The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 336

Vol 3 Chapter 67: Nameless

Felines are smart.

They are natural hunters with keen insight.

Under normal circumstances, they absolutely do not hunt those potentially dangerous, very large prey.

Unless this approach will give it huge gains.

For example, when it is not very hungry, it will never provoke elephants, African bison, or giraffes.

But as long as the cat makes a shot, it is rare to miss it.

Among the cats, the most famous is the king of beasts.


Tigers have astute insight, swift speed, terrifying bite force, powerful concealment, and extremely strong aggression.

It is precisely because of all these characteristics that the tiger is called the king of beasts.

The world’s second largest hedge fund is named after a tiger.


Tiger Fund.

Created in 1980 by Julian Robinson.

As its name.

Tiger Fund is very insightful and aggressive.

In 1980, the Tiger Fund had only $8 million in capital, but by 1996, the Tiger Fund had more than $20 billion in capital.

The average annual profit is 25%, ranking second in the world.

Even the well-known Quantum Fund can only resign in the face of Tiger Fund.

Tiger Management has a total of six funds.

They were all founded by Robinson in the 1980s and named after various cats.

Except for the creation of the Tiger Fund under its trademark in 1980.

In 1986 he established the Jaguar Fund and the Puma Fund, and in 1987 the Lion and Ocelot Funds.

Among them, Tiger and Jaguar funds are relatively large, each managing billions of dollars.

From the name of the fund, you can sense the offensive and offensive nature of Robinson’s hedge fund investment strategy.

Wall Street.

Tiger Fund headquarters.

Julian Robinson squinted to observe the trend of the Thai stock market.

His eyes were like those of a tiger.

Cold, sharp and full of aggression.

For emerging market countries, Robinson has been paying attention for a long time.

In the analysis report brought back by his subordinates, he has found the Achilles heel of these emerging market countries.

The Thai stock market has experienced several sharp falls in recent days.

When the share prices of major listed companies fell, the market value of the Thai stock market also shrank sharply.

Trillions of baht were evaporated in the crash.

Want to shrink the amount of Thai baht in circulation to stabilize the exchange rate?

Don’t you think it’s too late?

After thinking for a while, Robinson picked up the office phone and dialed a number.

“Robbie, I think you should be ready to go to Singapore…”


“Today, there is a dominant belief in our society that believes in the magic of the market.

The dogma of laissez-faire capitalism teaches that the public interest is best secured when everyone is free to pursue their own interests.

Unless we recognize that the public interest takes precedence over the individual, our current system will likely collapse…”

end of November.

An article published in The Atlantic caught the attention of the financial community.

the reason is simple.

This article was written by Soros.

In investment banks on Wall Street, there are two stable bellwethers.

One is Alan Greenspan and the other is Soros.

The former, because he is the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

In the latter case, he defeated the Bank of England.

In the article, Soros argues that the concept of “laissez-faire liberalism” does not fully apply in financial markets.

People’s erroneous expectations due to their own ignorance will in turn affect the market, causing instability in the financial system and, in extreme cases, financial turmoil.

A laissez-faire market without regulation is tantamount to exposing itself to this huge financial risk.

An unrestricted, unregulated so-called free market would be the beginning of chaos and crisis.

This article by Soros caused a great stir in the market.

Many people smelled a tinge of warning and blood.

Countries headed by Great Britain have proven with blood the price of believing in the magic of the market.

Under laissez-faire capitalism, with everyone chasing profits unchecked, the pound collapsed for a while.

Anyone can see that Soros’s article is aimed at the economic systems of emerging market countries.

However, in the eyes of different people, this article has different meanings.

Some people think that this is a stern warning.

Soros is warning of contradictions and potential crises in emerging market economies.

Some people think that this is a battle letter.

It means that the Quantum Fund will launch an attack on the economies of emerging market countries.

What the truth is, no one knows.

Soros didn’t know it himself.

Quantum Fund headquarters.

Soros stroked his chin habitually in thought.

He didn’t expect this day to come so early, several months earlier than he expected.

The Thai stock market is already showing signs of collapse, and the Thai real estate industry is at stake.

All of this indicates that Thailand’s economic system is collapsing.

Amid the evaporation of a large number of Thai baht, the assets of countless investors are shrinking rapidly.

However, the Bank of Thailand still chooses to stick to a fixed exchange rate system.

Abandoned car insurance handsome?

But what’s the point of doing so if he can’t keep his handsomeness.

Long pain is worse than short pain.

In the inevitable ending, the longer the delay, the heavier the disaster will be.

This is the last chance, I hope you can understand.

Otherwise, I can only help you out of the wrong track.


Boulder Capital.

Zhao Jiangchuan stood beside the glass curtain wall of the office with his hands behind his back.

On the desk behind him is a newspaper from The Atlantic Monthly.

At the top is the article by Soros.

as a hooker.

Zhao Jiangchuan is well aware of what will happen after this article.

It will set off a financial turmoil in Southeast Asia, and it will bring those emerging market countries to hell.

However, it appeared three months earlier than the original trajectory of history.

Although he knew that this day would come early, Zhao Jiangchuan was still a little dazed after this day came.

Deep in his eyes, there was a flash of struggle.

In Soros’s article, there are many contradictions that are difficult to detect.

But standing outside the chessboard, Zhao Jiangchuan knew exactly why Soros was contradicting.

Because it is too clear, he is more at a loss than Soros.

In view of the current economic situation of emerging market countries, it has reached the point where the arrow has to be launched.

The bubble is about to burst.

No one can save these countries now.

But under that economic bubble, it is all high-purity combustible gas.

When the bubble bursts, countless lives will be lost.

During the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, 10,000 people would be lost for every one percent increase in unemployment.

The Southeast Asian financial crisis is more serious than the consequences of the subprime mortgage crisis.

Under the economic collapse, in starvation, it will lead to extreme chaos of political sovereignty.

Crime will increase, regimes will be unstable, and **** massacres will occur.

Have an understanding of the future.

Zhao Jiangchuan knows too well what the financial crisis means.

It will lead to a series of vicious consequences.

Millions of families were shattered because of the financial crisis, and hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives because of the financial crisis.

That kind of consequence, even Zhao Jiangchuan didn’t want to face it.

There are hundreds of thousands of lives, and there are 100,000 Chinese in there.

If he continues, it means that he will wipe out the hundreds of thousands of living lives with his own hands.

Snowflakes fluttered outside the window.

Perhaps it was due to the icy aura of the Zhao Jiangchuan’s eyes gradually became clearer.

He turned around and picked up the satellite phone on the table.


Chiluba government found.

Darkwater’s name is really scary.

It was so terrifying that the mercenaries that David had invited did not dare to fight them head-on.

In every battle, as long as Darkwater’s mercenaries fought, Davey’s mercenaries would hold back.

Even the helicopter was too scared to take off.

Because, the individual equipment of the dark water is extremely terrifying.

In addition to the Barrett sniper rifle, there are various ground-to-air individual equipment.

No helicopter would dare take off rashly under such firepower.

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