The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 348

Vol 3 Chapter 78: Bank Of Thailand Wants To Commit Suicide

Zhao Jiangchuan has a good memory.

But no matter how good the memory is, it is impossible to remember everything in the mind.

Zhao Jiangchuan’s deepest memory of the well-known Asian financial crisis is naturally the devaluation of various countries’ currencies.

If anything, it is the line of international capital offensive and the consequences of the financial crisis.

So from the beginning, he set up the bureau in Thailand in advance.

The Thai baht is going to depreciate.

Earlier analysis and the known future have determined that the devaluation of the baht is simply unavoidable.

If you can open a position when the Thai baht is at its highest price, you will naturally get the most bang for your buck.

This is what Zhao Jiangchuan has done.

Using leverage, Jushi Capital established a $1 billion position in the Thai baht.

He also earned over 100 billion baht in the Thai stock market.

As long as Thailand’s fixed exchange rate is not broken through, Jushi Capital can exchange the Thai baht in its hand for the US dollar again and continue to empty the Thai baht.

As for choosing to start at this node in Myanmar, it is nothing more than a plan to seize the opportunity.

As the name of Boulder Capital.

When Zhao Jiangchuan named Jushi, he wanted to be the promoter of the general trend.

Whether it is the boulder capital of the previous life, or the boulder of this life.

They must carry the general trend of unremitting efforts to break through the ten conferences.

Soros’s Quantum Fund, if it is simply calculated by the income and operating capital, the Quantum Fund can only be said to be at the top of the world’s major funds.

If you really want to talk about the ranking, the Quantum Fund can’t even enter the top five.

Whether it is the Jones Fund or Robinson’s Tiger Fund, it has always been firmly ahead of the Quantum Fund in terms of returns.

Not to mention the ratio of large investment companies such as Black Rock Capital, Fujitec, Bullying, and AllianceBernstein.

If you add a higher level of sovereign investment funds, the quantum fund may not even be ranked.

But in the global capital market, Soros is recognized as the number one crocodile. Under his command, the Quantum Fund has frightened central banks around the world.

The reason is nothing more than that the Quantum Fund has seized the opportunity every time. Under the crushing of any round of the general trend, Soros will be in front of the general trend.

This has something to do with Soros’s personal character and also with Soros’s strategy.

Over time, the Quantum Fund will become an undefeated battle flag.

As long as Soros waved the battle flag, he would naturally summon countless funds to follow him in the war.

Times make heroes, heroes make times.

Whether Soros is a hero or not is another matter, but he is definitely a master on the way.

Zhao Jiangchuan chose to start before Soros, wanting to not only expand his troops as soon as possible, but also build momentum for Jushi Capital.

Fame is something that everyone likes, because there is always an interest behind it.

The acquisition of Standard Chartered is part of Jushi Capital’s campaign.

As long as Boulder Capital can overwhelm Quantum Fund in terms of reputation, it can grab the reputation that many people don’t care about.

There is no falsehood under the reputation.

As long as the name of Jushi Capital is released, countless political and business figures around the world will take the initiative to come to the door.

At that time, Zhao Jiangchuan’s follow-up plans will be easier to push forward.

Just having money is not enough.

Only by forming a bundle of intertwined interests can better promote the general trend.

With an understanding of the future and an economic, financial and political understanding that transcends the times, Zhao Jiangchuan is equivalent to taking the lead everywhere.

So he chose Myanmar as a breakthrough to sell the Thai baht in a targeted manner.

One is to test the bottom line of the Bank of Thailand, and the other is to make the name of Jushi Capital.

With transactions of billions of dollars, as long as you are not deaf or blind, you can immediately find out where these funds flowed into the market.

At that time, Boulder, which is already world-famous because of the Standard Chartered acquisition, can rise like a scorching sun.

Zhao Jiangchuan’s plan was very successful.

After hitting $3 billion, it immediately attracted the attention of major intelligence agencies around the world.

Soros can find the boulder, as can the intelligence departments behind the major funds.

Everything is going smooth.

Under the selling price of three billion US dollars, Jushi Capital officially entered the world’s top-level eyeliner.

A company has blown up the foreign exchange flexibility range maintained by the Bank of Thailand, that is, it is impossible to think of a name.

However, in Zhao Jiangchuan’s eyes, all this was too abnormal.

Standing at the moment, no one has an absolutely accurate concept of the foreign exchange reserves announced by the Bank of Thailand.

But in subsequent historical records, the total reserves of the Bank of Thailand are actually 30 billion US dollars.

In Zhao Jiangchuan’s memory, in the battle of the Southeast Asian financial crisis, international capital and the Bank of Thailand fought around the baht for at least four rounds before it was difficult to defeat the baht.

With the three billion dollars currently thrown by Jushi Asset Management, it is absolutely impossible to break the Thai baht’s defense line.




Liu Qiang was taken aback when he received the news from Zhao Jiangchuan.

Having experienced many large-scale financial battles in the market, Liu Qiang already understands what the general trend is.

The bigger the boat, the harder it is to turn around.

The stronger the defense, once the gap is penetrated, it will be as difficult to block as a dam.

The break of the baht’s elastic band means the Bank of Thailand’s defense line is out of control.

In that gap, funds for subsequent attacks would flow like a tide in a dike.

That is absolutely beyond human control.

But now, Zhao Jiangchuan said that the gap this time was deliberately released by the Bank of Thailand.

how can that be.

Once the gap is opened, it is difficult to close.

Could it be that the Bank of Thailand wants to commit suicide?

However, Liu Qiang also knows that Zhao Jiangchuan said that the Bank of Thailand is digging a hole, which must have an absolute basis for judgment.

Otherwise, with Zhao Jiangchuan’s character, it will never affect his operation in the market.

On this point, Liu Qiang has always been deeply grateful.

But not every boss will delegate power to the opponent.

Of course, Liu Qiang’s gratitude is entirely based on not understanding what Zhao Jiangchuan is.

If Liu Qiang knew that this fellow Zhao Jiangchuan was completely holding the mentality of grasping the, he would probably bear the shadow of his age.

After digesting the strong shock, Liu Qiang said in fear.

“Boss, are you saying that this may be a hole dug by the Bank of Thailand for us? Want to trick us on purpose?”

“It can’t be said that it is a pit dug for us, it should be said that we are jumping into the pit ourselves. To be precise, anyone who comes has to jump in this pit.”

“You mean the Bank of Thailand is targeting other funds? Then we foolishly jumped in?”

“Isn’t it, the spot is fine, but with our current position size in the long-term, the Bank of Thailand can kill us with a backhand.”

If you don’t know, go inside, Liu Qiang wondered.

“It doesn’t make sense! Now there is obviously a breakthrough in the fluctuation range of the Thai baht. Does the Bank of Thailand still have the ability to make up for this breakthrough?”

“You underestimate the Bank of Thailand, I guess…”


Liu Qiang was stunned.

What, is it really possible to play like this?

However, Liu Qiang is also a person who has been in Thailand for a long time. Under Zhao Jiangchuan’s explanation, he also thinks it is very possible.

Thailand is said to be democratic, but the power is actually in the hands of major families and the military.

If you really want to do that, it’s definitely possible.

After realizing this, Liu Qiang tentatively said.

“Boss, do you mean that we should close our position first?”

“Liu Qiang, you’re just as good as this…”

“Boss, my young mind can no longer bear your insidiousness, and my admiration for you is like a surging river…”

“Thanks for the compliment, haha…



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