Marie was acting like an insatiable succubus. But that wasn’t bad, actually this felt right. “Yeah, I don’t want to stop now either…”

Then Anna stood up and slipped out of her bathrobe, letting me see her glorious body in full. I could hear my heart pound as I could feel how much stronger Anna’s desire had become. I didn’t think as I simply walked up to her; I took her arms and pulled her toward the bed and laid her back. 

With a kiss on her lips, her neck and nibbled on her ear. Anna trembled a bit as she lay back on the bed, my body resting against hers; everything became irrelevant, only Anna-Marie was on my mind. When said said, “Fuck me, Jean.” She goaded me, knowing it would inflame my lust.Her legs parted to give me access to her womanhood. “I’m all yours. Fuck me like you own me.”

And I gave in, lined up my throbbing hard cock next to her entrance and slipped slowly into Anna. The warmth that enveloped me was exquisite; it took all my control to not climax right at this moment, however, I have control of this body and not the other way around. It took me a minute to adjust but passion soon awakened within me and Anna like a raging inferno.

Anna gasped and moaned against my neck as she hid her face in the crook of my neck as I plowed her insides. The brunette wrapped her legs and arms around me, pulling me closer and started to call out my name; and encouraged by the sounds Anna was letting out, I sharply picked up the rhythm.

“Fuck.” Anna screamed.

I hissed as I felt Anna drag her fingernails along my back, probably drawing blood. I grunted and groaned as the pleasure overwhelmed my senses. The bed creaked beneath us as we embraced the frenzy that took us both over.

“Harder, Jeanie!” I plunged into her again and again, holding onto her tightly and pounding as hard and as slow as I wanted. Anna had me on the cusp of orgasm from the very first penetration and yet my pleasure climbed ever higher without release.

Anna’s tits were dancing to the tune of our movement, I leaned down and took one of her nipples into my mouth without compromising the pace by which I was spearing into her. Anna’s fingers threaded through my hair and she pressed my head against her breasts appreciating my work on her bosom. The longer this carried on, the less I wanted it to end. But I sensed that Anna was rather close herself, and suddenly her back arched upward while pulling me in with her legs, her nails dug into my back as she was in the throes of her orgasm.

I could no longer hold back as Anna mewled, I kept thrusting into her then I abandoned all self-control. Instinctively, I grabbed a fistful of Anna’s hair and wrenched her head up to kiss her as I buried myself within her and came inside her tight little wet cunt. We stayed like this for a long while, clinging to one another, riding out mutual climax.

Eventually our embrace became more tender while we both gasped for air. Anna was suddenly something territorial that comforted me. <So good. Soooo Goood.>

Huh it seemed that mental links could be established through sex as well. Anna looked me in the eyes, she couldn’t even think of trying to break free from me now. “I love you, Jeanie.”


# # #

(Jean Prime)

Astral Plane


It was fun to spy on my avatar, it was like watching a rerun of a soap opera. Just like she expected, Cindy was taking a break from Jean as she was grieving for her father and taking care of her brother and indisposed mother. Anna was now vying for Cindy’s spot in the girlfriends hierarchy and she will get it, for now. It was really funny how my other self was now being more proactive after finally realizing that she should just have powered through the last challenge she got. Always keep your precog on! Don’t fall into the trap of wanting to be a ‘normal’ girl in a death world.

Now I was sure that she won’t make that mistake again. Her next foes aren’t going to be dumb like Hydra or old Nate; they were going to give her a challenge. I felt a disturbance in the astral plane overlooking this sector of the Multiverse. And I was surprised to see Death in her Lady Death appearance.

I prepared two seats for us on a random planet made of ectoplasm. Obviously the Abstract chose to sit on the skull throne. “Phoenix, my dear.”

“Hello, Death. It’s rare to see you out of your realm, what can I do for you?” I asked with curiosity.

Our next date wasn’t for the next ten years, I planned to bring her on a water world and start having fun there. The cosmic being sighed and started with, “It’s about your little avatar, she’s giving me too much work.”

