The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 325

Vol 3 Chapter 56: Scum Beating

Everyone will have their own wishes.

The young lady hopes to marry a prince charming, and the poor boy hopes to marry a young lady.

There is a street writer named Fishbone Card Arrival, and his biggest wish is to wake up with an extra leader.

Have you found what these wishes have in common?

What all wishes have in common is that they are very unrealistic.

But it is precisely because it is unrealistic that it is a wish.

Otherwise, who is going to ask the gods from all walks of life?

The Great God of Sanqing, Tathagata Buddha, God God bless.

Bless the old fish and prove it in the book!

Is this possible?

The answer is of course impossible.

Like everyone else, Robert has always had a wish in his heart.

A wish he had been looking forward to for many years in his heart.

Robert is a native Englishman.

He knows what is civilization, what is prosperity, and what is wealth.

In Robert’s eyes, China is similar to the discovery of the Indians back then.

Stupidity, ignorance.

Staying in China is like walking from civilization to ancient times.

Leaving the bitter cold land of China and returning to a civilized and developed society.

When leaving China, it is best to scold all those arrogant and rude bosses who were arrogant and rude.

This is Robert’s greatest wish.

A pure-blooded Englishman, Robert is Christian.

In the hope that one day his wish would come true, Robert prayed many times a day.

He prayed that God would bless him with his wish.

But unfortunately, Robert has been praying to God for many years, and this wish has never been realized.

This made Robert’s faith once shaken.

Why was his sincere prayer not answered by God.

He was so pious, but he couldn’t move God’s eyes.

Later, Robert met a Chinese man.

The Chinese hired him to set up an investment company called Jushi Capital.


Robert’s wish came true.

He left the bitter cold and returned to civilized society.

He felt the glory that the Lord gave him, and he went to heaven.

With endless dollars, you can also have your own sweetheart.

Isn’t this heaven on earth?

Robert’s wish was half fulfilled.

However, in the end, there are still half of the regrets.

Robert kept thinking in his heart that it would be more perfect if he could humiliate the bosses who looked down on him in the first place.

Only Radish also knew that this was unrealistic.

Standard Chartered Bank, that is a bank that can enter within 500 in the world.

The total amount of customer deposits is more than 20 billion US dollars, and the total capital is several billion US dollars.

To be in charge of so much money is to be God’s acting steward on earth.

To dishonor God’s servant steward is to dishonor oneself.

But Robert suddenly found that his absolutely impossible wish had come true.

Bangkok, Thailand, one o’clock in the morning.

Robert is holding two Thai enchantresses playing an unspeakable new trick.

He had a lot of fun.

With the company’s accounts wound up, Robert has more time to fall into the corruption of capitalism.

The enchantresses understand the weaknesses of men better than women.

In the attentive and meticulous service of the two enchantresses, Robert floated in heaven again and again.

He sat on the sofa, enjoying the most nuanced service.

That warm feeling made Robert hit the top of the sky again and again.

“Ring Ling Ling…”

A sharp mobile phone ringing suddenly rang in the room.

Robert, who was about to climb to the limit of the world, had to open his eyes in the nasty ringtone.

Suddenly being interrupted at this time, Robert’s anger can be imagined.

But he had to reach out to answer the phone, and he didn’t dare not answer the phone.

That number is a call from Satan.

Because, this is a call from the US.

Anger, resentment and helplessness.

Robert resisted the urge to get angry and pressed the call button.

“Old radish head, I didn’t disturb your interest. If there is, please apologize!”


After a few seconds of silence, Robert released his clenched teeth.

he grumbled.

“Boss, you know what, you’re a devil…”

“Are you complimenting me?”

“No, I’m telling a fact.”

“Okay, it seems that my phone call is a bit out of time. I wanted to send you to receive Standard Chartered. It seems that I have to change someone now…”

Take over Standard Chartered?

Robert wondered if he had heard it wrong.

But the pounding heart was telling him that he should have heard it right.

Robert resisted the urge to yell, he asked in disbelief.

“Boss, you just told me to take over Standard Chartered? Did you buy Standard Chartered?”

“Oh, that’s not it.”

“Then you just said let me accept Standard Chartered…”

“What does Standard Chartered mean?”

This is an inexplicable question.

Robert has trouble turning a corner, he said instinctively.

“The Queen Victoria franchise.”

“Radish head, I’m asking you what it means in Chinese.”

What does it mean in Chinese?

Robert was confused.

Standard Chartered Chinese seems to be just two words, with no special meaning.

Maybe the person on the other end of the phone knew that Robert couldn’t think of it, and after a few seconds of pause, he explained it to Robert.

“Old radish head, I think you still haven’t learned what Chinese is called, scum, which means scum, a scum can only wait to be beaten, referred to as Standard Chartered, understand?”


What’s the explanation for this.

Robert was stunned by this explanation.

No wonder people say that the Chinese culture is extensive and profound. It seems that this is true.

But Robert also understood that his boss was trying to force him.

Now, he just needs to be at ease and listen.

Robert’s heart has already started to pound, and he has already guessed something.

However, when he didn’t hear the final answer, he still couldn’t believe it was all true.

“The scum owes our company a little money, and now it should be… um, I don’t know how much I owe, but they definitely can’t pay it back. You tomorrow…”


Robert swallowed several times involuntarily.

This answer made Robert hard to believe.

Still, Robert understood one thing.

Standard Chartered went bankrupt.

The Queen’s chartered bank went bankrupt as it owed money.

And he is going to complete the acquisition of Standard Chartered.

Oh God!

Is this true?

Should I buy Standard Chartered myself?

Unprecedented makes Robert very excited.

Even though the phone has been hung up for a long time, Robert still feels like he is still dreaming.

Demon girl, he can’t take care of it anymore.

Robert took out a handful of dollars from his pocket and threw it on the naked bodies of the enchantresses.

This gentleman knight, like a knight about to go to the battlefield, rushed into the street with his clothes in hand.

The streets of Bangkok in the early morning.

A streaking foreign old man was running wildly.

He yelled as he ran.

“Praise God, no, praise the boss, the glory is with me!”

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