The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Gambling (Below)

Gambling, a gray industry with a very long history in the financial market.

Regarding the emergence of gambling houses, it can be traced back to the US stock market in 1918.

Because the essence of speculative trading is a zero-sum game, it is destined that no one will lose money and no one will make money. This essence is the most fundamental reason for the emergence of gambling shops.

The name of the gambling house has already explained a lot of things. It is different from the regular securities companies. In the gambling house, the customer’s funds are often not traded in the market.

The so-called gambling house is a general term, but they all have one obvious thing in common, that is, only a small amount of funds can be used to conduct transactions several times or even ten times the amount of funds.

These gambling houses often do not have government-issued business licenses, nor do they have any corresponding regulatory agencies, and their names are generally either financial companies or asset management companies.

In the early years, the gambling shops often relied on mutual introductions between friends, so this business generally has a good reputation, such as Zhang Hua.

The most important thing is that there is no need for a gambling bank to default on their bills. They have a way to let customers spit out the money they make.

For example, maybe due to normal price fluctuations, the customer will be closed if the margin is not enough.

In the market, such fluctuations are all too normal.

Of course, since ancient times, wealth and silk have moved people’s hearts, and some of them can only go in but not out. If the customer makes money, they will try their best to make the customer continue to do it until the customer loses all the funds.

But there are always exceptions in the world. Even in the gambling industry, which theoretically should make a steady profit without losing money, there is actually a possibility of losing money.

Jesse Livermore, the famous king of speculation in financial history, started his business by gambling.

In Jesse’s day, the words “that kid” meant he was the least welcome person at the casino.

none of them.

Because since Jesse was fifteen years old, the gambling house has become his personal ATM, and no one likes a guy who only makes money.

Even later, wherever Jesse went, the dollar in his hand seemed to be waste paper, and no gambling dealer was willing to accept his commission.

After Zhang Hua’s introduction, Zhao Jiangchuan knew that he guessed right, but he was still a little surprised.

In his previous life, Zhao Jiangchuan came into contact with the financial market after a major change in his family, so he never knew that there were gambling shops in the early financial market in China, otherwise, there would be all kinds of concerns in the past.

For him, it was as if someone brought a pillow when he fell asleep.

Zhang Hua’s company environment is not bad. In addition to various office equipment, there are some vegetation, which is much quieter and more elegant than the Wanbang sales department downstairs.

The most interesting thing is that Zhang Hua specially hired a beautiful woman to sit at the front desk, which made Zhao Jiangchuan admire secretly when he entered the door.

To be able to think of using beautiful women as the company’s facade in the 1990s is definitely not something that ordinary people can think of.

“Boss Zhang, you just said that you can do first-hand treasury bond futures with you for 5,000 yuan. Can you talk about the specific process?”

“This is natural, for example, for treasury bond futures, the first-hand treasury bond securities company requires about 20,000 yuan as a deposit.

5,000 yuan can be used here because our company helps the customer to advance 15,000 yuan. Therefore, if the customer’s capital loss reaches a certain level, we have the right to force the liquidation of the position. ”

“You also know that the market has risks. We have advanced funds for our customers, and we must take high risks. This is a safety measure.”

Zhang Hua’s explanation is reasonable, but Zhao Jiangchuan’s letter is a ghost. He has already guessed that Zhang Hua’s funds will not flow into the market in all likelihood. The so-called advance is simply a cover.

However, Zhao Jiangchuan didn’t intend to break it. It doesn’t matter to him whether the funds enter the arena or not. The important thing is whether the money can be safely obtained after making money.

“What are the specific implementation standards?”

“For example, you have paid a deposit of 5,000 yuan with me. If the loss reaches 1,500 yuan, we will have to liquidate the position. Is that clear?”

Zhao Jiangchuan nodded to show his understanding, and then he asked, “How can we ensure the safety of our funds?”

Zhang Hua smiled, because as long as Zhao Jiangchuan asked this question, he was basically sure that he wanted to do it with him.

For Zhang Hua, this is no different from delivering meat to his mouth.

“You can rest assured in terms of funds. We are a regular company and we all have contracts. Xiaomei, take two copies of our company’s contracts and show them to these two little brothers.”

It didn’t take long for Xiaomei, who had been sitting at the front desk as a vase, to wring her buttocks and walked over with two contracts.

When handing over the contract to Zhao Jiangchuan and Mao Xiaowu, he also exposed his chest intentionally or unintentionally in front of them.

That piece of snow is so dazzling in this winter.

Zhao Jiangchuan touched his nose and didn’t laugh out loud. From Xiaomei’s skillful movements, it can be seen that she often does this. Nine times out of ten, Zhang Hua specially explained it.

It is not easy for this Boss Zhang to use female **** to add a little psychological hint to customers.

But Mao Xiaowu’s reaction was much more interesting, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com lowered his head and didn’t dare to look at Xiaomei’s beautiful face.

But those eyes, like a thief, kept staring at Xiaomei’s exposed chest, making Xiaomei giggled.

The document is very formal, with various clauses marked in black and white, which are basically similar to what Zhang Hua described, and it also contains various legal liabilities after breach of contract.

Zhao Jiangchuan just rolled his eyes and put it down. This kind of thing is okay to fool a real rookie. How could he not know that these contracts are actually useless.

It’s just that, as Zhang Hua guessed, Zhao Jiangchuan intends to do transactions here. First, this kind of place can hide his identity well, and second, increasing the leverage will inevitably lead to higher returns than he expected earlier. higher.

However, Zhao Jiangchuan is not very reassured in terms of funds. With his old way, it is impossible to believe in Zhang Hua’s character just by reading a few useless documents and listening to a few words of nonsense.

After pretending to look over the contract, Zhao Jiangchuan suddenly asked, “Boss Zhang, do you have the funds here?”

This kind of question that a rookie could never ask made Zhang Hua startled.

Did you guess wrong before?

However, Zhang Hua didn’t think much about it. In his opinion, those who have been playing in the market for a few years are still losing money. Even if a young man understands a little bit, he can’t change anything.

What’s more, the two little guys in front of them are students at first sight. I’m afraid they have heard about the operation model of his fund-raising company somewhere, so there is such a doubt.

After a pause, Zhang Hua showed his most sincere smile, and he said without concealment: “I won’t enter the venue, but you can rest assured in terms of funds, doing this industry depends on credibility, otherwise my company would not be able to do this. Big, do you think so?”

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