The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 122

Chapter 106: Double Gauge

Zhao Jiangchuan knew that Li Hanruo left after the college entrance examination.

When Zhao Jiangchuan felt that he performed well in the exam, he was ready to make fun of what Li Hanruo said at the beginning.

Only then did he know that Li Hanruo had already left on the day of the college entrance examination.

She left the city and will never return.

After learning that Li Hanruo had already resigned, Zhao Jiangchuan’s face was gloomy and uncertain.

If it is an ordinary person, it may have been panicked, or crying, or disheartened.

But Zhao Jiangchuan is very human after all.

Soon, he understood why Li Hanruo suddenly left without saying goodbye, and also understood why Li Hanruo was so emotional that night.

Obviously, Li Hanruo had already prepared to leave.

But he was fascinated and never found out.

I’m afraid the key point is on the color of the mind.

Zhao Jiangchuan realized that he was too eager.

Nine times out of ten, Li Hanruo was frightened by his excessive demands.

Because, habitual thinking, let him ignore a very important problem.

difference of times.

In the post-era, age has never been a barrier between men and women, and region is not a limit between two people, and even gender is recognized by people in some countries.

But in traditional thinking.

Identity, family, and age are almost all issues that cannot be ignored.

If Li Hanruo was in 1973, Zhao Jiangchuan was in 1978.

If you really want to count, Li Hanruoxu is almost six years older than Zhao Jiangchuan.

This six-year-old may not be a problem for later generations, but for a woman in the 1990s, it becomes a big problem.

No woman cares about her age.

Thirty-one flowers for men.

When Zhao Jiangchuan reached the age of 30, he was at the peak of his life, but at that time, Li Hanruo had already reached the time when the flowers were about to decline.

From Li Hanruo’s point of view, it is impossible for her not to consider this.

And Li Hanruo’s identity is still a teacher, Zhao Jiangchuan’s teacher in high school.

It is also a chasm that is difficult to bridge.

This disparity in identity, in the next twenty years of Huaguo, I don’t know how many people are burdened with infamy because of teacher-student love.

It was a male teacher with a female student.

Li Hanruo usually didn’t dare to look at Zhao Jiangchuan in the classroom, which showed that she also cared about other people’s opinions.

Zhao Jiangchuan may not care, but Li Hanruo in this era probably can’t bear such an infamy no matter what.

One scolded her for seducing students, and the other scolded her for stealing her students’ men.

Saliva can also kill.

Zhao Jiangchuan deeply knows what it means to be fearful.

As for other possibilities, Zhao Jiangchuan didn’t think about it, but he immediately ruled it out.

He could feel Li Hanruo’s dependence on him, both physical and psychological.

Girl, is this the test you set for me?

As if he had a good heart, Zhao Jiangchuan immediately guessed what Li Hanruo was thinking.

But if you want to run away after taking advantage of this, there is no door.

You are my Zhao Jiangchuan’s woman, then you can only be my woman in this life.

After thinking about it, Zhao Jiangchuan’s face returned to normal.

It’s just that if Li Hanruo could see the dangerous light flashing in his eyes, he would definitely regret her leaving without saying goodbye.

That means that Zhao Jiangchuan is already thinking about how to deal with Li Hanruo after he finds her in the future.

However, Zhao Jiangchuan didn’t realize that he had overlooked a problem again.

In the later era of the Big Bang, a piece of news could be spread across the globe in seconds.

But in China in the 1990s, even phone calls were very rare, and it was easier to find someone in the vast crowd.

“Ring Ling Ling…”

Just when Zhao Jiangchuan was thinking about how to find Li Hanruo in the future, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

“Xiao Chuan, where are you, come back quickly, something happened at home…”

The call was from Huang Yajuan.

In the morning, Zhao Donghan, who was working in the Forestry Bureau, was taken away by the Disciplinary Inspection Commission on the spot and asked him to explain the problems he had committed at the specified time and place.

That’s what people call double rules.

What else could be a problem with an official, naturally it is economic problems such as corruption, bribery and misappropriation of public funds.

Zhao Jiangchuan said something reassuring to Huang Yajuan on the phone so that she didn’t have to worry.

But when Zhao Jiangchuan hung up the phone, his eyes turned gloomy.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

No matter what circle it is, there will always be a lot of characters who like to make small reports behind the scenes.

Workplace, officialdom and even love.

Or to satisfy selfish desires, or to have a momentary pleasure, but rarely because of justice.

Because it is inevitable that people will have seven emotions and six desires.

Greed, hatred, arrogance, arrogance, gluttony, covetousness, anger, jealousy, laziness, lust…

But the reason why people are people is that people always use reason to restrain their emotions.

For example, jealousy.

Everyone will have it.

Yet no matter the era, the snitchers don’t know what to say.

Can’t see anyone better than him.

Or because he always feels that others are not as good as him.

What’s more, there will be a mentality that killing pandas is a national treasure.

Such a person will never be lacking at any time.

Just like in the very hot online text industry in later generations.

There are often some street writers who will use all kinds of vests to abuse him in those articles that make him uncomfortable.

Those who are more powerful will continue to report, seize every opportunity that can be seized, and slander those opponents who stand in their way in their opinion.

They always feel that it is because of the goodness of others that others cannot discover his goodness.

If they were an animal, they might think that killing pandas would make them a national treasure.

Zhao Donglai was still reported this time.

But the whistleblower was wearing a vest, that is, without signing his real name.

The reasons for the report are sufficient and well-founded.

Zhao Donglai has been working for 20 years, if it is counted from his first year of working.

The average monthly income is 300 yuan according to the latest salary, so his annual income is 3600 yuan.

Twenty years, or 72,000 yuan.

Even with Huang Yajuan’s two people don’t even spend a penny.

After 20 years, you can save up to 144,000 yuan.

However, Zhao Donglai drove a small car.

An Audi 100 worth 350,000, the latest luxury configuration,

This obviously does not match the income of Zhao Donglai’s family.

People often say that the people do not raise officials and do not investigate.

In fact, many things do.

Since someone made a report on Zhao Donglai, it naturally needs to be investigated. As for who reported it, it doesn’t matter.

After this investigation, it was found that Zhao Donglai really had an Audi 100 under his name.

Even Zhao Donglai bought the car at the end of the year, which store he bought it in, and when all the procedures were completed.

No loans, no debts, just paid off.

Everything seems to be clear.

This is obviously the car that Zhao Donglai bought by embezzling bribes or even embezzling public funds.

In terms of time, it seems to make sense.

Zhao Donglai was promoted to the director of the Forestry Bureau a few years ago, which is definitely a serious position in the Forestry Bureau.

It must be easy to embezzle some public funds.

Before that, Zhao Donglai was the section chief of the customs.

Everyone knows that smuggling has been rampant in the past two years. As long as you want to make money at customs, it is not a lot of money.

The truth seems to have come out.

The only thing to find out is where Zhao Donglai’s stolen money came from when he bought the car, and how much money he embezzled or misappropriated.

Therefore, the Disciplinary Inspection Commission immediately sent someone to the Forestry Bureau to find Zhao Donglai and asked him to go back to assist in the investigation.

At the same time, another group of people was sent to Zhao Donglai’s house to search for evidence, in order to make a breakthrough in Zhao Donglai’s source of income.

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