The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: What Are You Afraid Of

Zhang Hua has been in a bad mood recently.

Some time ago, the People’s Bank of China issued a message.

The interest rate of savings deposits with a maturity of more than 3 years will be raised and the deposit subsidy will be restored. The treasury bills will also be subsidized for value preservation.

This is good news. Higher interest rates on deposits mean that savers can earn more after depositing, and the same is true for the treasury bills’ value-preserving subsidy.

For Zhang Hua, this was the same good news.

The stock market has entered a bear market since the second half of the year, and the entire market is dead.

Because there is news that the stock market may switch to the T+1 trading system next year.

This T+1 system is equivalent to saying that the stocks bought in the future can no longer be bought and sold at any time, and there is also a price limit.

This is not to mention, the stocks bought today will have to wait a day before they can be sold, and even the money from selling the stocks cannot be withdrawn at any time, and it will also take a day to do so.

The agreed rules say that they will be changed, and many people will be a little worried. What if there is an urgent need for money today and the stocks are sold and cannot be withdrawn immediately, or if the stocks bought today suddenly go wrong at night? .

What’s more worrying is that the above will not use rumors to test the public’s tone, and secretly have other plans for the stock market, which are all lessons learned.

The whole market was deserted a lot at once.

In order to develop more customers, even a securities company like Wanbang has advertised opening an account to send towels and laundry, not to mention Zhang Hua, who is a gambling dealer.

That business was quite bleak, otherwise he wouldn’t have had to go to Wanbang’s sales department himself to get business.

Fortunately, treasury bond futures are still hot, and many people gave up the stock market and plunged into treasury bond futures trading.

This time, the People’s Bank of China has raised the subsidy rate for the preservation of treasury bills, which has added fire to the already hot treasury bond futures.

Because the value preservation and subsidy rate has not yet been set, there are many uncertainties, which provides space for speculation in treasury bond futures. A large number of institutional investors and retail investors have simply turned the stock market into the bond market.

The big securities company and the futures company opened their mouths happily, even a small gambling shop like Zhang Hua got a lot of light.

In order to obtain a higher rate of return, or because of insufficient funds, many people can only find him to speculate on the over-the-counter gambling bank.

The more customers there are, the more money Zhang Hua makes.

After all, no matter whether it is the stock market or the treasury bond market, the century-old history of the United States has already proved that there are always more people who lose money than people who make money.

In the gambling business, the more people who lose, the more people will earn more, plus double the commission, Zhang Hua earns a lot of money.

Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, and the year’s income has been counted when it is time to calculate, it is time to share the money with other shareholders, and if it is time to put it in your own pocket, put it in your own pocket.

Divide the money and you can have a good year.

But it’s okay not to take an inventory. Once the inventory was taken, the financial staff found a big problem.

In the total asset management account, there is actually an unpaid position of as high as 400,000, which is a full five long contracts of treasury bond 323.

That’s okay. The unsettled position of 400,000 yuan means that the company may have to pay another 400,000 yuan. Zhang Hua immediately arranged for someone to find out what was going on.

The statistician quickly transferred the contracts for the five 323 Treasury bonds. The account name was Mo Shaoyan, and the purchase date was more than ten days ago.

It was only then that Zhang Hua remembered the young man who had left an impression on him half a month ago.

The young man he regarded as a fat sheep took a young man younger than him, and finally bought five long positions in government bonds under his lobbying.

At that time, he was a little surprised that the young man didn’t use all the funds in the account, so it was quite impressive. Later, the young man never came again, and he forgot about it after going back and forth.

After checking again, Zhang Hua was taken aback. That kid named Mo Shaoyan bought the treasury bond 323 at a price of 104.755.

How can it be so coincidental.

The price of 104.755 is almost the lowest price of 323 treasury bonds in the last month, and it is only a little short of the lowest point of 104.695.

And now the price of treasury bond 323 has risen to 112.835, which means that the kid has earned more than 80,000 yuan.

A total of five, four hundred thousand.

What kind of **** luck would it take to get that low.

Four hundred thousand, the money earned from other customers in the past two weeks has to be posted to the four hundred thousand.

I thought that a fat sheep would be brought to the door, but he actually brought a plague god, Zhang Hua felt that he was really blind.

The only thing that comforted Zhang Hua was that the kid named Mo Shaoyan didn’t come recently.

The national debt 323 has risen so much recently, and it is almost over. As long as the boy does not come to pay, it should fall in a short time. At that time, the boy will have to vomit back how he earned. .

But what worried Zhang Hua was that the kid didn’t come.

If tens of thousands are thrown in all of a sudden, no one can really forget it. If the kid doesn’t plan to do it after making so much money, then his hundreds of thousands will really lose out.

After all, Zhang Hua is also a person who does big things. He can still tell which is lighter and which is more important. If a client wants to leave, he has to endure the pain.

Fuck, UU reading How can this kid be so lucky?

“Boss Zhang, business has been good recently.”

As the saying goes, the more you are afraid, the more you will come.

Before Zhang Hua had scolded him a few words in his heart, the guy named “Mo Shaoyan” came, and what made him want to swear was that he came up and asked him if his business was good.

The business is good, but I have given you free work for the past two weeks.

However, I scolded me in my heart. Zhang Hua has gone through so many ups and downs. It is absolutely not bad for him to be self-cultivation. Not to mention that when he opens the door to do business, there is no one who has a straight face.

Even if the customer upsets him, it’s still a customer.

“Little brother, why did you come here today? I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time?”

The person who came was naturally Zhao Jiangchuan, who used a fake identity to register with Zhang Hua.

He was used to the unrestrained life, and now he wants him to stay in school every day, just like sitting on wax.

If it wasn’t for some reason that he had to be admitted to Fudan University, he might have found a reason to run away.

Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you are not afraid to travel.

In these days at school, when I recite those forgotten formulas every day, Zhao Jiangchuan’s complaints about mathematics, physics and chemistry can be used as resentment.

In addition to the high school entrance examination, it is simply useless in society.

I’ve never seen a good mix of people who are learning English.

Ma Dayun is not bad at learning, right? He has learned mathematics, physics and chemistry well, no, he is an English teacher.

Yu Minhong is good at mathematics, physics and chemistry, and he is not. He has traveled all over the world and is not afraid, but he is also an English teacher.

So Zhao Jiangchuan really wanted to ask, if he learned mathematics, physics and chemistry well, he was not afraid of who said it when he traveled all over the world.

(New book period, ask for a recommendation ticket!)

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