The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 370

Vol 3 Chapter 101: Battle Of Fame (1)


Boulder Capital Trading Department.

Liu Qiang is sitting in the chief trading seat.

Three days off, so he’s in good spirits.


His heart was beating wildly.

His eyes were full of excitement like flames.

In the morning, Zhao Jiangchuan gave Liu Qiang a call.

Just a few words.

Kill them all.

That is, these few words, the excited Liu Qiang’s soul is trembling and boiling.

As the top person in charge of the Singapore market, Liu Qiang knows very well who their opponents are now.

JPMorgan (4) Pass, Goldman Sachs, AllianceBernstein, Tiger Fund, Quantum Fund…

Which one is not an all-powerful existence in the global financial market.

The Quantum Fund in charge of Soros is the weakest existence among these giants.

But even so, Soros was called the man who broke the Bank of England by the Financial Times.

Bank of England what is that?

That’s the central bank of the United Kingdom.

It is tantamount to the sovereignty of the British government.

Breaking the Bank of England is not much different from breaking the British government.

Therefore, for Soros, even if Liu Qiang is reluctant to admit it, he still looks up and awes silently in his heart.

He wasn’t ashamed of it.

As a position trader who trades for a living, who wouldn’t be in awe of the man who never lost.

Even the governments of various European countries will feel cold in their hearts after hearing the name George Soros.

In awe of this unbeatable man.

Really not ashamed.

But now, this man who is like a myth in the financial market, his Quantum Fund will usher in the first defeat in his life.

Soldier to soldier to general.

Since Stanley Druckenmiller is the number one general of the Quantum Fund, let me hit you.

“Little Four, within the first time of the auction, I placed a 100,000-hand buy order at a price of 24.12…”

“Little San, once the buy order in our hands is completed, we will immediately hedge and open an empty order of 50,000…”


Bangkok, Bank of Thailand.

President Sonny is working on several offensive and defensive alliances agreed upon before the connection.

Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Monetary Authority of Singapore, and Bank Negara Malaysia.

“Thank you, on behalf of the King of Thailand and the Thai people, I would like to thank everyone for their help in the snow. I hope that this time Thailand can survive this crisis safely.”

“Sonny, you don’t have to be so polite, we are helping ourselves by doing this.”

“Yeah Sonny, if the baht can’t stand it, I think it’s likely to set fire to other places. The currency crisis in Europe is a foreshadowing.”

“Sonny, we’re ready here. When the market opens, we’ll buy all the sell-offs in the market.”

“We are also ready here, and we will do our best to receive all the Thai baht.”

“The thing that drives the price is up to you.”

“Okay, as long as we work together, I believe we can defeat these **** crocodiles.”


During the New Year’s Day holiday, the Thai authorities conducted a series of administrative interventions against the baht.

Everyone knows that the Thai baht will change.

But even if it is expected, it is not something that anyone can afford when it is really faced.

Singapore Exchange.

USD/Thai baht gapped higher at 24.120.

That price was a full thousand points higher than last Friday’s close.

A gap of up to 4 percent.

Many people were stunned.

Such a huge increase in the Thai baht, with its leverage ratio of dozens to hundreds of times, will mean crazy profits.

At the moment when the market opened, the assets of the account doubled or doubled, and at the moment when the market opened, the position in the account was immediately closed, and even the position was in debt.

Tiger Fund Trading Department.

Robinson’s brows knit together tightly.

That Ruchuan brow, seems to have written a king character on it.

In the last week, Robinson had a hunch that something was wrong.

But it was still too late.

With the large-scale positions held by Tiger Fund in the forward market, there is simply no way to close the position in the shortest time.

If it really wants to do that, the Tiger Fund will bury itself alive.

Hundreds of millions of dollars of short contracts are closed together, which will push the Thai baht to a sky-high price.

Therefore, the position size of Tiger Fund has only been cut by less than one-third.

time is too short.

So short that even Robinson couldn’t make a choice.

No one expected that the Thai authorities would use a series of combo nirvanas by means of almost cheating.

Now, Tiger Fund has become the victim of this combination of punches.

“Rosa, what is our current loss?”

“In total… a total of $600 million in losses.”

Six hundred million dollars.

