The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Be Your Girlfriend

“Zhao Jiangchuan, do you like me?”

In Li Ruotong’s office.

Zhao Jiangchuan felt that his brain was not enough.

what’s going on?

What’s wrong with the script?

Shouldn’t he be reprimanded harshly first, and then persuade him to study hard?

No, this girl is probably trying to cheat Lao Tzu.

like you?

Little girl, you are a vegetarian when you are an uncle, and I don’t know that you are digging a hole for me.

It must be so, this chick is definitely not at ease.

But what kind of new trick is this?

Or is this little girl who was stimulated by what happened that night and wants to come to an old cow to eat tender grass?

But it’s not impossible.

Zhao Jiangchuan lowered his head and yawned indiscriminately.

In fact, Li Ruotong asked such a question as soon as he entered the door, which was very abnormal.

Not only did he make his previous plan to beat Li Ruotong to the ground in English, but he hadn’t even figured out how to answer Li Ruotong’s question.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Zhao Jiangchuan, who has always been used to being cautious, plans to wait and see how things change, and then respond to all changes with the same.


Li Ruotong sighed, Zhao Jiangchuan’s silence made her think she guessed right.

At the age of eighteen, it is not too big to say that it is big, but it is not too small to say that it is small.

Because of the restlessness of adolescence and the natural attraction between men and women, it is easy to develop a favorable impression of the opposite sex.

As the head teacher, it’s not that Li Ruotong didn’t know that some students in the class were secretly interacting with each other, but as long as it didn’t seriously affect her studies, she chose to turn a blind eye.

It’s just that Zhao Jiangchuan has always been one of the good seedlings that all the teachers are optimistic about. If nothing else happens, he will definitely have a good future in the future.

Li Ruotong really didn’t want him to go astray, let alone cause Zhao Jiangchuan’s future to suffer setbacks because of her.

So Li Ruotong had been thinking about how to bring Zhao Jiangchuan’s heart back to his studies without hurting him.

After all, people of this age group have very strong self-esteem, and a little harsh question may cast a shadow on a person for a lifetime.

He couldn’t fight, and scolded him, but it didn’t seem to work. Li Ruotong thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t figure out how to speak.

She is not only facing a heterosexual, but also her student, a student who has a crush on her, it is really not easy to open the window paper.

But it can’t be explained.

So Li Ruotong went straight to the point when she made the decision, she didn’t want to give Zhao Jiangchuan any breathing room.

It’s just that she didn’t expect Zhao Jiangchuan to be so courageous.

Although he didn’t directly admit that he liked her, he gave her a default, and if she made preparations in advance, she didn’t know how to proceed.

How dare he be so bold, I am his teacher.

Li Ruotong looked complicated, her eyes wandered, and there was a strange feeling in her heart that she didn’t know or was unwilling to admit.

It seems that’s all there is to it.

“Zhao Jiangchuan, I know that what happened that night had a great impact on you, and I know what you were thinking, but it wasn’t what you imagined, do you understand?

What’s more, the college entrance examination will take place in a few months. This is related to the future of your life. You should focus on your studies, right? ”

Zhao Jiangchuan felt as if he was stupid. He didn’t quite understand what Li Ruotong was talking about.

You know what’s on my mind? Do you have mind reading skills?

Why don’t I know what I’m thinking?

As for the great influence that night, Zhao Jiangchuan even thought about it for a long time, but he didn’t know where the big influence was.

Zhao Jiangchuan’s silence made Li Ruotong suffocate. When she saw it, this was Zhao Jiangchuan’s silent rebuttal.

Hey, that seems to be the only way to go.

“Zhao Jiangchuan, I don’t like classmates who don’t study well, you know?”

After some deliberation in her heart, Li Ruotong said in a deep voice, she tried her best to keep her tone intact.

But who Zhao Jiangchuan was, he couldn’t remember the many people he had met, and she felt it as soon as Li Ruotong was a little different.

Why is this girl blushing?

What does it have to do with me if she doesn’t like bad students?

Holy crap, no!

She said that she did not like students who did not study well, which meant that she liked students who did well.

Is it…

Li Ruotong was very embarrassed, even though he had already made a decision, he always found it difficult to say what he said.

Before she knew it, she didn’t even notice the flushing on her face.

After all, she is only twenty-three years old, and many of her life experiences are still blank. Now, when she wants to say that to her students, she hesitates for a while as to how to speak.

“Zhao Jiangchuan, I know you like me, and I know you’ve been studying English hard recently for my sake, but the college entrance examination is based on comprehensive scores, you can’t lose other subjects just because you only study English, you’ll never pass the test. From a good university, I…”

Zhao Jiangchuan looked sluggish, what’s the situation.

When did I like you, and why did you even learn English.

However, Zhao Jiangchuan can be considered to understand, I am afraid that his recent abnormality has made Li Ruotong aware of something. After all, the habit that has been cultivated for more than ten years is in him, and it is easy to be noticed if it changes suddenly.

Even though he has been very careful to hide it, there are some habits that he may not even notice.

This chick is very sensitive, but she thinks too much.

Zhao Jiangchuan guessed that in all likelihood, it was his recent eyes that made Li Ruotong aware of something, and the eyes of ordinary students and his must be different when they looked at Li Ruotong.

Do you like it?

Nonsense, which man doesn’t like beautiful women, Li Ruotong is such a beautiful woman, there is no reason why he doesn’t like it.

But the liking that Li Ruotong told Li Ruotong was definitely not a liking.

Just relying on his eyes and test scores to think of being in love, Zhao Jiangchuan didn’t know whether to laugh at Li Ruotong’s rich associations or laugh at this chick’s simplicity.

I really think that men like to see a woman, UU reading must like it.

Zhao Jiangchuan didn’t intend to explain the matter clearly. He thought it was quite interesting. Being misunderstood by a beautiful woman was not an objectionable thing.

It’s just that Li Ruotong suffered. She finally made up her mind to open up some problems, hoping to persuade Zhao Jiangchuan to focus on her studies.

The big truths that should be said have been said, and even some issues that are not easy to say are said.

But this guy definitely didn’t listen to a word, otherwise she wouldn’t even have the slightest response after saying it for a long time.

As a teacher, it can be said that Li Ruotong is very competent. She knows that the stick education in many families today is actually of no use to children.

The age of seventeen or eighteen is the most rebellious period of a person’s life. There are many words that others will not listen to no matter what they say, and it is not possible to solve the problem by just hitting.

Blocking is worse than sparse, she understands this very well.

Just like her classmates back then, if they could use another way to turn their emotions into motivation, maybe they wouldn’t end up with a drop in grades and become famous.

This is also the reason why she hesitated to tell Zhao Donglai the truth after she went to Zhao Jiangchuan’s house.

She really didn’t want Zhao Jiangchuan such a good seedling to be delayed like this, and she didn’t want to be delayed like this by her, so she might feel at ease for the rest of her life.

what can we do about it?

Li Ruotong was very embarrassed, and finally, after hesitating again and again, she gritted her teeth and made a decision.

“Zhao Jiangchuan, if you really like me, you should study all the courses well. As long as you can get into a first-tier university, I can consider being your girlfriend.”

(Students, can you beat Zhao Jiangchuan to death with the recommendation ticket?)

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