The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Mao Xiaowu

Although the southeastern province is in the subtropical region, the temperature can also be felt significantly in December.

Especially at six or seven o’clock in the morning, a trace of coldness can still make people shiver.

Zhao Jiangchuan held a handful of cold tap water in both hands and threw it on his face. Under the stimulation of the cold water, people began to become sober and calm.

Zhao Jiangchuan looked up at himself in the mirror. He was only eighteen years old now. His immature face was clean and pure, and he didn’t have the madness that he had in the past.

A blue really good coat is full of the breath of this era, making him look so clean and innocent.

Zhao Jiangchuan smiled at himself in the mirror, revealing neat and white teeth.


“My friends, I’m back! My enemies, are you ready?”


“Xiao Chuan, hurry up to eat, or you will be late again…”

Zhao Jiangchuan’s current identity, a third-year high school student, hurried out after taking a few bites of food under the snarl of his mother, Huang Yajuan.

It was only half past seven, and he knew that he would be late on the first day of his rebirth.

Of course, he didn’t take being late at all. If he wasn’t afraid of being too conspicuous, he might have been ready to drop out of school when he was full of things.

Walking on the road, Zhao Jiangchuan began to think about how to solve the problems that his father would encounter in the future.

In the thousands of years of history of China, the adage of promotion and making a fortune has never been broken, which shows that promotion is actually for making a fortune.

In history, a certain corrupt official who used to be in the Sixth Division said that if you are an official, you should become an official if you don’t want to make a fortune.

Maybe when they first became officials, some people wanted to do something for the common people, but after being promoted again and again, in addition to honoring their ancestors, it was more for money.

Three years of Qing Dynasty prefect, one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver.

This is never a casual irony, but a fact that has been verified time and time again in history.

The reason Zhao Donglai was finally arrested was because of corruption and bribery. Naturally, he was greedy for money, and what he received was definitely money.

Although Zhao Jiangchuan knew that Zhao Donglai’s accident was not just about money.

But if the reasons for money are contained from the beginning, even if it is not able to completely solve the problems that Zhao Donglai may face, at least, in the future, he will not end up in a disastrous and imprisoned ending.

A problem that can be solved with money is never a problem. This is Zhao Jiangchuan’s motto.

As for the rest, he can wait until Zhao Jiangchuan has enough ability to solve it, he can’t just watch his father go to the dark one by one.

The most important thing is that, apart from knowing that corruption is an absolute dead end, Zhao Jiangchuan really feels that corruption is a poor way to make money.

At least for the former Zhao Jiangchuan, this is the case.

The early 1990s were seen by many in later generations as a time of opportunity.

Many people who seemed to be impossible to succeed at that time inexplicably stood at the top of the wealth pyramid.

Many real estate bigwigs, Internet bigwigs, etc. all rose in that era.

In the great tide of China’s reform and opening up, those people stood on the peak of the tide and jumped up.

Of course, it was also a very confusing era, and many people who were supposed to be successful ended up drowning under the turbulent waves.

I do not know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain.

It was difficult for people at that time to know what they didn’t understand at the time, and only after passing through that era did they realize what they missed because they didn’t understand.

Some people say it was the best era, and some people said it was the worst era, but just like yin and yang, no one can define what kind of era this is except for the parties involved.

But for Zhao Jiangchuan, who was one of the three major Wall Street giants in his previous life, he knows that the most profitable industry in the future will never be real estate, trade or the Internet.

The power of capital can determine the future direction of any industry. Behind all the thriving industries, few people will know that it is actually the final result driven by countless capitals.

As for needs or values, it’s not as important as people understand.

In other words, the importance of values and needs is what a small number of people make the majority consider important.

With the memory of the next two decades, the history of changes in the domestic capital market, and even the trend of the global capital market are all in Zhao Jiangchuan’s mind.

Today, everyone in the country, and even the entire country, is still crossing the river by feeling the stones.

For Zhao Jiangchuan, who knows the future, it is like a group of people playing cards. The cards in other people’s hands don’t know whether they are good or bad, but Zhao Jiangchuan is holding a bunch of good cards.

All Wang fried?

No no no… all nuclear bombs!

As long as you find a suitable opportunity to bury it, then…

It just so happened that between the end of 1994 and the beginning of 1995, there was a market situation in the emerging capital market of Huaguo that was remembered in history.

That crazy market created a group of billionaires in the early 1990s, and the impact of that event was so great that it was even called a dark day in China’s financial history by the British Times.

It’s hard for Zhao Jiangchuan to know about such a big event.

“Brother Chuan, Brother Chuan…, wait for me.”

When Zhao Jiangchuan was thinking about how to accumulate capital, a voice that had been calling him for decades interrupted his thoughts.

Without looking back, Zhao Jiangchuan knew who this guy who suddenly appeared, even though his voice was very different from ten years later.

Sure enough, when Zhao Jiangchuan turned his head, he found that Mao Xiaowu was running towards him quickly.

Today’s Mao Xiaowu is fifteen or sixteen years old, and he is full of immaturity when he is out of breath. With this appearance of Mao Xiaowu, it is difficult for Zhao Jiangchuan to associate him with the wretched guy more than ten years later.

Zhao Jiangchuan slapped Mao Xiaowu’s head with a habitual slap, and scolded with a smile, “Why are you leaving the house now, and I’m late again…”

Maybe he was accustomed to Zhao Jiangchuan’s actions, Mao Xiaowu rubbed his head, which had become a chicken coop, and muttered in a low voice: “You also said that you are going to be late again…”

Mao Xiaowu’s words made Zhao Jiangchuan laugh and cry, but just as he raised his hand to teach this kid again, a man walked out from the corner without a sound.

It was a middle-aged man with a tough appearance, a pair of thick black eyebrows resembling the shape of a broom, and his straight hair was black and shiny, and the whole person had an indescribably powerful aura.

Zhao Jiangchuan knew this man since childhood.

This man is called Mao Ai Dang.

He is an old classmate of Zhao Jiangchuan’s father. Zhao Jiangchuan asked him to call him uncle since he was a child; he is also Mao Xiaowu’s father, so Mao Xiaowu, who is only one year younger than Zhao Jiangchuan, has been playing together since he was a child.

The two live not far away and have always had a good relationship.

Zhao Jiangchuan squinted and watched Mao Aidang come step by step. His eyes were complicated, because it was this man who had been an uncle Mao since he was a child. In that year, he personally sent his father Zhao Donglai to prison.

Zhao Jiangchuan will never forget, that year, that day, the man he had always regarded as his uncle, with a cold face and people,

With a pair of cold handcuffs, the father who gave birth to him and raised him was taken away.

Mao Aidang came over, Zhao Jiangchuan’s eyes had returned to calm, with his heart, it was impossible to put everything on his face, and even his eyes could be completely disguised.

Most importantly, it was because of Mao Xiaowu’s existence.

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