The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 100

Chapter 94: War

Magic City.

In the conference room of Wanbang headquarters, a temporary emergency meeting is being held.

In the smog, the core management of Wanbang gathered together, chatting and discussing something from time to time.

I never smoked in my life.

However, he doesn’t mind other people’s flying clouds, because even he is feeling anxious now.

After receiving the news from the Ministry of Finance, Guan Pingsheng already knew that this time, the trouble was big.

The announcement of the subsidy price of 148.5 yuan means that he made a wrong judgment on the general trend, but they continued to add short positions behind.

Guan Pingsheng has been unable to figure out why the finances are so tight that even the most basic expenditures are unsustainable, yet Shengsheng raised the national debt subsidy to 14%.

This is obviously not in line with fundamentals, nor in the interests of the country, nor in line with the current economic environment.

Raising so many subsidies means that the central bank has to spend nearly 2 billion more funds to subsidize those customers who bought government bonds.

It doesn’t make sense at all.

This news is very unfavorable for Wanbang’s large short positions.

“Boss, what should we do?”

As the core figure of the entire team, Guan Pingsheng’s face was calm, even though he was actually nervous.

However, he knew that if even he panicked, the entire team would be like a mess of sand, and then it would really be a disaster.

“Don’t worry too much, since the announcement price is set at 148.5, then as long as we maintain this price, the loss this time is within the acceptable range.”

“However, can we maintain it? This news is obviously more beneficial to the bulls. Do you think the bulls will use this to force us to kill us all?”

Wanbang Nuoda is a securities kingdom, and it is naturally full of talents.

Instinctively, many people have smelled a crisis, an invisible crisis.

Guan Pingsheng thought about it seriously.

After taking all the groups in the market that are qualified to participate in this fight, I quickly calculated it again in my mind.

“It should be no problem, no matter what the news is, those who really want to change the market still need funds. With our current strength and the Gao brothers, we should have no problem holding this line of defense.

There are still two announcements that have not come down, and we are not without a chance. ”


“It’s nothing to worry about. Up to now, defending this line of defense is the only way to keep it…”

Guan Pingsheng didn’t finish his words, but everyone understood.

If you can’t keep it, it is death, and the dead can no longer die.

No one asked why they didn’t close the position and stop loss first, and no one asked why they didn’t just backhand this mentally retarded question.

In the eyes of many people, big capital holds powerful soldiers. In the battlefield of the financial market, having huge capital means no disadvantage.

But in fact, nothing is absolute.

It’s like fighting a war.

If there is a large enough team, it will be effortless to push some small groups of stragglers horizontally, and those stragglers pointed out by Bing Feng are not even qualified to block the car with their arms.

However, once encountering multiple equally huge enemies, this huge size will become a deadly dead spot.


The mobility of a large force will never match that of a small group of skirmishers.

Big money has big advantages, and small capital also has small advantages. In the same way, small capital has small flaws, and large capital has big flaws.

Excessive capital means insufficient mobility.

With the current position held by Wanbang, not only is there no possibility of backhanding, but there is even no chance to close the position and admit defeat.

With such a large position, once you close the position, you can beat yourself to death without much effort.

This is determined by the rules of the game.

Because the rules of futures are, hedging trading mode.

Buying a standardized contract is called a long position, and selling a standardized contract is called a short position.

However, buying a long order requires a corresponding short selling contract, and similarly, selling a contract requires a corresponding long to buy.

A short position means that you need to buy back the contract you sold to hedge your short position.

With the positions held by Wanbang, millions of contracts are closed, and the price will immediately be pulled to a sky-high price.

Doing that is no different from suicide.

In this case, who would sell millions of contracts for Wanbang to buy.

No, none at all.

Wanbang’s empty order is already the largest seat in the empty party, and no one can eat the empty order in Wanbang’s hands.

The current Wanbang has been forced into a desperate situation, and the only way out is to hold the last line and control the loss within a certain range.

“Okay, it’s about to open, let’s end the meeting.”

imperial capital.

China Economic Development Headquarters.

Wei Zexi was sitting at the main operator’s seat, playing with a pen.

For him, today is a carnival feast.

With that announcement, Wanbang is already fat with no room for struggle, just waiting to digest it slowly.

“Has the Northeast Trust notified you?”

“I have been informed. I believe that as long as the Gao brothers are not stupid, they will know what to do.”

“Well, our own…”

“Don’t worry, everyone who needs to be notified has already been notified.”

“That’s good, let’s witness this moment together, the future is our world.”

“Haha, what Brother Wei said is that the future is our world.”

Eight in the morning.

Liaodong, Northeast Trust Development Co., Ltd.

Gao Tianyuan’s face was gloomy like water.

The misjudgment of the final decision of the Ministry of Finance has caused the company to suffer huge losses. The early short orders have already lost more than 2 billion.

Vice President Gao Tianye, the younger brother of Gao Tianyuan, was already panicking.

The loss of more than 2 billion made him terrified just thinking about it.

“Brother, what should I do now?”

“What else can be done, the announcement has come out, and there is absolutely no possibility of a fall. According to inertia, the market will definitely continue to rise. You should arrange for personnel immediately, and immediately close all the short orders in our hands after the market opens.”

“But, don’t we have an agreement with Wanbang, should we…”

“Confused, what time is this, if you tell Wanbang, who will we sell our empty orders to. A dead Taoist friend is not a dead Taoist, and now you can’t care so much.”

“Then we lost two billion in vain?”

Gao Tianye’s face was full of unwillingness to suffer such a huge loss, even their brothers could not afford such a result.