Even someone as tough as Robinson couldn’t help but twitch when he heard this number.

That feeling is no less than being stabbed in the heart by someone.

In the market, the price of the Thai baht continues to soar upward.

Ban domestic banks from lending Thai baht to foreign investors and raise offshore lending rates to 1,000 per cent.

These two tricks are extremely vicious.

Everyone knows that the liquidity of the Thai baht in the current market has contracted sharply.

No one will borrow Thai baht at interest rates as high as 1,200 per cent.

Because, transaction costs are a crucial point for capital.

Even Soros’ Quantum Fund has an annualized return of 25%.

But the current Thai baht lending rate has increased by 1,002% on the original basis.

With such a high interest rate, if you go to borrow money and sell short Thai baht, where else can you make money?

Robinson’s face was full of bitterness.

This pair of tricks by the Bank of Thailand is both killing and attacking.

In this case, speculators who borrowed money to sell Thai baht are bound to pay back the previously borrowed baht as soon as possible.

And those short sellers who originally wanted to borrow the Thai baht will also give up their plans to borrow money.

In the market for the Thai baht, a large number of short positions have emerged.

This is the best proof that the bears have been dispersed.


If the Tiger Fund has enough time to collect the Thai baht, it may be possible to suppress the Thai baht’s counterattack now.

But that **** boulder capital, suddenly made such a thing…


It was actually put together by this kind of new born guy.

By now, it’s too late to say anything!

The boulder capital controlled by the Huaguo people, is it really Huaguo’s shot?

It is different from the contempt of China by other wealthy European and American classes.

Robinson has studied Chinese philosophy all year round, and has a deep admiration for the philosophy of Huaguo.

to his level.

It has long been understood what financial markets are.

It’s like Tai Chi in China.

Yin and Yang are both sides, but they contain all kinds of changes.

It’s like a battle of arms.


Sold flat for 3,000 lots.


Sold flat for 2,000 lots.

The constant sell-off let Robinson know that the tide was over.

For today’s plan, only to abandon the car to protect the handsome.

“Linda, let the trading department stop your losses!”


“Go ahead and do as I say.”



New York, Quantum Fund.

Stanley Druckenmiller’s face was very ugly.

The intelligence agency came to the news that the Monetary Authority of Singapore and Hong Kong has already started to receive the Thai baht in the market.

This is bad news.

Now, it is difficult for Quantum Fund to obtain low-cost baht from the market.

The same goes for other institutions.

When the Thai baht in circulation in the market is swept away by several companies, then this attack on the Thai baht can only be declared a failure.

Without enough baht to hit prices, it’s only a matter of time before it fails.


It would be great if you could give me another year.

No, not a year.

Even if you can give me another six months or even three months.

Unwilling, aggrieved and regretful, Druckenmiller clenched his fist tightly.

It would be nice to have a few more months to gradually build positions.

Damn boulder capital.

This **** traitor, **** stick.

Thinking of Boulder Capital’s malicious hedge, Druckenmiller felt aggrieved and deeply shamed.

Quantum Fund is a quantum hedge fund.

In the field of hedging, the quantum fund is the originator.

But now, it has been overshadowed by an investment company in the field of hedging.

This is really damn.

In one’s own absolute field, he was pitted by what he was good at.

That kind of shame and pain is simply more unacceptable than the losses on the books.

Druckenmiller wanted to curse.

But in the end, he sighed helplessly.


After all, the market is right.

The price of the Thai baht continues to soar upwards.

23.968…, buy three thousand lots; 23.968, sell one lot.

23.966, selling two thousand lots; 23.966 buying one lot.

Suddenly, Druckenmiller wanted to laugh.

This kind of big order buying and small order selling makes him feel like a fool.

A fool to be played with applause.

A loss does not mean that Druckenmiller’s ability is poor.

These are two concepts.

Just like a securities analyst, the analysis may be very correct, but it does not mean that he can make money.

In long-term capital management, Druckenmiller is known as the second person under Soros within the Quantum Fund.

How could he not see what the current situation was like.

The combination of the Thai authorities is sure to kill, and there is no money that can be picked up.

The only thing that can be done is to temporarily avoid its edge and wait for another opportunity later.

That’s what Druckenmiller wanted to laugh about.

