The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Gambling (Part 1)

Treasury bond futures refer to a treasury bond derivative transaction that pre-determines buying and selling prices through organized trading venues and delivers money and bonds within a specific time in the future.

Treasury bond futures are financial futures and are an advanced financial derivative.

It first appeared in the 1970s in the context of the instability of the US financial market, to meet the needs of investors to avoid interest rate risk.

What Zhao Jiangchuan wanted to buy was the 92 (3) Treasury bond futures contract for delivery in June, a standardized contract in the futures market.

Corresponding to the 3-year treasury bonds issued in 1992 and payable in June 1995, the total amount of the bonds issued is 24 billion yuan.

Its redemption method is the coupon rate of 9.5% plus the discounted interest.

Due to the uncertainty of hedging and discounting interest rates, the product has a certain speculative value in the futures market and has become the most popular material for speculation in the futures market.

The resulting 323 cases also became the “Bahrain Incident” in the history of Huaguo Securities. The Financial Times called February 23, 1995 the darkest day in the history of Huaguo Securities.

Zhao Jiangchuan, a financial giant of a generation, is naturally very clear about this period of history.

According to Zhao Jiangchuan’s previous plan, as long as you register multiple accounts with different identities, you can unknowingly flow funds into the treasury bond market, and then wait to receive the money.

In that way, he would not be discovered by anyone among the countless transaction data.

However, Zhao Jiangchuan’s plan was disrupted by the transaction method of only filling in the form. He had never really realized the image of the time difference before.

Treasury bond futures are no better than stocks, and a bond contract requires a margin of almost 20,000.

Twenty thousand yuan is a lot of money for many people, so retail investors who trade in the sales department often buy one or two hands.

If he smashed hundreds of thousands of dollars into it all at once, he would definitely be very eye-catching in the sales department.

The per capita income is only a few thousand yuan a year, and a hundred thousand yuan is the money that many people can’t save in their entire lives. It is definitely a huge sum of money.

Taking hundreds of thousands to open seven or eight hands of treasury bond futures at a time is a big deal in a small city like Ludao City. Maybe it will be regarded as the son of some boss with inside information.

In the early 1990s, people invested in a variety of ways.

Those who listened to the gossip, bought it casually, or bought it with relatives and friends, and many people specially guarded the business hall, waiting for the legendary big family to buy together.

As for the real fundamental analysis, technical analysis, only a few people have heard of it.

Zhao Jiangchuan was a little worried.

It doesn’t matter if someone follows the trend to buy, and Ludao is not a big place like the magic capital. Even if people from the sales department buy together, it is estimated that it will not have much impact on the market.

The most troublesome thing is that after making money, under the profit of that geometric multiple, it will undoubtedly be pushed to the cusp of the storm.

Not surprisingly, by then everyone will know that a certain person in the Wanbang sales department has made a fortune, and then his appearance, age and identity may be picked up by others.

The power of uncles and aunts can never be underestimated. The people in CY district represent the ultimate power of aunts.

Once a master, a stock god, or such a useless hat is around, then don’t want to stop.

These possible problems, Zhao Jiangchuan had to consider, being able to do it all over again is a pity, but it doesn’t mean that other people are brainless NPCs. The result of his every move is the one that affects him the most.

Just when Zhao Jiangchuan was thinking about what to do so that he would have no worries, he didn’t notice that a middle-aged man in a suit and glasses was observing him not far away.

Zhang Hua is from eastern Zhejiang. In the early years, he ran a leather business in eastern Zhejiang. He traveled far and saw the world. Later, the business became bigger and bigger and he saved a lot of money.

But people’s greed is endless. After Zhang Hua came into contact with the financial market by chance, he was deeply attracted by the crazy profits.

However, the reality is not as easy as Zhang Hua thought. It is completely different from doing business. Whether it is stocks or futures, there seems to be no rules and experience at all.

No matter how much time and energy Zhang Hua wastes summarizing his experience, the market always seems to be against him.

Every time he was bullish on a stock, it fell as soon as he bought it; when he couldn’t bear the loss and sold it, the price rose again.

Doesn’t it mean that buying stocks means investing in the future prospects of listed companies, but the stocks he buys, the companies are very profitable, but the stock prices just don’t rise.

This made Zhang Hua wonder for a while whether someone was interested in the little money in his hand and deliberately tricked him, otherwise it would be such a coincidence.

After more than a year of continuous losses, Zhang Hua really has no confidence in making stocks amid all kinds of hard-to-distinguish news.

Under the introduction of a friend, Zhang Hua came into contact with the futures market, which he felt would definitely make money.

Because when Zhang Hua was in the leather business, he had traveled through the world, and he knew the origin, processing and sales of many commodities and the cycle of the industry very well.

Even the cost price, sales price of some commodities, and the difference between intermediate links, he also knows about it.

However, the final result made Zhang Hua unacceptable. Even if he knew all the information about trading commodity contracts, he still could not make money in the market.

For example, the leather he is most familiar with, he knows all the various processes of leather, the cost price, the off-season and peak seasons produced by various tanneries, the sales process of leather shoes and clothing, and so on.

He knew all these things.

But in the end, because they know too much, they lose more than those who blindly act blindly.

Because, people who don’t understand anything can’t stand the loss and run away. He knows in his heart where the bottom line or peak of the market price is, and has been waiting for the turnaround he needs.

But the market seems to be like a cousin, testing Zhang Hua’s bottom line again and again, and every time he can make money out of his pocket just right, and even scold him for something useless.

Zhang Hua has always wondered why, in theory, a business that can lose half of its profits has become a business with steady losses and no profits.

It wasn’t until he overheard a friend chatting with him about the gambling table once that Zhang Hua realized that he had gone astray. UU Reading

In casinos, there are always a few gamblers who can make money, but casinos have never lost money, and these markets are not the same as casinos.

Zhang Hua is a businessman who has come through strong winds and waves. After realizing that he was going the wrong way, he immediately stopped trading in the market.

It was only then that he discovered that in the past two years, in addition to losing money in the market, a lot of money was wasted in commissions and various fees in transactions.

Zhedong people have been the hometown of merchants since ancient times. Zhang Hua also has some shrewdness unique to Zhedong people. After realizing that only commissions can really make money, he will pay attention to others.

What he earns in the market is floating profit. If he can provide a place for others to trade, what he earns is real money.

Soon, Zhang Hua felt that he had figured it out, and he began to lobby some of his past business partners to make money in partnership.

For a serious securities company, Zhang Hua would definitely not be able to get it, and it is impossible for a private person to handle all kinds of procedures related to licenses.

But it doesn’t matter. If a regular securities company wants to trade stocks or futures, it needs enough capital, but not everyone has enough money to do it.

With many years of experience in business, the shrewd Zhang Hua will pay attention to this aspect. He uses the form of advance funds to help those who want to trade in stock futures.

Those who want to buy and sell can buy and sell with him with only a small investment.

In this way, Zhang Hua can justifiably draw high commissions, and those who advance funds transactions with him can only recognize them by pinching their noses.

Once the client’s capital loss reaches the warning line, according to the agreement, Zhang Hua has the right to forcibly sell their positions.

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