“Ah.” I was aware that my other self killed The Beast and Belasco and all their followers; and freed the souls of everyone they had obtained over the centuries.

Death looked quite tired right now, as if she had dealt with something bothersome. “Yes, ah. She’s giving the Death gods on Earth too much work, and now they threaten to unionize. She destroyed another Hell dimension and freed countless souls and they are overburdened for the next two years in sorting them for the afterlife.”

“You want me to tell her off?” I was uncertain of what Death wanted me to do.

The Abstract stared at me with a serious expression. “No, Phoenix. I want you to send her away somewhere and yes… tell her off.”

I knew this was coming, but I still didn’t want to send an untrained Phoenix Avatar out in this composite universe. I was still training her through her dreams, showing my other self what she’s able to do and what not to do; we just didn’t reached that point in her training where she should learn not to inconvenience other abstracts or cosmic being unless they are encroaching on the Phoenix Force’s purview.

Crossing my legs, I asked Death, “Where would I send her? She’s not ready for her duty as a phoenix avatar yet.”

Death stood up from her skull throne and walked up to me to then sit onto my lap. She caressed my fiery hair as she said, “I’m sure you have an idea where she can learn safely, you cannot leave her as she is. She’s threatening the balance; you must teach her, Phoenix.”

I began thinking about this, Jean Avatar was rough around the edges and she had problems not shifting to Dark Phoenix mode. Where could I send her to? She needed a place where she could get a handle on her powers and duties. “Alright…” Then it came to me! “Oh! I know exactly where to send her!”

There was a reality that was safe to be in and that Jean Avatar could end up and where she could chill for a while. It happens that this place was somewhere I needed cleaned up as well to fix the M'kraan crystal; I had a hard time doing it since those pesky Temporal and dimensional singularities were artificially being generated by a short sighted mortal. I needed someone to put a stop to it.

Death kissed my cheek and leaned her head against my boob. “I knew you would.”


# # #


Back with Jean…
March, 15th 1997
Late afternoon
Egypt base
Jean’s lab


I could scarcely focus on my Quantum realm sensor, memories of Anna’s lips, skin and fold bombarded my mind. But I forced myself to focus on my work, I wanted that space manipulation tech available, for future projects and to refine my technology. Still I can’t stop remembering how my girlfriend was really reluctant to part with me all the time now. 

Focusing on my shapeshifting for a while allowed me to turn into a guy, or just switching sexual organs while still in my feminine form; the days following my first time with Anna, we experimented a lot. She even helped me make my male form even more attractive, at least to her. Nice to see that the girl was attentive to that part of our relationship.

With a sigh, I let my cosmic fire cover my body and my Phoenix avatar uniform was now on me; then I willed myself to enter the Quantum Realm. This dimension apparently exists both outside the proper flow of time and the bounds of a single reality. Individuals entering the Quantum Realm are able to exit it both into their future and into the past, creating branching timeline realities. But fuck that! I wanted to manipulate space! I didn’t want my people to completely rely on me to open portals for them!

If I could control space, I would be able to create, distort, and manipulate space, the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction, within an area of one's choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area. With tech, I should be able to teleport by depleting the space from point A to point B, simply choosing to occupy a different space, or by creating portals. Making a building bigger on the inside than on the outside should also be easier to achieve, that is called space-compression and expansion; and it allows compressing three-dimensional space and artificially increasing the relative size of a normally cramped area or increasing distance between oneself and something else.

I took my Celestial scanner and started working, the data was slowly getting collected. Then I felt a disturbance, I reabsorbed the scanner in Goldie’s space and when I looked behind me I saw a beam of rainbow colors hit me and pull me somewhere. I tried resisting but the more I struggled the stronger the energy became; so I resolved to let myself get pulled in…

It’s going to be another bullshit adventure isn’t it?

A/N: Next is the big adventure to somewhere you all know! I've been dropping hint come on guess!

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