With the strength of the Quantum Fund, it is currently necessary to avoid the upward edge of the Thai baht.

However, there are still people who are selling short Thai baht.

There are still people who are balancing their long positions.

That one lot was bought flat, and the third lot was sold.

What a bunch of idiots.

“Ha ha…”

Druckenmiller let out an inexplicable laugh.

There was an indescribable sarcasm in that laughter.

It seems to be laughing at those three-handed and two-handed selling, and I think he is laughing at himself.

In the current market, isn’t it the same as the market manipulated by the Quantum Fund before?

It’s just that this time they became the ones to be played with.

After a few minutes of trance, Druckenmiller sighed again, it was time to make a choice.

He didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone.

“Robbie, close all positions in the forward market and settle 70 percent of our baht.”


Even giants like Tiger Fund and Quantum Fund cannot forcibly resist the impact of the market, and those small-scale positions are naturally even less able to resist.

London, New York, Chicago.

The major foreign exchange forward trading markets were mourning.

“Oh god, I’m out of stock.”

“Damn, **** Boulder Capital, this damned traitor.”

“Damn Thailand, dare to cheat openly.”

“Omg, how should I explain to my customers…”

“It doesn’t matter, you can answer like this and tell you the unfortunate news. Because our investment failed, all your assets have been lost, haha…”

“Dave **** it, you’re going to be famous this time.”


In the European and American markets, more than 80% of people use various financial channels to manage their money due to the high popularity of financial products.

However, unlike the Asia-Pacific region, which is mainly based on personal transactions, the European and American markets will often entrust their own funds to funds.

For example, buying products issued by a certain fund, or purchasing wealth management products issued by banks and insurance companies.

Every year, you only need to pay a certain management fee, you can no longer worry about the operation in the market.

Professional things are left to professional people to do.

This is also the main reason why Wall Street is all over investment banks.

Sasha Mitchell is a famous American boxer.

Like most Americans, he also chose to use his income to preserve value and make profits through financial management.

Florida, Mitchell just finished a game.

“Ring bell bell…”

Inside the locker room, Mitchell’s cell phone rang.

The call was from Paul Jones, Mitchell’s fund manager.

“Hey Paul, any good news for me?”


“Why don’t you speak, Paul, can you hear me?”

“Sasha, I have unfortunate news for you, due to our investment in the wrong direction, so…”

Investment failed.

Mitchell had a bad feeling in his heart.

he said hastily.

“So what?”

“So, your assets were accidentally lost…”

“dong dong dong…”

Mitchell’s heart was like being punched hard in the ring.

After realizing what it was, he cursed angrily.

“Damn it, Jones, you bastard, tell me what’s going on, didn’t you say you’re a hedge fund and wouldn’t be too risky, how could…”

“I’m really sorry, and we don’t want this either. I have to inform other customers now, and your condolences…”



“Have you heard that the Quantum Fund suffered a big loss in the Thai baht. It is said that it was overshadowed by an investment company called Jushi Capital.”

“The one that bought Standard Chartered Bank?”

“That’s right, that’s it.”

“Isn’t the Quantum Fund good at hedging risks, how can it still suffer?”

“Oh, the devil knows, but I heard that the Quantum Fund is a unilateral attack on its position against the Thai baht, and it did not conduct risk hedging at all.”

“Is this still a hedge fund?”

The influence of the baht quickly spread around the world.

Since Quantum Fund has publicly launched an offensive declaration on the Thai baht in the market, countless small funds have followed suit.

Because of’s consecutive victories in attacking the pound, mark, franc and other currencies, the Quantum Fund has long been a leading banner in the US financial industry.

But no one thought that the Quantum Foundation would actually break the sand in the Thai market.

Under the skyrocketing rise of the Thai baht, countless accounts that are desperate to short the Thai baht have been blown up one after another.

In the major investment banks, the voice of Jushi Capital is discussed, and there are relevant traders who are also talking about Jushi Capital.

Everyone seems to know what kind of existence Jushi Capital is, which can actually deflate the invincible Quantum Fund and Tiger Fund.


Standard Chartered Bank top floor.

George King looked helpless.

He smiled wryly.

“Boss, my phone is about to explode, and many people are asking me for your news.”

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