Gao Tianye shuddered involuntarily when he thought of the gold owners behind these funds.

“Let’s just keep doing it, and we’ll just backhand it. With Wanbang in front, maybe we can earn the 2 billion back.”

“That’s the only way to do it. You go and call up the people. We will immediately backhand at the opening. It’s a matter of life or death.”

As the saying goes, sharpen the gun before the battle, and the unhappiness is also light.

After a short pre-practice, the trading team that Zhao Jiangchuan temporarily set up barely reached the standard that satisfied him.

At least, there is no problem with placing orders, buying, selling and closing positions.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can’t do anything if he is not satisfied.

At the request of Zhao Jiangchuan, the teams that made up the temporary pieces were numbered separately.

From one to ten, each person is responsible for two accounts of AB.

“Listen, everyone, as soon as the market opened, everyone immediately closed all positions in their hands.

Immediately after closing the position, buy more than 300 orders at the current price of account A, and then wait for my order. understand? ”

For these young people in their twenties, in fact, everyone is nervous.

This is the first time they have helped others. Zhao Jiangchuan said that more than 300 orders means that each of them needs to operate six million funds at a time.

This amount of money, just thinking about it is exciting.

Fortunately, the money belonged to others, and it was none of their business to lose money, so the people who were numbered answered loudly.


However, when everyone else answered clearly, Zhang Hua, who was sitting beside him, didn’t quite understand.

Zhang Hua originally thought that Zhao Jiangchuan asked his organizer to close the position today, so he was relieved when he heard the position.

But who would have thought that Zhao Jiangchuan actually said that he would buy again after closing the position, and it would be fine to buy again, but he actually increased the position to 300 lots in a single account.

This kid is not crazy.

Even if the announcement of the Ministry of Finance is true, it clearly states that the price after the national debt subsidy is 148.5 yuan.

This price is only one point spread from the current price of the main government bond contract 323.

Clearly, the market has little room to move up.

“Zhao… Brother Zhao, are you still doing more? Didn’t you read yesterday’s announcement?”

Zhang Hua stammered when he spoke.

Each account has three hundred contracts, and ten accounts are three thousand contracts.

This means that every second these accounts add up, fluctuations are calculated in the millions.

“Boss Zhang, have you forgotten? Wealth can be divine!”


Through your uncle, is through the nerves.

Zhang Hua couldn’t help complaining, but when he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, it was too late.

Because the bond market is about to open.

Perhaps it was because the news had been expected and the good news had been gradually digested by the market, the 323 contract opened normally, and the closing price of the previous trading day was 147.5 yuan.

“Everyone, prepare, close the position immediately after the opening, and after the completion, buy 300 contracts at the current price and execute.”

The response of the young people was really top-notch. Several young people who had just turned 20 years old immediately executed the instructions given by Zhao Jiangchuan at the moment of the opening of the market.

Maybe in normal times, so many buy orders may be placed in an instant, but the transaction volume of treasury bond 323 is abnormally huge after the opening.

Mixed in countless transactions, each person’s 300-bit buy order was completed instantly.

“Everyone prepares the B account, and continues to add more than 300 orders to each account at the market price.”


Zhang Hua was completely stunned.

Three hundred overorders were added, making a total of six thousand overorders.

This kid can’t be crazy.

The announcements have all come out, it must be the top here, there are still many, and my brain is sick.

However, Zhang Hua did not dare to speak any more.

At this time, Zhao Jiangchuan’s eyes were domineering and sharp, and his indomitable demeanor was like an invincible general in armor.

Every time an order is given, there seems to be an aura that people can only obey.

Under the pressure of that breath, Zhang Hua didn’t even dare to speak.

What made Zhang Hua even more unbelievable was that the price of government bonds rose to 148.5 yuan after the opening one cent, not only did not fall as he imagined.

“Everyone, account B, close all positions at the current price, and then buy another 400 long orders.”


Zhang Hua didn’t know whether Zhao Jiangchuan was crazy or he was crazy.

The price has risen to 148.5 yuan, and Zhao Jiangchuan is still adding more.

The performance of young people is reflected in their After receiving Zhao Jiangchuan’s instructions, within a few seconds, after closing the positions of more than 300 orders in each person’s account, they immediately bought More than 400 orders were entered.

A full 7,000 contracts, which means that Zhao Jiangchuan used 140 million funds.

Because treasury bond futures implement the margin T+0 settlement system, you can continue to operate with profits after each liquidation is settled.

The infinitely enlarged proportion of capital use under leverage is also the biggest charm of the futures market.

It’s common sense that a skyrocket must be a nosedive.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hua felt that the ups and downs in his heart were about to explode under those terrifying numbers.

jump jump jump…

However, what surprised him was that the price of national debt 323 not only did not fall, but suddenly rose violently again.

on the big screen.

Suddenly a series of red numbers burst out.

empty flat.

Countless empty flats.

500,000 short positions were closed, and Shengsheng raised the national debt 323 by one point again.

Zhang Hua was completely dumbfounded.

Even though he has been in the financial industry for a few years, he has never experienced such a crazy market, and he has never seen the transaction of 500,000 contracts in the market.

Crazy, all crazy.

Because, from Zhao Jiangchuan’s first order, to the national debt 323 rising to 149.5 yuan, in fact, it only took less than two minutes.

Two minutes, an increase of two points, double the profit.


Zhang Hua realized that this was a war, a war of murderous intentions everywhere.

Behind the countless trading volumes and under the terrifying profit and loss, there is simply a silent, life-and-death war without the smoke of gunpowder.

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