The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 373

Vol 3 Chapter 104: Before The Womb, It Is Hell


Phoenix Satellite TV Chinese Channel Financial Channel is broadcasting an international short message.

“Prime Minister Chavalit said that Thailand will always adhere to the fixed exchange rate system. There is no possibility of the devaluation of the Thai baht. Any conspiracy against the Thai baht will not succeed.”


Because it is not far from 97.

At the beginning of the year, Star Media’s Satellite TV Chinese Channel was divided into two, and the new Phoenix Satellite TV Chinese Channel and the previous Satellite TV Chinese Channel were established.

The former is broadcast in Hong Kong and mainland China, while the latter is broadcast in Taiwan.

on the TV screen.

Thai Prime Minister Chavalit kept waving his fists and swore to defend the baht declaration.

His face was as hard as iron, and his eyes were extremely firm.

“I swear, the baht will never depreciate…”

Chavalit is not a loss to the prime minister of Thailand who was born as a general.

There is a rare iron-blooded toughness about him.

That kind of momentum makes it easy to convince people.

However, Zhao Jiangchuan in front of the TV couldn’t help but sneer.

“Ha ha!”

“Will it never depreciate?”

“Hey, politics, what a disgusting thing…”

The TV screen continued to play.

It didn’t take long for a financial program to arouse Zhao Jiangchuan’s interest.

The host is still the host.

However, the invited guest was a very interesting person.

Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Pan Changhui.

His identity determines that his words and deeds will attract many people’s attention.

It is very rare to be able to participate in such financial programs.

Pan Changhui graduated from the University of Exeter, UK.

After returning to Hong Kong, he went from the Monetary Authority to the vice-chairman step by step.

Often, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s external speeches are all led by Pan Changhui.

“Today at 12:00 noon Eastern Time, which is 24:00 in Hong Kong, the Federal Reserve will announce this interest rate decision. Based on the current analysis from various angles, it is expected that the Federal Reserve will continue to cut interest rates this time… If the Federal Reserve continues to cut interest rates, Hong Kong will Do not rule out following the Fed to cut deposit and loan interest rates…”

For a straight male terminal cancer patient like Zhao Jiangchuan, it is not Pan Changhui that interests him.

However, Pan Changhui’s words made him very interested.

Hong Kong implemented a linked exchange rate system with the US dollar in 1983.

Since October 17, 1983, note-issuing banks have always exchanged USD 1 for HKD 7.8, paid USD to the Exchange Fund in advance, and exchanged for an equivalent HKD “Certificate of Indebtedness” before issuing additional HKD banknotes.

At the same time, the government also promises that after the return of Hong Kong dollar banknotes from circulation, note-issuing banks can also use the parity to exchange US dollars.

After the implementation of the linked exchange rate system, maintaining a stable exchange rate has become the sole objective of Hong Kong’s monetary policy.

Therefore, Hong Kong’s interest rate policy tends to closely follow the Fed’s interest rate policy.

If the US raises interest rates, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority will follow suit, and the Fed will cut interest rates, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority will simultaneously cut interest rates.

It can be said that the Hong Kong dollar is another symbol of the US dollar.

This is exactly what Zhao Jiangchuan finds interesting.

As a hooker, he is very clear about the real goal of international capital.

“It’s starting to be fun!”

It is now January 1997.

At this point in time, the Fed chooses to continue to cut interest rates, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority will also choose to cut interest rates.

After the rate cut, the liquidity of the Hong Kong dollar will be released.

Some of those Hong Kong dollars lying in the bank sleeping hard will be driven to the market.

From a market perspective.

Interest rate cuts are good news.

With more liquid capital, it will inevitably push the price index higher.

Property, stock market, consumption…

With the injection of large sums of money, rising is the inevitable result.

However, Thailand has raised interest rates many times in a row.

There is no yang without yin.

No rate hike, no rate cut.

The yin and yang are exchanged, and the universe is reversed.

Interesting, really interesting.

Zhao Jiangchuan had a smile on his face, he thought about it, picked up the phone and dialed it.


Robert was nibbling on a chunk of beef curry in his hand.

This is one of the delicacies of Thailand.

The taste is…


However, Robert had a look of disgust on his face.

Not to dislike the taste.

It’s a disgusting way to eat.

The place he was in was not a foreign-related hotel.

Therefore, this store does not provide tableware.

This made Robert feel very sick at one point.

No matter what you eat, grab it with your hands.

This was something that Robert could never have imagined.

In England, he used a knife and fork.

While in China, he learned to use chopsticks.

Robert never knew that there are people in the world who eat with their hands.

Even after staying in Thailand for so long, he still couldn’t accept this way of eating in his heart.

damn it.

What a bunch of lowly natives.

I thought that Huaguo was low enough, but this place was even inferior to Huaguo.

Even something as elegant as a meal has to be grasped by hand.

So disgusting.

