The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 169

Chapter 150: Not Crazy

Zhang Jiu is a retail investor.

In 1991, I entered the market ignorantly, and now in 1995, it can be considered that I have stumbled and mixed in the market for four years.

In the past four years, there have been losses and gains.

Generally speaking, it is still a loss and a small profit, and a large loss and a small profit.

However, Zhang Jiu is a very self-motivated person.

In my spare time, I often read various investment books.

How to become a millionaire by Yang Wande, and how to trade stocks by Sun Wande.

A few words at the end.

Sell high and **** low.

As long as you sell when it goes up, and buy when it goes down, it will definitely make money.

What a simple truth.

The result….

It does.

A few days ago, Chuanzhong Changhong once fell to 11.8 cents in intraday trading.

When many retail investors were in a state of panic, Zhang Jiucai boldly bought ten Changhong with money.

From Zhang Jiucai’s point of view, those who sold wildly are all idiots. They have fallen so much, and there is no reason for them to fall again.

In the end, it was exactly as Zhang Jiucai thought.

After reaching 11.5 yuan, Chuanzhong Changhong soared by 14% the next day.

This allowed Zhang Jiucai to make a 5% profit in one day.

Why not fourteen percent?

Throwing high and sucking low is Zhang Jiucai’s magic weapon.

Since it has risen by 5%, it is natural to sell it first, and when it falls later, you can buy it back again.

That’s why Zhang Jiucai now vomits blood.

On 8.1, his Changhong could have made a 14% profit, but he sold it early.

After that, Changhong’s stock price skyrocketed all the way.

It has soared to fifteen yuan and thirty cents, which closed yesterday.

For Zhang Jiucai, it was as uncomfortable as being robbed of his wife.

The price of fifteen yuan and three means that the 23% profit he should have earned is gone.

What made Zhang Jiucai mad even more was that.

On the evening of 8.13, Chuanzhong Changhong issued an announcement.

The company’s cumulative sales in the first half of 1995 was 2.878 billion yuan.

Semi-annual report performance: net profit of 605 million yuan to 618 million yuan, an increase of 1.38 times to 1.67 times, and basic earnings per share of 1.23 yuan to 1.26 yuan.

This piece of news made Zhang Jiucai feel that he was being green. Not only was his wife robbed, but even his daughter was kidnapped.

He was washed out by Changhong’s main force.

Because, such an announcement means that Chuanzhong Changhong will definitely jump higher the next day.



Stimulated by the news, Chuanzhong Changhong’s stock price gapped up by 8%.

At the moment when the market opened, countless people like Zhang Jiucai cursed viciously.

Damn dog farm, washed Lao Tzu out.

It’s a pity that not only did those **** dog farms not hear their voices, but they seemed to be deliberately opposing them.

After opening at nine thirty.

Changhong’s handicap swarmed into a large number of buy orders.

Over-buy, buy again.

Buy 30000, sell 10.

Buy 10000, sell 100.

Buy 22222, sell 13.


After a large amount of capital entered the market, Changhong’s stock price started a runaway mode. After gapping up by 8%, Shengsheng was pushed up to 15%.

Fang Zhongyuan stood behind Zhao Jiangchuan.

Sometimes he clenched his fists, sometimes shivered, and he didn’t even feel his clothes soaking wet.

The order to pay the bills reported in Zhaojiang Chuankou is like ordering food.

However, the funds that it represented made Fang Zhongyuan’s scalp tingle just thinking about it.

Zhang Hua is a little better.

After all, he is also a person who has personally experienced Treasury bond futures 323.

However, the good ones are really limited.

He really wanted to control his heart, but unfortunately that heart just didn’t fight at all.

His beating heart made him feel short of breath.

The total position of the company account has been expanded again from 120,000 lots to 280,000 lots.

The funds used have also exceeded 300 million from the earliest several million to the present.

That chip that keeps increasing every day is like increasing gravity.

After the accumulation, Zhang Hua only felt that his heart was about to explode.

The same is true for the circle in the square.

More and more chips, the stock price is getting higher and higher.

This means that the cost price of holding positions on the account is also getting higher and higher.

Everyone knows that the lower the price, the better.

But Zhao Jiangchuan is like a madman. The higher the price, the greater the number of buy orders he places.

However, neither of the two dared to speak.

Even breathing had to be controlled as much as possible.

Zhao Jiangchuan, who was wearing a red vest, calmly issued one command after another.

The tens of millions of funds seemed to be just a number in his mouth.

“Continue to scan the goods.”

6000 lots.

5000 lots.

Fang Zhongyuan and Zhang Hua seemed to have an illusion.

It’s just like….

It was like the red vest Zhao Jiangchuan was wearing was not a vest at all, but a blood-red armor.

The aura he inadvertently exudes makes him look like a general who commands thousands of troops to fight.

At this moment, Zhao Jiangchuan’s indomitable eyes made the two of them dare not look directly at him.

Even under the pressure of that kind of momentum, they couldn’t even have the courage to speak.

Finally, it was three o’clock in the afternoon.

The two of them, whose **** were wet, let out a deep breath.

In fact, the pressure brought by the billions of funds is simply beyond the ability of normal people to bear.

That wave of higher stock prices is like a roller coaster that continues to rush upwards, and the excitement and fear it brings are simply beyond human control.

Chuanzhong Changhong closed at 18.23 yuan that day, an increase of 22 percent.

A cumulative increase of 53%.

The total holdings of the amphibole investment account have a profit of 110 million.

“Lao Fang, I finally understand why I couldn’t make a lot of money before.”


“Damn, I earn too much, I’m afraid.”

Fang Zhongyuan was stunned for a Haha, Mr. Zhang, I want to tell you, I don’t plan to come tomorrow. If I watch it like this every day, I will be scared to death sooner or later. ”

“That’s what I was about to say. I won’t be here tomorrow if I’m killed. This is simply not done by human beings.”

Zhao Jiangchuan laughed and scolded while taking off his vest.

“You two are scolding me for not being human.”

“Boss, do you think you are still human?”

After closing the deal, Zhao Jiangchuan who took off his red vest seemed to be the usual Zhao Jiangchuan who was approachable.

Unable to feel that oppressive momentum, Zhang Hua dared to joke again.

For Zhang Hua’s ridicule, Zhao Jiangchuan just smiled.

“You two, stop flattering.”

“Boss, Changhong has pulled more than fifty percent in the past two weeks. Do you want to ship some goods?”

“I’m thinking about it too, I’ll have a look tomorrow.”

Fang Zhongyuan and Zhang Hua breathed a sigh of relief together.

In fact, almost all of Zhao Jiangchuan’s previous orders were to buy.

That mighty aura was as if he wanted to buy all of Changhong’s chips.

Not crazy, not crazy.

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