The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 327

Vol 3 Chapter 58: I Won’T Fire You

Plate and linkage are some special terms in the financial market.

Its logic is mainly from the market transmission mechanism.

Kind of like a chemical effect.

When a problem occurs in a link, it will naturally cause a subsequent chain reaction.

The bankruptcy of Standard Chartered Bank will inevitably set off a big wave in the global financial market.

The result is.

Knowing that Standard Chartered was about to go bankrupt, Jushi Capital, after investing one billion US dollars, scrambled for 300 million US dollars in the global financial market in just 24 hours.

The headquarters of Standard Chartered Bank was gloomy and gloomy.

All senior executives and major shareholders are not proud or complacent at all because of their bank’s global influence.

Because, after today, Standard Chartered may have nothing to do with them anymore.

The management is fine, but the faces of the shareholders are getting worse.

The frustration of that investment wasted away makes all shareholders, big and small, feel as bad as eating shit.

Under the dejection of the major shareholders of Standard Chartered, Robert Baden-Powell walked into the Standard Chartered venue with the most elegant smile.

Robert was wearing a special tuxedo with a red bow tie on the neckline and a pure white cotton shirt underneath.

Tuxedo, a court dress born in medieval Europe.

It is a dress worn by European celebrities on certain important occasions.

Such as state banquets, award ceremonies, or award ceremonies.

In other words, Robert’s dress is not suitable for this occasion.

However, Robert didn’t care.

In Robert’s eyes, this trip to Standard Chartered will be the most glorious moment in his life.

He must wear the most formal dress to undertake this honor.

People rely on clothes, Buddhas rely on gold.

This statement really makes sense, and it does not distinguish between men and women, young and old.

The usual Robert, although he is also a suit and leather shoes, can’t hide his decadent temperament.

And now, after changing into a custom dress, it looks like it immediately.

The big beard is still the same big beard, but the calm and elegant temperament on his body perfectly shows the cultivation and demeanor that a nobleman should have.

Robert had the most elegant smile on his face, and he was clearly different from the others present.

That smile is very sincere, very simple and without any arrogance.

However, the look in those eyes made everyone who saw him want to beat him up.

Like George King and Joss Vinales.

These two people used to be Robert’s immediate boss.

In their eyes, the old Robert was not even worthy of carrying shoes.

But now, Robert has transformed himself into a super giant about to acquire Standard Chartered.

George King and Joss Vinales looked at each other.

They all saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes that was like eating flies.

Robert turned over now, it would be **** if he didn’t take them off.

This is human nature.

When Robert was at Standard Chartered, he was often called to and fro by these two.

Every time they went to the headquarters for a meeting, the two would ignore Robert or look at Robert with their eyebrows.

If you really want to say it, you can’t blame George King and José Vinales.

Circles are everywhere.

In the past, regardless of wealth or status, Robert was a third-rate person who was not in the mainstream.

With the status of George King and Joss Vinales, there is really no need to pay attention to him.

People who are not at the same level cannot integrate into the same circle at all.

However, this does not mean that their attitude will not be jealous of Robert.

In the earliest days, Robert worked under Jos Vinales.

Then, Robert was thrown to Standard Chartered Africa by José Vinales.

Not South Africa, the first economy in Africa, nor Zimbabwe, the second economy.

Rather, Congo.

That kind of place, in the eyes of any normal person, is not a place for people to stay.

A white man was thrown into the world of niggas, and Robert’s resentment can be imagined.

Later, Robert pleaded hard to get in and wanted to be transferred back to Europe to be an ordinary clerk.

However, even such a request was not fulfilled in the end.

He was thrown to Asia.

Not sent to Japan, not sent to Singapore and Hong Kong.

He was thrown into a country where even the locals didn’t want to stay.

Being thrown back and forth like rubbish, the resentment in Robert’s heart was as turbulent as the water of the Yellow River rising from the sky.

Now, he finally had a chance to wash away that humiliation.

“Hi George, my brother, it’s such a pleasure to see you. Oh god, isn’t this the honorable Mr. Vinales, long time no see, I miss you so much.”

heck bro.

How greasy and crooked is George King’s heart.

He knew that the current Robert was deliberately disgusting him in return for the humiliation he had ridiculed and ignored back then.

George King said nothing with a dark face.

No matter what they say now, they will definitely be humiliated by Robert.

The best way is to choose to be silent.


George King’s policy of silence is of little use.

Now that Robert is so successful, how could he easily let George King go.

In George King’s discoloration, Robert said ‘shocked in shock”.

“Oh, my brother George, why is your face so ugly? Are you sick? Huh? I see, do you feel sorry for losing money to Standard Chartered, for fear of being fired.

Don’t worry, George, I’m not going to fire you.

It took Nick Lison over a year to get rid of Barings, you can get rid of Standard Chartered in a few months.

Any idea what this means?

This shows that you are much more powerful than Nick Lison.

Look, I lost billions of dollars in a few months.

Oh god.

Brother George, I think even Mr. God will praise your ability to be so outstanding, you know, now your name is known to everyone, I am so envious…”

You are numb.

In George King’s heart, he gave Robert countless mamapies.

Hit people without slapping the swearing without exposing them.

It’s better for Robert, he didn’t beat George King or scold George King, but he was biting on George King’s sore spot.

That sarcastic tone, that exaggerated action, that every word.

They were like dull knives, poking hard into George Jin’s heart.

What is more powerful than Nick Lison, what is even God’s ability to praise, and the reputation that no one knows about.

Robert’s merciless sarcasm made George King feel ashamed and angry.

This kind of bad reputation, let alone a conceited banker like George King, is probably not many ordinary people want.

However, George King couldn’t refute it at all.

Everything Robert said was true.

It only took him a few months to drive Standard Chartered Bank, which had been in business for hundreds of years, to bankruptcy.

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