As a gentleman of noble origin, Robert is really fed up with this kind of eating method of grasping things with his hands.

Don’t they help them when they go to the toilet?

To scratch with your hand is not the same as licking yourself.

Suddenly, Robert, a straight man with cancer, felt nauseous.

I couldn’t swallow the curry beef in my hand.

“Ring bell bell…”

The satellite phone that Robert carried with him rang.

This guy was startled, and hurriedly threw the curry beef in his hand on the table.

Then, he was dumbfounded.

There is no paper on the table.

But now I have curry on hand, how to answer the phone.

Robert panicked.

He hurriedly asked Fang Zhongyuan beside him.

“Old Fang, do you have any paper?”


“Ring bell bell…”

“damn it.”

Robert scolded and couldn’t care about anything else.

He quickly wiped his body with his hands and picked up the phone.

No way, the phone has already rang twice, if he doesn’t answer it again, it will be very dangerous.

“Radish head, I hope I didn’t disturb your meal.”

“Oh, no, no, boss, have you eaten yet?”

“I’ve already eaten it. Radish head, you are becoming more and more like a Huaguotong. You even learn greetings like this.”

“It’s all well taught by the boss.”

“It’s hard work for those who can.”

“Boss, now that the temperature in Hong Kong has dropped, you should pay more attention to keep warm and not catch a cold.”

“Do you think someone as strong as me will get sick?”

“Oh, **** it. Boss, your light illuminates the world, how could it be possible to get sick.”


Bastards, always bring out bastards.

Robert, the crooked nut, rubbed his hands on his body, and flattered affectionately.

The other guy, shamelessly took it all.

“How’s it going over there now?”

“In the stock market, there are not too many chips at present, and the positions are mainly in SET. According to the current price, boss, do you want to settle part of it.”

“Close? No no no, I think we should continue to increase the size of the position.”


Robert swallowed involuntarily.

The increase in position size that Zhao Jiangchuan said made him feel fear involuntarily.

The central bank of Thailand raised the price of the baht to 23 through the death of sunflowers and eight young girls.

But even tricks always cost the ability to explode.

In addition to spending more than one billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves, Thailand’s domestic market has also been under tremendous pressure.

An increase in offshore lending rates will increase the cost of borrowing baht in overseas markets.

Restricting lending by domestic banks will reduce the liquidity of the baht in the market.

The effect of the two is that the overall circulation of the Thai baht has shrunk significantly.

The central bank of Thailand can leverage the total price of the Thai baht with one hundred and one US dollars. The logic lies in this.

The relationship between supply and demand has changed drastically.

A rise in the Thai baht makes sense.

But the cost of only tens of billions of dollars is still not enough.

Price, always driven by money.

Whether it is the stock market or real estate.

No matter how good it is, if there is not enough buying capital, it will not be able to support its price.

When the Thai authorities restrict the total value of the baht in circulation, they are reducing blood flow, and this pressure will naturally shift to other markets.

The decline in total currency circulation has dealt a fatal blow to the Thai stock market.

Since the announcement by the Bank of Thailand, the Thai stock market has been sold off wildly.

In just a few days, it fell from 640 points, the highest point of the rebound, to 440 points.

Several of the blue-chip stocks are even worse.

Thailand Telecom, Thailand Petroleum, Pattaya Industries.

Prices are barely half where they were at the start of the rally.

If you compare the high point of the Thai stock market in 1798, these stocks are less than one-fifth of their original size.

about a year.

All stocks are cut in half and cut in half.

Such a big drop, when investors are disheartened and desperate, even the bears will instinctively fear.

Everyone knows.

The stock price will never end.

Robert couldn’t help swallowing, he said hard.

“Boss, you just said to keep adding empty SET?”

“You heard right.”

“But now the market is down to 440…”

“and then?”

“No matter how empty it is, there is not much space left!”

“No, Robert, this is the general trend. Now that the Thai authorities have given up on the stock market and real estate, it is not surprising that any price has fallen.”

“…, what is our goal then?”

“Fuck it back into the womb, what do you think of the idea?”


After hanging up the phone, Robert’s face was a little blank.

Fang Zhongyuan, who was with him, asked anxiously.

“Robert, what did the boss just say.”

“Guru…, the boss said that he wants to **** the Thai stock market into his mother’s womb. What does this mean?”

Twenty minutes later.

Inside the Jushi Asset Management Trading Department.

Fang Zhongyuan and Robert stared at each other with big like two stunned hens.

Thailand stock market, born on July 31, 1987.

The opening price of the day.

314 points.

In the next four months, the Thai stock market once fell to the lowest point of 243 points, and finally rose to 1798 points in eight years.

This is a process of the Thai stock market from birth to growth. And now, the Thai stock market has to go back to the mother’s womb.



Robert and Fang Zhongyuan swallowed almost at the same time, they already understood what the **** meant.

Where do you come from, where do you go.

Before the womb, it was hell.

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